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Radio Eshkolot

Music Podcasts

Music of the Jews and their neighbors from all around the world performed live in Moscow and Jerusalem - from folk and liturgical hymns to classical and klezmer punk. Музыка евреев и их соседей со всего мира в живом исполнении - от фолка до классики, от синагогальных песнопений до клезмер-панка.




Music of the Jews and their neighbors from all around the world performed live in Moscow and Jerusalem - from folk and liturgical hymns to classical and klezmer punk. Музыка евреев и их соседей со всего мира в живом исполнении - от фолка до классики, от синагогальных песнопений до клезмер-панка.





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Music of Jewish Theater

Playlist of songs from XX century Yiddish and Hebrew theater shows, from New York to Moscow, annotated by Ilya Saitanov. Download the playlist Detailed annotation 00:07 Lekoved dem Khayligen Shabbos 02:31 Mipney Ma 03:47 Zastolnaya Pesnya 06:27 Yisrolik 09:28 Oy Gewald A Ganef 12:11 Freitag auf der nacht 15:16 Lechaim brider Плейлист из песен идишского и ивритского театра XX века, от Нью-Йорка до Москвы, с комментариями Ильи Сайтанова. Скачать весь плейлист Подробные комментарии


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Cantorial Secrets

How a synagogue cantor (chazzan) can avoid turning prayer into operetta? In the latest episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast Gregory Yakerson, the cantor of St. Petersburg Synagogue, reveals the secrets of his art. Download the episode Detailed description Как избежать превращения молитвы в оперетту? В новом выпуске подкаста Radio Eshkolot кантор (певчий) Санкт-Петербургской синагоги Григорий Якерсон раскрывает секреты мастерства. Скачать эпизод Подробное описание


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Macaronic Songs I

Why do Hasidic Jews (whose native language was Yiddish, and sacred language of prayer and learning – Hebrew) chose to sing some of their most sacred songs in a Slavic dialect? In the new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast, musicologist Hava Shmulevich and musician Ilya Saitanov discuss the "macaronism" (mixture of languages) in traditional Jewish songs. Download the episode Detailed description Зачем хасидам (родным языком которых был идиш, а языком учености и молитвы – иврит) петь о своих...


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Filanovsky Explains Beethoven

In the latest episode of Radio Eshkolot podacst the Berlin-based contemporary composer Boris Filanovsky conducts a "creative listening" workshop on the slow part of Beethoven's "Ghost Trio" (op.70), performed specially for the workshop by Contemporary Music Company in Peredelkino Creative Space (Moscow). Download the episode Detailed description В новом выпуске подкаста Radio Eshkolot современный композитор Борис Филановский (Берлин) проводит практикум "медленного слушания" "Призрачного...


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Manger's Enigma

In the new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast musician Ilya Saitanov ("Lakocha") tries to unravel a bundle of questions and enigmas around the musical permutations of Itzik Manger's poem "Du vest geyn mitn barg". Download the episode Detailed description В новом выпуске подкаста Radio Eshkolot музыкант Илья Сайтанов («Лакоча») пытается распутать клубок вопросов и загадок вокруг песни на слова Ицика Мангера "Du vest geyn mitn barg". Скачать эпизод Подробное описание


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Soviet Labukh Music (2)

Meet KGB archives, exclusive interviews and rare recordings in the second and final part of Mitia Khramtsov's and Ilya Saitanov's story of the Soviet Jewish restaurant musicians ("labukhs). You are advised to start listening from the first part, accompanied by the annotated playlist. Download the episode Detailed description Архивы КГБ, эксклюзивные интервью и редкие записи – во второй части подкаста Radio Eshkolot, посвященного советским ресторанным музыкантам-лабухам. Составители и...


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Labukh Playlist

As a sequel to their podcast on Jewish music in the Soviet restaurant musicians Mitia Kharmtsov (Dobranoch) and Ilya Saitanov (Lakocha) offer a curated and annotated playlist of top-10 archival recordings of Jewish "labukh" musicians. Download the episode Detailed description В продолжение своего подкаста о еврейской музыке в советском ресторане музыканты Митя Храмцов ("Добраночь") и Илья Сайтанов ("Лакоча") представляют комментированный плейлист из 10 лучших редких записей еврейских...


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The Hanged Man

Why did the keeper of Berditchev synagogue polish the magnificent chandelier on Sabbath eve and hang himself on it? In the new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast the actress Julia Aug tells a Hasidic story about withering fire, freezing water, generous princes, wise centenarians, and dangerous ideas. Commentary: Uri Gershovich. Soundtrack: Alex Nadzharov, Grigory Sandomirsky, Maria Logofet. Download the episode Detailed description Почему сторож синагоги Бердичева накануне субботы начистил...


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Kazachok I

Is Kazachok a melody or a dance? Is Ukranian gopak the same as Ukranian kozachok? And what about Jewish hopke and kozatske? When do Lubavitch hasidim dance Kazachok? All these questions are subjects of endless debate. In the new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast, musician and folklorist Ilya Saitanov in dialogue with his colleague from Ukraine Ilya Fetisov leads us into the thicket of ethnomusicology with a lot of rare musical tracks. Download the episode Detailed description "Казачок" –...


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Arab Music Jewish God

How did the blind Rabbi from Aleppo turn a popular Egyptian song into a Messianic hymn? How did the melody of a blind Iraqi Sufi get to be played by an Israeli musician as an opening for Radiohead? Why do synagogues in Jerusalem recite Kaddish to the melody of an Umm Kulthum song? The new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast is about a quaint relationship of Judaism with Arab music. Detailed description Download the episode 00:10 Lamma bada || Lamma haketz (Haim Louk & David Menachem) 06:18...


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Sleep Gifts

"Sleep, sleep, my girl, sleep, sleep, my dear. Daddy will bring you a birdie, so that your eye won't hurt". Why is father always away? How does the bird cure the eye? Why is the singer lisping? What do Yakut songs have in common with a Jewish lullaby? The "slow listening" of a simple Yiddish lullaby with a musician Ilya Saitanov and a philologist Alexandra Polyan leads you into the magic thicket of ethnography, linguistics and musicology. Download the episode Detailed...


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Drift in Berlin

One night in November 2019 groups of flâneurs went walking in Berlin. Their impressions were captured in flows of images, audio notes, videos, stories, and a musical piece. Drifters created situations where the once-familiar city became defamiliarized – "Berlin is never Berlin". Composer Alex Nadzharov montaged the Drift sounds into the psychogeographic musical piece "Berlin Drift". This is a sound-route through the city. In the new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast the soundscape of "Berlin...


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Slow Reading

"Slow reading is the opposite of close reading and yes I do think that Jewish reading practices can teach us a lot about this kind of reading and that reading is always a call, it's always a call to respond. Only after silent reading is invented does reading become a kind of practice literally and figuratively of masturbation". In the latest episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast enfant terrible of Jewish Studies Daniel Boyarin (UC Berkeley) talks about Slow Reading over a soundscape by...


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Indecent Pripetchek

Did you know that "Oyfn pripetchek brent a fayerel" (“On the hearth, a fire burns”) is actually a metaphor for female desire? The story told by Israeli musicologist Michael Lukin begins with rabbinic condemnation of Jewish women singing "whore songs" in early modern Europe and continues with one of such songs becoming a source for the most famous Yiddish didactic "folk" song of our times. In the new episode of Radio Eshkolot podcast Michael Lukin’s story is accompanied by several dissimilar...


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Decade's Best

Ten most viewed musical videos on Eshkolot Youtube channel have one apparent common feature – they provoke violent battles over cultural appropriation in the commentaries. "Jewish Csárdás" – How dare you? This is our Hungarian music! "Jewish Maqam" – Jewish?? Are you kidding me? This is pure Azeri mugam! "Polka żydówka" – What a chutzpah! It seems that the intrinsically contact/border/hybrid nature of Jewish music provides it with extremely successful marketing strategy :) Download the...


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Niggun Virus

"Niggun, a Hasidic song without words, is like a very powerful virus. Because the moment you hear it – you have to catch it. If you have to sit there thinking about it, it doesn't work. The niggunim work by having a structure, which you can learn very quickly, if you just try to sing it" – explains American musician and philosopher Alan Bern on Radio Eshkolot. This episode of the podcast offers a selection of the most viral niggunim from Eshkolot workshops. Download the entire...


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Sound of Metropolis

A hundred years ago Weimar Berlin became a global migration hub, a multilingual marketplace, exploding with artistic, technological and social innovation amidst economic crises and decadent nightlife. The latter was dominated by cabaret and dance-hall music created by Jewish composers Mischa Spoliansky and Friedrich Hollaender. In the new podcast Radio Eshkolot presents an original interpretation of 1920s standards by an improvisational band Goat's Notes. Download the entire...


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Fortuna Records

Fortuna Records is a Tel Aviv label famous for its discovery and re-issue of rare and forgotten recordings of Middle Eastern folk and pop music of the 1970s – from Egyptian classics to Palestinian folk, from Greek-Israeli rock to Turkish funk. Fortuna Records DJs unveil hidden soundscapes on the radio and at wild thematic parties in clubs of Tel Aviv, Berlin, London, Amsterdam and Paris. Founders and DJs of Fortuna Records Ariel Tagar (Kalbata) and Maor Anava (DJ Hectic) talk on Radio...


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Casablanca to Jerusalem

Haim Louk was born in Casablanca (the same year as the movie) and for many decades he has performed songs embodying the wandering of Jewish music from Gibraltar to Bosporus. His tunes reflect the rich diversity of musical traditions of Muslim Mediterranean, merging Berber, Hebrew and Arabic influences. Rabbi Haim Louk sings mystical texts from Andalusia before the King of Morocco, attracts crowds to his concerts in Israel, and performs all over the world, from Spain to US. His band consists...


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Yiddish Skomorokh

Yiddish skomorokh-trickster, vagrant philologist, Grammy nominee Psoy Korolenko is a unique example of living Jewish counter-culture – culture of shameless appropriation, burlesque multilingualism, carnivalesque obscenity and translation against all rules. Radio Eshkolot has collected its best recordings of Psoy's live performances – from rap-niggun to punk-chanson. Download the entire episode Detailed description Идишский скоморох, бродячий филолог, номинант премии Грэмми, Псой...
