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How Cliche Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Why on earth is life so hard??? Why can’t we just be happy? Why does it seem like we have the answers but still get it wrong ? Why the instinctive need to fight for life when it's a rollercoaster of stress and problems with seemingly fleeting moments of happiness? The answers are so simple , so easy, yet we write them off as cliche. Well, Join Miss Easy on her quest to simplify it all by embracing the cliches in a very unconventional and entertaining journey filled with do’s and dont's and advice on keeping it simple.


United States


Why on earth is life so hard??? Why can’t we just be happy? Why does it seem like we have the answers but still get it wrong ? Why the instinctive need to fight for life when it's a rollercoaster of stress and problems with seemingly fleeting moments of happiness? The answers are so simple , so easy, yet we write them off as cliche. Well, Join Miss Easy on her quest to simplify it all by embracing the cliches in a very unconventional and entertaining journey filled with do’s and dont's and advice on keeping it simple.



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Woman King (Finale)

You ever see something and write it off thinking you can't do it or it's not for you? Well no more ! I normally don't consider myself a warrior or strong but today I do! I am woman king in all of her obvious glory and not so obvious! Find your inner Agojie and fight!


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Church Girl

We live in a time where it's taboo to talk about your faith, being passionate about it is even worse. You probably wouldn't fit into the "cool" category . Well thankfully I was never considered cool so here it is, me being totally uncool. ps. I firmly disagree with the masses on both accounts


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Social Butterfly

Are you one of those that take pride in being a loner or having as little friends as possible? I challenge you to think differently and broaden your circle. We were built to socialize. Why not embrace it and see how your life may change .


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Tick skin and broad back

There will be moments in life that will seem insurmountable but we can't give up! Last week I had to thicken my skin and broaden my shoulders against yet another one of life's blows . If I'm fighting the fight, you can to.


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Catch Flights not feelings

It's time to start living for me! No more minding other persons feelings or thoughts. I have one life and no one can live it except me, so I'm going to do it my way! Catch me in the clouds


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American Yaadie

Why do we feel the need to always choose? Yes choices are necessary at times however we do not live in a world that is always starkly black or white..why aren't we acknowledging the gray or the "and's". They exist! Too often one side is neglected because we feel a hard line has to be drawn. Nope! I'm embracing my "&'s " and if you need, so should you.


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Who Cares Just do it!

I am not letting fear or insecurities hold me back anymore! So here it is; episode 1! Just do it! Merry Christmas!
