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The Helonaki Deep Dive

History Podcasts

An exploration of mapping and spatial analysis for historical and archaeological projects using open source tools. New episodes every other week! Next episode: Thursday, March 4!


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An exploration of mapping and spatial analysis for historical and archaeological projects using open source tools. New episodes every other week! Next episode: Thursday, March 4!



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Vostitsa: The town of Aigio

The Venetian records from 1700 record 5 churches in Aigio, but only 3 of them are still extant today. A look at what happened and changes to the town through time using census and other records, traveler accounts, and maps. A companion page to this episode can be found on the Helonaki website. Support the Show.


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Locations in the Vostitsa Landscape

In this episode, we explore differences in the landscape, specifically around locations in the three datasets (1463, 1700, and 1907) by comparing them with each other and with a dataset of 50 random points. The analyses show trends in the landscape of locations through time. The maps and plots are available on the Helonaki website. Support the Show.


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Vostitsa: Landscape

In this episode the landscape of Vostitsa is described using GIS analyses. See the accompanying maps and images on the companion page for this episode on the Helonaki website. Support the Show.


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Vostitsa: Spatial Data

In this episode the spatial data associated with the 3 time periods under study (1463, 1700, and 1910) are discussed. Support the Show.


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Vostitsa: The Data

An Ottoman defter from 1463, cadastral records from the middle of the 2nd Venetian Period in 1700, and population and agricultural census records from the early 20th century. In this episode, what these data contain is explored since they are the foundation of any possible analysis. Support the Show.


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Dispatches from Vostitsa

An update for when new episodes will be coming out on Vostitsa (October) and info about a blog series called Dispatches from Vostitsa from Jen's June visit. Get access by becoming a supporter of the Helonaki Deep Dive on Patreon (for as low as $3 a month). Support the Show.


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Modern Greece

The Greek state evolved from an absolute monarchy to democracy, but not without more than a few bumps in the road. Support the Show.


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The Greek Revolution

The Greek Revolution began in 1821 with a series of scattered uprisings and effectively ended with a naval battle. Then came the effort of creating the Greek state... Support the Show.


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Prelude to Revolution

The century between the end of the Venetian Period in the Morea and the beginning of the Greek Revolution was a time of unrest and change in the Ottoman Empire and across Europe. Support the Show.


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The Venetians Are Back In Town

The Venetians kept losing territory to the Ottomans, until they joined a Holy League and took the Morea. They also blew up the Parthenon, but nobody's perfect. Show Notes: available at the episode page on the Helonaki website Support the Show.


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The Ottomans Get Involved

The Ottoman Empire started as one of many Turkish tribes in Western Anatolia in the 1200s, but eventually conquered a vast region, including the Byzantine Empire and the Morea. Here we discuss their history and how they took control of the Morea. Shownotes available at the episode page on the Helonaki website Support the Show.


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The (Byzantine) Empire Strikes Back

Frankish Crusaders had conquered most of the Peloponnese (Morea) by 1212. They had almost 50 years before the reformed Byzantine Empire regained a foothold in the Morea. Support the Show.


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Vostitsa - Venetians, Franks, and Normans

The 4th Crusade in 1204 dramatically changed the Byzantine Empire - including the Peloponnese and Vostitsa. To understand what happened in 1204, we look at some new characters in this story - the Venetians, Normans, and Franks - and the events that led up to the 4th Crusade. Support the Show.


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Byzantine Vostitsa

A quick summary of Roman and Byzantine Vostitsa with some of the ups and downs ending with the state of the Peloponnese and Vostitsa c. 1000 CE. Support the Show.


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Introduction to Vostitsa

Welcome to the second season of The Helonaki Deep Dive! In this episode, Jen explains why Vostitsa, Greece is the topic for this season and describes the physical landscape of Vostitsa. Support the Show.


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Season 2 Preview

Preview for the upcoming, 2nd season of The Helonaki Deep Dive on Vostitsa, Greece. Support the Show.


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Shackelford: 1868 Map

The 1868 map of the Shackelfords' route, the end of their epic journeys across the United States in the 1860s and of season 1 of The Helonaki Deep Dive. But do not fear, there will be more Shackelford info and mapping available at and possibly in future episodes of The Helonaki Deep Dive! Support the Show.


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Shackelford: 1865 Route

The Shackelfords' 1865 route deviated from the canonical Oregon/California trail routes. Those deviations and the data used for Version1.0 of the 1865 route are discussed in this episode. The next episode ends this season of The Helonaki Deep Dive with a discussion of the 1868 route! Support the Show.


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Shackelford: The Kirklands

Abraham Kirkland and his family became close friends with the Shackelfords on the 1865 trip from Missouri to California. In this episode, Jen discusses that relationship, the Kirklands penchant for naming children after relatives and blacksmithing. Support the Show.


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Shackelford: The Rhyne Family

A third family set out with the Shackelfords and Gatewoods from Clark County, Missouri on May 1, 1865. The family of Mr. Rhyne and his daughters. In this episode, a look at the Rhyne family from Ruth's diary and other sources, and the questions that are yet unanswered. Support the Show.
