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Dog Desk Radio

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

Dog Desk Radio the indie animal station connecting people to the natural world. News & reviews, announcements & campaigns, whats on & where to go & a plethora of interviews & conversations with amazing experts from all around the world. So if you are crazy about cats, dotty about dogs, wild about wolves or in love with lions then this is the place to be. So grab a coffee, get comfy & enjoy the ride. And don't forget to subscribe!


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Dog Desk Radio the indie animal station connecting people to the natural world. News & reviews, announcements & campaigns, whats on & where to go & a plethora of interviews & conversations with amazing experts from all around the world. So if you are crazy about cats, dotty about dogs, wild about wolves or in love with lions then this is the place to be. So grab a coffee, get comfy & enjoy the ride. And don't forget to subscribe!






01335 348726

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Bonnie Harlan Prevent Pet Suffocation

Bonnie Harlan founder of Prevent Pet Suffocation drops by to talk to us about the risks our pets face around the home from our chip & snack bags & other containers. Bonnie talks about Blue, the dog who triggered the prevent pet suffocation campaign when he lost his life to chip packet suffocation.


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Xmas Audio Files Pt 2 IFAW, World Animal Protection & Cariad - Covid 19

IFAW's Matt Collis, World Animal Protection's Peter Kemple Hardy & Linda Goodman from Cariad contribute to our second Xmas Audio File. We talk about zoonotic disease & the role the movement of animals from emerging disease hotspots play in pandemics. Linda Goodman tells us about an unexpected but worrying consequence of Covid 19, pandemic puppies .


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Dr Daniel Allen Animal Geographer SAMPA Patron & Pet Theft Reform Campaigner

Dr Daniel Allen Animal Geographer SAMPA Patron & Pet Theft Reform Campaigner joins us to talk about the campaign for pet theft reform, how spiralling cases of dog theft is affecting us & our dogs & what is fuelling it.


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Dog Desk Radio Xmas Audio Files Part 1

A compilation of amazing interview snippets including Fund Raising for Romanian Rescues with Meg Newshound, IFAW's Wolf Monitoring & Integration Programme In Germany, IFAW's Koala Habitat Protection & Detection Dog Project & Louise Clarke Shaw Founder Of Zombie Squad


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Natalia Doran Urban Squirrels Rewilding The Mind

Natalia Doran from Urban Squirrels looks at the cruel grey squirrel cull which is allowed to take place all year round even during mating season. Natalia's organisation is asking for the cull to cease while kits are in the nest & is petitioning parliament to do so. Natalia explores some of the attitudes that have given rise to the squirrel slaughter & considers rewilding of the human mind.


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Tom Neish From Yora Pet Foods Talks To Us About Insect Protein Food For Pets

Tom Neish From Yora Pet Foods drops into the studio to talk to us about insect protein food for pets an exciting innovation that is sustainable & reduces our pets carbon footprint.


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Neus Candela The Raw Feeding Veterinary Society - Raw Diets For Dogs & Cats

The Raw Feeding Veterinary Society representative, veterinarian Neus Candela joins us in the studio to talk about raw feeding. She tells me why she thinks it is the best way to feed our pets & helps me take the plunge to transition FLUTD sufferer Tigger from processed to raw feeding.


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Gina Bates Global Vegan Crowdfunder

Gina Bates from Global Vegan Crowdfunder talks to us about the vegan land movement, plant based diets & vegan lifestyle.


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The Greyhound Alliance Answer Listeners Questions About The Life Of A Racing Dog

The Greyhound Alliance drop into the studio to answer listeners questions. You ask what life is really like for a racing dog.


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IFAW Patrick Ramage North American Right Whale

IFAW's Patrick Ramage drops by to talk to us about the need for urgent help to save the North American Right Whale whose numbers have plummeted to less than 400. We talk about ship collisions, our noisy oceans, whaling & more


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Arielle Griffiths Just be Kind Vegan Dog Food Plant Based Diets For Dogs

Arielle Griffiths from Just be Kind Vegan Dog Food drops into the studio to chat to us about plant based diets for dogs. Arielle is a vet who really cares about our dogs & the impact our choices have on the world we live in.


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Kim Cooling Animal SOS Sri Lanka Saving Street Dogs Overseas

Kim Cooling founder of Animal SOS Sri Lanka talks to us about her work rescuing, treating & rehabilitating dogs most in need in this beautiful country. We talk about the importance of CNVR programmes to end suffering on the streets in the long term & remember Patti, the little Mum who died in tragic circumstances while trying to care for her newborn pups.


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Author Paul Viner Shane Sheba & Sky

Author Paul Viner drops into the studio to talk about his self published book Shane, Sheba & Sky, the dogs that saved Paul's life.


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IFAW Matt Collis Director International Policy

Matt Collis leads IFAW's engagement with a range of international conventions, institutions and multi lateral environmental agreements including CITES & CMS. Matt talks to us about his work for IFAW


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Rob Willsher Rory & Harlow's time Travelling Taxi

Children's author Rob Willsher chats to us about his books, the inspiration behind them & the themes they explore and we get to meet the dogs Rory, Harlow & Dog.


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IFAW Sheryl Fink The Commercial Hunting Of Seals In Canada

IFAW's campaign director Sheryl Fink joins us to talk about her 23 year involvement in the Canadian Seal Hunt. Sheryl tells us about her work with this campaign & her hopes for a secure future for the seals.


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Kathy Blachowski The Big Cat Sanctuary Alliance

Kathy Blachowski joins us in the studio today to chat about The Big Cat Sanctuary Alliance, an organisation that was founded in 2017 by a group of organisations & sanctuaries that wanted to see a unified voice for the issues that affect big cats.


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Dog Trainer Jordan Shelley

Dog Trainer Jordan Shelley talks to us about the legal loophole which allows the importation of dogs with cropped ears despite cropping being illegal in the UK for over 100 years.


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Matt Turner From The Vegan Society

Matt Turner From The Vegan Society joins us to tell us how the Vegan Society can support those that are vegan curious.


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Andrew Rosindell MP Jasmines Law #APetInEveryHome

Andrew Rosindell MP for Romford delivered a landmark speech in the Commons on 14th October regarding no pet clauses in rental accommodation. A Bill was proposed that will place limits on landlords imposing blanket bans on pets, describing these bans as " cruel to both the owner and the animal alike.” Andrew joined us at the station to talk about his campaign Jasmines Law.
