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Big Belly Breathing

Kids & Family Podcasts

Introducing Big Belly Breathing (BBB) - Your Gateway to Holistic Health for Kids! 🌈✨ Discover the magic of well-being and mindfulness with the Big Belly Breathing Podcast! 🎙️ Join your host, Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely, on an exciting journey that introduces kids (and adults!) to the world of health, joy, and relaxation through engaging guided visualizations, mindfulness exercises, and uplifting stories. In each episode, Vanessa creates a captivating audio experience designed to spark the imagination and promote positive habits. From enchanting bedtime visualizations to playful mindfulness activities, the Big Belly Breathing Podcast provides a valuable resource for parents, educators, and little ones alike. 🎙️ Key Features: Double the content if you speak both! MANY MANY MANY free episodes available! Subscribe to unlock exclusive content AND directly support our small business! Your contribution allows us to thrive and continue delivering quality products/services. Join us in sustaining a local enterprise and be part of something meaningful! 🌈✨ Envision BBB as an investment in your health and joy! Check out our website for more information about meditation training to learn to meditate with a mantra. 🎙️✨ #BigBellyBreathing #KidsWellness #MindfulnessForKids #JoyfulListening #ParentingPodcast #ChildrensWellBeing


United States


Introducing Big Belly Breathing (BBB) - Your Gateway to Holistic Health for Kids! 🌈✨ Discover the magic of well-being and mindfulness with the Big Belly Breathing Podcast! 🎙️ Join your host, Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely, on an exciting journey that introduces kids (and adults!) to the world of health, joy, and relaxation through engaging guided visualizations, mindfulness exercises, and uplifting stories. In each episode, Vanessa creates a captivating audio experience designed to spark the imagination and promote positive habits. From enchanting bedtime visualizations to playful mindfulness activities, the Big Belly Breathing Podcast provides a valuable resource for parents, educators, and little ones alike. 🎙️ Key Features: Double the content if you speak both! MANY MANY MANY free episodes available! Subscribe to unlock exclusive content AND directly support our small business! Your contribution allows us to thrive and continue delivering quality products/services. Join us in sustaining a local enterprise and be part of something meaningful! 🌈✨ Envision BBB as an investment in your health and joy! Check out our website for more information about meditation training to learn to meditate with a mantra. 🎙️✨ #BigBellyBreathing #KidsWellness #MindfulnessForKids #JoyfulListening #ParentingPodcast #ChildrensWellBeing



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9.2a Méditation Guidée pour le Sommeil à Budapest : Thème de l'Abondance

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une MÉDITATION POUR LE SOMMEIL axée sur le thème de l'Abondance et se déroulant à Budapest. Merci à ma famille Szekely de m'avoir fait découvrir la Hongrie, en particulier Budapest et la banlieue d'Ecser! Les enfants sont guidés dans un moment de relaxation à la maison, bien installés dans leurs lits douillets, où ils se concentrent sur leur respiration en écoutant une activité de détente audio. Cette méditation peut être utilisée comme routine du soir avant le coucher pour les aider à s'endormir, ou également avant la sieste. La Pratique de Respiration pour ce mois-ci est la respiration en ÉTOILE. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.3a Un Conte, Chapitre 3 "L'Aventure dans la Clairière des Fées"

Send us a Text Message. Bienvenue à l'HEURE DU CONTE! Sur ma chaîne YouTube BookNook, je lis des livres à voix haute en anglais et en français, mais ici à l'HEURE DU CONTE, je raconte des histoires que j'ai écrites en utilisant des mots spéciaux de nos auditeurs, et toujours dans les deux langues. L'histoire d'aujourd'hui est le Chapitre 3! Veuillez consulter le Chapitre 1 dans l'épisode 7.4 et le Chapitre 2 dans l'épisode 8.4 pour les premières parties de ce conte. Ce chapitre est inspiré par Marcelle et utilise les mots : fées, extraordinaire, panda, turquoise & fou. Si vous souhaitez contribuer avec des mots pour une future histoire, veuillez m'envoyer un message. Le thème de ce mois-ci est l'Abondance, et la pratique de respiration est la Respiration ÉTOILE. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.4a Mini Leçon sur l'Importance de Naviguer dans le CHANGEMENT - Stratégies pour des Transitions Douces!

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une MINI LEÇON axée sur l'importance de naviguer dans le changement - Stratégies pour des transitions douces! Les enfants (et les adultes!) apprennent des astuces concrètes pour gérer le changement: respiration en étoile (STAR breathing), ancrage, création d'un plan de changement ou réalisation de petites actions gérables. Faites des pas pour naviguer dans le changement en toute confiance, un épisode à la fois. Ces outils aident les enfants à se sentir plus en contrôle et moins dépassés. Ils sont encouragés à les utiliser lorsqu'ils commencent une nouvelle année scolaire, déménagent dans une nouvelle maison, une nouvelle ville ou lorsque les routines changent soudainement. La pratique de la respiration pour ce mois est la respiration en étoile (STAR breathing) et le thème est l'Abondance. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.5a Méditation pour Adolescents et Adultes- "Bayview Bliss: Un Voyage à Travers le Joyau Historique de San Francisco"

Send us a Text Message. Il s'agit d'une MÉDITATION GUIDÉE créée exclusivement pour nos abonnés adolescents et adultes. Parce que pourquoi les plus jeunes devraient-ils avoir tout le plaisir avec les méditations, n'est-ce pas? Le voyage de ce mois-ci nous emmène à travers le quartier de Bayview/Hunter's Point à San Francisco, de India Basin Park, à Bayview Hill, à Hunters Point Shipyard, en passant par Third Street et en terminant à l'Opéra de Bayview. Profitez de cette visualisation guidée en explorant l'un des quartiers emblématiques de la ville. Découvrez de nouveaux endroits ou savourez la joie d'écouter vos lieux familiers. Dans cette expérience apaisante, les auditeurs sont doucement guidés vers un moment de sérénité, en dirigeant leur attention sur le rythme de leur respiration tout en s'immergeant dans les tons apaisants de la méditation guidée. Parfaite pour ces moments où vous avez besoin de vous détendre, de vous restaurer et de réinitialiser votre esprit. Alors, trouvez un espace confortable, prenez une profonde inspiration et laissez cette méditation guidée être votre compagnon vers la tranquillité. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.1a Visualisation Guidée à Tahiti: Thème de l'Abondance

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une VISUALISATION GUIDÉE axée sur le thème de l'Abondance, et située à Tahiti. Les enfants sont guidés vers un moment de détente, que ce soit en classe ou à la maison, où ils se concentrent sur leur respiration tout en écoutant une activité audio de temps calme. Ils embarquent pour un voyage et découvrent certaines caractéristiques uniques de cet endroit. La pratique de respiration pour ce mois-ci est la respiration ÉTOILE. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.3 Story Time: Chapter 3 "The Fairy Glade Adventure"

Send us a Text Message. Welcome to STORY TIME! On my YouTube channel BookNook, I read books aloud in English and French but here at STORY TIME, I say stories that I wrote using special words from our listeners, and always in both languages. Today’s story is Chapter 3! Please see Chapter 1 in episode 7.4 and Chapter 2 in episode 8.4 for the first parts of this tale. This chapter is inspired by Marcelle and uses the words: fairies, extraordinary, panda, turquoise & crazy. If you’d like to contribute some words to a future story, please send me a message. The theme for this month is Abundance, and the breathing practice is STAR Breathing. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.4 Mini Lesson on the Importance of Navigating CHANGE- Strategies for Smooth Transitions!

Send us a Text Message. This is a MINI LESSON focusing on the importance of Navigating Change- Strategies for Smooth Transitions! Kids (and adults!) learn concrete tips for managing change: STAR breathing, grounding, creating a Change Plan, or doing something small and manageable. Take steps to navigate change confidently, one episode at a time. These tools help kids feel more in control and less overwhelmed. These are encouraged to use when starting a new school year, moving to a new house, new city or when routines suddenly change. The Breathing Practice for this month is STAR breathing and the theme is Abundance. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.5 Meditation for Teens & Adults: "Bayview Bliss: A Journey Through San Francisco's Historic Gem"

Send us a Text Message. This is a GUIDED MEDITATION created exclusively for our teen and adult subscribers. Because why should younger kids have all the fun with meditations, right? This month's journey takes us through San Francisco's Bayview/Hunter's Point neighborhood, from India Park Basin, to Bayview Hill, to Hunters Point Shipyard, down. Third Street and ending at the Bayview Opera House. Enjoy this guided visualization as you travel through one of the city's iconic areas. Discover new places or relish in the joy of listening to your familiar haunts. In this calming experience, listeners are gently guided into a serene moment, directing their attention to the rhythm of their breath as they immerse themselves in the soothing tones of the guided meditation. Perfect for those moments when you need to unwind, restore, and hit the reset button. So, find a comfortable space, take a deep breath, and let this guided meditation be your companion to tranquility. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.1 Guided Visualization in Tahiti: Abundance Theme

Send us a Text Message. This is a GUIDED VISUALIZATION focusing on the theme of Abundance, and set in Tahiti. Kids are guided into a relaxing moment either in the classroom or at home, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity. They embark on a voyage and discover some unique features of this location. The Breathing Practice for this month is STAR breathing. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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9.2 Bed Time Guided Meditation in Budapest: Abundance Theme

Send us a Text Message. This is a BEDTIME MEDITATION focusing on the theme of Abundance, and set in Budapest. Thank you to my Szekely family, for introducing me to Hungary, specifically Budapest, and the suburb of Ecser! Kids are guided into a very relaxing moment at home in their cozy beds, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity. This meditation can be used as a nighttime routine before bed is to help them ease into slumber land, or also before nap. The Breathing Practice for this month is STAR breathing. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.1a Visualisation Guidée au Japon:Thème de la Curiosité

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une VISUALISATION GUIDÉE axée sur le thème de la Curiosité et située au Japon. Les enfants sont guidés vers un moment de détente, que ce soit en classe ou à la maison, où ils se concentrent sur leur respiration tout en écoutant une activité audio de temps calme. Ils embarquent pour un voyage et découvrent quelques caractéristiques uniques de cet endroit. Merci à Max, un abonné de San Pedro, pour cette inspiration! La pratique respiratoire de ce mois est la respiration de la BOITE. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.2a Une Méditation du Soir à Marrakech - Thème de la Curiosité

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une MÉDITATION DU SOIR centrée sur le thème de la Curiosité. Merci à notre abonné, Aryn Drake-Lee de Beulah's Biscuits (, pour cette inspiration de lieu marocain! Les enfants sont guidés vers un moment très relaxant chez eux dans leurs lits douillets, où ils se concentrent sur leur respiration tout en écoutant une activité audio de temps calme. Cette méditation peut être utilisée comme routine nocturne avant le coucher pour les aider à glisser doucement au pays des rêves, ou également avant la sieste. La pratique respiratoire de ce mois est la respiration carrée. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.3a Mini-leçon sur l'Importance de Gérer l'Anxiété - Outils pour les Périodes Difficiles

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une MINI LEÇON axée sur l'importance de la gestion de l'anxiété - Outils pour les moments difficiles. Les enfants apprennent 3 conseils concrets pour gérer l'anxiété : la respiration profonde, la visualisation d'un endroit heureux ou le filtrage des informations. Ces outils aident les enfants à se sentir plus maîtres d'eux-mêmes et moins débordés. Ils sont encouragés à les utiliser lorsqu'ils sont stressés par un examen, un jeu, un désaccord avec un ami ou lorsqu'ils doivent gérer des nouvelles stressantes. La pratique respiratoire de ce mois est la respiration en BOITE et le thème est la Curiosité. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.4a Un conte, Chapitre 2: "Le Pont Enchanté des Reflets"

Send us a Text Message. Bienvenue à l'HEURE DU CONTE! Sur ma chaîne YouTube BookNook, je lis des livres à haute voix en anglais et en français mais ici, à l'HEURE DU CONTE, je raconte des histoires que j'ai écrites en utilisant des mots spéciaux de nos auditeurs, et toujours dans les deux langues. L'histoire d'aujourd'hui est le Chapitre 2! Veuillez consulter le Chapitre 1 dans l'épisode 7.4 pour la première partie de ce conte. Elle est inspirée par Lexine et utilise les mots : flamant, arc-en-ciel, étincelle, fleur et pont. Si vous souhaitez contribuer avec des mots pour une future histoire, veuillez m'envoyer un message. Le thème de ce mois est la Curiosité, et la pratique respiratoire est la Respiration de la BOITE. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.5a Méditation pour adolescents et adultes : "North Beach : Visualisation guidée dans l'un des quartiers chéris de San Francisco"

Send us a Text Message. Ceci est une MÉDITATION GUIDÉE créée exclusivement pour nos abonnés adolescents et adultes. Parce que, pourquoi les jeunes enfants seraient-ils les seuls à s'amuser avec les méditations, n'est-ce pas ? Le voyage de ce mois nous emmène à travers le quartier de North Beach à San Francisco, depuis la Coit Tower, en descendant les escaliers de Filbert Street et l'escalier caché, à travers les arômes de ce quartier italien et enfin jusqu'au parc Washington Square. Profitez de cette visualisation guidée alors que vous traversez l'un des quartiers emblématiques de la ville. Découvrez de nouveaux lieux ou délectez-vous de la joie d'écouter vos repaires familiers. Dans cette expérience apaisante, les auditeurs sont doucement guidés vers un moment serein, dirigeant leur attention sur le rythme de leur respiration tandis qu'ils s'immergent dans les tons apaisants de la méditation guidée. Parfait pour ces moments où vous avez besoin de vous détendre, de vous ressourcer et d'appuyer sur le bouton de réinitialisation. Alors, trouvez un espace confortable, prenez une profonde respiration, et laissez cette méditation guidée être votre compagne vers la tranquillité. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.4 Story Time: Chapter 2 "The Enchanted Bridge of Reflections"

Send us a Text Message. Welcome to STORY TIME! On my YouTube channel BookNook, I read books aloud in English and French but here at STORY TIME, I say stories that I wrote using special words from our listeners, and always in both languages. Today’s story is Chapter 2! Please see Chapter 1 in episode 7.4 for the first part of this tale. It inspired by Lexine and uses the words: flamingo, rainbow, sparkle, flower and bridge. If you’d like to contribute some words to a future story, please send me a message. The theme for this month is Curiosity, and the breathing practice is Box Breathing. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.5 Meditation for Teens & Adults: "North Beach: Guided Visualization in one of San Francisco's beloved neighborhood"

Send us a Text Message. This is a GUIDED MEDITATION created exclusively for our teen and adult subscribers. Because why should younger kids have all the fun with meditations, right? This month's journey takes us through San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, from Coit Tower, down the Filbert Street stairs and the hidden staircase, through the aromas of this Italian neighborhood and finally to Washington Square park. Enjoy this guided visualization as you travel through one of the city's iconic areas. Discover new places or relish in the joy of listening to your familiar haunts. In this calming experience, listeners are gently guided into a serene moment, directing their attention to the rhythm of their breath as they immerse themselves in the soothing tones of the guided meditation. Perfect for those moments when you need to unwind, restore, and hit the reset button. So, find a comfortable space, take a deep breath, and let this guided meditation be your companion to tranquility. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.3 Mini Lesson on the Importance of Navigating Anxiety- Tools for Tough Times

Send us a Text Message. This is a MINI LESSON focusing on the importance of Navigating Anxiety- Tools for Tough Times. Kids learn 3 concrete tips for managing anxiety: deep breathing, visualizing a happy place, or filtering information. These tools help kids feel more in control and less overwhelmed. These are encouraged to use when stressed by a test, a game, a disagreement with a friend or when handling stressful news. The Breathing Practice for this month is Box breathing and the theme is Curiosity. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.1 Guided Visualization in Japan: Curiosity Theme

Send us a Text Message. This is a GUIDED VISUALIZATION focusing on the theme of Curiosity, and set in Japan. Kids are guided into a relaxing moment either in the classroom or at home, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity. They embark on a voyage and discover some unique features of this location. Thank you to Max, a subscriber in San Pedro, for this inspiration! The Breathing Practice for this month is Box breathing. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!


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8.2 Bed Time Guided Meditation in Marrakesh: Curiosity Theme

Send us a Text Message. This is a BEDTIME MEDITATION focusing on the theme of Curiosity. Thank you to our subscriber, Aryn Drake- Lee of Beulah's Biscuits (, for this Moroccan location inspiration! Kids are guided into a very relaxing moment at home in their cozy beds, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity. This meditation can be used as a nighttime routine before bed is to help them ease into slumber land, or also before nap. The Breathing Practice for this month is Box breathing. Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan Support the Show. Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits. Healthy Habits = Happy Kids While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits. These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults. So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults! Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!
