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The Gay Podcast for Everyone


When I came out to my family, I was essentially asking them to come on this new journey with me. They were now the family of an LGBTQ+ person, and it was new to all of us. In this podcast, I chat with parents who chose unconditional love over fear and whose supportive conversations are helping to keep the closet door open. I also chat with folx in my LGBTQ+ community, who share their stories so that parents, families, and friends can listen in and understand the journey more. You don't have to understand the journey to choose unconditional love, and unconditional love doesn't mean you don't have questions, concerns, or fears. It just means we have to help each other through that conversation. Let's talk about it!


United States


When I came out to my family, I was essentially asking them to come on this new journey with me. They were now the family of an LGBTQ+ person, and it was new to all of us. In this podcast, I chat with parents who chose unconditional love over fear and whose supportive conversations are helping to keep the closet door open. I also chat with folx in my LGBTQ+ community, who share their stories so that parents, families, and friends can listen in and understand the journey more. You don't have to understand the journey to choose unconditional love, and unconditional love doesn't mean you don't have questions, concerns, or fears. It just means we have to help each other through that conversation. Let's talk about it!



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42. Let them sparkle: a conversation with Give Them Glitter podcast

Three words: Give.Them.Glitter. There is so much meaning in just three words! In this episode, Joshua and LesLeigh, the creators and hosts of the Give Them Glitter podcast, join me to talk about their podcast, join me to talk about their podcast, where they share their life stories about marriage, family, and raising two young boys, one who is non-binary and expresses himself with dresses and things outside of traditional gender norms and one who is more gender traditional. LesLeigh and Joshua use their voices and platform to share their personal stories about life, love, and raising good humans. On this episode, we talk about: Joshua and LesLeigh of Give Them Glitter podcast or pure GOLD! Find Give Them Glitter podcast on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. Instagram: @givethemglitterpodcast Follow LesLeigh on Substack at Her Written Style on Instagram at @herwrittenstyle. Follow Joshua on Instagram at @joshuaahouston or on his new podcast, The Joshua Houston Podcast. Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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41. Holding space for optimism in 2025 with Molly Lee of Optimistic Soap

Post-election, we're in a year that is very concerning regarding the rights of my LGBTQ+ community. I'm trying hard to hold space for things like joy and optimism and feel stronger than ever that visibility and allyship are vital. So, who better to have a conversation about optimism and allyship than Molly Lee, the owner of Optimistic Soap, an Asian-woman-owned business that makes and sells artisanal handcrafted soap with natural ingredients and also highlights various LGBTQ+ fundraisers through its business and products? Optimistic Soap has witty names like Concepts of a Plan (named after a batch of soap that didn't go as planned) and includes an entire line of soaps focused on the LGBTQ+ community, like the popular Love Wins soap. In this episode, we talk about everything from how Optimistic Soap started to why demonstrating visible allyship is so important, especially right now, and it can start with a little thing, like soap. Find Optimistic Soap: On Facebook or Instagram This month (January 2025), Optimistic Soap is fundraising for Point of Pride, which offers healthcare for the trans community, including surgery and gender-affirming gear, and Sylvia Rivera Law Project, which provides free legal services to low-income trans, intersex, and gender non-conforming folx. follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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40. It's all connected: a conversation with Rita-Soledad Fernández-Paulino of Wealth Para Todos

I'm ending the year with a casual and enjoyable conversation with Soledad Fernández-Paulino (they/them), the founder and CEO of Wealth Para Todos, a money and self-care coaching company dedicated to empowering BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ+ communities. The overall topic of our conversation was gender roles in the household and how we shift traditional household tasks from gender to skill set or personal preference. However, this conversation ended up flowing in so many wonderful directions, and we touched on so many different topics, including: You can find Soledad at: Instagram: @wealthparatodos LinkedIN: Website: Weekly Email Series: Todo Con Tiempo Tuesday Free Mini-Course: How to Engage in D.I.V.E.R.S.E. Self-care follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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39. He Played With Dolls. A chat with writer, Luis Ignacio Andrade

My guest today is Luis Ignacio Andrade. He's a writer whose collection of essays in He Played With Dolls, chronicles his life as a Latinx gay male growing up in a family dominated by machismo. The title highlights the stereotypes that folks have about gender and boys showing interest in "girl things": dresses, dolls, and Barbies. In our chat today, Luis shares how he dealt with a lot of shame for those things growing up and how a seemingly small gesture from an uncle gave him a sense of acceptance when he needed it the most. He also shares how after a lot of bumps along the way, his relationship with his mom has done a complete 180, and today she is one of his biggest allies. If this episode leaves you with just one thing, I hope it's to remember a person who did that one thing or said that one thing that was so meaningful to you and left such an impression in your life that it's made the biggest difference. And I hope it inspires you to be a positive influence in someone else's life. mentioned in this episode: The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs, Ph.D. Follow Luis Ignacio Andrade on Instagram or at follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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38. The Joys (and Challenges) of Trying to Conceive as a Queer Couple: a conversation with Morgan Henry Kerr

Morgan Henry Kerr (she/her) is a queer mom whose journey to parenthood with her wife was filled with a lot of questions. She quickly discovered a lack of resources for the queer community and decided to create the resources and tools she wished she had during her TTC experience. In this episode, Morgan discusses what it means to be a TTC doula and shares some of the tools she uses to help folx navigate the hurdles of trying to conceive. She also shares the hurdles of what it means to be a non-bio parent and to pursue second-parent adoption to secure legal rights for her child. This episode is for anyone in the lgbtq+ community or whose lgbtq+ loved one is curious about the journey of trying to conceive. To connect with Morgan and book a 1:1 consult call: Instagram: Iam_mamomhk follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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37. Tapping into the secrets of using our voice (loud and proud!) with Pam Covarrubias, host of the Café con Pam podcast

My guest today is Pam Covarrubias (host of Café con Pam podcast). She is a business coach, podcaster, and speaker, and she introduced a concept called Calladita Culture. Calladita Culture is based on a cultural expression in the Latino culture: "Calladita te ves más bonita" (you're prettier when you're quiet) In this episode, we'll dive into what that expression means and its impact on sharing our voice. Although this is rooted in Latine culture, this is something that so many of us have grown up with - learning to be polite and quiet and not make waves. But sometimes living out and proud or being a proud allly means you're gonna make waves, and learning to be comfortable in that isn't easy when you've been taught the opposite. Pam joins me on the podcast today to break down the term Calladita Culture as it relates to sharing our voice and to share some insight on the inner work we can do to break the cycles (and the narratives) we've carried throughout our lives. Follow Pam on Instagram , at or on the Café con Pam Podcast. follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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36. Coming Out Later in Life with Jillian Abby, author of Perfectly Queer

In this episode, I chat with author, Jillian Abby (she/her), as we discuss the topic of coming out later in life, which she chronicles in her memoir, Perfectly Queer: Facing Big Fears, Living Hard Truths, and Loving Myself Fully Out of the Closet. Jillian's story, which she shares in her book, is about her coming out later in life - after a nineteen-year marriage and having two children. As you can imagine, it wasn't an easy process. As I was reading it, I stopped right in the middle of it to ask her to be on the podcast because I kept thinking how this wasn't a book just for the LGBTQ+ community. I mean, yes, the title is Perfectly Queer, but the story, at its essence is one that, I think, anyone can identify with. Without giving anything away, I think my favorite chapter was when she shared the fact that her mom was now the parent of an LGBTQ+ person, and how that not only challenged their beliefs but also shifted the dynamic of their conversations. I've talked a lot about that particular topic on the podcast, and that's exactly what this podcast is rooted in so, for me, it's just another reason why this book isn't only for the LGBTQ+ community, but also parents and allies. I don't want to give too much away, but I hope this chat with Jillian inspires you to grab the book asap and share it with others. Find Perfectly Queer HERE. Follow Jillian on Instagram and Substack follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone mentioned in this episode: Episode 9 - Chris Tompkins, author of Raising LGBTQ Allies: A Parent's Guide to Changing the Messages from the Playground Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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35. Ben Greene, author of My Child is Trans, Now What?

Speaker, author, and an LGBTQ+ inclusion advocate, Ben Greene, joins me on the podcast to chat about his book, My Child is Trans, Now What? A Joy-Centered Approach to Support. Ben is a transgender man who is using his voice and his experience to educate parents and families as they navigate questions regarding their child's coming out as transgender. Ben's book is a unique go-to guide for parents of transgendered children, offering insight as to how parents of trans kids can be better allies, build supportive communities, and find a joy-centered approach to navigating the journey as a family. Find Ben's book HERE. Follow Ben on Instagram at @pseudo.bro follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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34. Gay Weddings and Proposal Stories

Happy Pride, everyone! For Pride Month, I thought it would be fun to hear some proposal and wedding stories because who doesn't love a gay wedding? In this episode, a few of my past guests share their proposal stories and some of their favorite moments from their weddings. Whether you're in the LGBTQ+ community or an ally, I think you'll enjoy it. It's a great way to celebrate Pride Month! Listen to the guests in past episodes: Episode 23 Holly Krivo Episode 29 Two Gay Grandpas Travel Episode 30 Steve Silverman Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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33. How to Wear Your Pride as an Ally: a chat with Laura Stuart of jewelry brand Laura Elizabeth

In 2021, I got a DM from a jeweler designer named Laura Stuart. She reached out, asking for some feedback on a couple of jewelry designs. She was creating some pieces that she was designing at the request of a grandmother whose grandson was being bullied at school for being gay, and the grandmother wanted Laura's help in designing something that would symbolize her pride and allyship. The story behind those necklaces is such a great story of a grandmother who wanted to support her grandson, and of Laura herself, who is an absolute ally. As we start Pride month, this is such a great topic because the question that I get a lot from friends and family members is, "Can I wear a rainbow if I'm not gay?" My answer is: YES! Your allyship and support are always welcomed, in my opinion, and I hope this episode will encourage you to wear your support for your lgbtq+ loved one. Topics in this episode: Laura Elizabeth is sustainable, ethically made jewelry made in the US, for women, by women. And more than that, Laura Stuart is an ally of the lgbtq+ community and a good friend of this podcast. Shop Laura Elizabeth to support small businesses and the LGBTQ+ community. Look for the Pauline and Ricky Rainbow Acceptance necklaces. connect with Laura Elizabeth: and on Instagram follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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32. Can Lesbians Say "Gay"? (solo episode)

"I've noticed more lesbian women referring to themselves as gay... I'm curious as to why." This is something someone said to me recently. An inference that lesbians (like myself) were using the wrong word. At first, I was a bit shocked by the question because I've never known anyone who was bothered by it. Like, this isn't new. Lesbians say gay. It's ok. Then it made me think (Gay men can't be lesbians, so does that mean lesbians can't be gay?). Ultimately, it made me listen to the words folx use to describe themselves. What word feels comfortable? This is a quick episode about all all the above. spoiler alert: lesbians can (and do) say "gay." mentioned in this episode: Perfectly Queer by Jillian Abby Connect with me: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Website: Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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31. The impact of culture, family, and privilege with Israel and Sunem Tovar, hosts of Money Noticias podcast.

Israel and Sunem Tovar are first-gen Latine siblings and hosts of Money Noticias podcast. If you’ve listened to their podcast, you know that their dynamic is so fun and supportive. That's why I asked them to join me on this episode - to talk about having the support of our family and our siblings as we live out and proud. Although our lens in this episode is one of our Latine community, the topics we discuss are universal topics within our LGBTQ+ community. In this episode, we discuss: the tea00:00 Welcome to the Podcast: Meet Israel and Sunim Tovar 00:39 Exploring sibling dynamics and influences 03:09 The journey to starting a podcast 05:53 Personal stories of coming out and family acceptance 08:19 The impact of culture and privilege on coming out 15:13 Navigating intersectionality in podcasting and beyond 18:51 Reflecting on the impacts of culture 20:36 Exploring introversion and extroversion in society 21:03 Navigating identity 21:51 Finding your voice and advocacy 22:19 Introvert, ambivert, or extravert 22:39 The Impact of Culture and Identity on Self-Expression 23:16 The role of privilege in safety and self-expression 23:52 Allyship and normalizing LGBTQ+ identities 27:35 The importance of family support in the LGBTQ+ community 28:34 The privilege of living in a city that supports the lgbtq+ community 31:49 Get the tea on what's next for Money Noticias 33:20 Where to follow/find Money Noticias Mentioned in this episode: Laura Elizabeth Jewelry Connect with Money Noticias podcast: Instagram: @moneynoticiaspodcast Website: Connect with me: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Website: Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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30. Steve Silverman, host of World Gone Good Podcast

Steve Silverman is the host of the World Gone Good podcast, where he talks to everyday people about how they’re making the world a little better and finding the good in it. Steve is on the podcast today to share his coming out story and his journey with his family. On this episode, Steve shares: In addition to his podcast, Steve is an award-winning writer/producer/director and has just written his first novel, Drown Town: A Dog Walking Detectives Mystery: Book One.. Follow World Gone Good on Instagram and find the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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29. Two Gay Grandpas Travel (Grandpa Scott and Grandpa Bobby) are life (and travel) goals!

Grandpa Scott and Grandpa Bobby (Two Gay Grandpas Travel) did not set out to be YouTube sensations. But in December of 2023, thanks to a shout-out from a social media influencer, Scott and Bobby's YouTube travel channel took off! Their YouTube channel (Two Gay Grandpas Travel) now has 98,000 subscribers (and counting) and chronicles their many travel adventures. From hiking to cruises, the grandpas share personal, heartfelt videos in hopes of sharing their love for travel. Now, people from all over the world affectionately call them "Grandpas." Together 45 years, with two kids and six grandchildren, Grandpa Scott and Grandpa Bobby have given thousands of people gay role models to look up to and have shown everyone that age is just a number. As Grandpa Scott says, if your health allows, "get out there and travel!" From their coming out story to filling us in on their next adventure, listen in as Scott and Bobby discuss their newfound role as everyone's honorary (gay) grandpas. Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). follow Two Gay Grandpas (YouTube): Two Gay Grandpas Travel YouTube channel follow the podcast: Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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28. Charly Stoever (aka Traveler Charly) of Millionaire Unicorn podcast talks about top surgery, chosen family and personal and financial independence.

Charly Stoever (he/they, aka Traveler Charly, ) is a non-binary latinx money coach, speaker, and host of the Unicorn Millionaire Podcast. On a recent post on their Instagram, Charly wrote about everything they wish they had known before getting top surgery and aligning with their true self. The post was honest and inspirational, and I asked them to join me for an episode to talk about it. From going to the hospital alone and not having the support of their family to carving out personal and financial independence, Charly shares some of the lessons they've learned along the way. Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). Find the podcast on Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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27. Why a supportive family makes all the difference, with Surviving podcast host, David Keck

David's family told him these words: we cannot fully love you if we don't know all of you. Talk about unconditional love. Today's guest, David Keck (host of Surviving podcast), quite literally came out with the help of his family. Just as he was grappling with his religion and his sexuality, yet going through the motions of life (girlfriends, breakups, etc), his family sat him down and talked to him about the importance of accepting himself rather than trying to be someone he wasn't. David also experienced a life-altering moment when he was the victim of a hate crime. Significant moments, to say the least. In this episode, we talk about how his relationship with God has been challenged over the years and how, from day one, his family helped him love and accept himself. David reminds us of the importance of a strong foundation of family and friends or friends who are family. Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). Find the podcast on Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone mentioned in this episode: Just a Different Journey Watch Us ThriveSurviving a Hate Crime, featuring David Keck.Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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26. Solo episode: Awkward Conversations. Stronger Connections.

Welcome back to a new season of the podcast! Awkward Conversations. Stronger Connections. That's the vibe for this episode and this podcast season because, sometimes, good things come from uncomfortable conversations! When I came out to my family, it wasn't an easy conversation. But it definitely built a stronger connection. And, over time, it allowed us to recognize the similarities in relationships, in general. As I get older, though, I've discovered that there are more uncomfortable topics to come out about (like MARRIAGE). Why am I uncomfortable with this topic? Why does the thought of proposing feel so awkward? Will my parents be as happy for me as they were for my (straight) sibling? Am I just freaking out for nothing? This episode is a solo episode where I dive into the awkward topics, hoping to build a stronger connection! Please subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode! Share this podcast with someone you think might find value from it, and please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! New episodes every month (with some bonuses in between). Find me on Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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25. Dr. Jen Towns, author of Our Deepest Roots: Navigating Past Trauma to Build Healthier Queer Relationships

In her book, Our Deepest Roots: Navigating Past Trauma to Build Healthier Queer Relationships, Dr. Jen Towns (aka Your Queer Therapist) discusses the intersection of trauma and relationships in the queer community. In this episode (season 2 finale), we chat about: Jen is an awesome example for our community and provides an amazing resource with her book. Get a copy of Our Deepest Rootson Amazon. Follow Dr. Jen Towns on Instagram at @your.queer.therapist Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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24. Solo episode: Be PROUD of your progress. Happy Pride-365

This is a quick episode about celebrating Pride and the progress we've made in our journey. Sometimes it's easy to forget how much progress we've made and how much positive change we've designed for ourselves, but hopefully this episode serves as a reminder of all the steps it took to get to where you are today in your Pride journey. Happy Pride - 365. Mentioned in this episode: Arlan Hamilton, Holly Krivo (episode 23), Anna K. Morris (episode 22), Love Temple TX Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!


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23. BONUS: Is it coming out or is it just stating a fact? A conversation with LGBQ+ podcaster, Holly Krivo

In this episode, I chat with Holly Krivo, host of the Sober-ish Uprising podcast, about our shared experiences moving out of Austin and into new cities/neighborhoods. We're both openly gay women who have been out for many years, but we have different experiences coming out to our neighbors and new people. In our community, we often say that we come out over and over again. Once we've been out for years, though, is it still coming out? Or is it simply stating a fact? Join us for a casual conversation about coming out (again) and navigating conversations with people we don't know very well. mentioned in this episode: Love Temple TX (@lovetempletx). Did you like the episode? I'd love to hear what you think! Click HERE to reach out and lemme know!
