Muzzle Punch
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If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com
United States
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com
Ep. 12 Dogs, Tethering Children and a Wonderful Reflection On What This Election Meant
Do you like dogs? If your answer to that question is "yes" than you need this episode in your life. If your answer is "no" than you need this episode in your life. Pretty much, if you're a human being living on planet earth you need this episode in your life. Boom! Truth bomb. So there it is, tell every single person you know to listen this episode (and every other episode of Muzzle Punch) and have them tell every person they know so on and so forth until everyone on this planet has listened to this episode. They'll thank you for it. You're welcome. Please like us on Facebook, subscribe on iTunes and YouTube. And show some love with a comment. Thank you all again for listening.
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit: www.muzzlepunch.com
Ep. 11 Rock'n'Roll and Everything Under The Sun
Pure FUCKING GOLD!!! That's what this episode is and you need to listen to it. That's pretty much all there is to say. Download it, sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks for listening. Please "like" Muzzle Punch on Facebook and subscribe on iTunes and YouTube. AND DROP COMMENTS!!!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit: www.muzzlepunch.com
Ep. 10 The Main Stream Media, Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge
THIS! THIS!!! I haven't had the chance to sit down and talk about the Khmer Rouge and Cambodia with someone in a LONG TIME!!! This episode starts off talking with Sean about being a reporter what being a member of the media actually entails then he mentions that he lived/worked in Cambodia for two years and BAM we're off to the races on a wonderful tangent. If you don't know who the Khmer Rouge are you need to listen to this episode. You're welcome. ENJOY!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit www.muzzlepunch.com
Teaching This Election, The Civil War and History
If you're a history buff I'm sure you'll find this episode fun and engaging! Even if you're not a history buff you'll find this episode fun and engaging because this episode IS FUN AND ENGAGING!!! Zac and I talk about teaching, the Civil War, the importance of knowing history and a whole bunch of other little fun tangents along the way. This was a hoot! What're you waiting for, download the episode and listen!!!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit www.muzzlepunch.com
Ep. 8 Coming Out In America
Another conversation I've been trying to make happen for a couple of months now and FINALLY things lined up and I was able to sit down with my dear friend Jonathan to talk about his experience coming out as a gay man after being closeted for 30yrs AND it was a twofer because his partner Mike was willing to sit down and be part of the conversation adding yet another perspective and personal account of what coming out in our society is like. I can't thank Jon and Mike enough for honoring me with your stories and having such an honest discussion with me about this topic. EVERYONE needs to listen to this episode ESPECIALLY motherfuckers who are homophobic!!! Download, sit down and listen. You'll be a better fucking human being for it.
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit www.muzzlepunch.com
Ep. 7 Race and Racism In America A Continuing Conversation
I loved sitting down with K-Rock so much that I felt this topic/conversation about Race and Racism in America needed, and still needs, more exploring. Thankfully my cousins Jess and Mel were willing to make the trek out here to sit down and continue this conversation with me.. This episode is just shy of two hours but it has set the stage for a bigger, longer, deeper, harder conversation to be had in the not too distant future. We're just starting to scratch the surface so please keep listening and keep your ears open in the not too distant future for the next episode on this very necessary subject matter. We, as a nation, need to be having more conversations like this.
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com
Ep. 6 Horses, Corpses and Aleppo
Do you know what a breezing jockey is? Well you will after this episode!!! HOLY FUN!!! THIS is the reason podcasting in log form conversation is so awesome!!! You have an idea of what you're going to cover and BOOM it goes in all different wonderfully informative directions. Join me for a great conversation with my friend Amanda Defer. It's worth the listen my friends. Thank you again for sitting down and having a chat with me Amanda it was a blast.
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com
Muzzle Punch Presents Rude and Skewed Ep 2
FUN, FUN, FUN!!! This episode was a BLAST!!! Pat and I sat down and talked with former Miss Connecticut and Miss America competitor Brittany Decker and we talked about all kinds of things. BEST PART?!?! Brittany gracing us with some beautiful singing. YOU CANNOT MISS THIS EPISODE!!! Download it and listen to it NOW!!!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit: www.muzzlepunch.com
Muzzle Punch Presents Rude and Skewed Ep. 1
This is THE VERY FIRST PODCAST I ever did, with my good friend Pat Hanley. I plan on releasing the all five of the episodes that we did over the next few weeks, we had a lot of fun making them and I look forward to the possibility of he and I getting together in the future for more episodes of Rude and Skewed as making this podcast was always a lot of fun. ENJOY!!!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit: www.muzzlepunch.com
Ep 5 Pearl Harbor, 9-11 And A Lot In Between
For this episode I sat down with my father, William Ralph, for a wonderfully enlightening and informative conversation spanning history from Pearl Harbor to 9/11 with a whole lot of good stuff in between. THIS IS A GREAT LISTEN!!! This episode does not disappoint. Enjoy.
Ep. 4 Race In America and 9-11
For this episode I sat down with my friend Karol (K-Rock) Traynham-Sheppard and we had a wonderfully informative and thought provoking conversation about Race in America and her experience working in Manhattan on the morning of September 11, 2001. It was a very enlightening and engaging experience and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed having it. ENJOY!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit www.muzzlepunch.com. Subscribe on iTunes, YouTube, GooglePlay and like us on Facebook.
Ep. 3 Politics and Gymnastics
Great conversation about the current state of American politics! Me and my friend Jeff Krok have wonderfully informative and insightful conversation, if you like politics and find gymnastics interesting this is worth the listen. COME ON, DOWN LOAD THE EPISODE!!! You won't be disappointed.
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com
Ep 2. Boxing and Navy Stories
This episode I sit down and talk with my kid, Avi, who is currently serving in the US Navy. We talk about his recent deployment and boxing. It's a great episode full of funny stories. DOWNLOAD IT AND LISTEN!!! You won't be disappointed.
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com
Ep. 1 Cars and Comics
This FIRST episode of Muzzle Punch was a lot of fun to record. Joe and I talked about tuning cars, comics and a whole host of other stuff. Conversations with interesting people is why I decided to start podcasting and this episode does not disappoint!!!
About Muzzle Punch:
If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit muzzle punch.com