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Join our conversation where we gather together to share our resources for wisdom and wellness!



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Practice: Embodiment

8 min Today's word is: Embodiment Today's Learning Practice is with Jen Bleier, a somatic educator. She offers up the perfect word! Embodiment. Join us in this exercise of practicing conversation on Learning Conversation. :-) Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Interview: Jen Bleier

38 min. Interview: Jen Bleier, Somatic Educator Maureen and Pierre interview Jen Bleier, friend and somatic educator. Trained in Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis, Pilates, Somatic Experience practitioner, and small "d" dancer. Jen’s work spans different modalities, hence her self-description as a somatic educator. Jen said: “when you work with bodies, you can’t not work with emotions.” Maureen and Jen are on the same team - working to heal, working to educate, integrating Mind Body Spirit health. So what is Gyrotonic? Officially: the Gyrotonic Expansion System. Gyro - meaning rotating movement that heals - hence tonic. Those who do yoga and work with bodies, those who suffer with lower back issues, sciatica, know the pain that comes from our skeletal system impinging nerves. Better support, better flexibility and expansion of the skeletal system can relieve that pain. Increased space in the skeletal system promotes synovial fluid, whose principal role is to reduce friction between cartilege and bones in joints. Improved flexibility in the body, for instance through an expanded skeletal system that is being compressed everyday by gravity, walking, standing and sitting, can produce improve health. . Gyrotonic started out as "Yoga for Dancers." It was started Juliu Horvath. There are over 6,000 Gyrotonic trainers worldwide. Perhaps you didn't know that? We certainly didn't until Jen educated us. Check Jen out at: https://jenbleier.offeringtree.com Check out Gyrotonic: https://www.centergyrotonic.com/about/gyrotonic_expansion_system/ In a similar vein, Ido Portal: Movement Culture. https://www.idoportal.com Healing through movement. At the beginning of the podcast, Maureen says: "we're all waiting for the medical world to catch-up." Meaning, catch-up to practicality and success of somatic paths to improved health. And to some extent it is. Physical therapy after surgery - get up and move. Medical imaging's improved understanding of healing and body mechanics, brain function. And, yet to some extent it isn't because movement therapy is difficult to monetize. Nonetheless, through sharing and learning pathways, courtesy of podcasts, streaming videos, worldwide web interconnectivity, it's happening. We're delighted you are along for the ride in Learning Conversation. Enjoy!


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Maureen's Becoming Response-Able Program

Response-ability training is an online educational program to provide people with knowledge and skills to respond to their experiences, as opposed to merely reactiving and over-reacting chronically and unconscoiously. When you can respond to what life presents you with regulation and mindfulness, you save yourself from chronic stress which makes you better and your relationships with others better. The Becoming ResponseAble program is a foundation for learning about mental health as mindbody health and discovering inner resources and outer resources you may be unaware of!


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Practice: Happy

5 min Today's word is: Happy Maureen references a documentry on Happy - 2012 movie. Is happy a good goal? Join the conversation. Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Resource: Dr.Jordan B. Peterson

Resource: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Maureen begins the pod energized having just taught a yoga class. With over 175 published podcasts on resources, practices, discussions, interviews, reflections, we've somehow not talked about Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. Peterson is a pivotal figure in 'Learning Conversation,' not just for this podcast but for so many who have followed his lead in examining what words mean and how they can be used for good or harm. Peterson's opposition to Canada's speech legislation in Bill C-16, an amendment to the "Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code," catapulted him to a larger audience. Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist who early on saw the danger of progressive cultural change. He recorded his views in 2016. The recordings went viral. Peterson spoke what few dared. His reaction to the Bill C-16 was not the substance of words but the dynamic of the bill which essentially compelled speech - designating what can and cannot be said and making that part of the criminal code. In other words, his objection focused on the foundational principles of free speech. Government should not legislate what can and cannot be said. In objecting, Peterson became the grain of sand in the oyster around which other layers of conversation formed. Peterson's podcasts and interviews became the epicenter of conversations, teachings, discussions which were not being had in other parts of Western society, parts that were tamed and shamed and remained silent on Progressivism's righteousness. With cultural support and power, political correctness began to be legislated. Today, we find ourselves on one side or the other of 'political correctness' with varying degrees of consequence. Cancel culture. Job security or insecurity. Political divides. Social discord. The binary application of 'for and against' is, unfortunately, part of the political correctness movement. Wielding and leveraging cultural power is key to its change management; no room for discussion, debate, nuance, learning, conversation. Winning is not based on persuasive argument. Of course, speech issues, cultural change, progressive thought, conservation thought are multi-faceted subjects, but without room to examine and discuss facets, discourse is course or dismissed. Shouts and protests are memed and mimed into binary slogans. Black Lives Matter - good, appropriate. All Lives Matter - not good, inappropriate, disrespectful. How fitting this podcast is released now. In the aftermath of a heinous genocidal assault that has been building over decades and is embedded in political and religous agendas through the charter of Hamas. We are witnesses to digusting binary barbitry that dehumanizes our collective society, and breaks down civilized conversation and actions. Just what Jordan Peterson talks about. Our hearts go out to all who suffer. Peace through grace, and let it begin with me. Live to learn and learn to live. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Practice: Suffering

5 min Today's word is: Suffering Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Discussion: Solitude vs. Isolation

24 min Maureen and Pierre discuss spiritual traditions of solitude versus the disaffectation of anxiety and isolation. Spiritual practices include: Jesus in the desert for 40 days. Thoreau “On Walden Pond.” Meditative practices. John Francis - not talking for 17 years. Modern disaffection include recent school shootings, which is on Maureen's mind as a former school teacher, mother, person. It’s counter-intuitive or perhaps ‘unnatural’ that there are these traditions of finding integration into society by withdrawing from society. Because we are so society bound, its not usual for a person to take up spiritual practices of solitude. Maureen’s website: Landscapes for Learning focuses on working out within, and the wisdom of knowing thyself. Often finding oneself involves being with oneself outside of the complications of society. Maureen a former school teach brings up the flip side of the coin, a disaffected person who retreats from society and ‘loses’ themselves versus finding oneself via a spiritual tradition of separation. Recent school shootings, most if not all taking place from disaffected or mentally challenged males, raise the discussion point which Maureen wants to explore: is isolation healthy or not healthy for individuals. The discussion leads back to a little known book about monastic life called: The Cloud of Unknowing. Maureen reflects on her walkabout. A year of traveling and teaching yoga, separated from her normal roles of mother, teacher, dog owner, family member. The walkabout allowed Maureen to shed normal roles and live one day at a time. If you are interested in a walkabout, you might enjoy listening. If you are interested in the power of 'unknowing' consider it as a concept to fully embrace the world you experience.


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Practice: Orange

5 min Today's word is: Orange Color or fruit. Double espresso's and Pierre's got hop at the buzzer + one. Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Discussion: Crossfit

15 min What does it mean to be fit? How do you stay fit? If you want to be fitter, how do you do that?What motivates you? Maureen found a gym that has been motivating her towards building strength and getting fitter. There are many elements in it and Pierre is curious. Maureen begins to explain Crossfit to Pierre, who starts to see the attraction of Crossfit in mind, body, and spirit training, with a work-out community supporting good each others good health. Maureen explains that Crossfit started with the concept of cross-functional fitness, in order to enable ordinary people to be functional in everyday movements. Wow. Basic. Powerful. Especially as one looks around at today's fitness challenges. Maureen also says that a big part of the attraction of a Crossfit gym is the community - people supporting one another on a journey to better movement and health. Without a “why,” without a community, lots of efforts to improve health fail. It’s important to find a path and know yourself. What motivates you towards better health? Pierre and Maureen discuss their motivations and differing experiences with gyms and paths towards fitness. Maureen introduces resources and people connected to Crossfit for listeners to check out. RESOURCES Greg Glassman - founder of Crossfit. Science based, cross-functional fitness. Jocko Willink - retired U.S. Navy SEAL officer, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medals, co-author bestseller: Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win podcast www.jocko.com Dave Castro - retired Navy SEAL and Crossfit trainer https://www.instagram.com/thedavecastro/?hl=en Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Resource: Jon Kabat-Zinn

21 min Jon Kabat- Zinn is today’s resource. Kabat-Zinn is a professor emeritus of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He received a Ph.D. in molecular biology for MIT in 1971. He is one of the earlier people in the health field to recognize the adverse effects of stress on health. His book Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness (1991) leads today’s conversation into this resource. Full Catastrophe Living - the title of his book, Pierre claims is the title of his, Pierre’s, life. Maureen mentions how Kabat-Zinn had to prevail with his editor to keep the word “catastrophe” in the book title. Seems appropriate for these days and our lives. Kabat-Zinn set up The Center of Mindfulness at Mass. Winner of all kinds of awards, Kabat-Zinn was a leader in bringing the body into the health equation, and also into mindfulness space. It’s not all in your mind, and the solutions are not all in your mind. There are complimentary effects in healing the whole person. Where Ever You Go, There You Are - another title of Kabat-Zinn’s. And here you are! Reading and listening to this podcast. We’re glad you are here. Enjoy this health resource as we explore together the nexus of literature and resources in the mind, body, spirit space. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS Enjoy this health resource as we explore together the nexus of literature and resources in the mind, body, spirit space. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Practice: Message

5 min Today's word is: message. Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Resource: Coleman Hughes

15 min Today's Learning Conversation is about the death of conversation. Maureen and Pierre share thoughts on the value and importance of conversation for health and wellness in a democracy . The Death of Conversation is also the title of a podcast between Coleman Hughes and Jonathan Haidt which is resourced in this episode. Coleman Hughes is a black, African-American, intellectual with a podcast called Conversations with Coleman. Check him out. https://colemanhughes.org. Jonathan Haidt is a professor of moral philosophy, the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at NYU Stern School of Business, Pierre's alma mater. Professor Haidt's books include: Both Professor Haidt and Mr. Hughes tackle difficult subjects. Coleman Hughes does so with aplomb which both Maureen and Pierre find remarkable. Here’s what Coleman says about his podcast: “Home to honest conversations with leading intellectuals on the polarizing issues in the realm of grace, politics and racism.” Say what? People are talking about these things? Yup. In Conversations with Coleman. Check him out. This conversation that we’re ‘resourcing’ is called “The Death of Conversation” and can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsW7q12WJBs Jonathan Haidt’s podcasts with others can be found here: https://jonathanhaidt.com/podcasts/ Enjoy Learning Conversations. Enjoy Conversations with Coleman. Live to Learn and Learn to Live Peace through grace


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Practice: Opportunity

5 min Today's word is: opportunity Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Resource: Vivekananda

17 min Listen to Maureen and Pierre podcasting from their less than professional sound studios! Pierre introduces a resource that Maureen has not heard of, read about, or taught. Wow! Score one for Pierre. Pierre brings forward a resource: Vivekananda. Called the ‘Messenger of Indian Wisdom to the Western World,’ Vivekananda was the first person to come to America and teach yoga and Indian spiritual philosophy. Only in the United States for four years, Vivekananda had a profound effect on the trajectory of yoga and eastern philosophy in America. He was the first in a line of yogis journeying to America. The occasion of Vivekananda journey to the US was the ‘World’s Parliament of Religions’ taking place in Chicago in 1893. Fittingly, his speech was given on September 11th, 1893, the same day of the year that this podcast is being released. A fitting anniversary for a speech that rocked our world. His first words were: Sisters and brothers of America…. Pause and think about those five words for a moment. His message was one of love. He spoke in opposition to the pursuit of fanatical religious ideas wherein dissension, wars, and centuries of tragedy perpetuated senseless ideas. Vivekananda’s book Bhakti Yoga, meaning the yoga of love and devotion, is instructive for its deep insights into how the universe works. Vivekananda writes of energy being the essence of the universe. He also writes that man’s striving for pleasure, the sensational joys of mind and body, is short-sighted and not in keeping with the ways of God. Uninvited, yet traveling all the way from India by ship and train, he arrived and spoke at this august gathering to powerfully proclaim an end to bigotry and fanaticism. If you’ve not heard of Vivekananda, you might want to check him out. When his work was done on July 4th, 1902, he reportedly passed releasing his soul through ‘mahasamadhi’ while meditating. Enjoy Learning Conversations.


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Discussion: Work and Retirement

30 min Pierre is retired and working. Wait, what? Why? What does retirment mean? What does work mean? Work and retirement are the subjects of today’s podcast. The action of leaving one’s job: retirement. Is this a good thing? Work life balance. What does that look like in different stages of life. What does work look like in a capitalist society? Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? The amount of physical labor has lessened over the years, so does that change work and retirement in any fundamental way? Join us for a meaningful discussion on what work means in different ages and stages for different people in different jobs.


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Discussion: Exercising Inquiry

15 min Health and fitness questions from Pierre. Answers from Maureen. Or is it questions that answer from Maureen? This is a pretty hilarious account of Pierre’s inquiry into how to use a gym. Maureen knows gyms inside and out. Pierre’s set up to this podcast is classic Pierre mumbo jumbo, until Maureen sends the strike missile! Yup - laser guided question: why do you think you want to do this? What’s your motivation - strike missile is at the 7 min mark. Maureen explains the magic of Cross Fit. Maureen explores entrees and motivations to fitness. Long and short of it, if you are interested in fitness you might be interested in this Learning Conversation. It’s a practical dive into why we do fitness, how we do fitness, and what fitness context is right for you. Strength, social, movement, cardio, outdoor, indoor, guided, free-form? Check it out. You might look at lifelong fitness challenges and find a key to unlock your interest and desire to be fit. Enjoy Learning Conversations!


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Practice: Radical

5 min Today's word is: Radical Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Resource: Yuval Noah Harari

18 min Pierre and Maureen introduce a resource: Yuval Noah Harari. Listen to the end of the podcast and find out why Pierre is so happy. :-) This podcast veers from Learning Conversation’s usual resources in physical, mental and spiritual health to consider human behavior from the beginning of time. Yup - big subject! Yuval Harari takes on the history of humans masterfully. A professor at Hebrew University, Harari received his PhD from Oxford University in history and social philosophy. Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind is a tour de force in describing humans behavioral effects. Insightful and scary. Pierre and Maureen riff on the destructive qualities of human kind as puzzle pieces in the natural forces of creation and destruction that are universally present. Harari’s book, Sapiens, sold 25 million copies. It reads like a page turning novel. The Guardian newspaper credits Harari with re-popularizing non-fiction. Check him out. For reference, Harari’s books include: 2014: Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind; 2016: Homo Deus - A Brief History of Tomorrow; 2018: Twenty-Lessons for the Twenty-First Century; and 2022: Unstoppable Us - The True Story of Humans.


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Practice: Pushing

5 min. Today's word from Maureen is: Pushing. Maureen wants to move away from nouns. Her word pushing, pushes Pierre right into Forumla 1. Push, push, push. Hilarious practice where Pierre speaks so fast to get in all he wants to say about F1, that he leaves Maureen with 9 seconds! Enjoy. Learning Practice features a 3-minute conversation about a single word. Unrehearsed, without forethought of the word to be discussed, we practice the art of Learning Conversation. If you want to practice with us by supplying a word and joining us: contact us through our websites. Landscapes for Learning YogaHEALS


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Discussion: Narratives' Power

25 min Maureen and Pierre wander a bit off the road of spiritual mind body health by discussing “narratives.” Pierre’s been wondering about the term “narrative.” He is a little hesitant to express himself, lest Learning Conversation lands in the quagmire of politics. His insight to the word narrative - stories with a moral, a teaching moment - considers moral stories previously emanating from trusted sources, like parents, grandparents, teachers - and they tended to shape lives for the better. Now narratives are employed ubiquitously in the press, social media, and other life shaping institutions, operating to tell people how life is. Seems a bit scary. Are new narratives from trusted sources? What happened to reporting? Why all the narratives? Is culture shifting so rapidly new narratives are needed? Is power at the root of it all? Maureen steers the conversation back to mind body spirit by recounting how humans developed conversation and stories with meaning around campfires. Conversing and convening to develop cultural and social meaning is what humans do. We’ve done it since the beginning of time. This Learning Conversation evolves to consider the perils of new forms of communication, which power can manipulate faster than humans evolve to adapt. Hence, from new technologies in communication comes revolutionary change - the printing press, Bible, radio and new 20th century empire building. Pierre closes off the conversation with Martin Gilbert’s History of the 20th Century on facism’s use of radio technology to consolidate power, and then tells a funny story, factoid really, about Eisenhower’s time at West Point. Fun fact - as Maureen says. Enjoy.
