Saw Something Scary
Media & Entertainment Podcasts
Saw Something Scary is your podcast guide to everything that goes bump on your screen in the night!
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Saw Something Scary is your podcast guide to everything that goes bump on your screen in the night!
Run (2020) and Goodbye.
So here it is: the last episode of Saw Something Scary ever recorded.
Y'all are the best and we appreciate you so much. All our best.
- The Guys from Saw Something Scary
Scouts Guide to the Apocalypse (2015) (SSS 160)
You friends from Saw Something Scary are taking a look at the origin point of the Landonverse with 2015's Scouts Guide to the Apocalypse. Hit that Download button, press Play, and let's get started on the latest from The Triple S Podcast!
Freaky (2020) (SSS 159)
On Ep. 159 your friends from Saw Something Scary are reviewing the latest from the Christopher Landonverse, Freaky! On the way there the guys get into the recent news from WB that all 2020 films are being release concurrently to HBO Max and movie theaters - bad new for theaters may show the way forward for the stand-up comedy and Broadway production industries. So hit that Download button, press Play, and let's get started on the latest from Saw Something Scary!
Dark Skies (2013)
This week your friends at Saw Something Scary are reviewing 2013's Dark Skies, an underappreciated gem starring Keri Russell and Josh Hamilton. Before the review we get updates from The Horror Reporter on Snyder's Justice League, Dexter, Scream, and Constantine (!). Hit that download button, press play, and let's get going!
Friday the 13th Pregame: Never Hike Alone & Never Hike in the Snow
On Episode 157 your friends from Saw Something Scary are getting you read for November's Friday the 13th with a review of perhaps the greatest fan film(s?) ever made, Womp Stomp Film's Never Hike Alone and its prequel, Never Hike in the Snow. Heads Up: Womp Stomp is releasing a super cut of these films + more on 11/13/20, a cut they are calling The Ghost Cut. You can learn more here. ------ Want more Saw Something Scary? Check out our Patreon page here and see how you can start getting bonus...
RIP Sean Connery with Hitchock's Marnie (1964)
Your friends at Saw Something Scary are saying goodbye to Sean Connery with a review of his collaboration with the Master of Psychological Horror, Alfred Hitchcock. The film that emerges is... bizarre... and highly interesting. We also check in with The Horror Reporter to find out about toys spoken into existence by Saw Something Scary as well as updates from André Øvredal, Jordan Peele, and more.
Return to Haddonfield: Halloween II (1981) (SSS 155, Halloween 2020 Special!)
Happy Halloween all you Michaels and Lauries out there! Enjoy this one while you make whatever sinister preparations you've devised for celebrating Halloween 2020! We're going back to Haddonfield with the first Halloween sequel, a movie that gets better as it ages. Enjoy!
The Haunting of Bly Manor - Episodes 5-9 (SSS 154)
It's time to say goodbye to Flora, Miles, Owen, and all our friends at Bly Manor. We're wrapping up our review of The Haunting of Bly Manor on this one. On the way we get some Horror Reporter updates:Someone thinks Leto's Joker needs more run Good news from the world of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, bad news from Ghostbusters So lets get going: hit the download button, press play, and let's get started on Ep. 154 of Saw Something Scary!
The Haunting of Bly Manor - Episodes 1-4 (SSS 153)
We're jumping in to the long-awaited Mike Flanagan follow up to The Haunting of Hill House, Netflix's The Haunting of Bly Manor. We're taking it in two chunks as well as doing a bit of looking forward. Also in the episode:I. The Horror Reporter - 06:22 New Halloween Film Franchise Book Does the Deepest of Dives on the Sequels Amazon Moves Forward with a Series Based on Beloved 90's Slasher Movie Dexter News (!!!) Jason Voorhees Fan Film News (!) II. Pull the Curtain: The Haunting of Bly...
[ReUpload] Chris Benoit: Dark Side of the Ring (SSS 152)
On Ep. 152 we are revisiting The 2007 Benoit Murders-Suicide, an event that left an indelible impression on your hosts, with the documentary Benoit: Dark Side of the Ring. Note: The documentary is now available on Hulu and can additionally be found other places on the internet.
Chris Benoit: Dark Side of the Ring (SSS 152)
This week Derik and Jeff talk over an excellent documentary covering horrific events that left an indelible impression on their - and many others - lives: The Benoit Murders-Suicide of 2007 with a review of Chris Benoit: Dark Side of the Ring.
Poltergeist (2015) (SSS 151)
Having now covered the classic version from 1982 it is time to look at the remake of Poltergeist from 2015, featuring a wildly talented cast, some shaky CGI, and - well, press play to find out!
Poltergeist (1982) (SSS 150!)
For the 150th episode of Saw Something Scary we're heading into the TV with Carol Anne in 1982's Poltergeist. Spoiler Warning: Our inability to pronounce Tobe Hooper's name remains in full effect. You're also getting full Jeff Hates Trailers and The Horror Reporter on this momentous episode. Talk to you inside Ep. 150 of Saw Something Scary!
Message from the King (2017) (SSS 149)
We've got a jumbo-sized episode for you on Ep. 149! We're breaking with our normal source material on this one to say goodbye to Chadwick Boseman. Never fear, though - you get the fun of deviation plus a whole bunch of horror content in our Jeff Hates Trailers and Horror Reporter segments!
Becky with Kevin James and LuLu Wilson (SSS 148)
Here's the first full-formed episode of Saw Something Scary in a while, featuring all the spots you've come to know and love. We've also got a pleasant surprise of a movie to review. I. Jeff Hates Trailers - 01:13 - Ridley Scott's Raised by Wolves - DC Comics' Fandome Justice League: The Snyder Cut Black Adam The Batman II. The Horror Reporter - 32:26 Bloody Disgusting Looks at the Demon Bear Saga from 1984 in New Mutants Comics New Haunting of Bly Manor Promotional Art III. Pull the...
Host (from Shudder)(SSS 147)
On Ep. 147 your friends from Saw Something Scary are joining in on a Zoom call connected to Hell with Shudder's Host - a tight screenlife film that punches well above its run time. Before we get there we've also got some good news in The Horror Reporter. So let's get going - hit that Download button, press Play, and let's get going on this episode of The Triple S Podcast!
You Should Have Left (SSS 146)
Kevin Bacon is back! Saw Something Scary reviews You Should Have Left!
SSS Throwback - Frailty (2001)
This week Saw Something Scary is hopping into the time machine and revisiting 2001's classic Frailty. The machine is set to April 6th, 2017, though, which is when this episode - which has been off the Triple S Podcast feed for a while - was first released. Enjoy!
Twister (1996) (SSS 144)
The boys from Saw Something Scary are taking a ride with The Extreme as they go chasing 1996's Twister. Before they get to the Suck Zone (not a slight, for the record) they stop in at the Horror Movie Swamp Match between Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman at the WWE's The Horror Show at Extreme Rules. Hit that Download button, press Play, and let's get going on Ep. 144 of The Triple S Podcast ------- Want more Saw Something Scary? Sign up for bonus shows via Patreon support at...
The Hunt (2020) *Special Patreon Bonus Episode Free Preview*
Here some bonus Triple S Podcast for you: the March 2020 Patreon Bonus Episode reviewing Blumhouse's The Hunt. We hope you'll enjoy a little extra from your friends at Saw Something Scary and if this free preview of our Patreon program whets your appetite head over to Patreon.com/ScaryPodcast to sign up for a plan!