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Welcome to My Chair


When we go to see our stylist we leave refreshed like we got a therapy session and makeover in one. Welcome to my chair. Who am I? I am your worst and enemy and your new best friend. I help people finally find love and freedom from their struggles inside.


United States




When we go to see our stylist we leave refreshed like we got a therapy session and makeover in one. Welcome to my chair. Who am I? I am your worst and enemy and your new best friend. I help people finally find love and freedom from their struggles inside.



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When is it okay to date after a break up!?

Is there a specific time. We should wait before moving on from a partner after a bad break up?


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Welcome Pamala Oslie!

Today we have the founder of www.auracolors.com and world renowned psychic medium genius on our show telling us about how you can create your reality!!!


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7 Deadly Sins in Relationships with Eddie Gilman

Welcome Eddie Gilman, relationship coach and publish author. He discusses what you need to know to save your relationship and the 7 deadly sins we all commit.


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The Best and only Way to Heal

OK obviously there is a little sarcasm in the title of this. I discussed healing modalities and how the brain works when it comes to making memories that often haunt us for our lifetime


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The Best and only Way to Heal

OK obviously there is a little sarcasm in the title of this. I discussed healing modalities and how the brain works when it comes to making memories that often haunt us for our lifetime


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Interview with Jeff Finley on Twin Flames and kink ✨

We discuss the kitchen sink here on kink, bdsm, twin flames, and the struggle mentally here on Earth. Check out Jeff at Jefffinley.org


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I Want A Date Dammit!

Let me introduce a couple who both are struggling in different areas and watch as I help transform their relationship and under 10 minutes for each of their problems.


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Break ups suck Ballz

I know the title is quite frank. But let’s be real break ups are never easy Welcome To My Chair giving you the firsthand. Look at my own break up and how I’m choosing to unconventionally go at this. #relationships #love #mentalhealth #girltalk #selfhelp


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Horseshoe of Love



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Loud Noises End Relationships

What is your partner is not as bad as you think. What if they don’t have bad energy and in fact, you just have a noise issue. We can choose quiet partners, and run from loud noises. The rest of our life. What if we can heal this and be OK and handle the loud people.


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Relationship Can Be Saved

Do you feel like you keep spiraling with your partner like there’s no hope? Maybe there is a solution maybe compassion, and that you guys are both equal in your pain could be the secret to saving a relationship


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Go Fuck Yourself

Are you in a twin flame dynamic or a relationship that has got you obsessed and not able to focus on yourself. Here’s a 30 day challenge that I think may help you. It’s OK you are not alone. It’s time to go fuck yourself.


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It’s Sex You filthy Animals

In this episode we go over the fundamentals of sex and how men and women’s Bodies react differently. I also start investigating the element that is a mystery to us all which is when someone finally chooses “the one.”


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Duck lips don’t lie

This episode is all about online dating and selfie filters. I’ve gather some information from some men and their point of you of us using selfie filters to hide what we really look like


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Everyone I fall for leaves???!

What is your attachment style? And what can we do to heal so we can finally have a great relationship?


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Fu#% Buddy Entanglment

Ok it is time for story time with Brittany haha Welcome to my chair ;)


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Feel not good enough?

Well then all you will attract is not good enough, so let’s change it!!!


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Are you ready to get the man back you first met?

Details are in episode! Also check me out on brittanygieseofficial on ig 🥰


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Hard to communicate with your boyfriend?

Relationships are not easy but here’s some tips to keep that passion alive


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Ooops I did it again

Do you find yourself feeling like you’ve done all the work but you’re still not attracting the men you want?
