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Hosts Acorn, Mirggles, and PB break down and discuss Netflix’s DARK – including characters, color theory, and the cycles themselves. The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. Part of The Geek Generation Network. Cover art by: Jhony Caballero – Twitter: @jhonyknight
A World Without Winden
Some things are destined to occur, no matter the timeline. Somehow, somewhere, sometime.
The End is the Beginning
The Dark Three say goodbye to the podcast. They discuss H.G. Tannhaus, have one last brong, and talk about what they've learned from the show and the podcast that they will take into the next season of their lives. Thank you for listening.
Radio Winden – We Know We Know Nothing
In the final Radio Winden, The Dark Three dive into some well sourced evidence for the potential presence of The Freemasons in Dark, finish an email started in their previous Radio Winden regarding the experience and flow of time, and tuck in for a lovely conversation that reminds them of earlier episodes, before saying thank you and goodbye to their email friends (only for the time being).
The Final Radio Winden: Part One
What began as the last Radio Winden turned into part one of two and includes a discussion about the show’s three models of time travel, the origin of Tannhaus’s name, and some very interesting questions the show leaves unanswered.
Quick Update From The Dark Three
The Dark Three give a quick hello and update.
Scar Tissue
The Dark Three take on Jonas, exploring his path to becoming Adam and the impact his grief had on his life, as well as making another discovery that changes the way they view the final scene of the show.
Radio Winden – Wer ist Boris?
The Dark Three discuss the possibility of Boris being a lost child and dive into a fan theory about Agnes's timeline that presents a possible answer for where her final mission took her. They also tease an upcoming special announcement.
Enter Stage Left – Martha, Martha, Martha & Eva
In this episode, the Dark Three take on exploring the many Marthas, her timeline, and her journey into becoming Eva. They also make yet another realization that causes them to revisit their entire understanding of Season 3.
Radio Winden – Numbers, Thrones, and Faces
The Dark Three read thought-provoking emails that lead them to re-consider the hidden identities in the photo of the Sic Mundus group, and the potential meaning behind the numbers in St. Christopher’s church.
Break Notice
The Dark Three check in with a quick update and a few comments.
Radio Winden – Behind Blue Eyes
The Dark Three read emails from three listeners and discuss the significance of blue eyes in Dark, a proposed metaphor behind the nuclear apocalypse, more thoughts on Boris Niewald's parentage, and deep dives into the how of show development and theory crafting.
The True Power of Empathy – Claudia In Dark
The Dark Three talk about Claudia Tiedemann—her intelligence, ability to learn and adapt, and dedication to her ultimate goal of saving her daughter, Regina. They posit that her empathy is perhaps her greatest virtue, and even though she may not be the one who finally broke the cycle, the Dark Three agree she may have been the only person in all of Winden who was ever capable of doing so in the first place.
Radio Winden – Schopenhauer’s Cat
The Dark Three read two emails regarding their latest episode and its monumental BRONG, including a letter from an astrophysicist, and an email from a longtime listener who deep dives on the philosophy of Schopenhauer and the experience of “observing” Dark.
A Closed Loop – Science & Time Travel In Dark
The Dark Three tackle the show's depiction of science and time travel, addressing the appearance of the Winden caves throughout the years and the show's various time machines, and also dive into a discussion about closed loops that builds into a revelation resulting in the biggest brong moment of all time.
Radio Winden – Three Brongs and a Ton of Giggles
The Dark Three read your emails and laugh themselves to death doing it. An email looking into whether or not Regina was tied to a Yew tree dives into Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen", and an email that gives our hosts three mind-blowing brongs; this episode of Radio Winden is aiming to be the most hysterical one yet.
For Charlotte – The Gift of Time in Dark
This week the Dark Three explore the emotional walls that are present in both Charlotte's professional and personal life, walls they've faced in their own lives, and ultimately how Charlotte was willing to break through hers to uncover the truth.
Radio Winden – A Fairer Shake for the Unknown
The Dark Three read a couple of emails regarding their episode about The Unknown. They discuss whether they still feel they gave The Unknown a fair shake, a huge theory from a listener that will come up again in later episodes, and why it's always important to have a "Ryan in The Room".
To Overcome – Nietzche in Dark
The Dark Three dig into Nietzche - his life, philosophy, and more importantly, what exists of him in Dark. They discuss the impact of ideas like the Übermensch and Eternal Recurrence on the show, whether Dark follows the tradition of life-affirming Greek Tragedy, and what it means to find meaning in the absence of God.
Radio Winden – Where are the Nazis?
The Dark Three read a heartfelt email about a topic they've each struggled with. In a show about time travel, where are the Nazis? Addressing the "convenient" lack of reference in the timeline to one of history's greatest and most lasting atrocities, they discuss why they think the Showrunners might have made such a decision, how they feel about that decision, and why there may not be a satisfying answer.
The Third Season of the Podcast – The Unknown In Dark
The Dark Three talk The Unknown - but more importantly, what they feel he represents; the bearer of a great deal of the show's weaknesses. They each discuss what they felt the show struggled with, ways in which they felt the themes could have been more reinforced, and whether or not The Unknown even needed to be invited to the party at all. Welcome to the Season 3 of the podcast!