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Jodi's Silver Linings Podcast

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Inspiration for creatives, from a geeky, voice actor's perspective. My intention is to help creatives be kinder to themselves (we're our own worst critics!). There's plenty of bad in the world. I prefer to focus on the good.




Inspiration for creatives, from a geeky, voice actor's perspective. My intention is to help creatives be kinder to themselves (we're our own worst critics!). There's plenty of bad in the world. I prefer to focus on the good.







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My Interview with Clara Lehmann & Jonathan Lacocque of Coat Of Arms Post

It was a true pleasure to talk with Clara and Jonathan about their creative process, how they work together as a creative couple and find time to figure out their work / life balance. I’ve spoken about Lullaby Theories in a previous podcast ( but they’re also working on other projects such as Born In A Ballroom (, titles for South by Southwest & videos for WebMD. More information on what...


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Curioser and Curioser

How do you experience the world? Do you forget what it was like to experience new things? To actually NOT know something? To want to discover more about this thing you know nothing (or very little) about? This week, I talk about Lullaby Theories, an informative and fun series of science-themed videos put together by Jonathan Lacocque and Clara Lehmann of Coat Of Arms Post, with commentary from their 4 year old twin daughters.


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My Interview With Artist & D&D Enthusiast, Joe Nittoly

I had the pleasure of talking with my friend Joe Nittoly about his art, his enthusiasm for D&D (and how the two merge), along with how he overcomes those nasty critical inner voices many of us Creatives deal with. I think lots of people will relate to this very frank discussion. If you'd like to learn more about Joe and his art (and how you can purchase some for your very own!), you can visit his main website at . But you can also find his Etsy store at...


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My Interview with Creative Coach, Christine McAllister

Christine McAlister (, is an entrepreneur, business coach and the author of The Income Replacement Formula: 7 Simple Steps To Doing What You Love And Making Six Figures From Anywhere (you can read a free chapter of her book at We had a wonderfully fun interview about how Creatives can get out of a funk, give themselves permission to have fun, and be kinder to themselves. These are all subjects near and dear to my heart...


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How To Calm Your Mind in a Mad World

The mind is a powerful thing. What we tell ourselves about ourselves has the power to help or harm us. Starting your day with some affirmations and soothing music, may well mean the difference between a positive or negative outcome. There are a lot of ways to train your mind to be kinder. To those around you, sure. But also, to YOU. Rather than include a ton of links here (because there are a lot of videos and visuals and such that are associated with this episode) it's probably best to...


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My Interview with Voice Actors & Musicians, Rosi & Brian Amador

What a treat it was to sit down and talk with Rosi & Brian about their careers in both music and voice overs, how they keep themselves motivated and creative, where they find their inspiration and how they continue to practice kindness - both to themselves and the world around them. If you'd like to learn more about their music, drop by the Sol y Canto website. Rosi mentions her own website in this interview, and that's here. And for the entire Amador family, you can visit their website...


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Taking Your Show On The Road

I just recently went to my first podcasting convention (MAPCON, now the Independent Podcast Conference in Atlantic City) and one of the topics that came up time and time again, was sound treatment. So I thought I'd blog/podcast about this to help some folks out. One of the best companies I've found that makes portable booths, is Vocal Booth To Go and their VOMO product. For more links and pictures, along with a video on how a fellow voice actor uses his VOMO, visit my blog here:...


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Are We Too Busy?

We're always so BUSY. There's so much going on around us and with our own lives, that we're spending a huge amount of time trying to keep up. We forget that sometimes we just need to do nothing. It centers us. Allows us reflection. And helps us remember and cherish the memories we've already made. I make some suggestions on how to give this a bit more of your conscious consideration, some ideas for things you can do, and I link to a TedTalk by Pico Iyer that might find particularly...


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Take A Photo or Live In The Moment?

Digital photography makes snapping a picture really easy to do - but are we taking photos for the wrong reasons? And are we taking so many that we're not truly experiencing the moment? These are some philosophical questions that came up when I was watching a short video segment on the BBC about a fellow who spends his days preserving photographs from "orphaned" film rolls. Here's a link to my blog where I link to both that video and a podcast where he expands on his experiences.


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My Interview with Voice Actor, Tracy Lindley, Creator of TheLinkedInEdge

I sit down with Tracy Lindley to talk about her reasons for becoming an entrepreneur, how she got into voice acting, and how she decided to put together an online course about LinkedIn. You can find TheLinkedInEdge here. And if you're interested in learning more about Tracy's voiceover services, you can visit her website here. During our discussion, she mentions the book, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story. And she also gives folks a discount on her course! Though you'll have to listen to...


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How D&D Keeps Me Creative (And Sane)... (Mostly)

I've been playing D&D for years. Why? It's a collaborative story-telling experience that I greatly enjoy. It helps me to get more comfortable with creative problem solving. You can read the blog where I also link to a TedxTalk about it, here. This episode was edited by the extremely talented Humberto Franco.


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My Interview with Kevin Leach, CEO of ipDTL

Kevin Leach and I sat down for a detailed discussion about his journey into becoming an entrepreneur, his early influences, the world of connection services and the future he sees for ipDTL and its offerings. If you're not familiar, you can learn more about ipDTL here. This is a fantastic service for both podcasters and voice actors. Thanks for talking with me, Kevin! This episode was edited by the extremely talented Humberto Franco.


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Know Your War

What do I mean by that? Well, I just finished watching another of Donald Miller's really informative Business Made Simple Daily Videos on How To Control Your Emotions (The YouTube video is included on the original blog page) - and he makes a lot of really helpful comments. If you're focused on arguing your point, "winning" the smaller battle, you lose sight of the WAR. And by that, I mean the BIGGER PICTURE. (Listen for more.)


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Your Voice Is A Powerful Tool

In my quest to always be learning more about my own business – and other businesses in general, I’ve started reading a lot more non-fiction. One of the books I've been reading is called Never Split The Difference (Negotiating as if your life depended on it) by Chris Voss. There's some fascinating information in here, that really got me thinking. You can check out his TED Talk here. And if you'd like to read the original blog of this podcast, you can visit my website here.


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Don't Let Yourself Get Dilapidated

I recently came across a fascinating article about an old concert hall, buried 40 feet below street level underneath a piano shop in Boston. You can read more about Steinert Hall here. There's a video walk through of the place on Vimeo, too - and it's VERY cool (and a little bit sad). But yes, there's a point to this ... (listen to hear it). Or, if you'd prefer to read it, you can visit the blog on my website here.


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Creativity for Fun And Profit

Being creative can be both a blessing and a curse. For those of us that need creativity in our business lives, Lisa Robbin Young is a Godsend. Learn more about her Creative Freedom Quiz and her book, Creative Freedom: How to Own Your Dreams Without Selling Your Soul. She also has a Mastermind group called A Club and a YouTube channel where she talks about all sorts of helpful branding and marketing topics for creative professionals. Here's her latest one on Branding for Creative...


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The Mighty World of Masterminds. Do You Need One?

Mastermind groups are a powerful thing. They can take you out of your own head space and into someone else’s. Helping someone with their struggles can sometimes help you deal with your own. Mary Valloni & Joel Kessel really do this right. They’ve put together a type of mastermind group specifically for growth-minded nonprofit Directors, Presidents, CEOs or Founders, called The Nonprofit Executive Club. My original blog post about this is here. Masterminds have been a huge help to me. I...


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The Most Important Thing You Can Do...

This episode talks about reading as a past-time both for self-improvement and for relaxation. Irina Leoni's website on photography and branding, is here. And I highly suggest you listen to Jeff Brown's Read to Lead podcast. Jeff is also the mastermind behind the Boss-Free Virtual Summit, which I first heard about from Freshbooks. The original blog on my own website is here (with more links to specific podcasts that might interest you).


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Failure - It's Not The Dirty Word You Think It Is

Are you afraid of failure? It might be holding you back from success. Donald Miller talks about this in his How To Succeed At Failure video, and Vincent Pugliese also mentions it in his podcast called "Go Fail At Something Cool." As always, you can find the original blog on my own website here.


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What Would You Do With A Million Dollars?

Where do you choose to spend your money? How could you save better? Are you interested in Financial Freedom? I mention some of my own philosophies on this subject, along with why you might really enjoy this interview that my friend Andy Storch did with ChooseFI co-founder, Brad Barrett. It's highly informative. You can find out more about the ChooseFI community and mind-set, here. They have communities all over the world! The original blog post is here. And you can watch the interview on...
