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Homeschool encouragement and podcast



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Top 4 Tips for Special Needs Families in the Holidays VoA 5

Heavily decorated stores, carols blaring, family obligations looming, kids melting down from the 3rd accidental gluten filled cookie… Starts to make you wonder where the joy of the season went and how can we have a happy healthy holiday with your special needs family? We are a high allergen large family with intense sensory needs. […] The post Top 4 Tips for Special Needs Families in the Holidays VoA 5 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.


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When Momma’s Sick VoA 4

Momma’s you are normally the main caregiver, homemaker, homeschooling educator in a home of littles. What happens though when you the go-to gal gets sick? What if its serious like hospital sick or long term sick? I have a lot of experience with being a sick momma of many and still making sure our home […] The post When Momma’s Sick VoA 4 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.


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Emergency Mode is NOT a Lifestyle! VoA 3

The unexpected happens and you are suddenly living in emergency mode. Things are a blur. At this point you are not even sure you what you made for breakfast. Your body can’t keep up with that type of stress for long. Your family won’t be healthy and happy living in emergency mode. This is not a lifestyle! […] The post Emergency Mode is NOT a Lifestyle! VoA 3 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.


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Food Allergens Causing Strife?

You want us to stopping eating all gluten and dairy? Are you crazy I have 3 kids under 5 and they need their milk! I was a dairy farmer as a child, milk couldn’t be bad could it? And my BIG Italian family is expecting me to cook Thanksgiving dinner in less than 3 weeks. […] The post Food Allergens Causing Strife? appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.


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Introduction~ Victory over Adversity~ 1

Welcome my friends! I am excited to be starting on this podcasting adventure with you! Just the facts ma’am… My name is Heather Laurie. I have a wonderful husband Chris Laurie. We have 5 children and 3 angels. I have homeschooled our children through their entire education, K through graduation. Right now we are outnumbered […] The post Introduction~ Victory over Adversity~ 1 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.
