

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

Duh moments, we all have them! Join Benzy & Wilx each week and let's talk them through together!


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Duh moments, we all have them! Join Benzy & Wilx each week and let's talk them through together!





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Episode 38: Personality Types

Hello listeners! This week, were really glad to introduce yet another special guest! Benzy's big sister Bibi joins us today as we talk about something kinda hokey, yet really really interesting: personality types! There are so many iterations of different personality tests: some rely on horoscopes, others on things like shape preference, or the Four Temperaments, Love Languages, the list goes on. In this episode, we focus on the more common Myers-Briggs type of test. We took ours for free on www.16personalities.com which helped by providing a pretty insightful report on our personalities, based on different areas of our lives. Tune in and see what of the 16 Personalities Benzy, Bibi, and Wilx are, and then take the test yourself! Tell us: were your results surprising? Expected? Just a bunch of baloney?! We wanna know! #girltalk #personality #girlboss #gossip #socialmedia #character #psychology #entrepreneur #introvert #extrovert #culture #test #temperament #lovelanguage


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Episode 37: Summer Bucket List

Hey all! This week, we have a little challenge for you: We all have bucket lists that we want to accomplish within our lifetimes, or maybe before a certain age or life event. But summer is pretty much upon us, and this week, Wilx and Benzy set their eyes on their summer bucket lists! Living in Orlando has its perks: we have access to plenty of different beaches on either shore, springs, rivers, and lakes, and of course, the multiple theme parks we love visiting! Tune in to hear what our summer goals are; from the fun and frivolous to the goal-centered, "adulting" type. What do you have planned for the summer? Is there room to challenge yourself to add five unusual summer events you always say you'll try, and never get a chance to? As always, don't forget to rate and review us on the platform of your choice, and comment your Summer Bucket List picks on our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! #summer #bucketlist #girltalk #vacation #goals #challenge #adulting #popculture #gossip #entrepreneur #spring #beach #themepark


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Episode 36: Redefining Us- A Simulcast With Millennial Mondays

We at Duhmericana have really grown fond of the podcast community we’re a part of, and a lot of this community-building comes from meeting some really cool podcasters and entrepreneurs who are paving their own paths in media and entertainment. One such group we had the pleasure of connecting with are Kayla and Jiselle, the girls over at Millennial Mondays podcast. A fledging endeavor that’s already made great headway, Millennial Mondays chats with us about what got them podcasting, their personal bond and how it’s evolved through the years, and what it means to be a millennial in 2017. We found that there can oftentimes be an unfairly negative connotation to that word, often associated with laziness! But millennials simply have forged a new path in their career, personal lives, and the ways they view and interact with the world. Tune in and get to know them, and us, a little deeper! When today’s millennials become tomorrow’s old-timers, what legacy will we leave? What exactly defines a millennial? You can also get to know the girls by checking them out through the following sources: Website: www.millennialmondays.com Instagram: Millennial.Mondays Apple iTunes: millennial Mondays Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to Duhmericana podcast on the iTunes and Google Play app, or wherever you listen to podcasts. #womenpodcast #millennial #genx #generationx #culture #girltalk #girlboss #society #legacy #community #youthculture #perception #driven #career #entrepreneur


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Episode 35: Top Five

This week on Duhmericana, Wilx is joined by her husband Leo (editor of the show) to give their list of the top 5 Podcast shows to listen to. They also share some insight as to how their interests in podcasts started, and the origin of this show. Wilx’s Top 5: Leo’s Top 5: Leo’s Noteworthy shows: 1. Revisionist history 2. The Observatory (design observer) 3. Design Matters Show Notes: DR Stickers App - Leo’s Design/Art Instagram account Thanks as always for tuning in! It would mean the word for us you you took a moment to leave us a rating and review on iTunes.


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Episode 34: Streaming Killed the Cable Star

Netflix and chill. Binge watching. Spoiler alert. All phrases that 15 years ago, meant little to nothing to us as consumers of entertainment. Nowadays, however, who DOESN’T have Netflix? A better question might be “who doesn’t have cable anymore?” The dawn of movie and tv show streaming has all but killed cable… Or so it feels, anyway. On this episode we discuss our Netflix obsession as a generation, and whether cable has a shot of making it past this coming decade without going the way of the horse and buggy. Could generational gaps and differences save cable, since very young and much older consumers typically prefer the ease of use offered by cable companies? Could live events like the Grammys, the Super Bowl, etc. cause people to remain faithful to their live television? Is cable’s monopoly on internet access in general likely to keep them afloat? Tune in and don’t forget to drop us a line about your own opinion on this topic. As always, rating and reviewing our podcast on your apps helps us tremendously, and we appreciate it even more! Also, remember episode 29 with Jen and Sam? Well they've put together an amazing video describing the campaign for their even more amazing movie project. Check out the link below and give them a follow! http://www.seedandspark.com/fund/affair-movie/ #netflix #partoffive #binge #bingewatch #cablecutter #streaming #hoc #houseofcards #girlboss #gossip #tv #youtube #dvr #entertainment #network #cable #gameofthrones #internet #ondemand #mobile tvshow #videocontent #girltalk


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Episode 33: Who Really Killed Hannah Baker

Hey Duhmericana Listeners, This week, we embark on a topic that has been buzzing all over the web this past month: “Welcome to your tape.” Netflix released a 13-part series titled “13 Reasons Why,” based off the book of the same title by Jay Asher, released in 2007. Please be warned: this blog post and subsequent podcast episode deals with certain triggers regarding teen suicide and mental health. Wilx read the book when it was released, and Netflix picking up the series brought it once again to the forefront of current conversations. The show deals with the suicide of teen Hannah Baker, who recorded and delivered 13 tapes dedicated to people she felt contributed to her reasons for committing suicide. The story is narrated from the perspective of her close friend and romantic interest Clay Jensen. Though the show was intended to bring to light the topic of teen suicide and mental health (an intention also expressed by singer and actress Selena Gomez, Executive Producer), we can’t help but wonder if this might have been a misguided attempt that causes more harm than good. We grapple with the sentiment that it brings it to light, yet does so in a twisted sort of revenge fantasy that doesn’t succinctly depict that Hannah Baker, or anyone who commits suicide with revenge in mind, will never get the comeuppance intended. Does 13 Reasons Why glamorize teen suicide? Ultimately, it’s still using it as a form of entertainment and ultimately, profit. What do you think? Did you read the book and/or watch the series? What redeeming qualities can be found in a show of this kind? Sound off below! As always, please don’t forget to rate and review. You have no idea how much it truly means to us! We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Please call 1-800-273-8255. #13reasonswhy #suicide #supportpoc #girltalk #youngadult #netflix #hannahbaker #clayandhannah #bullying #mentalhealth #depression #mentalillness #highschool #popculture #entertainment #teendrama #teenagers #friendships #relationships #cyberbullying #help #seesomethingsaysomething


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Episode 32: Be-You-tiful

This week we speak about something kind of vulnerable... our insecurities! Both individual, and as women in general. Benzy as a single woman struggles with feeling as if others judge her currently single, childless life. Wilx, as a new mom, wants to listen to her intuition but can feel the pressures of others' opinions and advice, well-meaning as they may be. What insecurities do you feel in your life, or as girls in general? Can you relate to any of the ones we mentioned above? Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast channel in iTunes, and please rate and review! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/duhmericana-podcast/id1097264273?mt=2


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Episode 31: Womanhood - a Simulcast with Morado Lens

Hello again Duhmericana listeners! This is our last week of Women’s Month, where we highlighted some important topics about womanhood near and dear to our hearts. To wrap up the month, we connected with the amazing girls over at Morado Lens podcast, Cindy and Nat, for a simulcast! This means you can hop on over to their podcast and listen to the same content (and if you’re visiting from Morado Lens yourself, welcome!). Cindy and Nat taught us a lot about what it means to embrace your “inner bruja”, your inner “witch.” Though some might shrink away from the negative connotations of the word, we discovered that all of us women have a heightened sense of intuition, usually picked up from our mothers (who, lets admit it, are always right!) and we operate in that intuition daily, from small decisions to larger gut feelings about people, places, events, etc. Womanhood itself has this intuition built into it, and it’s probably something many of you have experienced, or perhaps have witnessed in the lives of women around you. Speaking of womanhood, we all contribute daily to the conversation about feminism, femininity, and the woman’s worldview. Wilx has her blog, www.lionsorchid.com, where she is creating a community for new and experienced moms where they can provide feedback and motivation to one another. Benzy, working in the educational field, aspires to inspire young women to pursue their dreams, and doesn’t shy away from being both strong and feminine as a way to showcase what true womanhood is to men in her life. What does unleashing your inner bruja mean to you? In what ways are you contributing with your day to day life to the conversation about womanhood and the feminine experience? Let us know below! If you’d like to connect with Morado Lens, find them anywhere you prefer to listen to podcasts, and on Instagram @moradolens. #girlboss #womenhood #womensmonth #latinx #feminism #womenrights #girltalk #balance #motherhood #passions #latina #career #smallbusiness #culture


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Ep 30: Women Role Models

We’ve had such a great time exploring the wonderful world of girl power during the month of March! As podcasters, professionals, and Latinas, we have resonated with so many of the topics we’ve covered this month. We’ve also had the amazing chance to connect with some really cool women doing great things in the arts! This week, we talk about some other women, both past and present, who have made lasting impact in women's history and in the movement as a whole. Wilx shared her admiration for the Mirabal sisters, four Dominican sisters who were killed at the hands of a dictatorship regime, because they refused to bend to its power. Her modern-day pick was the brace Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani activist, who survived an attack on her life for seeking an education, yet brought education to even more girls through her story. Benzy's historical pic was author Toni Morrison, who wrote books like Beloved and Song of Solomon, bringing stories about black lives and history in the south though strong female characters. She also shared about Emma Watson, who played two of her favorites: Hermoine and Belle as an actress, and is a UN Ambassador and spearheaded of "He For She," in real life, which encourages men to stand up for women's rights. Tune in to the episode to hear about all of these incredible gals, and don't forget to share your thoughts! Have you heard about them before? Have any women you admire and want to share with us? #rolemodels #women #strongwomen #girlboss #girltalk #latinx #history #entrepreneur #powerfulwomen #womensmonth #motivation


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Episode 29: Jen and Sam Make a Movie - Interview With Women Filmmakers

Duhmericana listeners, do we have a treat for you! As you know, March is Women’s Month, and in honor of some amazing women we have the pleasure of knowing, we’ve been collaborating with some women in media and entertainment who are doing amazing things. This week we had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Jen Finelli and Samantha Mauney Aiken, the writer and the director/producer of a new indie film “I’m Having An Affair With My Wife!” Almost a year ago to the day, we recorded episode 6 “Chick Flicks,” where we discuss female representation and portrayal in media and specifically movies. We also explored the “Bechdel Test,” which scores a movie based on having two named women who speak to each other about something other than a man. This caught Jen and Sam’s eyes, and as an anniversary episode, we discuss these and other topics. How much impact does marketing have on creating an indie film? Were the choices of a Korean American husband and a CEO-type black woman intentional? Have you had to make any apologies or explanations for creative choices made along the way? Sam and Jen have amazing insight on filmmaking in general, and specifically on female filmmakers and the peaks and valleys they’ve had to cross along the way. Tune in to the episode to hear all that they have to say, and to celebrate amazing women doing really rad things! You can check out information on the film and donation opportunities here: http://mysweetaffair.com/, and on Instagram at @affair-movie They are actually giving away two chapters of a romance novel by Ray Anyasi, which you can find here: http://mysweetaffair.com/want-dive-sweet-representation-friendly-romance/ And a list of 50+ resources for filmmakers here: http://mysweetaffair.com/get-free-film-resources-booklet/ #indiefilm #girlboss #interview #affair #drama #latinx #interracial #dating #relationships #culture #filmmakers #independent #entrepreneur #women #passion


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Episode 28: Inner Goddess (feat. La Charla Podcast)

Hey there and welcome back Duhmericana Listeners!Welcome to March! Can you believe we’re already in the third month of the year? March is a special month because we celebrate all of the women who have paved the way for us. March is officially Women’s History Month! We’re kicking off the month by pairing up with some awesome ladies from the podcast sphere. This week, tune in as we chat all things Woman with another Latina podcast, La Charla Podcast. Any teachers out there? Lili and Isela from La Charla are both schoolteachers and have wonderful insight on the differences between male and female teachers, and students. What disparity do we face as women in the workplace, or at home, in typically male or female-dominated roles? Are we able to teach younger generations from childhood that girls can be engineers, and guys can be bakers? Have we seen a change in the portrayal of historically gender-dominated roles? We have a lot to say, and all month to say it! Make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play so that you don’t miss one episode of this month celebrating all things Her! you can stay tuned because this is a two part collaboration and we are also featured on La Charla podcast! Link up with the La Charla Podcast by searching for them anywhere you listen to podcasts, on Instagram at @lacharlapc, on Facebook; La Charla, and email them at lacharlapc@gmail.com See you next week! #worklifebalance #girltalk #girlboss #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #balance #passions #hustle #tips #relationships #girlpower #girlboss #girltalk #women #nastywomen #nastygal #ladies #womensrights #humanrights #riseup #gender #genderroles #education #work #payrate #fairness


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Episode 27: Throwback Advice

Hello Duhmericana listeners! We’re so glad you’ve tuned in. This week, we’re kicking it off by doing a blast to the past, and speaking to our younger selves: what advice do Adult Benzy and Wilx have for high-school Benzy and Wilx? What would we have loved to have heard that could have made our lives slightly easier, less stressful? Wilx suggests an overhaul in sleep habits, and Benzy suggests a reassessing of priorities, among other great tips. Do you have young girls who need to hear tips from someone else? Would you have loved to have learned these nuggets of wisdom before? Did we miss any pointers that served you well in your youth? Share yours with us and let us know what you think! #girltalk #girlboss #latinx #gossip #culture #media #advice #wisdom #youth #parenting #blog #social #women


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Episode 26: I Just Spent $6.50 on a Frappuccino

Hey listeners! This week, Benzy and Wilx discuss something that afflicts people from all walks of life: how to manage a work/life balance. Amidst the hustle of our busy days, is it possible to still enjoy fulfilling friendships, relationships and hobbies, or is it all a myth? For our entrepreneur listeners, we have some fabulous tips for you as well regarding how to achieve this balance, remain motivated, and carve out the time and energy to pursue all your passions. How about you? Any tried and true tips that allow you to manage this often-sought balance? Let us know! #worklifebalance #girltalk #girlboss #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #balance #passions #hustle #tips #relationships


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Episode 25: Buyer's Remorse

Hey Duhmericana listeners! Thanks as always for tuning in! This week, Wilx and Benzy discuss one of the most common pitfalls of consumerism culture: buying things that were a waste of money. From subscription services, to high-end yet cheaply made items, to Wilx's insight as a new mommy and what she did and didn't need, we have it all! Inversely, we also recall inexpensive yet super helpful, quality product that surprised us and saved our wallets. Chime in: what have you purchased and regretted? What had been a sleeper hit and pleasant surprise? #consumerism #buyers remorse #culture #newmom #girltalk #gossip #superbowl #commercials #quality #finance #girlboss


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Episode 24: Real Friends

We've all heard it: making friends in adulthood differs greatly than back when we were kids. Tune in as Wilx and Benzy discuss these differences, and offer some of their own tips and methods that helped them make meaningful life-long friendships in adulthood. #friends #newmom #baby #worklife #girltalk #girlboss #gossip #workfriends #bestfriends #adulting #culture #relationships


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Episode 23: New Year, Baby!

Happy New Year listeners! We're back with a new season and a new addition to the Duhmericana family. In this episode we talk about our expectations for 2017, and the new adventures ahead. We can't wait to hear what your looking forward to this year as well. Be sure to reach out on social media! #newyear #girltalk #2017 #newbaby #family #resolution #newmom #girlboss #whyimarch #staynasty #goals #gossip


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Episode 22: 2016 in Review

As 2016 comes to an end and we get ready to welcome a new year, we reflect on all that's happened. This year marks the start of exciting challenges that we hope to continue, new goals achieved, and new friends made. Take a trip down memory lane with us while we discuss all the exciting, challenging, and pure nonsense that's happened this year. Hope you all have a happy and prosperous new year! #girltalk #newyear #culture #gossip #milestones #2016 #holidays #friends #holidayseasons #resolutions #currentevents


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Episode 21: 'Tis The Season

It's that time of year, when family gets together and share in the joys of the holiday season. Along with the holiday cheer comes some holiday frustrations, and it's ok to admit it. Whether it's dividing your time between all the visiting family members, or the long lines at the mall we've all experienced it. Tune in to this week's podcast to hear us talk about all our frustrations and how we've learned to cope with them, and to make our holiday season bright! #holiday #Christmas #family #newyears #HolidaySeason #girltalk #gifts #pregnant #cheer #friends


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Episode 20: Mini Milestones

Hello Duhmericana listeners and welcome to another milestone episode, the big 2-0! Thanks for sticking around as we maneuver the podcast world. Speaking of which, we thought this would be a great episode in which to update all of you as to where Duhmericana is now. Though each episode might feel slightly similar, us sitting down and taking some time to visualize where we started and where we are now allowed us to see that we've come a long way! From upgrading equipment to tweaking our media, Duhmericana strives to get better week by week. For instance, this week we introduced our new occasional segment where we unbox merchandise from some of our partners and affiliates! This week we got some nifty items from our friends at Ecocentric Mom. How long have you been following us? Have you noticed our changes? What would YOU like to see and hear from us? Sound off below! #girltalk #entrepreneur #media #smallbusiness #local #latinopodcast #popculture #debate


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Episode 19: Five Things About Us

Hello Duhmericana fans! Benzy and Wilx here with another episode of our podcast. Allow us to introduce ourselves! We have some new followers and listeners to the podcast, and wanted to share with you all a little bit about ourselves! Although we've been friends for a few years now, there were things we didn't know about one another. Did you know we both parláis un peu de francais? Wilx is a snowbird and I'm a sand baby who didn't see snow until very recently? Our Rumor Rundown also touched on the Kim Kardashian scare, when she was accosted by a prankster who attempted to LITERALLY kiss her butt. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2YqDM-LH_Gg Here's a funny SNL spoof of the first presidential debate. Alec Baldwin debuted his Donald Trump, and Kate McKinnon is back as Hillary Clinton. Who do you think won the debate? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-nQGBZQrtT0 Last but absolutely not least, we talk about the tragic loss of a bright star in the MLB, Jose Fernandez. See a touching tribute his Marlins teammates had for him here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S82o5cAop7o #popculture #girltalk #fivethings #girlpodcasters #gossip #football #currentevents #media #conversations
