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Finding the Floor - A thoughtful approach to midlife motherhood and what comes next.

Kids & Family Podcasts

Listen to stories told by Camille Johnson as she reflects on her life raising a family of 5 kids, being happily married for 22 years, and finding the joy and laughter of it all. She has been trying to find the floor to her kids' rooms for a while and gets a peek about once a week. Come listen as she shares her journey of finding her floor both literally and figuratively as she contemplates, life, love, cleaning, pets, books, remodeling, being a taxi driver, finding wholeness, living as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and figuring out what she finally wants to be when she grows up. If this podcasting becomes a thing well maybe this is it. Thanks for listening!


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Listen to stories told by Camille Johnson as she reflects on her life raising a family of 5 kids, being happily married for 22 years, and finding the joy and laughter of it all. She has been trying to find the floor to her kids' rooms for a while and gets a peek about once a week. Come listen as she shares her journey of finding her floor both literally and figuratively as she contemplates, life, love, cleaning, pets, books, remodeling, being a taxi driver, finding wholeness, living as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and figuring out what she finally wants to be when she grows up. If this podcasting becomes a thing well maybe this is it. Thanks for listening!



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Throwback to Getting Organized for School - by your clutterbug or personality type

Ok friends - another throwback episode. This week I had a few unexpected things pop up and I ran out of time to get my episode out. So this is a good review for me about thinking of organization and decluttering which I will explore next week. In the meantime enjoy this 3 year old episode (if you can believe it, because I can't!) “The basic aim of organization is to know where things are and to be able to retrieve these things with minimal to no fuss. “ My kids are back to school and I wanted to get more organized, hoping this is the year the kids actually hang up their backpacks. The only problem is I don’t like traditional approaches to organization. Thanks to a little HGTV binging I found the show Hot Mess House and some new philosophies. The Clutterbug and the PixiesDidIt who share that organization are definitely not one size fits all. It is all about your personality and organizing that fits your lifestyle. Well I can definitely try this. If you have struggled with organization and want to start fresh with this school year listen up and while I share a few things I have learned to tackle this school year. I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The power and anxiety of invitations

“The invitation is always more than just an invitation…” In this episode I share a little bit about the anxiety I felt as I was putting together the list of people to invite to my daughter’s wedding. I tell of some interesting ideas about the power of invitations, like being a witness and belonging. Also the hard side of not being able to invite everyone and worrying about leaving people out. Finally, how all of this can also remind us of Jesus Christ and his invitations to us. Fro show notes go to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Wedding thoughts - The Experience

I am back … this is not a throwback. Today I share a short reflection about the wedding and making an experience. I mention how it can be so easy to get caught up in all of the things: dress, cake, food, venue, music, invitations that the experience during the party can be more of an afterthought. I share how my daughter had a great vision of what she wanted for the experience. I also share a few experiences we had before the wedding which also made it so memorable. Show notes come by I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Throwback to 1 percent better to reach our goals

Ok friends - last throwback for the summer and then I will be back with new stuff. I love thinking about making small changes and how it can make such a difference. You can also look into the series about The Atomic Habits series (Ep 76,77& 78). Enjoy! “Doesn’t matter how small the improvement.” This week I am sharing a bit about the British cycling team and the story of their rise to greatness after 76 years of not doing much. It is with that context that I thought it would be helpful to go into the new year as we think about any new year's resolutions. So I share the ideas that helped the British team rise to excellence, this idea of 1 percent improvement, aggregate of marginal gains or small improvement each day. I also share the story of Namaan, from the Old Testament, who was asked to do a very small thing that then healed him. It is amazing how sometimes the small things really can make all the difference. For shownotes go to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Throwback to the power of introductions

Hi friends! I did get to a episode this week. I thought I would be doing a lot of this as for the wedding so I thought I would share the power of introductions. Original episode 71. “Make the world a bit more human in the process.” After last week I have thought a lot about starting conversations and that led me to explore the power of introductions. Introductions are helpful both in writing and when meeting someone new and I share how they both can relate. I also share how being willing to take the time to make introductions can really help everyone feel a little more at ease and comfortable, something I realized I needed to work on in my Gospel Doctrine class. So this episode is really more of a help for me seeing the purpose of an introduction and then a few things to think about whether you are introducing yourself or two friends. For shownotes go to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Throwback to Be Proactive - from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Another throwback episode. Although just before the episode I share a short story of the miracle of the maueverability test. Just had to share. Then to the episode because I think we all could use a reminder about what it means to be proactive in life. Enjoy! “Response - ability” the ability to choose your response. This week I talk about habit 1 - to be proactive from the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Being proactive has many different facets. First I cover the unique human capability to have self-awareness. Then thanks to the work of Victor Frankl the idea that between stimulus and response we have the ability to choose. I share this idea that to be proactive includes being responsible - the ability to choose our response. Then there are lots of other little ideas and ways we can think of being proactive. First I mention being aware of our language. The other concept within this habit I discuss is our circle of influence versus our circle of concern. Then I briefly share the idea of the have’s and the be’s as well as moving toward being more proactive by keeping commitments to ourselves and to others. With this concept we can learn to be led by our values and character rather than our moods. Come and listen as I share some stories about my calendar, my mom circle of influence and a walk a thon. I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Throwback to Thinking the best of ourselves - working on our mental filter

Hey friends - another throwback episode. Just a few weeks til the wedding. I thought this a great reminder of ways to look for the best in myself this summer! I hope this helps you too. Such practical tips! (now I really need to do them :)) “...keep looking for the best in yourself.” Continuing this episode talking about Confidence and the book, The Confident Mind - a Battle Tested Guide to unshakable performance by Dr. Nate Zinsser. In this episode we get to learn all about our mental filter and how to make the most out of it. I cover chapter two of the book as we learn about ways to make regular deposits in our mental bank account or what I like to call it our confidence bank account. You are invited to try 3 different exercises - making a top 10, your daily ESP and your IPR. These exercises are super practical and help you look for the best in yourself on a daily basis. For show notes got to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Throwback to I don't have to make everything all better principles 1& 2

Hi friends! June is proving to be pretty busy. So this month I will be posting some older episodes for you to enjoy. This one from the Book, I don't have to make everything all better and I think a great review. Enjoy!! “All of us want to be listened to and understood.” This episode I begin sharing principles from the book “I Don’t Have to Make it All Better” By Gary B. and Joy Saunders Lundberg. The first two principles that I share in this episode are: Be an effective validator and leave the responsibility where it belongs. I share the Lundberg's definition of validation and learn a bit how to walk emotionally with people. Then also the art of helping - like a doctor who sets a broken bone. I also reference episode 34 - It’s not about the nail - I don’t have to solve their problems. (So go back and listen if you haven’t heard that one yet. This episode adds on to this idea). I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Summertime! Now what?

“What time is it? Summertime!!” Summer is here for us and now what? This episode I share a few of our plans for the summer and a few reflections on my favorite time at the pool with my kids when they were all small. I also reflect on how I am doing with the concepts from The Anatomy of Peace book. I share an experience that I can’t decide if it’s a failure or simply me not correcting very compassionately. I then share how this podcast will go this summer, some replays as well as some more live or recently recorded episodes will all happen this summer. For show notes come by I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 8 - helping things go right

“Peace – whether at home, work, or between peoples – is invited only when an intelligent outward strategy is married to a peaceful inward one.” This episode is the last one of the series talking about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute. In these last chapters we learn about the rest of the Pyramid of Change that was mentioned in the first episode. It is with this pyramid that we can finally learn how to help things go right. We learn how after our heart is at peace we can then invite others to change as well. So during this episode I share the 6 levels of the pyramid. Then we learn 3 lessons from the pyramid and finally at the end, I share why the name Camp Moriah is chosen for the wilderness camp. For show notes go to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 7 - 4 steps to a heart at peace

“While you are correct that a heart at peace alone won’t solve your complex outer problems, those problems can’t begin to be solved without it.” Another part talking about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute. This week I share the chapters that help us identify how to get out of the box and go from a heart at war to a heart at peace. I share more about Yusuf’s background and the person he met that helped him get his heart to peace. In these chapters we learn the 4 steps to get us to a heart at peace. For show notes I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 6- taking off your shoes

“Joining the youth in their hardships helps them because it helps us not to invite their hearts to go to war.” We continue learning from the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute. This week I begin to talk more about the process of getting our hearts to peace. I also tell of the metaphor of taking off our shoes; a way to allow space for others to help their hearts get to peace, thanks to the camper Jenny. Then I also share more about Avi’s story and how his heart was also able to change to peace. ( Happy Mother’s Day coming up all you moms out there. ) For show notes come by I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 5 - review of a heart a war, justification and boxes.

“It will serve neither ourselves nor our loved ones to think that we are better.” This week I share more about The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute. We are in part 5 and going over a review of what the book has shared so far. In the story the parents are finishing their first day and I share a list of all of the things that the parents have learned so far. With a little more clarification I share the importance of our way of being even if the behavior is the same. I tell of the discussion during the story, clarifying a little more about causes of the different styles of justification. As well as learning that we can begin to carry our boxes with us. And at the end an invitation to ponder which boxes you carry and how it has invited a warring heart in your life. For show notes come by I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 4 - justification boxes

“The more sure I am that I’m right, the more likely I will actually be mistaken.” This is the 4th episode where I am talking about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute. Covering chapters 12 and 13, I share the 4 justification boxes or styles of justification that can be typical when our hearts are at war. I share a few stories, one involving black beans and being wrong as an example of one of the justification styles. For show notes come by I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 3 - self-betrayal and justification

“A choice to betray myself is a choice to go to war.” This is part 3 is learning more from the Book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute. In this episode I cover chapters 8 through 11 of the book. I share more about how our hearts can be in war and learn a new term, self - betrayal. I share the childhood story of the character Yusuf and how that story helps show the idea of self betrayal as well as the resulting justification. I also share the choice diagram which is in the book which we learn about in the book and how self-betrayal and justification take our hearts to war. For show notes come to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - Part 2 - Understanding hearts at war

“The deepest way in which we are right or wrong, is in our way of being towards others.” This week I continue telling you a little more about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute. I share a few stories from the book, Avi's story of mowing the lawn. With these stories, I help illustrate how we begin to think of people, including our family members, as annoying or unreasonable. We then start to see them as objects and then because of that we begin to invite more war. I then share a collusion diagram. The most important understanding is not just about our actions but our way of being towards one another. For more info and show notes: I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The Anatomy of Peace - part 1 - A heart at peace or war

“I become an agent of change, only to the degree that I begin to live to help things go right….” This episode begins a series sharing the principles from the book, The Anatomy of Peace written by the Arbinger Institute. It is a fictional story that helps teach some principles. We are going to have a handful of parts to this book and this week I will be sharing some of the things that I learned from chapter 1 through 4. The book begins with a story of some families who are dropping off their children at a wilderness rehabilitation camp, called Camp Moriah. There the directors spend a few days teaching the parents so they can help facilitate change when their children are done with the program. In this part of the book, the main parts of change is to understand that we become agents of change when we spend more time on helping things go right rather than correcting and criticizing. Then the first principle we learn is about having a heart at war or a heart at peace. We learn about the crusaders and Saladin and which was more successful due to their heart being at peace despite being involved in a war. For show notes come by I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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The hope of the resurrection - an Easter message

“... even so in Christ, all shall be made alive.” Happy Easter! A quick easter message about the hope that we can gain from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I share the belief that we all made a choice before we came to this earth to follow our Heavenly Father’s plan. I then talk of a few ideas about this wonderful, miraculous gift that all of us will be resurrected one day and be reunited with our bodies. What a blessing and feeling of hope we can hold onto because of the gift of the resurrection. Take a moment to think about that this weekend as we all celebrate Easter! For show notes go to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Goal check in and reset

“The best thing about goals is you can start them anytime.” How are your goals going? In this episode I share how I have been doing in the first quarter of the year. I also look back at many of the things that were not on my list of goals but that I accomplished over the past few months. I also look and see where I can be better to schedule time to put my plans into place. It is already spring and a great time to reset! For more show notes and info come to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!


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Forever Strong - part 3 - protein does a body good.

“It’s important to grasp that we don’t eat for protein, per se, but for AAs.” This week is the third and final part as I talk a bit about the book, Forever Strong - A new science based strategy for aging well. Written by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. In this final episode I share a little bit about nutritional science and then most of the time talking about protein and the amino acids that we get from protein that help to fuel our muscles, tendons, organs, and so much more. Protein is good and Dr. Lyon is all about animal protein. For show notes for to I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!! Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!
