ELT Podcast - Intermediate Conversations for EFL and ESL-logo

ELT Podcast - Intermediate Conversations for EFL and ESL

Language Learning Podcasts

Theme-based dialog podcasts include language practice for intermediate-level students of English, such as EFL, ESL and ESOL. These conversations have two or more speakers. Read transcripts and listen to mp3 files.


United States


Theme-based dialog podcasts include language practice for intermediate-level students of English, such as EFL, ESL and ESOL. These conversations have two or more speakers. Read transcripts and listen to mp3 files.



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Intermediate Conversations - I got a new computer

Conversation: Bill: I got a new computer yesterday. Robert: You got a new computer? Bill: Yes, a new notebook computer. Robert: Why didn't you get a desktop computer? Bill: The notebook is light, and has a battery, so I can use it anywhere. I can use it on the train or the bus. Robert: Isn't the keyboard too small to use? Bill: It's compact, but I'll get used to it. Robert: I think large keyboards are easier to use than small ones. Also, desktop computers are more powerful than notebooks....


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The food is spicy.

A: Where should we have our year-end party? B: How about that new Sri Lankan restaurant downtown? I hear it's good. A: Yeah, I read a review about it in the newspaper. Apparently, it's good, but the food is spicy. B: Now that you mention it, it's probably too spicy for me. A: OK, so do you know any other good restaurants? B: Well, how about Rizzo's? A: What's Rizzo's? B: It's an Italian place. Great pasta. A: Sounds good. B: All right, let's go there. I'll make the reservations. A: Thanks....


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Call Me

(Phone rings.) A: Hello? B: Hey Robert, this is Bill. A: Bill who? B: Bill Clinton. Who do you think it is? A: Ah, you must be Bill Pellowe. B: Yep. How are you doing? A: Not too bad. B: Great. Listen, are you free tomorrow? Some friends of mine are coming over. Do you want to join us? A: Sorry, I'm not free tomorrow. Actually, I'm tied up all week. B: OK, well, that's too bad. Call me if you change your plans. A: OK, I might do that. LIsten, I'm in the middle of something, so I have to go...


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What happened?

A: Hey, what happened to you? B: I broke my arm. A: Well, I can see that by your cast. How did it happen? B: I got hit by a car. A: You got hit by a car? How? B: Well, I was crossing the street and a car came around the corner pretty fast. A: Did you break anything else? B: No, just my arm. I got scrapes and bruises on my legs. A: That's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that. B: Thanks. I'll be alright. A: Hey, now's my chance to beat you in basketball. B: No, I'll still win. Let's Practice A: I...


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How has your summer been so far?

Note: "How's" can mean either "How is" or "How has." In this conversation, it means "How has." A: How's your summer been so far? B: I haven't really done much yet. A: Have you been to the beach? B: Yes, I went there last weekend. I want to go a few more times before the summer is over. What about you? Do you have any plans for the rest of the summer? A: I'll probably have a barbecue or two. I'd like to go to an amusement park at least once. And I want to see some fireworks. B: I'm going to...


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The Weather

As the conversation begins, we can hear heavy rain. When Mr. A says, "Nice weather," he is being sarcastic. A: Nice weather isn't it? B: Yeah, tell me about it. It's been raining cats and dogs for three days. I just hate the rainy season. A: Well, at least it's not too hot. What I hate the most is the hot and humid weather. B: I know what you mean. I hate it too when it's muggy. Also, the thunder and lightning scares me. I always feel like it's going to hit me! A: Nonsense! Anyhow, I'm...


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Part-Time Job

A: Do you have a part-time job, Joe? B: Yes, I work at a convenience store. A: What do you do there? B: I do a little of everything. When there are a lot of customers, I work at the cash register. At other times, I put stuff on the shelves. A: Do you have to clean the store? B: Of course. We all do. We have to keep the restroom clean. If someone spills or breaks something in the store, we have to clean it up. We also have to make sure that the garbage bins outside don't overflow. A: What do...


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Intermediate Conversations - What have you been up to?

Bill: Do you want a cup of coffee? Robert: Yeah, sure. So, what have you been up to? Bill: Well, I've been really busy trying to finish this project on time. Robert: Are you having a hard time? Bill: Yes, but I haven't had enough time to really concentrate on it. Robert: I know what you mean. Bill: Not only that, but I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. Robert: Did you catch a cold? Bill: I don't know, I think I'm coming down with something. Robert: Maybe you should see a...
