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Marriage Counselor's Corner: Marriage Advice From a Real Marriage Counselor

Kids & Family Podcasts

Welcome to the Marriage Counselor’s Corner Podcast, a place where you get credible and tangible marriage related information from a licensed mental health counselor. Over my past 19 years of clinical experience, I have discovered the things that work to make your marriage healthy. So, see these episodes as a master class in marriage, where I take a psychological and practical approach to marriage education and enrichment. My goal is to break the back of divorce. If you enjoy these episodes, subscribe...share and implement what you learn. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Welcome to the Marriage Counselor’s Corner Podcast, a place where you get credible and tangible marriage related information from a licensed mental health counselor. Over my past 19 years of clinical experience, I have discovered the things that work to make your marriage healthy. So, see these episodes as a master class in marriage, where I take a psychological and practical approach to marriage education and enrichment. My goal is to break the back of divorce. If you enjoy these episodes, subscribe...share and implement what you learn. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!



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Episode 22: Every Husband's Battle

This is episode number 22 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic specifically for the husbands. I have been working with a lot of husbands lately and many of them are fighting. Many of them are struggling…so I am going to repurpose a message that I put out way back in 2016 when many of you never knew me. Today’s episode will be slightly different as I will be talking specifically to husbands about the battles that we face. See this as more of a coaching sessions for all of my husband listeners. And if you are a wife, share this with your husband…most likely he could use some encouragement. So hang tight and take good notes as I discuss this during this podcast episode. See you on the inside of the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 21: Chasing 2 Rabbits: One Major Conflict Resolution Strategy

This is episode number 21 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic related to effective conflict resolution skills that I have found most marriages often struggle with. In this episode, I discuss what it means to "Chase 2 Rabbits" during a conflict. This bad habit has tremendous implications on the communication habits that both you and your spouse share. It is extremely hard to change because both parties are usually so entrenched into doing this that they are not even aware that they are chasing two rabbits. So hang tight and take good notes as I discuss this during this podcast episode. See you on the inside of the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 20: Straight Line vs. Colorful Communication...Why This Knowledge Could Save Your Marriage

This is episode number 20 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic that is often overlooked in marriages. I will be discussing the fundamental differences between how men and women communicate and why understanding this one concept can tremendously alter the course of your marriage. Trust me, you will want to listen to this episode…especially if you are finding that the communication is off between you and your spouse. Come prepared to take notes. Also, please don't forget to subscribe to this podcast if you haven't done so already and share this episode with those that need it. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 19: The 6 Healthy Husband Habits

In today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that is so important that is it specifically for all of the husbands out there! I will be discussing the 6 Healthy Husband Habits. Throughout this journey, I have discovered that there are actually 6 things that if husbands do daily, your marriage will succeed. You can also look at these 6 habits or life principles. Principles that, if you incorporate them into your life, you will success in the areas of your greatest failures…be it physical health, spiritual health, financial health and relationship health. Make sure to take some notes...this information will definitely change your life if you can apply it!


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Episode 18: The Biggest Difference Between Happy And Unhappy Couples

In today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that is crucial to the way that you and your spouse manages conflict inside of your marriage. I will be discussing the Biggest Difference Between Happy and Unhappy Couples! Research has demonstrated that simply tweaking this one thing while having a conflict with your spouse will drastically impact the long-term health and happiness of your marriage. If there is an episode to listen to, this is the one. Please enjoy this episode and I will see you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 17: 10 Questions That Every Spouse Needs To Answer

In today’s session, I will be shifting my approach slightly to asking you 10 very important questions that every spouse needs to answer. As a matter of fact, the heath of your marriage can be measured based on how many of these questions you have answers for. You may have to pause this episode periodically so that you can write down each of these questions. Then I want you to answer them. I would even recommend that both you and your spouse answer these questions individually and then schedule a time to actually discuss with each other your responses to these questions. Please enjoy this episode and I will see you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 16: The 6 Stages of Marriage (Part 2)

In today’s session, I will be teaching on the last 3 stages of the 6 Stages of Marriage. This information will be extremely helpful for your marriage is you are struggling with dealing with unmet expectations, stagnation, unresolved conflicts, reluctance and a decrease in intimacy. Make sure to take good notes so that you can refer back to this information when necessary. Remember to like, comment and share this information with other marriages that need it. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 15: The 6 Stages of Marriage (Part 1)

In today’s session, I will be teaching on the first 3 stages of the 6 Stages of Marriage. This information will be extremely helpful for your marriage is you are struggling with dealing with unmet expectations, stagnation, unresolved conflicts, reluctance and a decrease in intimacy. Make sure to take good notes so that you can refer back to this information when necessary. Remember to like, comment and share this information with other marriages that need it. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner!


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Episode 14: 5 Rules For Better Communication With Your Spouse

In today’s session, I will be sharing with you 5 rules for better communication with your spouse. These tools, if used correctly will definitely take your communication with your spouse to the next level. Remember, effective communication is one of the 10 pillars of marriage…also remember that the main reason for failed marriages is ignorance. It that is the case, it would behoove you to constantly be looking for ways to improve how you communicate with your spouse. These 5 rules will do just that.


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Episode 13: The #1 Thing That Destroys Marriages

This is episode number 13 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing the number 1 marriage killer. This subject is so important that if it is not taken into consideration, it will destroy your marriage. As a matter of fact, most couples come to me dealing with this and they don’t even know it. Once I do some digging, I inevitably discover that they have broken this law of master marriage. That language should sound familiar because this information can be found in my book, The 37 Laws to Mastering Marriage. This information comes from Law #18…The Law of Expectations. So, grab your notebook and a pen and let’s get started.


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Episode 12: Discovering Your Purpose In Life While Being Married (Part 2)

Today’s topic is one that on the surface may seem like it has nothing to do with your marriage but don’t be fooled. This subject is something that I have been intimately studying since about 2006 and I feel that I still barely have it figured out. This episode is part 2 and the conclusion to last weeks very important episode. Today, I will be wrapping up the discussion on the importance of finding your purpose in life while being married. This episode will go even deeper into this life changing subject…so make sure to take notes and jot down what comes to mind. Enjoy your session!


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Episode 11: Discovering Your Purpose In Life While Being Married (Part 1)

Today’s topic is one that on the surface may seem like it has nothing to do with your marriage but don’t be fooled. This subject is something that I have been intimately studying since about 2006 and I feel that I still barely have it figured out. So, I will share with you a taste of what I have discovered. As a matter of fact, this episode will be split up into 2 parts so that I can let the information breath with out cramming it all into one episode. Today, I will be discussing the importance of finding your purpose in life while being married. This episode will focus on the big picture of life…so make sure to take notes and jot down what comes to mind. Enjoy your session!


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Episode 10: Understanding The Psychology Of Your Reluctant Spouse

This is episode number 10 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic that can be controversial yet very relevant, especially in today’s day and age. Today’s episode will be on understanding the psychology of your reluctant spouse. What I am about to share may not resonate with some and it may offend others. If it does offend you, that just means you may not be ready to receive it…revisit it what you are ready. This episode will be beneficial in helping you to understand what is going on with your reluctant spouse. That way, you can be more targeted in your prayer life, you will make way less standing mistakes and you can better interpret and speak to their reluctant behaviors. Be sure to take good note and share this with someone who need it. See you on the inside!


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Episode 9: How Your Attachment Style Impacts Your Marriage

Today’s topic is over another very interesting topic that is often not associated with marriage…attachment theory and how your attachment style impacts how you show up inside of your marriage. One word of caution though, both you and your spouse will most likely show up as having one of these attachment styles. Try to be honest about yourself and resist the temptation to see yourself as perfect. We all want to be spotless and without blemish but the truth is that none of us is. We come packaged with the wounds of our past. Keep that in mind as you are attempting to evaluate your spouse and yourself. Please remember to like, comment, and share!


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Episode 8: 4 Bad Habits That Will Ruin Your Marriage

This is episode number 8 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic that is very important to your marriage. Actually, If you have read my book, the 37 Laws, this information may ring a bell. If not, strap in because you will want to hear what I have to say about these 4 bad habits that research shows can ruin your marriage. So, go grab your note pads and get ready to learn all about the 4 bad habits that can and ultimately will ruin your marriage. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner! Also, please don't forget to subscribe to this podcast if you haven't done so already and share this episode.


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Episode 7: The 5 Areas That Husband's Wrestle With Inside Of Marriage

This is episode number 7 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing another topic that is very important to your marriage. In this episode, I am going to be discussing the 5 P’s to Masculinity. Now…what I am about to share with you is both classified and dangerous information. So, If you are a wife…take this information and use it appropriate. If you are a husband, this episode is especially for you even though it may not seem like it. Please make sure to take good notes but please don’t hate me for giving away a few of the things that we would never share with anyone else. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner! Also, please don't forget to subscribe and share this episode.


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Episode 6: Why Do Some Wives Struggle With Accountability...and Other Questions

This is my very first Q&A episode! In this session, I am going to be answering 4 listener submitted questions. One of the most important and controversial questions that I will be answering is a question on why wives seem to struggle with accountability inside of their marriages. Please make sure to take notes as you don't want to miss this episode. Even though its a Q&A session, the information that I will be providing will still be very beneficial to your marriage. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner! Also, please don't forget to subscribe and share this episode.


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Episode 5: Enhancing Intimacy Through Emotional Intelligence

In this session, I am going to be discussing another topic that is very important to your marriage. Actually, this topic is something that is not often spoken about in connection with marriage. As a result, many spouses will struggle with this and not even know that this is the root to many of their problems. Whereas I see wives struggle with this at times, husbands struggle with this the most. Today I am going to be discussing how to enhance the intimacy in your by enhancing your emotional intelligence. Because there is a lot to this subject…during this podcast I will just cover the bare essentials. I will then be up to you to dive deeper into this subject area if you want to learn more. Make sure to take notes as you don't want to miss this episode. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner! Also, please don't forget to subscribe and share this episode.


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Episode 4: Strategies For Improving the Communication in Your Marriage

How you communicate inside of your marriage will often determine the health of your marriage. Effective communication is a skill that you can grow in...if intentional. Today’s session is all about the basics of effective communication and how you can improve this skill inside of your marriage. Make sure to take notes as you don't want to miss this episode. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner! Also, please don't forget to subscribe and share this episode.


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Episode 3: Why Did You Get Married?

Asking “why” is one of the most powerful questions that you can ask in life. If you think about it, asking “why” to a specific issue over and over again forces you to eventually get to the root cause. The same is the case within marriage. Today’s teaching is all about understanding WHY you truly married your spouse. Please understand that this is not a surface question but rather a question intended to eventually get to the core of what motivated you to marry your spouse. Please don't forget to subscribe and share this episode. See you on the couch!!!
