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CEA Talk

News & Politics Podcasts

The Central European Affairs Talk podcast is delivered to you by Central European Affairs (CEA) digital magazine, publishing high-quality conversations that bring critical and innovative thinking to the fore and stimulate debate.Our podcast focuses on topics related to democracy, rule of law, human and digital rights, as well as culture and European integration in Central and Eastern Europe. CEA Talk is dedicated to informing and educating decision-makers, politicians, businessmen, scholars, researchers as well as interested persons from other professional areas. It features balanced treatment and a wide array of opinions from its debate partners.The main goal of the talks presented by CEA Talk is to provide in-depth knowledge of democratic actors and procedures as well as to promote critical and democratic thinking and behavior.




The Central European Affairs Talk podcast is delivered to you by Central European Affairs (CEA) digital magazine, publishing high-quality conversations that bring critical and innovative thinking to the fore and stimulate debate.Our podcast focuses on topics related to democracy, rule of law, human and digital rights, as well as culture and European integration in Central and Eastern Europe. CEA Talk is dedicated to informing and educating decision-makers, politicians, businessmen, scholars, researchers as well as interested persons from other professional areas. It features balanced treatment and a wide array of opinions from its debate partners.The main goal of the talks presented by CEA Talk is to provide in-depth knowledge of democratic actors and procedures as well as to promote critical and democratic thinking and behavior.





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Kaddik: Decarbonization - the limits and challenges of e-mobility

Daniel Kaddik talks about the alternatives of fossil fuels for the next couple of decades. He mentions many challenges mainly focusing on Germany, where producing car is more than just sheer production, but also many other sectors are connected to it. Kaddik mentions the future of hydrogen and other alternative fuels, and talks enthusiastically how free market capitalism will solve transform petrol stations to being more service driven rather than only focusing on selling fuel. He also says that present-day cars will still be around until 2040, so there is ample time to see how the alternatives could be used and to what efficiency.


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Ember: Hungary’s Energy Crossroads: ‘Investors Must Navigate a Risky Terrain’

In our podcast, Zoltán Levente Ember, CEO of Hungarian research Compass Institute delves into the pressing challenges facing Hungary’s energy sector. From the rapid expansion of solar power capacity to the political and financial risks foreign investors must navigate, the discussion uncovers the complexities of the country's energy landscape. Listeners will learn about Hungary’s efforts to become a leader in electromobility and battery manufacturing, while struggling with outdated grid infrastructure and rising energy demands. The conversation touches on the role of government incentives, such as the “utility reduction” policy, and the unpredictable nature of policy changes driven by Hungary's ongoing state of emergency. With the European Union's funds out of reach, the country’s future energy development hangs in the balance. Topics like the impact of the Robin Hood tax and MAVIR’s moratorium on solar connections add depth to the narrative. Zoltán highlights the difficulty for foreign investors to thrive under these conditions and points out the significant gap in wind power investment. Additionally, environmental and taxation concerns surrounding solar panels, along with legal challenges, create further uncertainty. As the podcast unfolds, the listener gains insight into both the opportunities and obstacles in Hungary’s renewable energy journey. The episode closes with a reflection on the urgent need for clearer energy policies and improved collaboration between stakeholders.


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Kaddik: Decarbonization - the limits and challenges of e-mobility

Daniel Kaddik talks about the alternatives of fossil fuels for the next couple of decades. He mentions many challenges mainly focusing on Germany, where producing car is more than just sheer production, but also many other sectors are connected to it. Kaddik mentions the future of hydrogen and other alternative fuels, and talks enthusiastically how free market capitalism will solve transform petrol stations to being more service driven rather than only focusing on selling fuel. He also says that present-day cars will still be around until 2040, so there is ample time to see how the alternatives could be used and to what efficiency.


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Vilén: All the red lines had been crossed

One of Finland’s most impressive diplomats in the last two decades has been Jari Vilén, an accomplished envoy who served in the Finnish Parliament and represented the National Coalition Party between 1999 to 2007. In August of that same year, Mr. Vilén was tapped as Finland’s Ambassador in Budapest, and by mid-February 2012, he was assumed as Ambassador to Warsaw, which he began later that fall. In 2014, Mr. Vilén was also appointed EU ambassador to the Council of Europe. During a wide-ranging discussion as a guest on CEA Talk with István Teplán, Amb. Vilén addressed a litany of geopolitical topics in a most volatile time for the continent. In introducing his friend and colleague, Mr. Teplán reminded listeners that Jari Vilén currently has been serving as Ambassador to the Barents and the Northern Dimension in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amb. Vilén “is very interested in Central Europe, and a great friend of Hungary,” observed Mr. Teplán, saying that the respected envoy has helped with “the democratization process of [Central European] countries for many years.”


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De Jong: The importance of human dignity in world a freedom and unfreedom

In this episode of CEA Talk, our guest was Johannes de Jong, the director of the Sallux Foundation based in the Netherlands. Mr de Jong talks about the Christian democratic principles of Europe, how they are receding, and how crucial human dignity is for humanity. During the podcast, our guest talks about populist governments, autocratic regimes, and how the world has now been divided into two groups, countries where you have freedom and those where there is unfreedom.


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Rácz: Ukraine as an independent country is going to survive

In this edition of CEA Talks, Russia expert Dr András Rácz analyzes the gesture Orban is making to the Russian Federation by asking to have oligarchs removed from the EU sanction list. He also gives ample explanation to the tank situation regarding Germany. As for the Russian aggression in Ukraine, he describes the present stalemate and talks about why Belarus will actively not join on Russia’s side. Dr András Rácz is Senior Research Fellow at German Council on Foreign Relations.


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Amb. Bonis: Sanctions are meant to cripple Russian aggression

CEA Talks host Zoltán Kész interviews the ambassador of the Netherlands to Hungary, Désirée Bonis. The topics include the two countries’ business, cultural and historical connections, and some politics. Désirée talks about the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland and how she imagines the war ending. From the EU point of view, corruption is a big problem in Hungary, and populism is threatening democracy worldwide. But after all, the EU is still a unique society of liberty and freedom, which we should all be proud of.


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Wirtz: The farming reform Europe may (not) need

Agriculture is an issue which is viewed very differently depending on which European country you look at it from. Whether it is the subsidies or the methods, it seems like there is no real understanding among all the EU member states. In this edition of the CEA Talks podcast, host Zoltán Kész is joined by Bill Wirtz, senior policy analyst at the Consumer Choice Center.


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Landl: Back Vaping. Beat smoking.

CEA Talks host Zoltán Kész is talking to Michael Landl who is the director of the World Vapers’ Alliance about their upcoming EU campaign tour which will also land in 2 Central European countries. They will be in Warsaw, Krakow, Brno and Prague. Michael talks about the organization’s ‘Back Vaping, Beat Smoking’ initiative, and also about their goal to reach policy makers, combat misinformation and the wish to make their voices heard all around the world. Michael Landl is the director of the World Vapers’ Alliance He is an experienced policy professional and passionate vaper. Michael studied International Affairs at the University of St. Gallen, and worked for several public policy outlets and also in the German Parliament.


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EU enlargement should have a strong democratic core

Balázs Sean Brandt president of the Young European Federalists of Hungary talks about the pressing issues of European youth such as Democracy, Rule of Law, etc. The response of the new generation to the rise in authoritarian figures across the EU, as well as the expansion of the European Union’s member states, with a focus on Moldova and Ukraine, are also topics in today’s episode of the Central European Affairs podcast. Host: Robert Dirk Giese


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Amb. Kelly: Georgia was dress rehearsal for Ukraine

Former US Ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly talks about Russia’s war in Ukraine, Georgia as a prelude to the current crisis, what Vladimir Putin could count on with economic pain kicking in globally and whether the Russian President can be defeated in the political chess game with the Western world.


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Hunyadi: Far-right Our Homeland party could grow in parliament

A new far-right party has started its work in the Hungarian Parliament as it passed the threshold of 5%. Its name is Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland). CEA Talks host Zoltán kész talks to Political Capital analyst Bulcsú Hunyady, who is an expert on extremism and radicalisation. They talk about what caused Our Homeland to get into the Hungarian Parliament, their Kremlin connections, their political agenda and what Hungarians can expect from them in the coming years.


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Porčnik: Political turn in Slovenia

Tanja Porcnik, the President of the Slovenian Visio Institute talks to Zoltan Kesz about the Slovenian elections. On April 24, a parliamentary election took place in the country. The results reflected a clear message from voters that the government needs to change. The ruling party led by Janez Jansa lost to a completely new party led by Robert Golob. Did Jansa's good relationship with Hungarian PM Orban play a role in the election? How did the pandemic play a role in his defeat? What led to the defeat of Jansa? What can we ecpect from the new government? Ms Porcnik gives an answer to all these questions.


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Le Quiniou: Nobody knows what is Macron's election program

Political analyst Romain Le Quiniou talks about the French presidential election, the impact of the Ukraine war on the vote, why President Emmanuel Macron's support has fallen in recent weeks, how Marine Le Pen's popularity is surging, and whether the European Union faces another shock momentum or the French 'cordon sanitaire' will work again?


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Gressel: Next decades will be tough for European defense

Military expect Gustav Gressel talks about present and future of European defense policy, the main security providers in the continent, and why the Russian army is performing below its capabilities and expectations in Ukraine.


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Shamiev: Russia's military not as great as in Hollywood movies

Russian civil-military relations expert Kirill Shamiev talks about the expanded Russo-Ukrainian War, the heavy costs of an assault on Kiev, Russia’s military reform, the benefits of foreign mercenaries, and how incorrect intelligence from the FSB’s Fifth Service could have contributed to a miscalculation of the Kremlin in Ukraine.


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Simonyi: Russians demanded elimination of Viktor Orbán in 1989

Hungary’s former ambassador to the NATO talks about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Hungarian approach to a war in the backyard, Viktor Orbán’s special relationship to Vladimir Putin, and how the Russians demanded the Hungarians to take him out in 1989.


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Gyöngyösi: Brezhnev Doctrine or One Speed Europe?

CEA Magazine talks to Hungarian MEP Márton Gyöngyösi, who co-initiated the petition “East or West?” after Russia demanded NATO roll back from Eastern Europe.


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Barbashin: Russian troops along Ukraine border are a tool to force diplomacy

Anton Barbashin, editorial director ar Riddle Russia, talks about the rising tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine, the necessity of a wider dialogue with the Kremlin and why a Russian military intervention in the Ukraine would not be the biggest priority for the Biden administration. Host: Balázs Csekő


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Przybylski: Polish border crisis an aggression by Lukashenko

Wojciech Przybylski, editor-in-chief of Visegrad Insight, talks about the background to the Belarus-Poland border crisis, the (un)popularity of the governing PiS party and the high inflation causing major headache for many Poles. Host: Zoltán Kész
