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Marriage Fitness with Mort Fertel

Kids & Family Podcasts

In this podcast Mort Fertel shares the secrets to saving your marriage, stopping a divorce, ending affairs, and reconnecting with your spouse.


United States


In this podcast Mort Fertel shares the secrets to saving your marriage, stopping a divorce, ending affairs, and reconnecting with your spouse.



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How Lisa Saved Her Marriage

What a story. What a success. Learn how Lisa turned her marriage crisis into a marriage dream. He moved out, was having an affair, but Lisa put it all back together.


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From an Open Marriage Proposal to True Love of 1

Laila's husband proposed an open marriage. She was horrified. Google saved her marriage. Get the details here...


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She Decided to Move Forward

What if the infidelity occurs before the wedding? Should you still get married? Listen to Shana's amazing story of heartbreak, hope, and relationship renewal.


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Walking on Eggshells in Marriage

Man complains that he's "walking on eggshells" in his marriage. What does the mean? Is that a legit complaint? In this episode we turn that expression on upside down and view the experience from a different lens.


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"I don't Love You Anymore"

Steve's wife blindsided him with "I don't love you anymore." What did Steve do and how did his situation turn out.


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"I don't believe in Marriage"

Did your spouse say "I don't believe in marriage anymore." In this episode you'll get insight into where that comes from and what it really means.


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How Jessica Clark Saved her Marriage

Jessica Clark's husband was having an affair and moved out of the house. Things didn't look good, but she was able to turn it all around. She reconnected with her husband and he moved back home. This is her story.


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How to Forgive Your Spouse

What does it really mean to forgive and how can you and your spouse forgive each other. In this episode we'll discuss true forgiveness in marriage and a path to healing and reconciliation.


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Grace's Marriage Recovery

In this episode we interview Grace, who struggled in her marriage for many years, but then slowly improved things for a few weeks. One evening, during the Marriage Fitness Q and A teleconference, Grace had a breakthrough on her call with Mort, and her marriage has been stellar ever since. Grace tells her story...gracefully!


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The Dreaded Silent Treatment

Have you ever been given (or give) the silent treatment? Why does this happen? How do we understand these silent treatments? And what can you do about it? My new video explains. Silent Treatments in Marriage - Why they happen & how to end them Check it out.


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Long Sex

Long Sex. That’s what this video is about. Advice for men and woman about how to succeed in the bedroom.


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How Leslie Won her Husband Back

Leslie has an incredible story about how her marriage crashed and how she repaired it. This is the story of how Leslie won her husband back.


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Ed's Story

Ed Whitfield tells the story of how he turned around his marriage.


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Why Marriage = Happiness & the problem with Pleasure

In this episode we explore the difference between happiness and pleasure and how to get happy in your marriage.
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Who Gives to Who?

Who Gives to Who? The answer to that question might surprise you in this episode as I share an interesting encounter my daughter had with a homeless person and what we can learn from it to help turn our marriage around.
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The Fastest Way to Reconciling Your Marriage

Want to know the fastest way to reconciling your marriage? That’s the topic of this episode.


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Analysis Paralysis

Did you ever hear of Analysis Paralysis? It’s a big problem for people in marital crisis. Here’s a episode that explains and offers some direction.


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Is Your Spouse a Narcissist?

Are you thinking that your spouse might be a narcissist? If so you’ll want to listen to this episode.


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Surprise! Your Marriage is in Big Trouble

About 3 million people a year—all in marital crisis—contact me in some form or another seeking help to save their marriage. Do you know how many of these people expected to be dealing with a broken marriage? None. Everyone thinks their marriage is fine. Until it isn’t. Here are 2 steps you can take.


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The Warped Narrative of an Obstinate Spouse

Does your spouse remember things differently than you? Are they rewriting your marital history in order to justify an affair or an exit? In under 2 minutes I offer 2 specific pieces of advice for this situation.
