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Apollonia Studio 6

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

The Queen of the iconic movie ”Purple Rain,” starring Prince and leader of the girl group Apollonia 6, Apollonia Kotero, is hosting her premiere Podcast, ”Apollonia Studio 6.” Apollonia, along with her co-host, Mr. Seth, has a kaleidoscope of guests from Music, Film, TV, Fashion, Photography, and of course, the Royal Purple Family just waiting to pull up a chair at the purple round table in Studio 6 to talk story, share insights, some laughs and maybe even a tear. This time, Apollonia is going to ”Take U with Her!” Welcome to ”Apollonia Studio 6.”


United States


The Queen of the iconic movie ”Purple Rain,” starring Prince and leader of the girl group Apollonia 6, Apollonia Kotero, is hosting her premiere Podcast, ”Apollonia Studio 6.” Apollonia, along with her co-host, Mr. Seth, has a kaleidoscope of guests from Music, Film, TV, Fashion, Photography, and of course, the Royal Purple Family just waiting to pull up a chair at the purple round table in Studio 6 to talk story, share insights, some laughs and maybe even a tear. This time, Apollonia is going to ”Take U with Her!” Welcome to ”Apollonia Studio 6.”



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Apollonia Studio 6- Season 1 Wrap Up Episode

#Apollonia and #MrSeth discuss the second half of their #premiere season of @ApolloniaStudio6 and their guests #LeroyBennett #annaFantastic #AutumnRowe #JoeIsgro and #SusannahMelvoin . They also talk about what's to come on the #newseason of the show, with a big #surprise !! #apolloniakotero #apollonia6 #purplerain #prince #reunion #vanity6 #vanity #susan #brenda #podcast #vlog #youtube #vlatdv #icons #paisleypark


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Apollonia Studio 6- Pilot Episode

On the Season 1 Premiere episode of "Apollonia Studio 6", Apollonia Kotero and her co-host Mr. Seth talk about what's to come from the long-awaited Podcast, how they met after losing Vanity, the connections with the Prince world, and the Parliament-Funkadelic world (where Seth's background comes from). They delve into the men in power and the rivalries of the proteges. They also share stories about their lives and careers, including the LA Rams Cheerleaders, Chaka Khan, Carmen Electra, and Playboy. A SUPRISE phone call near the show's conclusion reveals one of the show's surprises … WAIT FOR IT!!! 👇 Subscribe Here!! https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6 #apollonia #prince #purplerain #paisleypark #apollonia6 #podcast #vlog #vladtv #chakakhan #carmerelectra #playboy #vanity6


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Apollonia Studio 6- Fam Mail 1

On this episode of AS6, it's our first "Fam Mail" episode. Apollonia and Mr. Seth answer some of your burning questions about Prince, Purple Rain, Apollonia 6, and everything else under the sun. Apollonia and Mr. Seth share some great personal stories and a big reveal for all you "Purple Rain" fans!!!! You got questions? Send them to us through social media (IG: @apolloniastudio6) and fams@apolloniastudio6.com. #prince #apollonia #paisleypark #annafantastic #podcast #apollonia6 #thetime #morrisday #vanity6 #apolloniakotero #purplerain #apolloniastudio6 #music #podcast #vlog #80s #icons


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Apollonia Studio 6- Anna Fantastic- Part 2

In Part 2 of our AS6 interview with Anna Fantastic, she talks about her relationship with #Prince and life after Paisley Park. You've got to see part 2 of this incredible interview!! 👇 Subscribe Here!! https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6 #prince #apollonia #paisleypark #annafantastic #podcast #apollonia6 #thetime #morrisday #vanity6 #apolloniakotero #purplerain #apolloniastudio6 #music #podcast #vlog #80s #icons #playboy #actress


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Apollonia Studio 6- Susannah Melvoin Part 2

On the Season 1 Finale of Apollonia Studio 6, Apollonia and Mr. Seth continue their intimate interview with the Iconic Susannah Melvoin. In part 2, Susannah talks about her group- The Family, her engagement to Prince, and the last time she spoke with him. What a way to close the first season of @ApolloniaStudio6 #prince #apollonia #paisleypark #susannahmelvoin #wendyandlisa #podcast 👇 Subscribe Here!! https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6


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Apollonia Studio 6 - LeRoy “Roy” Bennett

The one and only set/lighting design master and Vanity/Apollonia 6’s leading man- LeRoy Bennett comes to AS6 and shares incredible stories of Prince, The Revolution, Vanity 6 (former wife Brenda was a member), Lady Gaga, Paul McCartney and so much more. This interview is a must-see. #prince #apollonia #paisleypark #vanity #podcast #leroybennett 👇 Subscribe Here!! https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6


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Apollonia Studio 6- Jill Jones Pt. 2

Part 2 of this incredible interview with the "Iconic" White Fox of Paisley Park- Jill Jones! She sits down with Apollonia and Mr. Seth at Studio 6 to reminisce and discuss her career, Prince, Motown, Teena Marie, Vanity, The Time, Purple Rain, Her solo career, life after Prince, and so much more!!! One of Prince's most important voices and muses, you don't want to miss this epic conversation! 👇 Subscribe Here!! https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6


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Apollonia Studio 6- DJ Vlad / VladTV

When Apollonia appeared on Vlad TV last year (her Vlad TV interviews have over 1.5 million views on YouTube!), she asked the creator and host- DJ Vlad, to be one of her first guests on Apollonia Studio 6. Well, DJ Vlad is here!!! From his upbringing and love of Hip Hop to becoming a YouTube institution and industry mogul with Vlad TV @djvlad , he talks with Apollonia and Mr. Seth in a revealing @Apollonia Studio 6 interview that is a must-see! We touch on everything from Vlad's "Best" and "Worst" interviews to the murder of 2pac. Don't miss this rare opportunity to listen and learn about the man behind Vlad TV! https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6 #vladtv #djvlad #prince #purplerain #apollonia #apollona6 #apolloniakotero


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Apollonia Studio 6- Autumn Rowe

https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6 AS6 welcomes the multi-talented singer, songwriter & producer Autumn Rowe. Autumn shares stories of her career, including winning a Grammy this year with her work with Jon Batiste. She also talks about the struggles from women and songwriters in the industry, and how life has changed since becoming the second woman of color to win a Grammy for "Producer of the Year." You don't want to miss this interview.


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Apollonia Studio 6- Amanda Wyss

Brilliant Actress- Amanda Wyss comes to AS6 to have a candid, entertaining and enlightening conversation with dear friend- Apollonia and Mr. Seth. Amanda talks about life during Covid, her youth and career. Amanda shares stories about some of her iconic films like "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," "Nightmare On Elm Street," "Silverado," and her film with Apollonia and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker from "Star Wars") "Black Magic Woman." https://youtu.be/leVtV1zBNM0


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Apollonia Studio 6- Anna Fantastic- Part 1

AS6 welcomes the beautiful and talented Anna “Fantastic” Garcia to the studio. She gives a revealing interview about her life, career, and her unforgettable time with #prince. The often mysterious beauty opens up in this special 2- part interview. #prince #apollonia #paisleypark #annafantastic #podcast https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6


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AS6 Highlight- Autumn Rowe ”Jon Batiste was an Inspiration and Muse for Me”

AS6 welcomes the multi-talented singer, songwriter & producer Autumn Rowe. In this highlight from Autumn's AS6 interview, she talks about how she met Jon Batiste and their collaboration became a Grammy Winner! #grammys #jonbatiste #autumrowe #apollonia #podcast #apolloniastudio6 #dualipa #pink #camillacabello


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AS6 Highlight- Anna Fantastic ”The First Time I Met Prince”

In this highlight from our AS6 interview with Anna Fantastic, Anna talks about the first time she met #Prince in #london.


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Apollonia Studio 6- Jill Jones pt. 1

The "Iconic" White Fox of Paisley Park and one of Prince's most important muses- Jill Jones sits down with Apollonia and Mr. Seth at Studio 6 to reminisce and discuss her career, Prince, Motown, Teena Marie, Vanity, The Time, Purple Rain, Her solo career, life after Prince, and so much more!!! One of Prince's most important voices and muses, you don't want to miss both parts of this epic conversation!


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Apollonia Studio 6- Joe Isgro ”The Hit-Man”

Apollonia and Mr. Seth interviews the legendary and infamous Music Industry Legend and "Hit-Man" Joe Isgro. Joe talks about his life, history in the music and film industry, and his upcoming projects. This is an interview you don't want to miss.


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Apollonia Studio 6- Andre Cymone

Writer, Producer, and Artist, the one and only André Cymone sits down at Apollonia Studio 6 to talk about his life, career, and relationship with his best friend- Prince. Apollonia, Mr. Seth, and André reminisce and share stories, from André's beginnings, his career with Prince, after Prince, and his success as a writer, producer, and solo artist, to the day he got the call that his best friend was gone. This is an interview for the history books, with a poignant, rare music moment at its conclusion with Apollonia and André. WATCH the interview exclusively on the "Apollonia Studio 6" channel on YouTube.👇 https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6 Apollonia, along with her co-host, Mr. Seth, has a kaleidoscope of guests from Music, Film, TV, Fashion, Photography, and of course, the Royal Purple Family just waiting to pull up a chair at the purple round table in Studio 6 to talk story, share insights, some laughs and maybe even a tear. This time, Apollonia is going to "Take U with Her!" Welcome to "Apollonia Studio 6." #podcast #apollonia #prince #youtubepodcast #podcastvideo #andrecymone


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Apollonia Studio 6- Susannah Melvoin Part 1

The Queen of the iconic movie "Purple Rain," starring Prince and leader of the girl group Apollonia 6, Apollonia Kotero, is hosting her premiere Podcast. On the Season 1 Finale of Apollonia Studio 6, Apollonia and Mr. Seth continue their intimate interview with the Iconic Susannah Melvoin. In part 2, Susannah talks about her group- The Family, her engagement to Prince, and the last time she spoke with him. What a way to close the first season of @Apollonia Studio 6 WATCH the interview exclusively on the "Apollonia Studio 6" channel on YouTube.👇 https://www.youtube.com/c/ApolloniaStudio6 Apollonia, along with her co-host, Mr. Seth, has a kaleidoscope of guests from Music, Film, TV, Fashion, Photography, and of course, the Royal Purple Family just waiting to pull up a chair at the purple round table in Studio 6 to talk story, share insights, some laughs and maybe even a tear. This time, Apollonia is going to "Take U with Her!" Welcome to "Apollonia Studio 6." #prince #apollonia #paisleypark #susannahmelvoin #wendyandlisa #podcast
