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Ending Physician Overwhelm


I'm Megan Melo, a Physician and Life Coach. In this podcast we talk about ways in which Physicians get stuck in overwhelm, burnout and analysis-paralysis, and how we can get unstuck. I'm on a mission to help Physicians take steps towards healing from perfectionism, people-pleasing and limiting beliefs so that we can lead healthier, happier lives. To learn more, find me at www.healthierforgood.com.


United States


I'm Megan Melo, a Physician and Life Coach. In this podcast we talk about ways in which Physicians get stuck in overwhelm, burnout and analysis-paralysis, and how we can get unstuck. I'm on a mission to help Physicians take steps towards healing from perfectionism, people-pleasing and limiting beliefs so that we can lead healthier, happier lives. To learn more, find me at www.healthierforgood.com.



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Sticky Nuisances

I really had a hard time naming this episode...a more appropriate title might have been "Those Patients Who Annoy You Just By Showing Up on Your Schedule or By Their Chief Complaint" And yet, that wouldn't have captured it quite either. Today we are talking about the experience of have anticipatory emotions (annoyance, anger, dread, worry) over particular patients, particular chief complaints or just more generic anticipatory anxiety/dread about your upcoming shift. We've all been there. Join me as I use some coaching tools on myself in order to get unstuck. Let's do this together! Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Is Burnout Really Trauma with Special Guest, Dr Christy Gibson

I'm weirdly excited to share this episode with you because today I am joined by Dr Christy Gibson, a fellow Family Medicine Physician, Speaker and Change Agent who is on the forefront of advocating for better trauma education for clinicians, and working as a trauma clinician herself. Join us as we dive into how we as physicians experience trauma throughout our work in healthcare, and how we can start to develop tools that not only help our patients, but more critically help ourselves. You don't want to miss this episode! Dr. Christine Gibson is a family physician, trauma therapist, and author of The Modern Trauma Toolkit. You can find her on TiKTok with the handle TikTokTraumaDoc with >130k followers. Dr. Gibson has a passion for Health Equity and systems change, having created a residency and run programs for and with equity-deserving communities. She runs an international non-profit called the Global Familymed Foundation and a company where she trains professionals on how to manage workplace trauma - Safer Spaces Training (and The Belong Foundation). Book: The Modern Trauma Toolkit Company: Safer Spaces Training Website: ModernTrauma.com | ChristineGibson.net | SaferSpacesTraining.com TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktoktraumadoc?lang=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gibtrotterMD LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-gibson-md/ Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Know Your Triggers

What gets you activated (not in a good way?) Today, we're diving into reconnecting with our human emotions and mammalian nervous systems to recognized when we feel triggered, activated, dysregulated. Please note this is not a dive into deep trauma responses; we are focusing on times when we have a bigger response to something (words someone has said, a text we received, etc) than we would like. Our default is usually to shove down the feelings, thinking it will go away, but of course we know it doesn't. Join me (from my car!) as I share some recent experiences I have, and some ways that you can learn to help yourself in similar situations. Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Ugh, Patient Care

Alright, let's settle this right now. We could jump right to feeling like terrible people for feeling overwhelmed and resentful by the work that we do providing care to other humans. We're going to skip that. It's really NOT about the patients. All humans need medical care at some point, and we have chosen to provide said care. And yet, few of us realize the COST of doing this until we are in the thick of it. And for most of us, it isn't that we don't like or value the work that we do. But, every time we see a patient we: 1.) Need to be "on," thoughtful and focused, even if we were up all night 2.) Have to write an essay describing the encounter 3.) Are greeted by at least one other human who has some feelings and some expectations and usually some distress about being there needing care 4.) Might get bombarded with messages, chats, knocks on the door and "urgent paperwork" so Tommy can go to camp In this episode, I show you the reasons why you feel the way that you do if you both love taking care of patients AND dread going to work as a physician. And, let's talk about how to make this better. Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Ugh, Self-Doubt

Continuing on my theme for May of "ugh," stuff that we don't like, slowing us down. It's normal to feel doubt; it's a normal human emotion, designed to keep us safe. But crippling self-doubt? Failing to believe that we are capable to make a next-best-step decision? It paralyzes us, keeps us overworking, adds to our cognitive and emotional burdens and JUST FEELS TERRIBLE. Today we talk about all the places this shows up for people, and how we start to choose a different path. We can ABSOLUTELY change these thought patterns. Reach me at megan@healthierforgood.com, or schedule your free intro call today at https://calendly.com/healthierforgood/coaching-discovery-call Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Ugh, Procrastination

When it comes to procrastination, we've all been there! It's such a common human behavior, yet it often comes with so much guilt and self-judgement. Why is this? In this week's episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast, we're going to be exploring the 5 places where procrastination most frequently shows up so that we can better understand how it manifests and what to make of the feelings that arise as a result. We'll also explore various ways to overcome procrastination, and as luck will have it, these strategies also tie into how we can put aside our perfectionistic habits. My hope is that this episode will help you to approach procrastination with self-compassion, curiosity, and a proactive mindset, so that you can find peace in the tasks that you have at hand. Simply by listening today you've taken a great first step to bringing attention to the habit that we all have in one way or another, and this goes a long way. I hope you enjoy! Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Ugh, Feedback

One of the things that many of my clients and I have in common is that feedback feels really scary, really dangerous, and generally just really difficult to navigate. I know... it might seem weird to some of you, but it's just how I and many others are wired. As a high achiever who had aspirations of becoming a doctor, became a doctor, then started a business, this aversion to feedback has made these processes extra difficult. Because at every step of the way in order to grow and learn, we rely on the feedback from others who came before us. I'm sure you can see the conundrum here! So in this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast, I'm going to share three tips that can allow us to navigate feedback in a way that can help to rewire our natural response to feedback. These are things that I wish I had known years ago as I was starting off on my journey, so I really hope they resonate with those of you who, like me, have struggled with feedback over the years. I hope you enjoy and please be sure to leave a rating of the podcast if you like the episode. It means a lot and helps the podcast to reach others like yourself. Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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What Is The Story In Your Head?

As physicians, we like to believe that we are fact driven and that we operate based on evidence, science, data, and knowledge. And this is true.... to a certain extent thanks to our training. But as humans, our brains are wired for story. We are meant to connect pieces of factual information with emotional overlay, and use it to interpret events that are going on now or in the future. Put it all together and what do we get? A reality that is mixed with objective truth as well as some undeniable fiction that we create for ourselves based on our emotions. So in this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm we're going to be asking ourselves, "what are the stories in my head?" We'll take a look at where this often arises for physician, how to help to differentiate fact from fiction, and we'll discuss strategies for taking control of our own narrative. Because after all, while the stories we tell ourselves often serve a purpose of keeping us in a perceived state of safety and comfort, they also can very easily keep us stuck in a place that makes life more difficult for us. I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. It really helps me to spread the message to new listeners like yourself! Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Healing Through Sleep with Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown

In this week's episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with the always wonderful Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown. We talked about her journey with burnout, from her rigorous medical training in Nigeria, to becoming a triple board-certified Sleep Medicine Physician in the US, and ultimately founding and running her own practice, Restful Sleep MD. Through her lived experience with burnout, she saw first-hand what an impact sleep can have on an individual's well-being. She now helps parents and their children prioritize sleep, achieve optimal health, thrive, and live to their fullest potential. As you'll hear, prioritizing sleep was a big component of how Dr. Funke got through burnout, but another major component was aligning her work with her values, which required a transition from academic medicine to starting her own practice. We'll discuss the challenges and planning that went into making this move, as well as the joys that have come as a result. I had such a great time recording with Dr. Funke and I'm sure that you're going to enjoy this conversation as much as I did! If after listening you're interested in learning more about Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown's work, be sure to check out any of her links below. Enjoy! https://www.restfulsleepmd.com/https://www.instagram.com/restfulsleepmd/https://www.linkedin.com/in/drfunkebrown/ Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Miserable Comfort

At some point in our lives we've probably all felt like we've settled into a groove where everything is comfortable enough and there's nothing standing in the way of life going on like this for a while. But what if you know deep down that you want to change something about your life? It can be EXTREMELY hard to make that decision to make a change when you know that you might be straying away from comfort and stepping into the" unknown". But you also know that if you don't make a change, you might have regrets or feel unfulfilled. This is called miserable discomfort, and it's what we're going to be talking about this week on the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast. As you listen, I encourage you all to dream big and consider what is possible beyond your current circumstances. I'll share stories of incredible physicians breaking free from the traditional mold of medicine to embrace their passion and find professional freedom. We'll reflect on areas of our lives that might be holding us back, and discuss ways in which we can side-step them to take the first step forward to a life that aligns more with what we dream of. So enjoy, and to see what other badass Women Physicians are building, follow these folks on IG: Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Listening to Your Intuition with Dr. Erica Bove

As physicians, we're trained to prioritize evidence above everything else, and oftentimes this comes at the cost of suppressing our intuition. But what if we allowed evidence and intuition to co-exist? In this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast, I sat down with Dr. Erica Bove, OBGYN and REI, to discuss how rediscovering, and learning to listen to her intuition allowed her to escape burnout and find a sustainable path forward in medicine. Her story is a great one for anybody out there who feels stuck in the traditional channels of medicine to listen to. She felt the same way and endured years of feeling burnt-out until she took a leap of faith and pivoted to doing what she truly loves, which is helping women facing infertility issues in a more holistic way. Through this venture she founded Love and Science Fertility, which combines evidence, empowerment, and compassion to help women physicians and professionals to thrive through infertility. Now, Dr. Bove has found autonomy, time freedom, and fulfillment, and because of her openness to her own intuition, she has found a way to pair her love for clinical work with her passion for life coaching. Dr. Erica Bove is a wonderful human and I know that her story will resonate with many of you, so I hope you enjoy. If you're interested in learning more about her work, be sure to check out any of the links below. https://www.loveandsciencefertility.com/www.linkedin.com/in/erica-bove-0701a0173https://www.instagram.com/loveandsciencefertility/https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553692167183Dr. Bove's Bio: Erica Bove, MD, is a double board certified OB-GYN and Reproductive Endocrinologist (REI) physician, as well as a certified life coach through The Life Coach School. She is also the founder of Love and Science: Thriving Through Infertility. She has a keen interest in marrying an evidence-based approach with intuitive knowing in the context of a trusting relationship. She is beyond excited to bring coaching skills and paradigms to help women professionals thrive while undergoing fertility treatments. She is an expert in the field of sex and intimacy, as well as embodiment and mindful self compassion. She believes that the best outcomes are obtained when the whole person is seen and understood. Her mission is to heal and support the healers and to create a legacy she is proud of. Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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When You Feel Uncoachable

How do you deal with those days when you feel like you're unable to do or learn something? In this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast, we'll talk about the phenomenon of feeling "uncoachable." It's a sentiment that's often expressed by individuals who are hesitant to engage in coaching, therapy, or any form of self-improvement due to various mental and emotional barriers. I see it all the time in my clients, and I've experienced it myself as well! We'll dive into the reasons behind these feelings, including self-criticism, discrepancy between facts and perceived stories, and the "benefits" of remaining unchanged. Because as we come to understand our own unique barriers, we can start to ask ourselves important reflective questions to slowly break them down. Questions such as, "What experience do I want to have?" and "Who is really benefiting from my uncoachability?" My hope is that this episode will provide some common ground for all of us who sometimes feel "uncoachable" to reflect and find new perspective for our lives. So enjoy, and thank you for being here! If you want to listen to Dr Siobhan Key in her wonderful podcast, Thriving as a Physician, here's her recent episode: Dr Siobhan Key’s podcast, Thriving as a Physician, episode from March 4, “The Question that changes everything” https://weightsolutionsforphysicians.ca/one-question-changes-everything/ Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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The Physician's Journey to Entrepreneurship with Special Guest Nneka Unachukwu aka "Dr Una"

I am so thrilled to share this week's episode with you all, featuring my business mentor and all-round incredible human, Dr. Una! She's a pediatrician, best-selling author, speaker, and the founder of EntreMD - a business coaching program that helps doctors build profitable businesses so they can live life and practice medicine on their terms! Dr. Una and I find a lot of common ground in the fact that we both love doctors and love to serve them in our unique ways. In it's essence, EntreMD is really Dr. Una's love letter to physicians all over. It's her way of empowering them to find financial and professional freedom, along with joy and satisfaction, within a medical system that is more and more favoring corporate profitability over physician and patient well-being. And speaking from having been a part of the EntreMD universe for several years, what she has built is nothing short of incredible. In fact, it's such a supportive and knowledgable program that as members we always joke that it's the "only business school you never want to graduate from!" So without further ado, in this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm podcast you'll hear the ins and outs of her journey from being an employed physician to starting her private practice and eventually founding EntreMD. We'll highlight the importance of overcoming fear, embracing discomfort, learning to set boundaries, and developing business skills to achieve financial freedom and control over one's life and practice. This episode is full of gems, so I really hope you enjoy and take something away that helps you to fill your cup. And if you'd like to learn more about Dr. Una and EntreMD, see any of the links below: https://entremd.com/https://www.facebook.com/groups/entremd/https://www.instagram.com/entremds/https://www.youtube.com/c/DrUnachukwuhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/druna Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Introverts in Medicine

In this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm podcast, I want to talk about the experience of being an introvert in medicine. I'll start off by saying that I personally identify as an introvert. Not in the sense that I don't like to be around other people, but rather in the sense that I draw a lot of my energy from having time to myself. I'm sure many of you can relate and prefer this definition as well! Medicine, particularly within the modern-day system, is a field that asks a lot of doctors in terms of output as well as from a social perspective. We go from patient to patient, doing our best to show the best sides of ourselves, and in-between we're interacting with other staff. For introverts, this means that our social batteries are often drained by the end of the day, if not earlier. Now I'm not saying that introverts are at a disadvantage compared to extroverts. Far from it, actually! We're incredibly good at connecting 1-on-1 with patients, listening to them, and helping them through our problems. But being an introvert in medicine certainly comes with it's own set of challenges, so in today's episode we'll talk about these challenges as well as strategies to overcome them and maintain a sustainable practice. For all of you introverts, I'll leave you with this: let go of the self-judgement that often comes with feeling like your social battery is drained. Instead, lean into your introverted nature and seek necessary adjustments to make it easier for yourself. I'll help you through this in this episode, so be sure to listen to the end. Enjoy, and thank you for being here! Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Reclaiming Your Autonomy with Special Guest, Dr. Dike Drummond

If you've ever experienced burnout before, you can probably relate to an analogy that you'll hear in this episode, comparing burnout to being stuck in a chokehold with no clear escape. However, as you'll also hear, there is a way out, and the other side is often better than even the best times pre-burnout! This episode features a fascinating interview with special guest, Dr. Dike Drummond, a family medicine physician trained at Mayo, who became a professional coach specializing in physician burnout after experiencing it first-hand. Dr. Drummond shares his journey from practicing full-service family medicine to battling burnout, taking a sabbatical, and eventually leaving his clinical practice. What came next is something truly incredible, including the founding of TheHappyMD, writing several books on burnout, and establishing a coaching practice that has helped thousands of physicians and executives lead better lives at work. You'll hear us stress the importance of self-reflection, creating a work-life balance, and the potential for physicians to redefine their careers while staying true to their commitment to healthcare. I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you're interested in learning more about Dr. Dike Drummond's work, be sure to visit him at: https://www.thehappymd.com/https://burnoutproofmd.com/https://physiciansonpurpose.libsyn.com/https://www.linkedin.com/in/dikedrummond/https://www.facebook.com/thehappymd/https://www.youtube.com/user/thehappymdHe was also kind enough to provide us with a discount code for his Ideal Physician Job Search Formula Online Training, so if you're ready to find, interview, negotiate and onboard yourself into a much better position you can get 50% today! https://www.thehappymdacademy.com/offers/U2QbhUpM/checkout?coupon_code=MELO Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Be Your Own Boss

As physicians in the field of medicine, our work situations vary greatly. Some of us work for a big system, some of us in smaller clinics, and some of us are running the clinics ourselves. But regardless of what your situation is, I want to urge you to be your own boss, and that's what we're going to be diving into in this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm podcast. Being your own boss stems from this idea of of autonomy, and having agency over ourselves and our actions. It's a mindset of leading yourself, making calculated decisions that serve your well-being, and finding freedom in the skills that you possess. I know first-hand how easy it is to get lost in the granular picture of work, and in doing so, lose sight of the larger picture. This often results in physicians feeling like all the shots are being called by others on our behalf, but let this episode be a reminder that it doesn't have to be that way. We can all broaden our scope and take control of our work situations. Of course, this takes effort, and understanding your resources and potential restrictions, and being aware of your career path and life goals. But with time and intentional effort, we can all get to the point where we're serving as our own best advocates, and there's nothing more powerful than that! So enjoy! And please consider sharing this episode or leaving a review. It really helps us to grow and reach more people. Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Finding Financial and Spiritual Abundance with Special Guest, Dr Johanna B Moore

"Embrace what comes easily to you, because more often than not, that's your zone of genius, and that's what you can capitalize on!" In this episode I had the great pleasure of being joined by Dr. Johanna Moore, a dermatopathologist turned entrepreneur and coach. Here, we discuss her journey of overcoming burnout, embracing entrepreneurship as a step to overcoming burnout, and advocating for financial empowerment among healthcare professionals. You'll hear about how Dr. Moore ditched her compulsory high-achieving mindset and narrowed her medical practice to focus on her "zone of genius", which reignited her passion for medicine, improved her productivity, and led to newfound financial freedom. This led her to create 'She Is Money', a coaching company aimed at helping high-achieving healthcare professional women realize their earning potential without overworking. Her work has been truly life-changing for so many women on their journeys to better work-life balance, so I'm thrilled that she was able to share her wisdom with us. If you're interested in learning more about Dr. Moore's work, please check out any of the links below: https://sheismoney.com/https://www.instagram.com/sheismoney.llc/https://www.facebook.com/sheismoney Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Are You a Good Physician?

Do you think you're a good physician? This is a tough question for many physicians to answer, because the truth is that in our US medical system, there are so many metrics, opinions, and perspectives that feed into our own self-worth. But let me reassure you that the odds are in your favor that you are indeed a good physician. And internalizing your gift of competence and compassion is a key step in unlocking a life beyond burnout and work-related anxiety! In this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast we will reflect on, and work to re-frame, the typical narrative of self-worth in the field of medicine, which is one that is often molded by both internal and external perfectionism pressures. Because it's well overdue that we acknowledge that we can't cure all diseases or compensate for the flaws of the healthcare system. So let's start to see ourselves for the kind, caring, well-trained, and knowledgable physicians that we are, and give ourselves permission to live wonderful work and non-work lives. Enjoy! And please consider sharing this episode or leaving a review. It really helps us to grow and reach more people. Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Burnout, Motherhood, and Setting the New Precedent with Dr. La Toya Luces-Sampson

Being a physician is tough on its own. Now add motherhood on top of that and you've got a recipe for stress and burnout in one way or another. And if you boil it all down, it stems from prescribed expectations of others for the various roles we play. As physicians, it's drilled into us throughout training to be altruistic and prioritize the care of our patients above caring for ourself. Then, as mothers, society tells us to give 100% of ourselves to our children. If my math is correct, that leaves somewhere between very little and nothing at all left for caring for ourselves. No wonder burnout is such an issue amongst women physicians! But this situation isn't going unnoticed, and my guest on this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm Podcast is doing amazing things to turn the tide for physician mothers. Dr. La Toya Luces-Sampson is a wife, mother, board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist, entrepreneur, speaker, and best-selling author. She's on a mission to empower women to take charge of their reproductive health and advocate for themselves. She is also the founder and CEO of Amina OBGYN Consultants, a virtual gynecology practice focusing on supporting women through the postpartum period. In this episode, Dr. La Toya shares her personal experience as a working mother in the postpartum period, dealing with burnout, anxiety, and her journey of personal self-care. We'll talk about the importance of claiming agency, making time for personal wellness, and finding fulfillment for women professionals. Her work as an advocate for women's mental and physical health is so inspiring and important, so I hope you'll take a moment to listen and share with others. As I say in the episode, I wish there had been more people like Dr. La Toya in medicine when I was in training because it's something that everybody should hear, but I'm honored to be able to help her get the word out to the next generation of physician mothers! Thank you for being here, and if you're interested in learning more about Dr. La Toya Luces-Sampson's work, please check out any of the links below: https://drtoyaobgyn.comhttps://www.instagram.com/drtoyaobgyn/https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090007113038https://www.tiktok.com/@drtoyaobgyn?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.youtube.com/@DrToyaOBGYN Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.


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Dealing with Disappointment

When you encounter disappointment, whether that's at work or at home, how is it that you currently cope with that feeling? Do you judge yourself for having the emotion in the first place? And if so, do you like the way this pattern is working out for you or do you want something different? In this episode of the Ending Physician Overwhelm podcast, I invite you to take this little moment to reflect on this for yourself, and decide what is it that you truly want. That's exactly what I had to do recently after experiencing disappointment and resorting to buffering/coping mechanisms. I had to acknowledge that I'm only human, and it's normal to defer to comfort instead of feeling my feelings, but it's also not how I want to go through my life. So ask yourself who you want to be at the end of the year, 5 years from now, or even when you're 90 and looking back at the amazing life that you've lived. Then, decide what you need to do now to start making the choices that will lead to you being those versions of yourself. As always, thank you so much for being here with me. And if you enjoy this episode, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcast. I’ve included a link here, and you’ll be able to find the “write a review” button towards the bottom of the page. Your feedback is hugely appreciated and with it we’ll be able to reach a larger audience and continue to level up the quality of the podcast. Thank you! Support the Show. To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.
