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Stay up on the latest tips and trends in social media and digital marketing, as well as website analytics and design, and SEO. Be sure to subscribe to my blog: me at


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Stay up on the latest tips and trends in social media and digital marketing, as well as website analytics and design, and SEO. Be sure to subscribe to my blog: me at





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Why are you dropping in SEO results?

Don't get discouraged. Mastering SEO is a hard thing to do. There is so much competition for top-of-the-results placement. But, you also know there are ways to standout. Among those, is making sure your website content is updated and making Google Business Profile is updated are two of the easiest suggestions. But, because SEO placement ebbs and flows, one day you're high on the results, say in that 0, 1 or 2 position. Then, the next week, you're out of those spots. It happens. Then of...


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Report shows teens still engaging with Facebook

Hootsuite has released a report that has several key findings, including what people are doing on specific social media platforms and teenagers still engage with Facebook. Data says the Facebook/Meta added 2.8 million additional teenagers since the start of the year, which kind of goes against the perception that the platform is skewing toward the older population. What else was in this report? Also in this episode ... Subscribe to blog: Music...


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Instagram announces algorithm-free feed

Social media is taking a shift toward the old days. Instagram announced it is providing Favorites and Following option with users' news feeds, which goes away from the often-controversial algorithm method. In the early days of social media, back in the early- to mid-2000s, news feeds were organized in chronological order based on when your friends posted. Also in this episode: Subscribe to blog: Music source:


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Google working toward business trust

Rolling out slowly is a new Google Business Profile verification label. The "label" will highlight businesses they've been verified by Google as an actual business and how recently it was verified. The purpose of this, according to Google, is build trust from users searching for businesses on their platform. They want to provide assurance to customers the business listing they're about to click on is real. How do you make sure you're verified by Google? Also in this episode: Subscribe to...


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Google to eliminate Universal Analytics. What next?

Well, we've known for a while about the fading and eventual disappearance of third-party cookies. Now, Google has announced its plans to filter out Universal Analytics or GA-3 by mid-2023. In a blog post, Google announced, "All standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits on July 1, 2023." What will that mean going forward? Also in this episode: Subscribe to blog:


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Disconnect between consumer, companies revealed in CX report

A recent report by Action IQ says the majority of brands are massively overrating their customer experience performance when compared to consumers. This is big as a greater emphasis is being placed in digital marketing on creating positive and engaging customer experiences. The report says, "Such a substantial gap between what businesses perceive and what their customers describe indicates organizations across industries are not investing enough resources into the people, processes and...


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Are you saying the right things in email?

With all the recent changes to online privacy and mail privacy protection, a greater emphasis is going to be needed on engagement on the web, especially within emails. One of the key engagements that marketers will need to put more emphasis on is click rates or clicks on calls-to-action (CTA). So, how do you say the right things in an email to improve your CTA metrics? This episode will cover that. It'll also cover: Subscribe to blog:


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Time to consider text messaging in marketing

This year, 2022, will be the 30th anniversary of the first short message service, or text message. The date was Dec. 3, 1992. Neil Papworth, from his desktop computer sent a SMS or commonly known as a text message. The message? "Merry Christmas." Text messaging has come a long way since then. So much so that as 2022 arrives, text messaging can be a key marketing tool as digital marketing, and ways to communicate and engage with consumers continues to evolve. Statistics have shown that 98%...


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Getting set up for 2022

It's almost 2022. That means it's time to take a look at what 2022 might have in store for social media marketers. Among those tips is Sprout Social's recently released guide: "Unlock Social Media Success in 2022." What does it say? Plus: Subscribe to newsletter at


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Predicting 2022 social media behaviors

It's November. Yikes! Where did the year go? In less than two months, we'll be welcoming 2022. With that, a new year of challenges and opportunities. What will social media marketing look like in 2022? While we don't know the exact answer, it doesn't hurt to make some predictions and Hootsuite recently made its attempt to do so. Also in this episode: Be sure to subscribe to


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Facebook to ditch face recognition; Instagram announces big win for marketers

Facebook announced Nov. 2 it plans get rid of its Face Recognition system and will delete more than a billion users' facial recognition templates. Face recognition is used to analyze the photos and videos users are in on Facebook, such as a profile picture and photos and videos that a user has been tagged in, to make a unique number for a user. Why the change? Instagram has rolled out a major change that is a big win for marketers looking to generate website leads from the platform. Also...


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Getting ready for cookie-less world; latest with Mail Privacy Protection

At some point within the next two years, third-party cookies will be eliminated. The change is expected to hinder marketing campaigns, specifically understanding metrics such as key performance indicators, or KPIs, and return on investments, or ROIs. Third-party cookies are tracking mechanisms that help marketers understand a user's profile on a website that's placed by an outside program. How do we get ready? Start now! Also in this episode, what are the trends after about one month...


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Apple unveils Mail Privacy Protection, other changes

We've known for several weeks that Apple was going to release its latest update, iOS 15. In a blog posted Sept. 20, Apple announced the availability of the update. According to Apple, "iOS 15 introduces new ways to stay connected, powerful updates that help users focus and explore, and intelligent features to get more done with iPhone. FaceTime updates provide more natural video calls, Focus helps users reduce distraction, new features like Live Text use on-device intelligence to surface...


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Future of email marketing, privacy

Demand for privacy, transparency and more user control is growing. Several updates by Apple and Google have worked toward addressing these demands. It poses challenges for marketing going forward. How do we adapt? I cover that in this podcast. Also, in this podcast: Be sure to subscribe to my blog:


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Facebook outlines privacy-focused approach in advertising

According to an article posted Aug. 11 by, Facebook has backtracked on its opposition about user data tracking, the social media giant said it will work to adjust its systems to help advertisers achieve their goals. Other topics discussed:


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Facebook/Instagram algorithm changes rolling out; what you need to know

For years, we've wondered how Facebook, which also owns Instagram, sets up users' newsfeeds. Recently, Facebook has been a bit more transparent in informing users on how they see their newsfeeds and why they see certain posts when they do. A lot more of that transparency, coupled with several changes, are becoming more clear than ever before. It's good and bad from a marketing standpoint. Facebook is focusing on giving the users more control of what they see or don't see in their newsfeed,...


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How to manage your reputation online

No matter the size of a business, managing its reputation online is an important element to success. Big or small, how the public perceives a company or organization will go a long way toward the overall success, or failure, of the company or organization. A positive reputation translates to loyalty and sales. A negative reputation does the opposite. The Harris Poll has a ranking system called "Reputation Quotient Rankings" and it consists of six dimensions. Also in this episode, Twitter...


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TikTok unveils 'TikTok Resumes,' desktop publishing

Now fully immersed as a social media leader, TikTok has unveiled new tools to its platform as it continues to grow and solidify its place at the top of the social media universe. Rolled out this week was a pilot program called "TikTok Resumes." This allows content creators or users to upload short videos of themselves talking about their experience, skills, etc. Essentially, it's a video resume. TikTok said it's partnering with select companies and inviting job seekers to apply for...


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Careful if using Facebook Messenger in email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to connect with customers or stay connected with customers. It is also necessary to maintain relationships and loyalty to your brand. However, if done incorrectly, it can turn people away. Recently, I've had friends on Facebook send me messages via Messenger asking for their support to buy tickets for an event for an organization they represent. BE CAREFUL DOING THIS! This could be a violation of the law. Also in this episode is Facebook/Instagram is...


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Getting your employees engaged on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is now offering an analytics tool that helps you see your company's employees are engaging with your content. The tool is called Employee Advocacy. It can be found under the analytics drop-down menu on the dashboard of your business page. It's the same spot you would find information on visitors, updates and followers. According to LinkedIn research, 60 percent of employees are more likely to engage with posts from coworkers and are 14 times more likely to share their...
