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OBAL 030: Create a Badass Resume That Gets you That Dream Job!

If you recall our discussion back in March about Job Search Strategies that Really Work (OBAL 012), we began with the importance of a resume. Resumes are so important that we wanted to dedicate this episode to make sure your resume is Badass! A resume is your calling card to everything that you have done professionally. Careful consideration must go into telling your story. A poorly developed resume will get you a one-way ticket to the recycle bin and you don’t want that! An employer, in...


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OBAL 029: Marco….Making Pool Time Fun with Some Different Ideas!

It’s the middle of July right now and I feel safe saying it is hot everywhere! I am sure we have most of you beaten in temperature, as we live in Phoenix. However I have lived back east when I was a kid and can appreciate the effect that the extreme humidity can have on your comfort level. As a way to combat the heat, many of us resort to swimming pools to cool us off. Be it your own pool, your community pool or your friend’s pool they all feel equally refreshing in the summer heat. With...


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OBAL 028: Let’s Make a Deal! Tips on How Negotiating Can Save You Money.

We have talked over the last few months about different ways to save money. Our discussions have ranged from budgeting to saving on groceries. In thinking about our discussion today, I wanted to talk about a different aspect that many overlook. As consumers we naturally want a deal, but sometimes we believe the price printed on the tag is the price that we must pay. However you should consider whether or not that is a truly accurate statement. You can negotiate pricing anywhere. So let’s...


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OBAL 027: Parents’ Call of Duty: How to Manage Video Games with Your Kids!

Tracie and I both grew up with video games. In fact, our generation experienced the birth of video games. Do you remember the pong game? Who knew you could have so much fun with two lines and a dot. The magic was in the ability to move them on our televisions. Never before had there been that level of interaction. Then fast forward to computers like the Commodore 64 and the early IBM models that gave provided the power of the arcades without having to leave the house. Atari, SEGA, Nintendo,...


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OBAL 026: Help Wanted! Getting your Teenager a Summer Job.

As summer approaches, your teenager is preparing for a nice lazy ten weeks of sitting on the couch watching movies and playing video games. NOT!!! They are getting dangerously close to adulthood and their level of responsibility is resembling that of a 5th grader. As parents we need to provide a little bit of hard love and get them off that couch and looking for a J.O.B. As it is the end of June, a lot of the typical jobs may be taken. However that doesn’t mean they aren’t out there. A...


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OBAL 025: Time to Shine! The First Three Months at a New Job will Make or Break You

If you are starting a new job, odds are you have been really working hard to get to this point. Our series of freedom episodes have been focusing on getting you to this point. First we worked hard to get those search strategies in place that really work (OBAL 012). Then we worked on creating awesome interviewing skills (OBAL 017). Regardless if you are starting a new job or still hustling to get your next job, it is important to discuss how you need to approach the first three months in...


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OBAL 024: Start a Family Tradition with Family Game Night!

Every family has its traditions. We are no exception. One of our traditions is to set aside Sunday nights for our family of four to have some focused fun together. We call it our family game night! This is intentional to allow us to wrap up the weekend and focus on each other before the next week begins. A good thirty to forty minutes before bedtime is a good rule of thumb. Listen in as we breakdown our four keys to a family game night. Four Keys to a Fun Family Game Night The first key is...


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OBAL 023: The Badass Bootcamp for Saving Money

In prior podcasts we have discussed budgeting and finances around travel, college savings, etc. We figured it was a good time to have a talk about saving money in the everyday things you do. Who doesn’t like saving money, right? I know we like to. As with everything there is a tradeoff of effort versus savings. Our hope is that the tools we discuss in this podcast, if implemented, will help you save money so that you can do badass stuff that you couldn’t afford before. Join our Badass Boot...


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OBAL 022: Disciplining Kids Without it Being a Pain in the….!

Nobody likes disciplining kids. That goes without saying. As parents though, we have a charge to help our kids grow into amazing people and guide them in the ways of right and wrong. I would have to guess that most people discipline their kids in a similar fashion that their parents did. I can only speak from my experience. The perception of discipline changes with the generations. I remember as a kid that spanking in public was acceptable. Today you would have CPS called on you and...


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OBAL 021: Insights Into the Life of a Military Wife

As we approach Memorial Day, we want to take a pause and pay our due respect to our soldiers. These soldiers continually put their lifes on the line to protect our freedom. Just as important, we must recognize their families that remain behind, trying to keep their life's going while they are missing an integral part of their family. As a tribute to our soldiers, we were able sit down and discuss the insights into the life of a military wife with Tracie's sister Sherry Lewis. What is amazing...
