The Household Health Podcast with Michael Heuninckx RN-BSN-logo

The Household Health Podcast with Michael Heuninckx RN-BSN

Kids & Family Podcasts

The Household Health Podcast is a weekly podcast that is dedicated to delivering quality healthcare information and education to promote a healthy Household. Managing the health of your Household is a 24/7, 7 day a week, 365 days a year job. No matter how large the Household is, living a healthy life is not easy. It truly is a journey and one that no one should walk alone in. In episodes of The Household Health Podcast, interview are conducted with different healthcare professionals that have devoted their lives to taking care of others and want to spread their wealth of knowledge with you. Also, The Household Health Podcast interviews those who have gone through a health crisis or are currently living with a chronic disease. These guests will share their story, struggles, offer guidance and support for those who might be in the same situation they once were or are currently living with. With that being said, there is no better time to start living a healthier life than today! Welcome to The Household Health Podcast.


United States


The Household Health Podcast is a weekly podcast that is dedicated to delivering quality healthcare information and education to promote a healthy Household. Managing the health of your Household is a 24/7, 7 day a week, 365 days a year job. No matter how large the Household is, living a healthy life is not easy. It truly is a journey and one that no one should walk alone in. In episodes of The Household Health Podcast, interview are conducted with different healthcare professionals that have devoted their lives to taking care of others and want to spread their wealth of knowledge with you. Also, The Household Health Podcast interviews those who have gone through a health crisis or are currently living with a chronic disease. These guests will share their story, struggles, offer guidance and support for those who might be in the same situation they once were or are currently living with. With that being said, there is no better time to start living a healthier life than today! Welcome to The Household Health Podcast.



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THHP Episode 016: What Is A Nurse Practitioner? w/ Dr. Ann Sheehan, DNP, CPNP

In Episode 016 of The Household Health Podcast, I interview Nurse Practitioner and President of the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners, Dr. Ann Sheehan, DNP, CPNP. Today, we discuss exactly, what is a Nurse Practitioner? What the Nurse Practitioner is trained to do, we dive into the specific degree requirements of the Nurse Practitioner and the clinical hours that are required for their education, differences between a Physician and a Nurse Practitioner, how Nurse Practitioners are able to provide safe and cost effective healthcare, common myths about Nurse Practitioners that Dr. Sheehan has encountered in her practice, the restrictions that are placed on Nurse Practitioners in the states of Michigan and how this is not the same for other states, in the United States and how as a listener, you can get involved politically to have an influence on how healthcare is delivered, along with much more!


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THHP Episode 015: The Knee w/ Dr. Brian Hatten, M.D.

In Episode 015 of The Household Health Podcast I interview board certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Brian Hatten. We discuss the structure and function of the knee, what are common causes of knee pain for all ages, strategies for preventing trauma to the knee, symptoms that would indicate injury to the knee, multiple treatments for injuries to the knee including: physical therapy, medications, injections to the knee and knee replacement surgery. What patients can expect both short and long term with these treatments and much more!


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THHP Episode 014: The Emergency Department VS Urgent Care VS Primary Care, where do I go? w/ Dr. Archana Reddy, MD, MS, FACEP

In Episode 014 of The Household Health Podcast, I interview Dr. Archana Reddy, a practicing Emergency Physician with over 10 years of experience, about accessing the health care system through the Emergency Department. We discuss the role of the Emergency Department, what patients can expect when going to the Emergency Department, what are signs that you should go to the Emergency Department, the role that an Urgent Care plays in accessing the healthcare system, the difference between the services provided in the Emergency Department VS the Urgent Care, the importance of having a Primary Care Provider and what role they play when you visit the Emergency Department, myths about the Emergency Department and much more!


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THHP Episode 013: Pediatric Allergies w/ Dr. David Stukus, MD

In Episode 013 of The Household Health Podcast, I interview Dr. David Stukus, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Section of Allergy and Immunology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio. We discuss what an allergy is, what the symptoms of allergies consist of, what the difference is between a mild and life threatening allergic reaction, the safety of the life saving medication called epinephrine, how to properly store an epinephrine auto injector, when it is appropriate to use epinephrine and when you could seek prompt medical attention or call 911. Dr. Stukus also offers guidance for parents on how to increase communication about your child’s allergies, how to best prepare them for life in the real world, tips they can use when they go off to college and helps us debunk some common myths around the topic of allergies.


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THHP Episode 012: Geriatric Fall Prevention w/ Lauren Kakish RN-BSN

In Episode 012 of The Household Health Podcast, I interview fellow Nurse Practitioner student and Registered Nurse, Lauren Kakish. Geriatric falls have some very interesting/concerning statistics and is a topic that should be discussed carefully with any member of the household that falls within this population. In the interview we discuss, the importance of the aging adult keeping their autonomy, medications alone or when used together could increase the risk of falling, environmental hazards in the home, tips for preventing falls in the bathroom, sensory changes that occur as we age, strategies to ensure independence is a priority when having this discussion with a family member and much more!


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THHP Episode 011: Parents Guide To Social Media Safety w/ Brittney Wilson, BSN, RN

In Episode 011 of The Household Health Podcast, learn from the Award Winning Blogger, Author and Social Media Influencer, Brittney Wilson, BSN, RN, about what parents need to know about how to keep their children safe in a technology filled world. Specifically we discuss the dangers of social media. Our discussion covers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. What they are, what is their appeal and what dangers are associated with each of these social media outlets. Brittney also offers tips about general internet safe practices, the problems with being a social media “helicopter” parent, how to talk with your children about the responsibility of the internet and much more!


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THHP Episode 010: Pediatric Trauma Awareness & Prevention w/ Dr. Melissa Schneider MD, MPH, FAAP

In this episode of The Household Health Podcast, we have a conversation with our guest, Pediatric Emergency Room Fellow, Dr. Schneider about Pediatric Trauma. According to the CDC, unintentional injury, or Trauma, is the leading cause of death for the pediatric population. To help raise awareness about this topic we break down through age groups, where the child is at developmentally and how in that stage of development, they might be at an increased risk for a traumatic event to occur. Followed by, offering tips on how to then prevent the traumatic event from occurring once the risk has been identified. From birth to 18 years, and even some tips for parents who now have young adults. Accidents do happen, but through an increased awareness, prevention of preventable traumatic events can occur.


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THHP Episode 009: Medication Safety w/ Dr. Lisa Lorenzo, Pharm.D.

In this episode of The Household Health Podcast, learn from Dr. Lisa Lorenzo, Pharm.D., about ways to keep your infants, children and adolescents safe around prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications, the pitfalls of cold medication, strategies on safe medication administration practices for the home, safe places to store medications, the dangers of prescription medications at other family members homes, the importance of keeping an accurate and current medication, list and much more!


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THHP Episode 008: Primary Care & Prevention 101 w/ Dr. Popp, MD

In episode 008 of The Household Health Podcast, learn from dual board certified Internal Medicine Physician and Pediatrician, Dr. Popp, what exactly the role of a Primary Care provider is, how they can help you manage your health, what a vital resource they are to the overall health of you and your entire household and financial tips for managing the cost of healthcare. Also learn about preventable diseases such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, tips for parents of newborns, safety tips for newborns and children, vaccine FACTS and safety information, along with much more!


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THHP Episode 007: Ovarian Cancer Survivor Story w/ Kim Belhorn

In Episode 007 of The Household Health Podcast, My mother Kim Belhorn, opens up to raise awareness and to share her journey about overcoming Ovarian Cancer. In the interview we discuss, statistics, risk factors and signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, what signs and symptoms led her to seek medical attention, what she felt the moment she was diagnosed, the initial surgery, her recovery in and out of the hospital, her first chemotherapy treatment, beauty tips for feeling your best during treatment, tips on how to advocate for yourself as a patient, her experience with intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy, advice she would give to any women that was just diagnosed and much more!


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THHP Episode 006: I'm About To Have A Baby! w/ Labor & Delivery Nurse, Janelle Edwards RN-BSN

In Episode 006 of The Household Health Podcast, Janelle Edwards RN-BSN, who is a Labor & Delivery Nurse, walks us through common questions new parents, or soon to be parents, frequently have. Starting at the first moment you find out you are expecting, advice for choosing who will be delivering your child, are they able to deliver at the hospital of your choice, who can help you with this process, should the hospital you deliver at have a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, what is a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, when should you go to the hospital, what can you expect in the delivery room, what to bring and what not to bring to the hospital for mom, dad and baby, who should be in the delivery room, advice for new moms, advice for new dads and much more!


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THHP Episode 005: Heart Surgery w/ Stephanie Brodie ACNP-BC

In Episode 005 of The Household Health Podcast, I have a discussion with Stephanie Brodie, ACNP-BC, about what to expect if you or a member of your Household was to undergo heart surgery. We discuss how as a patient you can prepare your body before the surgery, how to prepare yourself for the day of surgery, tips for family members on what they can expect during surgery, what family members and patients can expect once the surgery is completed, a checklist of criteria a patient must meet before they can go home, restrictions patients have when they do go home, the importance of knowing all of your medications and why you are taking them and much, much more!


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THHP Episode 004: Bariatric Surgery Pros & Cons w/ Rita Gatia, FNP-BC

Are you or a member of your household considering getting Bariatric Surgery? In this episode of The Household Health Podcast, learn about who is able to qualify for bariatric surgery, the different types of bariatric surgery, what benefits patients gain from the procedure, the risks that are associated with the different types of procedures, what your diet will be like after the surgery, tips on what to ask your surgeon before the surgery, what your options are instead of surgery and much more!


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THHP Episode 003: HIV Education & Prevention w/ Dr. Wade, DNP, RN, AGPCNP-BC

In episode 003 of The Household Health Podcast, we have a discussion about HIV education and prevention. Dr. Wade walks us through some of the research she conducted regarding adolescents who are infected with HIV, what is the difference between HIV and AIDS, we cover myths about HIV, nutrition, exercise, the importance of support groups, questions patients frequently ask when they are first diagnosed and much more!


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THHP Episode 002: School Health w/ Dr. Mysen, DNP, FNP-BC

In episode 002 of The Household Health Podcast, Who takes care of your child when they are at school. Before Dr. Mysen because a Family Nurse Practitioner, she was a school nurse. Not all schools have this resource but, learn about how vital of a role the school nurse plays in the overall health of children, how as a parent you can advocate for your child, learn when you should keep your child home from school, when they can go back to school, learn about common illnesses you child might get at school, how to prevent them, ways to educate your child about the possiability of other studnets medical conditions, how serious allgeries are in children, we have a discussion about the importance of vaccines and much more!


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THHP Episode 001: Household Fire Safety w/ Firefighter Billy Nolan

In this episode of The Household Health Podcast, I sit down with Firefighter Billy Nolan to discuss how to protect and prevent a fire from occuring in your home. Learn where fires frequently occur, what fire dangers are in your kitchen, how to protect for children, how to develop a fire saftey plan for your Household and much more!


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THHP Episode 000: What is The Household Health Podcast?

Hello and welcome to The Holusohld Health Podcast. In Episode 000, you will learn more about your host, Michael Heuninckx RN-BSN, discuss why the podcast was created, the goal of the podcast and what to expect in every peisode of The Household Health Podcast.
