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Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America

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Peter Navarro is one of only three senior White House officials to serve at the right hand of Donald Trump all the way from the 2016 campaign to the end of his first term in 2021. At the Trump White House, Peter was the President’s Chief China Hawk and helped craft many of the tough tariffs and sanctions Donald Trump would impose upon Chinese Communist regime. As the Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro helped President Trump create hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs through tough trade policies, by drafting numerous buy American, Hire American executive orders on behalf of the president, and through targeted interventions at key defense facilities like the Philadelphia shipyard and Ohio’s Lima Army Tank Plant. At one point, Peter also played a pivotal role securing our Southern border by helping to bring about the so-called safe third country agreements with both Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. During the pandemic, Peter Navarro was also the first to call out Dr. Anthony Fauci for his Never-Trump duplicity and for Fauci’s role in helping the Chinese Communist Party create a deadly viral bioweapon in a Wuhan lab funded by Fauci’s NIH. This COVID-19 virus has already killed millions of people worldwide. Peter Navarro started this podcast as an extension of his book Taking Back Trump’s America. This best-selling book -- please buy it on Amazon! -- has become both the blueprint and battle cry for the modern MAGA movement and Peter’s mission is to return Donald Trump to the White House in the 2024 presidential election and restore peace and prosperity to this great land.


United States


Peter Navarro is one of only three senior White House officials to serve at the right hand of Donald Trump all the way from the 2016 campaign to the end of his first term in 2021. At the Trump White House, Peter was the President’s Chief China Hawk and helped craft many of the tough tariffs and sanctions Donald Trump would impose upon Chinese Communist regime. As the Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro helped President Trump create hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs through tough trade policies, by drafting numerous buy American, Hire American executive orders on behalf of the president, and through targeted interventions at key defense facilities like the Philadelphia shipyard and Ohio’s Lima Army Tank Plant. At one point, Peter also played a pivotal role securing our Southern border by helping to bring about the so-called safe third country agreements with both Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. During the pandemic, Peter Navarro was also the first to call out Dr. Anthony Fauci for his Never-Trump duplicity and for Fauci’s role in helping the Chinese Communist Party create a deadly viral bioweapon in a Wuhan lab funded by Fauci’s NIH. This COVID-19 virus has already killed millions of people worldwide. Peter Navarro started this podcast as an extension of his book Taking Back Trump’s America. This best-selling book -- please buy it on Amazon! -- has become both the blueprint and battle cry for the modern MAGA movement and Peter’s mission is to return Donald Trump to the White House in the 2024 presidential election and restore peace and prosperity to this great land.



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A Stubborn Inflation Fails to Faze the Markets -- Navarro's Market Rap, 3.1.24

VISIT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM FOR THE TRANSCRIPT AND MORE Hi. I am Peter Navarro with this week’s market wrap for the week ending March 1, 2024. The S&P 500 had another up week, breaching 5,100. Propelled by the AI revolution, nothing seems to faze this market, even bad news on the inflation front. LISTEN NOW! PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW AFTER!!


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How Will Donald Trump Pick a High Qualities VP Running Mate? (Correct Audio File)

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AND MORE at HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM With Nikki Haley now RINO roadkill on the South Carolina super MAGA highway – only Nikki thinks Nikki is still breathing – a gaggle of pompous pundits are pontificating about who Donald Trump should choose as his VP running mate. The far better question for observers to ponder is what qualities might my old Boss be looking for in those he will consider? In fact, Candidate Trump asked that very question in a recent text message to his massive army of MAGA followers. Here are five such possible qualities based on my four years in the White House for you to mull over. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY!


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A Nvidia Market, Shades of Cisco and Nortel Circa 1999

VISIT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM FOR THE TRANSCIPT AND MORE! PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW -- AND SPARE ME THE PRISON JOKES LIBTARDS. One of the geopolitical risks that Nvidia itself faces TODAY is from Communist China. For starters, China accounts for about 25% of Nvidia’s revenue for its data center business, which is the largest operation at the company. Anything from increased sanctions on China to a catastrophic war with Taiwan would obviously hit Nvidia hard. Perhaps the biggest threat, however, is the US government – and rightly so. Right now, the Biden administration is trying to curb Communist China’s access to technology, and specifically AI which China intends to fully use for military uses. In thumbing its nose at those sanctions by running and runs around those sanctions, Nvidia risks a crackdown that, truth be told is long overdue. As to why the Biden regime continues to allow the Chinese military and state researched institutes of artificial intelligence to continue to buy the coveted A100 and H 100 Nvidia chips is a mystery.


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America’s Anti-Trump Labor Bosses Declare War on Their Own Rank and File

GET THE TRANSCRIPT AND A WHOLE LOT MORE AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM America’s Anti-Trump Labor Bosses Declare War on Their Own Rank and File Rank and file, blue-collar manufacturing workers love Donald John Trump. Yet, their union leaders consistently have failed to endorse him. This paradox has recently been on display as 2024 Candidate Trump has sparred with United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain over the UAW’s Joe Biden endorsement. Trump is absolutely right Fain is a “dope.” As I analyzed in an earlier column (UAW suicide pact with Detroit Three will mean higher costs, lower profits, overseas manufacturing), Fain’s pyrrhic “victory” in the recent UAW-Big Three negotiations is merely a short term “triumph” that effectively institutionalizes the offshoring of battery production and other key parts of the electric vehicle supply chain to Communist China. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY! AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW


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High for Even Longer (Not Talking About Strong Weed)

Visit HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM FOR THE TRANSCRIPT AND GRAPH. Hi. Peter Navarro here with this week’s market wrap for the week ending February 16, 2024. The most remarkable thing about this week is what almost happened but ultimately didn’t happen, which is to say a market crash. There’s the story: Last Tuesday, the consumer price index came out unexpectedly hot. Consumer prices ran over 3% from a year earlier, significantly above expectations. As you can see from the chart below – podcast listeners please go to the substack to see this if you’d like – the S&P 500 promptly tanked. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW!


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Onward and Upward Past 5,000 As Communist China Swoons and AI Destroys More Jobs

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AND TAKE THE SUPER BOWL POLL AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM What we have now is a classic technical rally where the market has blown through any remaining levels of resistance and is now free to run for a while. Trend traders are forgetting all about any fundamentals at this point and going all in for what thus far has been a profitable ride since November. The only thing that’s going to slow this market down now in the near term is some kind of geopolitical or inflationary shock that shows up in the data. Neither can be ruled out. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY!


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The Senate’s Amnesty Bill That Will Crush This Country

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AND A WHOLE LOT MORE AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW! How about this for an immigration bill: Shut the damn border and immediately deport the millions of illegals that have invaded our nation at the invitation of the Biden regime. The proposed Senate bill is certainly not that. It is nothing more than AMNESTY for the parade of scofflaws numbering as many as 8 million that have flooded across our borders since Joe Biden took office. Securing our southern border is not difficult. I was there in the Oval Office when Donald Trump came up with one brilliant idea that effectively closed much of our southern border in a matter of days. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY


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A Jay Powell Mini-Bear, More Weekly Bull, and the Dangers of a “Narrow Rally” -- Some AI Monkey Business

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW OF THIS PODCAST! HERE'S AN EXCERPT My broad and obvious fear is that as the AI secular boom accelerates, we will hit a threshold that will lead to the biggest mass layoffs this side of the Great Depression. Unlike in the Great Depression, it won’t be manufacturing workers and farmers, although they will take a hit; the biggest casualties will be white collar folks across the board. To understand the problem, suppose you pitted a monkey with the latest AI search engine against a freshly minted college grad from Harvard or Princeton in knowledge and writing tests. The monkey would win every time.


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Nikki Haley’s Last Song, Dance, and Supper With the Big Donor Devils

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AND GET MORE AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM The beauty of Nikki Haley’s suicide run against Donald Trump is the ugliness it exposes in American Big Donor politics. That ugliness will be on full display this week in that bastion of Flyover MAGA County, Manhattan. There, the now sputtering Rockette Haley will try to sing and dance for what is shaping up to be her Last Supper come the South Carolina primary. This is what Republican presidential politics has groveled to: A small handful of self-interested billionaires still think they can buy the Oval Office and then use the last useful idiot standing in Donald Trump’s way to make even more billions on the backs of blue collar and middle-class America. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW!


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More Biden Bull and Tesla’s Crash Dummy Elon Musk

READ TEH TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW OF THIS PODCAST! It was an extremely interesting week on the economic news front. The gross domestic product report for the last quarter of 2023 came in unexpectedly hot, and hotter than a firecracker, yet at the same time the inflation rate also surprised to the downside. The headline takeaways seem to be that, against all odds, the Biden economy is settling into Goldilocks territory where we are able to somehow grow at unparalleled rates and not ignite inflation. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY...


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A China-Russia-Iran-North Korea Box of Evil Boxing In Joe Biden

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM Suppose China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Iran’s Ali Khamenei, and North Korea’s Kim Jung Un got together to plot the destruction of America. How might this ruthless box of dictators and evildoers proceed? LISTEN NOW FOR THE ANSWER! AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW!!


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Wall Street Dances in the Ballroom of the Titanic -- Navarro Jan 19 Market Wrap

GO TO HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM FOR THE TRANSCRIPT. AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW OF THIS PODCAST!!! It’s déjà vu all over again as hedge fund moguls and pension fund managers on Wall Street continue to party even as danger lurks behind every door. I’m talking about Houthi missiles, North Korean rockets, China’s tightening noose around Taiwan against the backdrop of its faltering economy, a war that appears to be turning with the Russian tide, a headlong plunge into war with Iran, a looming fiscal cliff, an ever more prolonged future of higher interest rates, falling real wages across blue-collar America, a Congress with all the discipline of a baby’s bowel movements, a Republican Party at war with itself pitting RINOs against the vast MAGA majority, a Democrat party saddled with an octogenarian they can barely remember his name, a coming artificial intelligence tech tsunami that may finally fulfill our worst fears about a machine takeover of humanity, and an alphabet soup of legacy media – ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, and that in resident Fox in the Trump henhouse, Fox news – that refuses to tell us the real truth about just about anything. So this week, yet again, the band on Wall Street played on with all the concern about the gathering storm as the intelligentsia and landed gentry who danced in the Titanic ballroom had for the water that was gushing into their ship. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY


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Jamie Dimon for President, NOT! Bannon and Navarro on Dimon's Deathbed MAGA Conversion

In an astonishing CNBC interview, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon goes full MAGA in praise of Donald Trump. Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro pull back the curtain on Dimon's nefarious agenda. CHECK OUT PETER'S SUBSTACK AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW!


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The Eve of Apple’s and Tesla’s Red China Destruction

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM American CEOs who succumb to the lure of Communist China’s sweat shops, pollution havens, and massive government subsidies inevitably lose not just their souls. They eventually surrender their companies. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook and Tesla’s Elon Musk are just the latest in a long line of American dupes now learning this harsh lesson... LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY ... AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW!


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A Sugar AI High Shrugs Off Bad Market News -- Peter’s Market Rap For Week Ending 1.12.24

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM A Sugar AI High Shrugs Off Bad Market News It seems like nothing can stop the current upward movement of the S&P 500, not even bad news on the inflation, unemployment, and geopolitical fronts as the market finished slightly up for the week. I continue to believe that it is the secular bullish trend for artificial intelligence in particular and tech in general that is disguising what is otherwise growing rot in the rest of the American economy. LISTEN FOR THE REST OF THE STORY NOW! AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW!


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Beware New Hampshire’s Haley-RINO Trump Trap

HOT AS A FIRECRACKER! READ THE TRANSCRIPT AND GET A LOT MORE AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM The Never-Trump RINO establishment has only two shots to take down The Donald. Nikki Haley is its trigger girl in what it hopes will be a fatal double tap on Trump. Backed by a flood of RINO dark money – and a party-switching gambit by Democrat strategists -- Haley hopes to pull her Trump trigger first in the New Hampshire presidential primary on January 23, and then, on February 24, in South Carolina. These are the first two Republican primaries – Iowa on January 15 is simply a caucus. The frontloading of New Hampshire is particularly unfortunate for Americans... LISTEN TO THE REST OF THE STORY NOW! AND PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO WRITE A REVIEW -- UNLESS YOU ARE A PINHEAD NEVER-TRUMP HATER.


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A 1970s Wage-Price Spiral and Stagflation Scenario Keeps Percolating

GO TO HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM FOR THE TRANSCRIPT AND CHARTS Hi. Peter Navarro here with this week’s market wrap for the very first week of 2024. Let’s start with the two most important observations of last week’s market rap. First, I indicated that last week’s market movements would not really matter much in terms of information about the market trend. The likely bullish or bearish trajectory of the market in 2024 might be revealed this week as the first week after the new year is often a harbinger of the year to come. Here, it is worth noting that, going back to 1950, . When stocks finish the first week of the new year higher, the S&P 500 has been positive 82% of the time at year-end with an average gain of 13.6% -- this according to Stock Trader’s Almanac. If that statistical past is prologue, the outlook for 2024 may not be good. LISTEN NOW TO THE REST OF THE STORY AND BE SURE TO WRITE A REVIEW. SUPPORTERS PLEASE DO THIS AS THE TRUMP HATERS ARE OUT IN FORCE


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The Coming Biden Coup and Michelle-Gavin Gambit

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM Joe Biden will not be on the November ballot for president. With each new Biden crime family revelation and new poll finding Donald Trump will beat Biden like a drum, the inevitability of Biden stepping aside grows. Yet, Biden will not step aside before the end of the Democrat primary season. Instead, without real opposition, Biden will be poised to accept his coronation at the August Democrat convention in Chicago. Democrat strategists now plotting the Biden coup see this uncontested primary season as an essential element of a winning November strategy. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. AND PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW OF THIS PODCAST AND SHARE IT WITH A FRIEND!


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Why Cyclical vs. Secular Stock Market Trends Explain the 2023 Bull Market

READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM Confounding a whole slew of otherwise smart people running literally trillions of dollars in hedge and pension funds, the US stock market, as measured by total return of the S&P 500, finished in spectacular fashion in 2023 while posting an annual gain of 27% (including both dividends and price appreciation.) In the wake of this seeming inexplicable Biden Bull, the passive investor, buy and hold crowd crowed that anybody who “plays the market” is a fool; and the only thing for us retail investors to do is just buy and hold broad market indices for years on end and just let your broker worry about it. Fair enough – if you just look at the results of this year. But perhaps not so smart if you take a little bit of time to unravel the mystery of just what bus hit so many in the hedge fund crowd who took massive, often times leveraged, shorts of the S&P 500. So let me take a crack at trying to unravel that mystery for you – which you will see turns out to be no mystery at all. LISTEN NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. SUPPORT PETER'S MISSION AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM


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Xmas Special: America’s Cities Dying in a Woke World

GET THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM If the wages of sin is death, surely the wages of woke must be the death of America’s cities. Take Chicago. It has the best architecture, those beloved and once again hapless Cubbies, a truly Magnificent Mile on the shores of Lake Michigan, deep dish pizza, Harold’s fried chicken, and a wonderland of a Navy pier. Yet, to enjoy any these Windy City treats is to risk a carjacking and the crossfire of warring gangs. Chicago is the car-jacking capital of, and most gang-infested city in, America. Chicago’s woke “sanctuary city” status has now left it at a tipping point into chaos because of the open borders policies of Joe Biden. Fully one third of Chicago’s projected $538 million budget deficit for 2024 flows from its flood of illegal aliens. Meanwhile, over 10,000 migrants are scattered across the city in temporary shelters or, get this, housed in Chicago police stations. These poorly educated illegals are crowding out black and brown Chicagoans at the lower end of the labor market, driving down wages and sparking angry confrontations. Then there is the roller coaster, trolley car ride of a city where excrement literally does roll downhill -- San Francisco. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. WRITE A REVIEW AND SHARE WITH A FRIEND PLEASE!
