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I Finally Watched...

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

So many movies, so little time! Two cinephile friends, David and Alain, watch movies that at least one of them has never seen before and discuss whether it was worth the wait, if the movie holds up, and would they watch it again.


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So many movies, so little time! Two cinephile friends, David and Alain, watch movies that at least one of them has never seen before and discuss whether it was worth the wait, if the movie holds up, and would they watch it again.





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Ep. 235 | 8MM (1999)

One of the creepier films we've ever done, but maybe it could've been creepier?! Join us as we explore the world of snuff films with Nick Cage and Joaquin Phoenix as they delve deep in the underworld to find the victim of a million dollar movie! Listen to this episode to hear our review of Nick Cage's 8MM! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 234 | Being John Malkovich (1999)

You want a real mind bender?? Watch Being John Malkovich and then tell me about an identity crisis! Hopefully you won't get one afterwards! I hope you didn't think we were done with 1999 just yet! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 233 | She's All That (1999)

She's All That (1999) is a wild ride and from we can tell, the pinnacle film of the 90s. With that, the circle is complete, or as complete as we'd like it for this month, but don't worry folks our dive into 1999 films do not stop here! Stay tuned! For our weekly update!! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 232 | Varsity Blues (1999)

Reviewing Varsity Blues directly after our review of Cruel Intentions feels like we're putting together Voltron for Not Another Teen Movie, would be a shame if we didn't round it out with the main film from the parody film... "I don't want... your life" Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 231 | Cruel Intentions (1999)

I can't tell you how many pop cultural references I now understand thanks to watching Cruel Intentions! I gotta tell ya though, this movie is kinda hard to get through, with the incest and assault and downright crimes committed in this film, however it is a staple of '99 and at times pretty entertaining! Also, the cast really move this a long ways and are incredible! When you think of the perfect 1999 cast, who do you have in mind? www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want X: @finallywatched


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Ep. 230 | Blast from the Past (1999)

Brendan Fraser Revival... or is it renaissance? Whatever you want to call it dude is back!! And Blast from the Past has to be one of his most underrated films, but oh boy is it a gem! We loved it and hope you love listening to us love it! What is your favorite Brendan Fraser film? Enjoy! Music by; https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 229 | Margin Call (2011)

Margin Call is like a low budget The Big Short, but it might be better?? Listen and find out with our friend and guest for this episode Gharrett back for his 4th time here at IFW!!! Also this film has a ton of famous stars that I bet you had no idea were in this movie! Enjoy! (Another film about the 2008 financial collapse?? SURE, WHY NOT?!) Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 228 | Witness (1985)

Now, Witness starring Harrison Ford is not a musical, but this might be our most musical episode ever! And you can thank Weird Al for that one! Enjoy our review of Witness, a beloved classic about murder, love and the Amish! David's first time watching this film and absolutely falling in love with it just as fast as Alain did when he watched it! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 227 | The Boondock Saints (1999)

Apparently on the list of red flag favorite films, The Boondock Saints rank pretty high up! Now we are not saying this movie is our favorite movie and there might be crimes against humanity in this film, HOWEVER this movie is wildly entertaining and we hope you find joy listening to us talk about this film! Enjoy! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 226 | O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

The Coen Brothers are at it again and by again I mean 24 years ago they wrote and directed this film based off the Odyssey and boy oh boy is it a ride! Such a great addition to their already impressive filmography, The Coen Bros don't miss! What was your first Coen Brothers experience, and do you seek out more of their films to this day? Let us know in the comments! Enjoy!! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want Website: ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 225 | Road House (1989)

This movie is considered a cult classic, we didn't know why... the beginning is so strong and Swayze is incredibly likeable and charming (as usual) but then we got to the end and well, let's just say it goes downhill from there, but its still a very fun film! NOW the 2024 remake of Road House... not so much! Fun, less good! Here is our review of BOTH Road House... Road Houses? Road Housi? Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Bonus Episode #1 | Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)

Welcome to I Finally Watched's newest show, "We Just Watched" (Working Title) we are classifying these as bonus episodes that are on films that have just come out and contain SPOILERS!! So be warned! Our first bonus episode is on 2024's newest monster film, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire This is to wrap up our Monster March Madness into The Monsterverse and what better way than to do this than with their newest film! I hope you enjoy! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 224 | Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

Rounding out our Monsterverse Madness Month of March is Godzilla vs. Kong because of course it is... and with the next installation of the Monsterverse coming out this upcoming weekend, we might watch that too and let you know how it went! While you wait for that catch up on the rest of Monsterverse this month and enjoy!! Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want


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Ep. 223 | Godzilla : King of the Monsters (2019)

I remember watching the tail end of this in a hotel room while on a work trip and thinking to myself... Wow! The ending is so cool, I wonder what the build up was like? ANDDD it was not as cool as I thought it would be... March Monster Movie Month presents you our third film of the MonsterVerse... Godzilla: King of the Monsters! Kyle Chandler can't even save this movie... Or can he?? Music by: https://jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com/album/want Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 222 | Kong: Skull Island (2017)

Talk about a film that gets to the fucking monkey! Unlike Peter Jackson's King Kong, this movie doesn't waste time showing you Kong! Does that make it a better movie? Absolutely not! Does it make it worse? Absolutely! Enjoy our review of Kong: Skull Island Music by: jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 221 | Godzilla (2014)

Get ready for March Monster Movie Madness Month!!! We are doing the whole Monster Universe to work up to the release of Godzilla X Kong The New Empire and we starting off with, of course, Godzilla (2014)! We genuinely liked it and can't wait for you to hear us talk about it! Enjoy! Music by: jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com Socials X: @finallywatched


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Ep. 220 | Déjà Vu (2006)

To round out our Denzel films this month, we end with Déjà Vu. And to be honest we were reserved in this decision due to past experience, but realized we haven't actually given this film a fair chance and now we love it! Hope you feel the same about this review! Music By: jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com


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Ep. 219 | Training Day (2001)

Possibly one of Denzel's most famous roles, Training Day was known to us growing up as a very brutal explicit film, but now watching it in our thirties... not as gory as we once thought! Here's one of our favorites! Music by: jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com


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Ep. 218 | The Siege (1998)

An underrated and less known Denzel film for this entry, The Siege is about a war on US turf about terrorist attacks from the Middle East 3 years before 9/11. Lots of controversy surrounding this film, but very entertaining and of course Denzel is in-between some very bad people. Music by: jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com


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Ep. 217 | The Equalizer (2014)

Loosely based on a 1980's TV show, The Equalizer stars Denzel Washington, just like every other episode we are doing this month! Welcome to Denzel February!! The Equalizer doesn't seem like something Denzel Washington would do, especially once you know that this turned out to be a trilogy! But there are some great moments in this film! Listen and enjoy! Music by: jessejacethomas.bandcamp.com Website: www.ifinallywatchedpodcast.com
