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Being A Better Man


This show is about the character of men rather than the trappings of manhood. We will discuss the challenges men face from day to day, relationships, and personal accountability. We will talk about the finer points of manhood, and what it means to be a man in these modern times. It is all designed to lead up to a decision; the decision to be a better man today, than we were yesterday.


United States


This show is about the character of men rather than the trappings of manhood. We will discuss the challenges men face from day to day, relationships, and personal accountability. We will talk about the finer points of manhood, and what it means to be a man in these modern times. It is all designed to lead up to a decision; the decision to be a better man today, than we were yesterday.



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235 – The Return…With guest Les Moore

The Return! With special guest, Les Moore. That’s right guy’s, I’m back! It has been almost three whole months since I have released a new podcast. The last episode, number 234 went live on September 18th. Since then my life got a little crazy and I had some unfortunate technical challenges to overcome. During this three month Hiatus I have made a lot of observations, I have gained many insights, and I have continued on the path of being a better man than I was yesterday. I plan to share...


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234 – Errors In Judgement, and How To Handle Them

Errors In Judgement, and How To Handle Them… Todays program is being brought to you by Stump Town Kilts! they are the makers of the finest kilts available. They are a sponsor of this show because I am a loyal customer of this company and i am happy to stand behind them with my name and reputation. I own three of these kilts and I plan on getting more. Everything about these kilts is top notch; the innovative design, the craftsmanship, the color selection and even the price. I wear them...


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233 – There Are Always Options

There Are Always Options… After a very long period of silence It is I, Alf Herigstad, back at the Being A Better Man Microphone. It feels really great to be back. It seems like a very long time since I recorded an episode and in reality it has been exactly 3 weeks. 21 days since I have released an episode. That is the longest absence I have ever had and I was a little worried about what the consequences would be. I was concerned that everyone would just go away and listenership would...


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232 – Hate Makes It Impossible, To Be A Better Man

Hate Makes It Impossible, To Be A better Man… As many of you know, since starting this podcast some 232 episodes ago I have been very diligent about not getting political. I have not discussed politics or religion or anything else that tends to divide people. My reason for that is because I have always found it more beneficial to focus on things that make us similar to other people…rather than the things that make us different. I still believe that is true. For example, we are all men,...


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231 – Plan Your Next Adventure!

Plan Your Next Adventure! I don’t know about all of you out there, but I am in full blown summer schedule with everything now. You may have noticed that I have only been releasing episodes on Friday lately, that is evidence that I am super, super busy with the things that summer is demanding of me. Besides the farm, and our property, and relatives visiting and events of all kinds to attend one thing that has had me incredibly busy lately is that I am preparing to go on an adventure. That’s...


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230 – When It’s Hard Being A Father

When It’s Hard Being A Father…Be A better Man! Hello Men! As I predicted a few weeks ago the summer schedule has been a little tough. I have not been doing three episodes a week like many of you are used to. There was no Monday or Wednesday episode this week. Summers are always busy up here in the Pacific Northwest but this summer has been particularly so. What I can guarantee is that you will be able to count on the Friday episodes every week. As the weather changes heading into September...


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229 – Living A Half-Assed Life

Living A Half-Assed Life… You have arrived at the podcast devoted exclusively to the topic of the character of men. We don’t talk about sports, or politics, or dating or fashion. Here we talk about the nuts and bolts of what it means to be a man in today’s world, we talk about living with character and purpose. We do this, so that you can apply it to your own life and become a better man today than you were yesterday. I am the host and creator of this show, my name is Alf Herigstad. We are...


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228 – What Is Required To Be A Leader?

What Is Required To Be A Leader? Welcome to the beginning of another glorious week in your life as a man. I think every man should be having a glorious life. If you are not currently having a glorious life, the bad news is that it’s probably your fault. The good news, is that every day is a brand new day, and you can be the creator of your own destiny. As men we have the power to create, imagine, dream and innovate. We can sculpt the world around us into what we desire through the strength...


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227 – One Of The Worst Things You Can Do

One Of The Worst Things You Can Do… It is time once again for Being A better Man, the podcast focused exclusively on the character of men in all of its various forms. I am your humble sherpa on this journey, my name is Alf Herigstad, I’m the creator and host of this show. Before I delve into today’s content I’m going to take a moment to acknowledge the sponsor of our Friday episodes: StumpTown Kilts. Stump town Kilts is a company located in Portland Oregon, also known as “Stump Town”. It...


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226 – Choosing Your Friends Wisely

226 – Choosing Your Friends Wisely… Today I’m talking about the skill of choosing who your friends are. You may have never though of it as a skill before, but I think it is. I think it’s a skill that can be learned because it isn’t something we are born knowing how to do, and also because it’s something we can get better at. I classify anything that can be improved upon with practice and effort, as a skill. As human beings we are pack animals. Our existence is made up entirely of the...


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225 – Being A realistic Man

I appreciate you taking a little time out of your manly day to listen in. My intention is that you will receive something from this podcast that will cause you to think. That you will be inspired to consider your own personal manhood as you go through your day. It’s important, because staying aware and purposeful and mindful of your role in the world will result in you being a better man today than you were yesterday. I am your host, my name is Alf Herigstad. Right off the bat though, I’m...


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224 – A Better Man Knows How To LISTEN

A Better Man Knows How To Listen… This is the podcast that focuses on the character of men. Part of our core philosophy here is that if we become concerned with and focused on, our character as men. Then everything else in our life will start falling in place as a result. Think about it—if you are really trying to be a better man today than you were yesterday, and you are doing that every day, there will be some predictable results. Your relationships with other people will be improved....


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223 – The Virtues Of Hard Work

The Virtues Of Hard Work… I want to take a second and talk about a message I received yesterday from a regular listener named Les. It made my whole day. Les bought a copy of my book, Forging A Man. Les has two young daughters and he started reading a chapter of the book to them as bedtime stories each night. He told me about one story in particular that had a profound effect on them and even had them moved to tears. He went on to say that they are getting a lot from the lessons each story...


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222 – The Beauty Of Independence

The Beauty Of Independence… Tomorrow is Independence Day here in America. I decided to go back to see what I talked about least year during this holiday. I liked it so much that I decided to replay it this year. So here it is again, from the archives: I know I have a lot of listeners who are not from America…so for you, the 4th of July is just the day that comes after the 3rd of July. In America though…it is independence day. It is the anniversary of the day 240 years ago that the...


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221 – The Conversation Is Critical, And It’s Up To You!

The Conversation Is Critical, And It’s Up To You… First…a word about our sponsor: This is Friday, and we are privileged to have our Friday episodes brought to you by our sponsor, Listeners of this show can get 10% off their entire purchase by using the code: betterman at checkout. Just go to, do your shopping, pick out your new kilt and enter the code betterman at checkout to receive your discount. That’s betterman, all one word, all lower case. I’m...


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220 – Your Life, Your Legacy, Your Responsibility.

Your Life, Your Legacy, Your Responsibility… From time to time I talk about legacy on this show—and today is one of those days. If a man becomes mindful of his legacy every day then being a better man becomes second nature. It happens without even thinking about it. I’m thinking about this today because of the weekend I just had. I just got back from a camping trip with my family, which is why I am posting this so late on Monday…because I wasn’t home. On this camping trip there was...


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219 – Who Are You, in your relationships?

Who are you…In your relationships? Today I’m going to talk a little bit about your individual role in the lives of people around you. Who exactly are you to these people? I’m always saying that our relationships are the most valuable things we possess, and today I’m going to get a little deeper into that topic. Before I do that though, I’m going to take a minute and mention the sponsor of today’s episode; StumpTown Kilts. Right now we are entering premier kilt wearing weather, summer is...


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218 – Seasons Of Change, You Are In Charge

Seasons Of Change, You Are In Charge… Summertime is upon us. This fact is more evident in some places than others; Phoenix was 119 degrees yesterday and Seattle was 75. On the other side of the world in the Southern hemisphere they are heading into winter, but all over the earth people are experiencing the change of a season in one way or another. Yesterday, June 20th, was actually the summer solstice, the longest day of the year if you are in the Northern hemisphere. Now every day will...


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217 – What If…You Have A Terrible Father?

What If…You Have A terrible Father? This is the 217th episode of Being A Better Man and I got to thinking that I may not have ever explained why I do the show in the way that I do. Basically, I am making the kind of podcast that I would like to listen to. There isn’t a lot of small talk, there isn’t a lot of music or other production type things. When I tune into a podcast I personally don’t like it when there is a lot of jibber jabber…I like it when they get right to the point and talk...


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216 – Why A Man Should Never Be Bored

Why A Man Should Never Be Bored… You may have noticed that there was no episode two days ago on Wednesday. The summers are intense up here on the farm and they are very high impact. For the rest of the summer months I may occasionally miss an episode here or there because there aren’t always enough hours in the day, but if I do, it will likely be the Wednesday episode. I will not miss the Friday episodes for sure and hopefully not the Monday ones, just giving you a heads up. You know,...
