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Welcome to "The Youngbloods". the family Lifestyle and advice podcast with your hosts, Devin and Shannon Youngblood. As a couple who has been married for over 22 years , they understand the ups and downs that come with building and maintaining a healthy relationship. In this podcast, Devin and Shannon share their experiences and offer practical advice on how to navigate the challenges of family and marriage and life. They cover topics such as communication, trust, parenting, and building strong connections with your spouse and loved ones. Join us with our down-to-earth approach to life! Support this podcast:


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Welcome to "The Youngbloods". the family Lifestyle and advice podcast with your hosts, Devin and Shannon Youngblood. As a couple who has been married for over 22 years , they understand the ups and downs that come with building and maintaining a healthy relationship. In this podcast, Devin and Shannon share their experiences and offer practical advice on how to navigate the challenges of family and marriage and life. They cover topics such as communication, trust, parenting, and building strong connections with your spouse and loved ones. Join us with our down-to-earth approach to life! Support this podcast:



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#367 When talking to a man make sure you clarify what you need!

The idea that men are often seen as problem solvers while women may prioritize the need for someone to listen is a generalization that does not apply universally to all individuals. However, it does reflect certain societal expectations and communication patterns that are observed in some contexts. Let's explore this concept and its implications: 1. Communication Styles: Traditional gender roles have often shaped expectations around communication styles. Men may be socialized to be more solution-oriented and task-focused, seeking to analyze and solve problems efficiently. On the other hand, women may be encouraged to express emotions and connect through empathetic listening. 2. Problem-Solving vs. Emotional Expression: In some situations, men may feel a natural inclination to provide solutions when faced with a problem. They may see this as a way to be helpful and supportive. Conversely, women may value the emotional connection that comes from sharing their feelings and having someone listen without necessarily offering solutions. 3. Emotional Support: Women, in general terms, may place a higher value on emotional support and understanding. They might prioritize the need for someone to empathize with their feelings, validate their experiences, and create a space for emotional expression. This doesn't necessarily mean they don't appreciate problem-solving; it's more about the order of priorities in certain situations. 4. Empathy and Validation: Women often seek empathy and validation in communication. They may find comfort in having their emotions acknowledged and understood. Men, on the other hand, may be more inclined to demonstrate care by actively attempting to resolve the issues at hand. 5. Societal Expectations: These patterns can be reinforced by societal expectations and stereotypes. Men are sometimes expected to be assertive problem solvers, while women are encouraged to be nurturing listeners. These expectations can influence individual behaviors and preferences in communication. 6. Recognizing Individual Differences: It's crucial to recognize that these generalizations don't apply to every individual. People are diverse, and their communication preferences are shaped by a combination of personal experiences, cultural influences, and individual personalities. Some men may highly value empathetic listening, while some women may naturally gravitate toward problem-solving approaches. 7. Effective Communication Requires Both: Healthy communication in any relationship often involves a combination of problem-solving and empathetic listening. Successful partnerships involve a mutual understanding of each other's communication styles and needs. Effective communication requires a balance, with both partners feeling heard, understood, and supported. In summary, while there may be tendencies for men to lean toward problem-solving and women to seek empathetic listening, these are broad generalizations. It's essential to approach communication in relationships with an awareness of individual preferences and to recognize the value of both problem-solving and emotional expression in fostering understanding and connection. Ultimately, effective communication involves finding a balance that meets the needs of both individuals in a relationship. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#366 Women Dictate the mood of a Home.

The statement "How a woman feels can dictate how a home feels and functions" underscores the significant role that women often play in shaping the emotional climate and overall dynamics within a household. While it's important to recognize that feelings and responsibilities within a home should be shared by all family members, this statement highlights the unique influence that women, typically mothers and caretakers, can have on the family environment. Let's explore this concept further: 1. Emotional Tone-Setting: Women often contribute significantly to the emotional atmosphere in a home. Their mood, demeanor, and emotional well-being can set the tone for the entire household. A woman who feels content, fulfilled, and emotionally balanced is likely to radiate positivity, creating a harmonious environment that fosters emotional well-being for all family members. 2. Nurturing and Supportive Atmosphere: Women are often the primary nurturers in a family. When a woman feels emotionally supported and nurtured herself, she is better equipped to extend that care to others in the household. This nurturing atmosphere contributes to a sense of security and comfort, making the home a welcoming and supportive place for all family members. 3. Organizational Skills and Household Functioning: Women are frequently involved in managing the practical aspects of a home, from meal planning and household chores to organizing family schedules. How a woman feels about her responsibilities can impact the efficiency and functionality of these daily tasks. A woman who feels empowered and organized is more likely to create a well-run and smoothly functioning home. 4. Communication and Connection: Women often play a central role in facilitating communication and connection within a family. When a woman feels emotionally connected and communicative, it tends to foster open lines of dialogue among family members. Effective communication is crucial for resolving conflicts, understanding each other's needs, and building strong, supportive relationships. 5. Role Modeling for Children: The emotional well-being of a mother can significantly influence the emotional development of her children. Children often look to their mothers as emotional anchors. A woman who models resilience, empathy, and healthy emotional expression provides a valuable example for her children, shaping their own emotional intelligence and well-being. 6. Balancing Work and Home Life: Many women manage the delicate balance between work and home responsibilities. How a woman feels about this balance can impact her energy levels, stress levels, and overall well-being. A woman who feels supported in achieving a work-life balance is likely to contribute positively to the overall atmosphere in the home. 7. Creating a Safe Haven: Women often take on the role of creating a safe and comforting space within the home. When a woman feels emotionally secure and supported, she can extend that sense of safety to her family. This safe haven becomes a place where family members can seek solace, share their thoughts and feelings, and find comfort. It's essential to note that while women can play a significant role in shaping the emotional climate of a home, the responsibility for emotional well-being and household functioning should be a shared endeavor. Open communication, mutual support, and a collaborative approach among all family members contribute to a healthy and thriving home environment. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#365 Start Acting Like it

The mind of Russell Brand is something to behold. Its time to start Acting like we Believe in ourselves. Its time to start Acting like we are great. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#364 Choose now what kind of parent you are going to be.

Choosing to be the best parent is undoubtedly a challenging yet immensely rewarding journey. Parenting is a multifaceted role that demands time, patience, understanding, and a continuous commitment to personal growth. While the path to being the best parent is not always easy, the rewards are profound and enduring. Let's explore some aspects of this journey: **1. Unconditional Love and Bonding: Being the best parent involves cultivating a deep and unconditional love for your child. This love serves as the foundation for a strong parent-child bond. The joy of witnessing your child grow and develop, forming a connection based on trust and affection, is one of the most rewarding aspects of parenthood. **2. Emotional Development: The best parents actively contribute to their children's emotional development. By providing a secure and nurturing environment, parents help their children develop emotional resilience, empathy, and a healthy understanding of their own emotions. Witnessing your child navigate life's challenges with emotional intelligence is incredibly gratifying. **3. Educational Support: Supporting your child's education is a key element of being a great parent. This involves not only assisting with homework but also fostering a love for learning, curiosity, and critical thinking. Celebrating your child's academic achievements, both big and small, brings a sense of accomplishment and pride. **4. Setting Boundaries and Teaching Values: The best parents strike a balance between love and discipline. Setting clear and consistent boundaries helps children understand expectations and navigate the world around them. Teaching values, such as honesty, integrity, and kindness, contributes to the development of responsible and compassionate individuals. **5. Personal Growth: Being the best parent requires continuous personal growth. It involves self-reflection, adapting to new challenges, and learning from both successes and mistakes. This journey of self-improvement not only benefits the parent but also sets a powerful example for the child, demonstrating the importance of lifelong learning and personal development. **6. Celebrating Milestones: The joy of witnessing and celebrating your child's milestones, whether they are first steps, academic achievements, or personal accomplishments, is unparalleled. These moments serve as a testament to the positive impact you've had on your child's life and contribute to a sense of fulfillment. **7. Building a Supportive Community: Recognizing the importance of a supportive community is integral to being the best parent. Connecting with other parents, seeking advice when needed, and sharing experiences contribute to a network that can provide guidance and encouragement throughout the parenting journey. **8. Legacy of Love: Perhaps the most enduring reward of being the best parent is the legacy of love you create. Your influence shapes your child's character, values, and outlook on life. As your child grows into adulthood, the impact of your positive parenting resonates through the choices they make and the relationships they form. In conclusion, choosing to be the best parent is a demanding yet profoundly rewarding endeavor. The love, growth, and shared experiences that come with being the best parent create a legacy that extends beyond the immediate family. The rewards of parenting are not only found in the joy of raising a child but also in the positive impact that extends into future generations. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#363 Mormon Culture and Uncommunicated Expectations

When it comes to The gospel of Jesus Christ the biggest thing that goes wrong is culture gets in the way. Uncommunicated expectations in relationships refer to the set of assumptions, hopes, or desires that individuals have but do not express explicitly to their partners. These expectations can cover a wide range of aspects in a relationship, including communication styles, behaviors, roles, responsibilities, and even long-term goals. When these expectations are not communicated openly and clearly, they can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and potential strain on the relationship. Here are some key points to understand about uncommunicated expectations in relationships: Assumption vs. Reality: People often enter relationships with certain expectations based on their beliefs, values, past experiences, or societal norms. However, these expectations might not align with the expectations of their partners. When assumptions remain unspoken, there is a risk that the assumed expectations will differ from the actual actions or behaviors of both individuals. Communication Breakdown: Effective communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. When expectations are not communicated, there's a lack of clarity about each other's needs and desires. This can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and a breakdown in communication. Unrealistic Expectations: Sometimes, uncommunicated expectations can be unrealistic or unfair. For example, one partner may expect the other to fulfill all their emotional needs without expressing these expectations explicitly. Unrealistic expectations can set the stage for disappointment and resentment. Conflict and Tension: As uncommunicated expectations build up over time, they can contribute to conflict within the relationship. Partners may become frustrated or hurt when their implicit expectations are not met, and this can create tension and distance between them. Undermining Trust: When individuals feel that their expectations are not being met or that their partner has undisclosed expectations, it can undermine trust. Trust is crucial in any relationship, and uncommunicated expectations can erode it over time. The Importance of Open Communication: To avoid the pitfalls of uncommunicated expectations, it is vital for partners to establish open and honest communication. This involves expressing needs, desires, and expectations clearly and actively listening to each other's perspectives. Regular check-ins and discussions about the evolving nature of the relationship can help ensure that both individuals are on the same page. Setting Boundaries: Open communication also involves setting and respecting boundaries. Both partners should feel comfortable expressing their limits and discussing what they consider acceptable or unacceptable in the relationship. In summary, uncommunicated expectations in relationships can be detrimental to the overall health and well-being of the partnership. Open communication, active listening, and a willingness to express needs and expectations can contribute to a more understanding and fulfilling relationship. Regularly checking in with each other and addressing any unspoken expectations can help build trust and strengthen the connection between partners. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#362 Transcripts Episode 27 Most Men live a life of quiet desperation

Unfortunately men have been given a bad name in the world. Listen as Devin and Guest Host Enrique talk about this sad but true statement. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#361 Transcripts Episode 26 Transgender, Millennials and Hard work

In the audio clip of a Transgender Girl is struggling with keeping up with the workload. Listen as Devin and Guest Host Enrique discuss this. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#360 Transcripts episode 25 The True Alpha

The Alpha isn't always the person that you think it really is. Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss what the true alpha is. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#359 Transcripts Episode 25 Plan B Sucks

We all think we have options in life but make sure its your Plan A because plan B sucks. Listen To Devin and Justin as they discuss this subject. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#358 Transcripts episode 24 Are we more moral as a society by being nice and silent?

As a society we tend to think we are more moral by being silent. Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss this. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#357 Transcripts Episode 23 Peoples perception Doesnt Matter

Mr Feeny from Boy meets worlds gives the best advice to us if we would just listen, Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss this old show and how it should apply to us now. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#356 Transcripts Episode 22 baby Heart beats are fake

Stacy Abrams Says a baby heart beat is fake. lets decied for ourselves and stop listening to these crazy people. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#355 Transcripts Episode 21 Happiness is Peace

Happiness is Peace. People confuse material things and surrounding themselves with people as happiness but happiness is even more simple than that. Listen to Devin and justing as they discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#354 Transcripts Episode 20 Dont Apologize For Having Standards

Standards are essential as a good human being. Never apologize for having standards. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#353 Transcripts Episode 19 Death By Association

Death By association --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#352 Transcripts Episode 18 The Bill of Regret

We need to lear to live a life without regret --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#351 Transcripts Episode 17 Accoutibillity

Probably the biggest most underrated issue found is accountability. Its time for everyone to practice this and do it. Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss this topic --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#350 Transcripts Episode 16 Motivation comes and goes

Motivation Comes and Goes Listen to Devin and Justin discuss why discipline is way better than just be motivated --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#349 Transcripts Episode 15 Be a Moster

Mister Jordan Peterson gets us started out on this episode and tells us how we should be a monster! Listen to guest Logan Devin and Justin as they discuss how we should be a monster but be able to control it. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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#348 Transcripts episode 14 Gender identity

Good old Matt Walsh starts us out on this episode. Yes this can be upsetting but here we are talking about. But reality is facts are facts. lets stop changing things just to make ourselves feel better than deal with reality. Listen to Devin and Justin discuss the realities of gender. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
