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MindStory Speaker

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

Welcome to the MindStory Speaker Podcast Whether you speak on the job, in your business or as a hobby, we believe that 100% of your success is an inner game. Speaking is like a performance sport, there's lots of pressure both on and off the platform. This podcast is for coaches, consultants, educators, business owners, thought leaders, pro speakers, journalists, social activists or anyone in a leadership role. It's about the mindset and strategies you need to be an excellent speaker live or online. Whether you speak on livestreams, webinars, videos, podcasts, Zoom meetings or face-to-face events, what you say, how you say it, and who you are 'being' can make or break your success. https://mindstoryacademy.com/podcast/




Welcome to the MindStory Speaker Podcast Whether you speak on the job, in your business or as a hobby, we believe that 100% of your success is an inner game. Speaking is like a performance sport, there's lots of pressure both on and off the platform. This podcast is for coaches, consultants, educators, business owners, thought leaders, pro speakers, journalists, social activists or anyone in a leadership role. It's about the mindset and strategies you need to be an excellent speaker live or online. Whether you speak on livestreams, webinars, videos, podcasts, Zoom meetings or face-to-face events, what you say, how you say it, and who you are 'being' can make or break your success. https://mindstoryacademy.com/podcast/






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Ep. 125 - Manifesting the Synchronicity You Need

Have you ever wondered if a new direction in life is right for you? And wouldn’t it be great to have a sign to confirm or deny it? You can actually manifest a synchronicity or a sign to help you make decisions. And learning how to interpret all kinds of synchronicities can help you avoid pitfalls in life. Here’s how. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 01:00 – What is the difference between a coincidence and a...


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Ep. 124 - Thinking Yourself into Jail

Have you ever caught yourself looping on something, like an inner dilemma? But the more you loop, the more imprisoned you feel? In this episode, we’ll look at how to break yourself out of “thinking jail.” --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 01:00 – What really creates looping thoughts? 03:50 – The 4-step process to break yourself out of thinking jail 15:00 – Intro to the Golden Age Timeline...


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Ep. 123 - Breaking an Addiction to Negative Thinking

Do you ever catch yourself worrying too much or judging yourself and others, and wish you could stop? Sometimes it seems impossible, but there is a way. And that's what we'll cover in this episode. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 01:00 – Where an addiction to negative thinking actually comes from 08:20 – The social pressure of staying in a negative state of mind 16:30 – Make a habit of thinking about what you want...


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Ep. 122 - A Time Travel Story

In this episode, I want to introduce you to my new novel, Helio Tropez, a time travel epic fantasy. If you are a writer or lover of “hero’s journey” stories…you’ll love this. Here you'll get to listen to the opening chapter of the book. --------------------------------- LINKS --------------------------------- Get HELIO TOPEZ on Amazon: http://mybook.to/HelioTropez WANT TO LISTEN TO THE NEXT CHAPTER? Go to either YouTube or our Website YouTube: https://youtu.be/9mE0_7Xnt_o Website:...


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Ep. 121 - Seeing Your Life as a Movie

We love watching movies where the main character has to overcome one challenge after another, but we don’t often like to be the one facing challenges. What if you could take a step back and see yourself as the screenwriter and come up with the ending you’d like to see? --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 04:00 – A good question to ask if you’re feeling challenged by life 08:30 – Your epic fails are often what activated your...


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Ep. 120 - How to Stop Yourself from Complaining So Much

Even if we know complaining isn’t helpful, many of us do it unconsciously throughout the day. Here’s a way to stop and to retrain your brain so that you create more of what you want instead. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 03:00 – Why we feel so drawn to complaining 09:00 – The instruction set to ‘complain’ is like malware in your bio-computer 16:00 – How to effectively deal with unpleasant situations without...


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Ep. 119 - Why Monotasking Can Totally Enhance Your Life

Do you consider multi-tasking a badge of honor? At times, it’s useful, but it can splinter your mind, cause lots of stress and stunt your personal growth. In contrast, doing one thing at a time, or monotasking, invites more productivity, efficiency, peace of mind and personal growth. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 02:45 – The different types of multi-tasking and the costs to your well-being 14:15 – The average adult...


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Ep. 118 - Preparing Your Vessel for Change

Many people are individually going through massive change right now. But we are also going through massive change as an entire world population…a change that's probably never been seen before, at least in our lifetimes. However, if you aren't prepared, you could have a harder time making the voyage or you could miss out on amazing opportunities along the way. In this episode, we'll talk about it looks like to prepare your vessel for that change. --------------------------------- TOPICS...


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Ep. 117 - Are You Afraid of Change?

We are going through a period of unprecedented change in human history. Many people have a low-level anxiety that they think is due to external circumstances. But in many cases, what’s really going on is a deeper, subconscious fear of change as we transition into this new Golden Age. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 04:45 – Everything in the world is breaking down and intense change is on the way 11:30 – 8 ways to better deal...


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Ep. 116 - Self Motivation - 3 Do's and Don'ts

Many people struggle with procrastination. They avoid going after goals they say they want to achieve. Whether it’s a health, financial, business or self-development goal – HOW you motivate yourself can make or break your success. Here’s 3 Do’s and Don’ts. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 03:10 – Rebuilding trust in yourself to complete goals 07:30 – Unexpected reasons people fail to complete important goals 12:15 – Rewards...


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Ep. 115 - Radical Respect

We may think we’re being respectful to ourselves and others, when we actually aren’t. This is a revolutionary view of what “respect” really means and how it can dial up on your personal power in every aspect of life. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 02:10 – The real meaning of the words “Radical” and “Respect” 03:30 – Why a “negativity bias” makes it harder to practice Radical Respect 07:15 – The importance of seeing...


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Ep. 114 - 3 Steps to Beat Imposter Syndrome

Some people who seem successful to others, may secretly think of themselves as a fraud. This can cause unnecessary suffering and block more success. In this episode, we’ll look at 9 signs that you have imposter syndrome and a 3-step process to break free. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 02:30 – 9 signs that you might have ‘imposter syndrome’ 11:30 – What creates lasting change versus short term change 18:15 – A 3-step...


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Ep. 113 - Turning Obstacles into Gold

There's an old saying, ‘Obstacles aren't IN the way, they ARE the way’. In this episode, we will focus on 3 ways to turn anything you’re feeling frustrated or pessimistic about …into valuable gold. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 04:30 – #1 – Pretend you’re an optimist who expects bad things to turn good 12:10 – #2 – Reconnect to what you’re ultimately looking for 14:40 – #3 – Create what you want INSIDE...


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Ep. 112 - How to Tell If Someone is Trustworthy

Many people don't have good criteria for identifying trustworthiness in others, so they end up getting burned. Here are some guidelines, or 9 signs that someone is trustworthy. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 02:20 – 3 Principles of Trust 05:50 – 9 Signs that Someone is Trustworthy 14:20 – How to Avoid Untrustworthy People 21:50 – How to Become More Trustworthy...


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Ep. 111 - 8 Reasons Your Intuition Seems Off

Have you ever gotten a hunch about something and it ended up being wrong? In this episode, we’ll explore 8 reasons why that might have happened and how to increase your accuracy in the future. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 01:45 – 1) Low Skill Level 4:35 – 2) It’s a structured versus unstructured issue 8:50 – 3) Amount of time you have to make a decision 10:50 – 4) Consciousness bias 13:50 – 5) Attachment to the...


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Ep. 110 - Magnetizing Your Goals versus Chasing Them

If you’re frustrated trying to manifest an important goal, stop the chase and try magnetizing it instead. It’s an entirely different approach. Here’s a four step process to do that. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 01:45 – Why chasing goals often leads you to the wrong place 10:35 – An example of magnetizing versus chasing a goal 17:50 – A four step process to magnetize ideal goals to...


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Ep. 109 - Your Intuitive Superpowers

People who make excellent decisions under pressure are indispensable, especially in these days of rapid change. We all use intuition daily. That’s because trying to use analysis on the thousands of decisions we have to regularly make…is simply unrealistic. In this episode, we explore how you can turn everyday intuition into an actual superpower. Discover 3 examples of people who ‘won the day’ by using intuition, even when the facts said they...


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Ep. 108 - A Method for Accessing Inner Truth

With so much confusion going on in the world, many people are now going inside for answers, which is a good thing. Here’s a method for making that ‘truth finding’ process easier. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 02:45 – Why dowsing with a pendulum is such a powerful tool 07:25 – Different ways to use it to get accurate inner truth 12:45 – How to use a Pendulum Chart 18:10 – What to do if you can’t get a clear...


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Ep. 107 - Activating Epiphanies

It’s so amazing to suddenly have an important realization in your life…something that you hadn’t seen before. Most people have them occasionally. But, what if you could activate yourself to have epiphanies daily? Here’s a few methods for doing that, so you can catapult your life forward in amazing ways. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 02:45 – Sample questions to activate epiphanies 09:25 – What gets in the way of having...


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Ep. 106 - Lost Your Mojo? How to Get Back on Track with Your Life

Are you procrastinating on important goals these days? Whether it’s the uncertainty of external world events, or you’re just feeling at odds with yourself…this will help. --------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED: --------------------------------- 03:45 – Symptoms that you’re stuck 11:25 – The most important skill you need to break free 24:30 – A 4-step process to get re-inspired 35:00 – A superpower you didn’t know you...
