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The Get-Fixed Podcast


Co-Hosts Derrick McBride and Dr. Abid Husain interview a wide variety of professionals in the sports medicine, performance, and health world. The goal of the show is to provide consumers with a more educated position in advocating for their own care and to provide the practicing professional more insight into different modalities.


United States


Co-Hosts Derrick McBride and Dr. Abid Husain interview a wide variety of professionals in the sports medicine, performance, and health world. The goal of the show is to provide consumers with a more educated position in advocating for their own care and to provide the practicing professional more insight into different modalities.





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FIX.36 David May

David May is a yoga instructor, crossfit coach, and mindset coach at Mecka Fitness in Pittsburgh, PA. I wanted to talk to David because it's rare you see a coach with a strong background in both yoga and crossfit. He clearly understands the importance of both strength and mobility and not taking a dogmatic approach to fitness. We start the episode commenting on my thoughts I shared about the shoulder episode 35 and cover a lot of ground after that.


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FIX.35 Thoughts on the Shoulder

In this episode, I run through a few thoughts I have on shoulder mechanics, injuries, and when we may be over coaching people. I talk about the upper traps and how they may be misunderstood.


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FIX.34 Dr. Kelton Mehls PhD, CSCS

In this episode I sit down with Dr. Kelton Mehls who is a PhD in Human Performance and Strength and Conditioning Coach. Dr. Mehls is a professor at Duquesne University, Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Director of Performance of Elite Sports Performance Lab in Pittsburgh, PA. We cover topics such as muscle activation and inhibition associated with different pathologies and movement inefficiencies. We talk about programming for objective outputs and ways to continuously monitor an athlete's progress. We talk about the art of coaching and cuing. And most importantly, we regularly talk about how strength can solve many problems.


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FIX.33 Salt Garrison

Salt Garrison is a Human Behavior Specialists who specializes in optimum performance in sports, business, and life. He has worked with many professional athletes to help them abtain a higher level of success and break past mental barriers by working to reframing mindsets, modify behaviors to become more in line with thier higher values, and practice visualization. While these skills help the elite athletes and high powered executives achieve higher states, all of us can benefit from Salt's teachings. You can reach him at: Facebook: Salt Garrison Instagram: @salt_garrison Website:


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FIX.32 Brittney Clements

Brittney Clements is a Functional Nutritionist and Integrative Brain Wellness Coach with a particular interest and skillset in mycology and the use of fungus as a medicine. In this episode we cover the medicinal uses, pharmacological properties, and intangible qualities of some of the most popular and powerful mushrooms. You can find Brittney online at @movementandmusing and on her website:


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FIX.31 Dani Abrahams PhD

In this episode, Dr. Husain and I sit down with my friend Dani Abrahams, PhD. Dani is a biochemist and epigeneticist who specializes in nutritional and supplemental ways to improve performance, heal injuries, and heal chronic diseases. She's one of the smartest and most thoughtful practitioners I've had the pleasure of working beside and I love picking her brain whenever I get the chance. I always get something valuable and practical out of our conversations and I hope you do too.


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FIX.30 Monica Salafia

In this episode we sit down with Registered Dietician and Personal Trainer, Monica Salafia. We talk about planning for the dietary demands of professional athletes, ways to optimize balancing macro and micro nutrients, and address many fads in the nutritional space.


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FIX.29 Dr. Abid Husain

In this episode Dr. Husain and I talk about the role of testosterone, it's importance for overall health, particularly cardiovascular health, and the best ways to address low testosterone.


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FIX.28 Ben Nelson - The New Normal

I sit down with my good friend, Ben Nelson, to talk about how to continue progressing and evolving in the strange times we find ourselves in. Ben usually works in large scale extreme sports events such as Nitro Circus and Red Bull events. Obviously, that isn't happening, so now what? I'm always inspired by my creative and self motivated friends that refuse to just lay down and take it. Ben, is certainly one of those people.


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FIX.27 Mobility Vs Motor Control

In this episode, I talk about the functional differences between a lack of mobility and a lack of motor control. I go over how to assess the differences, why it's important and how to program treatment plans based on the findings. The goal of this episode is to give some context to treatments for patients and to make the practitioner think about how and what they are assessing.


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FIX.26 Ryan Krol of Boundless and Leadville Race Series

Ryan Krol is the head coach of the Leadville Race Series and of Boundless. He's the go to guy for coaching for the worlds most popular ultramarathon, The Leadville 100. In this episode we talk about the physical and mental training necessary to complete of the world's toughest races.


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FIX.25 Acupuncture Vs Dry Needling with Brian Ellwood

One of the most common questions I get is, "What's the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?" This is a fairly loaded question with multiple ways for me to answer it. In the clinic I give a more concise answer. Here, I take the time to answer the question with the nuances it deserves.


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FIX.24 Dr. Jesse Riley

Dr. Jesse Riley is a Sports Chiropractor in Denver, CO. He has a varied background with a focus in movement therapy. He commonly works with all types of athletes but has a special focus in running injuries. In this episode we talk a lot about our similar philosophies despite different schooling and licensing. Enjoy!


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FIX.23 Amy Morrison



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FIX.22 Dr. Abid Husain

In this episode, I speak with my friend Dr. Abid Husain about NAD+. This is an increasingly popular supplement for longevity, anti-aging, recovery, and performance. We talk about what it is, why it's important, why to supplement, and all the ways to supplement. Enjoy!


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FIX.21 Low Back Pain

In this episode I talk through my thoughts and treatment plans for Low Back Pain. I talk about the uncertainty of diagnostic tests and incidental findings. I then go into the way I think about treating low back pain. For me it comes down to resetting the dysfunctional muscles then retraining proper movement patterns. Give it a listen to hear more of the complexity of the treatments.


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FIX.20 Andrew Simmons of Lifelong Endurance and Peak Performance Running

Andrew is the co-founder and head run coach of both Lifelong Endurance and Peak Performance Running. His goal, in both coaching and as a leader, is to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves. He accomplishes this by applying fundamental and cutting-edge training principles along with compassion and acceptance. In this episode we dive into some deep conversations about the physical and mental training it takes to be a high performing runner.


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FIX.19 Book Club with Ben Nelson

In the first Book Club podcast, I sit down with my good buddy, Ben Nelson. Ben is an event producer working mostly in the extreme sports world. As the senior producer for events such as Red Bull Stratos and Nitro Circus World Games, he has to be a high performing individual with efficient systems in place. That makes it fitting to have our first book club be about the book "THE ONE THING" by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan. This books helps you ask yourself the necessary questions to figure out the one thing you can focus now to make all of the other aspects of your life easier and more efficient.


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FIX.18 Brittany Bock

Brittany is a former Professional Soccer player and current massage therapist, coach, mentor, and speaker. In this podcast we dive deep into the athlete mindset and how to transition from a professional athlete to life after sport.


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FIX.17 Angie Noack - Neuroptomize

Angie received her Bachelor's degree from Mid-America Christian University where she studied Behavioral Science and Music Performance. She went on to earn her Master's degree from Colorado Christian University in Counseling. Angie serves as a licensed professional counselor at Nepes and is currently in the process of becoming a Board Certified Professional in Neurofeedback. She combines fundamental elements from both studies the help change her clients' lives. She has clinical experience in treating addiction, domestic violence, anxiety, depression, concussion recovery, and performance anxiety.
