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Mitä Pelataan?

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Board game podcast in Finnish & English. Top-lists, guests, reviews, topics and things related to boardgames and boardgaming. Lautapelipodcast suomeksi & englanniksi. Top-listoja, vieraita, arvioita, aiheta lautapeleihin ja lautapelaamiseen liittyen. LinkTree: Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Email: mitapelataan ( at ) gmail dot com




Board game podcast in Finnish & English. Top-lists, guests, reviews, topics and things related to boardgames and boardgaming. Lautapelipodcast suomeksi & englanniksi. Top-listoja, vieraita, arvioita, aiheta lautapeleihin ja lautapelaamiseen liittyen. LinkTree: Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Email: mitapelataan ( at ) gmail dot com



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On Agemonia

Mitä Pelataan? - Agemonia. (What's being played? Agemonia) Disclaimer: This is not an ad or a paid piece, these are my honest opinions, but that should go without stating. Agemonia is currently in its first 24 hours in Kickstarter as it launched 7th September 2021. I hope you'll get some information from here to help your decision making process. Links related to Agemonia are at the end of description, followed by timestamps. Background and description: After talking with the designer, Max...


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Paragons of Change 15. - Paula Deming

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 14. - Sam Healey

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 13. - Calvin Wong Tze Loon

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 12. - Jeremy Holmes

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 11. - Grant Fitch

This episode was recorded in December of 2020, and I apologize for the delay in getting it out. Have you been waiting for these to return? In any case, these are now back - hopefully until I hit 20, just to commemorate 2020. The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and...


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JBG Extra - Vuosi 2020

Mitä Pelataan? -podcastin JBG Extra, jossa aiheena on vuosi 2020. Kokoonnuimme vuodenvaihtessa pohtimaan vuotta 2020 samalla porukalla, joka oli mukana edellisellä kerralla kevään 2020 Korona extrassa. Mukana jaksossa on siis lisäkseni JBG:n pj Markus, Hukkareissun Hannu ja Oranssioranki Niko. Käymme läpi vuoden 2020 kuulumiset ja keskustelemme pelatuista verkkopeleistä. Keskustelemme myös vuoden 2020 peli- tai muita harrastukseen liittyviä haasteita sekä mietimme tätä myös vuoden 2021...


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Paragons of Change 10. - Matthew Jude

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 9. - Eric Summerer

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Lautapelit harrastuksena

Mitä Pelataan? -podcastin jakso lautapeleistä harrastuksena. Jakso on nauhoitettu kahdessa osassa, 14.12.2020 ja 15.12.2020. Jakson aluksi kerron kilpailujen voittajat. Ensiksi kesäisen lautapelikuvakilpailun, jonka palkintona on Azul: Summer Pavillion ja sen jälkeen kuuntelijoiden lähettämien Top9-listojen kisan. Onnittelut voittajalle ja kaikille osallistuneille! Kilpailujen tulosten jälkeen kerron mitä Lautapelifanaatikot-ryhmässä oltiin mieltä lautapelien pelaamisesta ja harrastuksesta,...


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Paragons of Change 8. - Patrick Kelly

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 7. - Gaby Moraga

(Apologies for a longer delay, work/life took over editing.) The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might...


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Lautapelipalkinnoista ja -kategorioista

Mitä Pelataan? -podcastin jakso lautapelipalkinnoista ja -kategorioista. Jakso on nauhoitettu kahdessa osassa: 27.10.2020 ja 28.10.2020. Käyn jaksossa läpi eri (lauta-)pelipalkintoja maailmalta ja kerron niistä mielipiteitäni. Kerron mielipiteen joistain palkintoihin liittyvistä peleistä mikäli koen sen tarpeelliseksi. Maailmalla jaettavien palkintojen jälkeen kerron ajatukseni suomalaisista palkinnoista sekä voittajista ja kategorioista. Toisessa osiossa pohdin lautapelien kategorisointia...


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Paragons of Change 6. - Mike DiLisio

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 5. - Stephen Buonocore

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 4. - Ambie Valdés

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 3. - The Cardboard Kid

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 2. - Mark Cooke

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving...


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Paragons of Change 1. - Richard Simpson

The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try to finish with a positive – by...


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Lasten- ja perhepeliarvioita ja muuta

Mitä Pelataan? -podcastin jakso, pitkästä aikaa suomeksi! Jakson aluksi kerron pikaisesti kuulumiset, arvioin 17 lasten- tai perhepeliä, kerron kenelle Top9-listansa lähettäneelle annan yhden arvioitavista peleistä ja kommentoin listan. Tämän jälkeen puhun Facebookin Lautapelifanaatikot-ryhmässä olevasta ostokokemuskeskustelusta ja lopuksi kerron mitä teen seuraavaksi ja mitä on tulossa. Perinteen mukaan jakso vähän venähti, mutta ehkä se ei nyt haittaa, kun on asiaakin ehkä. Tarkempi...
