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Weird Medieval Guys

History Podcasts

Leaving no stone unturned in our quest for the weirdest stories, guys, and art from the Middle Ages. The Weird Medieval Guys podcast is brought to you by Olivia, the creator of internet sensation Weird Medieval Guys, and Aran, a historian and fellow weird guy connoisseur.


United States


Leaving no stone unturned in our quest for the weirdest stories, guys, and art from the Middle Ages. The Weird Medieval Guys podcast is brought to you by Olivia, the creator of internet sensation Weird Medieval Guys, and Aran, a historian and fellow weird guy connoisseur.



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The Holy Roman Empire: holy, Roman, AND an empire

It's time to get continental because on this episode of the Weird Medieval Guys podcast, we're heading to the Holy Roman Empire! When Voltaire famously said that the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire, he probably didn't think that his words would haunt history classrooms and conversations centuries in the future. Unfortunately they did, and so we are left to deal with the legacy of this smarmy soundbite. Join Olivia and Aran as they unpack what on earth this crazy, crazy thing really was and try to deliver a verdict on whether Voltaire was right. For more on some of what we discuss, please check out: And be sure to join the official WMG Discord server!!


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What to do if you get time travelled to the Middle Ages

Oh no! You've become unstuck in time and now you're in 15th century England with no idea what to do or how to avoid a miserable life as a social pariah who speaks an unrecognisable language and is ignorant to the rules and structure of the world around you! There has to be a better way! Or is there? Join Olivia and Aran as they journey back to medieval times to figure out the best way to get by. Should you become a monk or a nun? Have a go at blacksmithing? Or try to wow the village rubes with modern technology and ideas? All these options and more will be discussed in the search for a decent medieval life. For more on some of what we discuss, check out:


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Vikings in the Arctic

It's grim up north... Why did a five-hundred-year-old Viking colony in Greenland suddenly disappear, with no trace or record? In this episode, Olivia, Aran, and local archaeologist Joe Mason assemble to try and solve one of the most enduring mysteries in medieval history. It's a quest that will take them out of the libertarian "paradise" of 11th century, to the freezing walrus-infested shores of Greenland, and beyond - to the promised land of Vinland. Along the way they'll encounter Native American ghosts, Inuit revenge epics, and the Vikings' love of pointless, cyclical violence. Sources: The Saga of the Greenlanders: The Saga of Erik the Red: "Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo" by Hinrich Johannes Rink: Music used: Peta, Etulu & Susan - This Land is Your Land (Inuktitut) - Olafur reid med Bjorgum fram -


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Why the Middle Ages ended in 19th century Japan

Yes, you heard us right!! Join Olivia and Aran as they defend their most dubious claim to date, which is definitely not just an excuse to step beyond our usual remit and talk about the wild, delightful world that was Edo Period Japan! We explore why Edo Japan was so cut off from the world and the effects this had on its society, plus some of the cultural developments that took place along the way. Also discussed are song used in this episode is sōran bushi, a Japanese folk song traditionally sung by fishers.


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Medieval Welsh bards

Journey across space and time with Olivia and Aran this week as we head to medieval Wales, home of one of history's finest bardic traditions. But what was a bard, what did they do, and why did Wales have so darn many of them? Give the episode a listen to learn all this and more! Also discussed are sand worms, long houses, and why foxes are better than babes. For more on some of what we discuss, check out: Music sources for this episode:


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Weird medieval animal facts

Something tells me it's all happening at the zoo... Spring is just around the corner in the northern hemisphere, so it's time to learn some animal facts! Turns out, medieval people had all sorts of strange beliefs about wildlife both real and imagined. So, join Olivia, Aran, and beloved naturalist Sir David Attenborough* as they take you to meet fruit-rustling hedgehogs, homicidal pelicans, immortal eagles, and the most tender lovers in the animal kingdom: bears. Also discussed: the existential terror of Animorphs, CS Lewis' creative process, and which animals are Jesus.*Not really.


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How to design your medieval coat of arms

Anyone who's anyone in the Middle Ages needs their own coat of arms, but it's not as simple as just throwing some snazzy shapes and cool animals on a shield and calling it a day. Join Olivia and Aran as they walk you through how to make your very own authentically (or inauthentically) medieval coat of arms, as well as a little bit of background on how and why these cool emblems became a quintessential part of medieval visual communication. Also discussed are short king representation, why leopards are bastards, and the glory of Peterhead FC. For more on some of what we discuss, check out:


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Medieval Feminism

Weird Medieval Guys is back! And it's gone woke!!!!!! We all know medieval women didn't have it so good. Endlessly discriminated against in law, demeaned in culture and ignored in the histories. So, did anyone take issue with that? Turns out, yes! This week Olivia and Aran take you through the cultural milieu that produced Christine de Pizan, the poet / political scientist / gender polemnicist who revolutionized fourteenth-century debate and was (maybe?) the world's first feminist. Also discussed: the origins of the wage gap, the medieval Yoko Ono, and whether losers will listen to this episode before getting mad about it on the internet! Further reading: Joan Kelly, "Early Feminist Theory and the "Querelle des Femmes", 1400-1789" Fiona Tolhurst, "Geoffrey and Gender: the Works of Geoffrey of Monmouth as Medieval “Feminism”", in A Companion to Geoffrey of Monmouth, eds. Georgia Henley and Joshua Byron Smith An English translation of Christine de Pizan's Book of the City of Ladies


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Constantinople part II: The sultan of Rome

The year is 1453 and the Ottomans are at the gates of the great city of Constantinople. For centuries, they have been laying siege to this city; for centuries their efforts have failed. But this time, everything is going to be different. Constantinople is going to fall. How did history lead them there, though? And how exactly are the events of the siege going to play out? Olivia and Aran wrap up their magnificent two-part overview of Constantinople with an exploration of how the Ottoman Turks came to be the most powerful force in Anatolia and how they finally managed to claim Constantinople for themselves. Also discussed are the Wild East, Scottish things, and the simple pleasures of a flaked almond. For more on some of what we discuss, check out: music used in the intro and outro of this episode is a public domain recording of the Ottoman march Ceddin Deden. Additional music used throughout is a public domain recording of a Turkish folk song called "Girl from Kermen"


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Constantinople part I: The city of the world's desire

After nearly half a year adrift on the seas of medieval history, it is finally time for Olivia and Aran to wash ashore on the hospitable shores of a little town called CONSTANTINOPLE. Join us for part 1 of 2 about the great medieval megalopolis as we explore the city from its prehistoric foundation to its siege by Catholic crusaders. And be sure to stay tuned for part 2, the incredible story of the Ottoman siege! Also discussed are worm biology, the elusive water sheep, and the viking urge to inscribe rocks. Interesting web links: reading: Richard Fidler, Ghost Empire Judith Herrin, Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire Bettany Hughes, Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities The music used in this episode's intro is a public domain recording of the Greek folk song Απ' τον καημό μου πίνω (I drink because of my sorrow) Additional music clips used throughout are from that song and another Greek folk song Πειραιώτισσα (The girl from Piraeus/Piraeotissa)


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Weird Medieval Mailbag

Weird Medieval Guys is back, and there's more audience participation than ever! In this episode, Aran and Olivia tackle a litany of listener questions on the most important medieval topics, like the conversion of the Vikings, the best names for dogs, and whether medieval life was mid and evil. Also discussed are jambalaya, the importance of simping and the gruesome fate of Mickey Mouse. Order Weird Medieval Guys: How to Live, Laugh, Love (and Die) in Dark Times by Olivia M. Swarthout: Order merch from the Weird Medieval Guys merch shop: Further reading: "The names of all manner of hounds: a unique inventory in a fifteenth-century manuscript" by David Scott-Mcnab Ibn Fadlan's account of a Viking funeral: Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities by Bettany Hughes: Olivia's approach to episode planning: Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman: The Knight's Toast by Sir Walter Scott: War Song of the Normans:


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How to host a medieval holiday party

In this episode, Olivia and Aran are joined by a delightful host of guests from Weird Medieval Guys podcast episodes past as they prepare to put on the perfect medieval holiday party. Join them for a journey through medieval festive traditions that will tell you everything you need to know to do the same, from what kind of booze to bring wassailing to what creature's head should be roast and served on a plate and what kinds of entertainment you can expect. Also discussed are gay Dracula's emotional health, whether boar enjoy being stabbed, and who brings presents to Catalonian children. For more on some of what we discuss, check out:


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Bonus episode: the outtakes!

Due to Olivia's characteristic truancy, no episode could be recorded this week. In lieu of your regular WMGPod content, please enjoy this gag reel of previously-unseen podcast content featuring Olivia, Aran, and occasionally Joe Mason. In two weeks, we will return to our usual format!


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Medieval student life

The Middle Ages gave us one of the longest-lasting institutions of education: the university. And where there are universities, there are sure to be students sowing chaos and destruction. Olivia and Aran are joined by a special guest, Joe Mason, as they explore the medieval origins of universities and take a look at the lives and activities of those who studied at them. Also discussed are the dangers of tennis, the risks of kidnapping a bishop, and wrong way to behave in a tavern. For more information about some of what we discuss, check out:


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Why Florence lived rent free in medieval people's heads

The Weird Medieval Guys book is now out!!! Head to to pick up a copy! Florence and its residents appear in late medieval popular culture across Europe, particularly in jokes at their expense. So why was everyone so obsessed with Florence? In this episode, Olivia and Aran take a look at how this Tuscan city grew to become a thriving centre of arts, banking, and trade by the 15th century, its resulting notoriety, and the conflicts that ensued between its different factions. Also discussed are Olivia's Italian heritage, why Master Splinter is a communist, and the Underwear Revolution. For more on some of what we discuss, check out:


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Medieval vampires

In this special Halloween episode of the Weird Medieval Guys podcast, Olivia and Aran take a look at the confluence of fact, fable and fear that created the medieval vampire myth. We then explore how that myth developed into the modern image of vampires that most people think of today, most notably how the titular character of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula came to be. Also discussed are why Dracula is better in the original Spanish, Aran's suspicious new roommate from Transylvania, and recipes for Blood. For more on some of what we discuss, check out:


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What's the deal with jesters?

Jesters. They're just funny little guys with bells who hang around their medieval king and make wisecracks, right? As it turns out, there's actually a bit more to it. Olivia and Aran trace the origins and development of jesters, minstrels, fools, and other entertainers in the wider context of humour in the Middle Ages. Along the way, we meet some of medieval europe's weirdest guys and crack plenty of authentically medieval jokes! Also discussed are Critical Clown Studies, historical oppression of drummers, and the most single Welshman ever.For more information about some of what we discuss, check out: E.K. Chambers' The Mediaeval Stage (1903), in particular chapter 3: "The Minstrel Life" Fooling Around the World: The History of the Jester More about Stanczyk the jester and Jan Matejko's famous painting of him


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How to divorce your medieval wife

In the medieval world, divorce was illegal and marriage was forever. In most cases, at least. Olivia and Aran take on. the most pressing question of all, then: how can you leave your wife anyways? Starting in 8th century Wales and ending with post-medieval large boy Henry VIII, this is a casual jaunt through marital love and hatred in the Middle Ages. Also discussed are the goose in the room, the heat-resistant properties inherent to men, and the legislative virtues of theatre kids. For more information about some of what we discuss, check out: pre-order my BOOK!! Out November 2, 2023


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Why did medieval artists draw the ancient world wrong?

Olivia and Aran tackle the much-maligned subject of medieval historical artwork, seeking to understand and explain why medieval artists depicted historical figures such as Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great as looking very......medieval. Also discussed are Sharknado, Sharknado 2: The Second One, and subsequent installations in the Sharknado franchise.


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Would a single dorito really kill a medieval peasant?

Olivia and Aran take on their greatest challenge to date: two bags of doritos. We attempt to answer with as much rigour as possible the question of whether a medieval peasant would be knocked dead by a taste of the delightful snack. Then, we explore why medieval people loved spices so much that they took over half the world looking for them. Also discussed are the secrets to good soup, the ports and gals of Portugal, and where Italians go when they die. For more information about what we cover, check out: medievalists.net Le Viandier de Taillevent, Follow us on Twitter! Weird Medieval Guys @WeirdMedievalOlivia @olivia__msAran @aranptappers
