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The Civics Nexus

News & Politics Podcasts

'The Civics Nexus' offers a unique and sometimes scary perspective on today's headlines, culture, and pressing political issues. Patrick's distinct way of viewing the world's nexus via the reflection of history exposes the connections from past to present. His thought-provoking questions, analogies, and perspectives challenge conventional thinking and will surely help uncover hidden connections that make up the big picture. Tune in Monday through Friday to see the patterns that shape our world today.


United States


'The Civics Nexus' offers a unique and sometimes scary perspective on today's headlines, culture, and pressing political issues. Patrick's distinct way of viewing the world's nexus via the reflection of history exposes the connections from past to present. His thought-provoking questions, analogies, and perspectives challenge conventional thinking and will surely help uncover hidden connections that make up the big picture. Tune in Monday through Friday to see the patterns that shape our world today.



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Ep. 75 Supreme Court Showdown: The Left's Battle to Undermine Judicial Authority.

Today on The Civics Nexus Weekend Update, we're diving into the heart of the Supreme Court's hottest battles to be ruled on in the next week or two. From U.S. Soccer’s forced speech controversy to Macron’s political gamble in France, we’ll explore the seismic shifts in global politics. We’ll break down the Chevron case’s potential to overhaul U.S. agency power and uncover why the left is fiercely attacking the Supreme Court. Plus, we’ll finish with the top 5 driving habits that make traffic unbearable. Tune in for politics & power today, like always. The Traffic Segment will be bumped to Monday's show because I went too long on Chevron. #SCOTUSShowdown #ChevronCase #USPolitics #TrafficWoes #CivicsNexus Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!


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Ep. 74 WTF Friday Chaos and Left Braces for Legal Reckoning

Today on The Civics Nexus, we bring you WTF Friday! The left is in sheer panic as Donald Trump faces an imminent legal reckoning, and you can see and hear it. In today's wild headlines: Rumor has it Biden travels with two suits just in case of an accident. The trans manifesto blames an imaginary penis. Joe Biden is suing a Texas doctor for trying to stop the mutilation of children. A 400-pound woman wins Miss Alabama and a man with a penis wins Miss Maryland. Donald Payne Jr. wins an election weeks after he died—yes, people voted for a dead guy. Dogs can see with their noses, and Joe Biden is somehow up in the newest poll. None of that is made up. Stay tuned as we dive headfirst into the madness. #WTFFriday #CivicsNexus #CrazyHeadlines #TrumpReckoning #LeftInPanic #InsaneNews #WildHeadlines Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!


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Ep. 73 Why Trump’s 'Threat to Democracy' Is Exactly What America Needs

In this episode of Civics Nexus, we lead with an exploration of why America should strive to be a constitutional republic rather than a democracy, exposing how most people don't know the crucial differences. We highlight the lunacy of the left with Chuck Schumer's outrageous quote: "Nelson Mandela was imprisoned by his own government, which means he was clearly a bad guy who totally deserved it. Tear this dangerous statue down immediately!" You have to admire their valor to stick to the narrative that Trump is a convicted felon. Discover how our government could take cues from Major League Baseball in correcting wrongs and upholding meritocracy. We'll also discuss how Trump was right all along but was ignored, and examine Nvidia's rise past Apple to become the second-largest company in the world, thanks to AI. Join us to uncover the real threats to democracy and why a constitutional republic is the true salvation for America. #CivicsNexus #TrumpWasRight #RepublicVsDemocracy #AIRevolution #MLBMeritocracy #LeftistLunacy #NelsonMandela #ChuckSchumer #Nvidia #ConstitutionalRepublic #MajorLeagueBaseball Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!


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This Is D.E.I. I Can Stand Behind

In the ongoing journey to preserve history and recognize the unerasable contributions of countless individuals, statistics serve as a beacon of truth. Just as history cannot be rewritten, these quantitative records stand resilient against the tides of cultural shifts. Today, Major League Baseball's integration of Negro Leagues statistics into its official records is a testament to this enduring principle. By acknowledging the exceptional talent of Black athletes in the pre-Jackie Robinson era, MLB is not only righting a historical wrong but also enriching the narrative of America's favorite pastime. Disclaimer: Even if you're not a baseball fan or don't care much for the sport, this integration matters. It represents a crucial step in acknowledging the truth and correcting historical wrongs. Understanding these changes offers insight into how institutional decisions can affect fairness and recognition, much like how current political actions are impacting the fairness of our justice system and elections. Trump is not getting a fair and equal chance at justice or an election, highlighting a broader issue of systemic bias. This significant step honors legends like Josh Gibson, Oscar Charleston, Satchel Paige, and Mule Suttles. Their achievements, now officially recorded, stand alongside MLB icons, revealing the profound impact these athletes had on the game. Josh Gibson’s astonishing .372 batting average now surpasses Ty Cobb’s .367, and his .466 season average for the 1943 Homestead Grays sets a new benchmark, recognizing the true caliber of Negro Leagues players. Yet, this achievement isn't just about numbers. It’s about celebrating the indomitable spirit of players who, despite systemic barriers, showcased their talent and passion. This move by MLB also highlights the disparity and challenges these players faced, offering a stark reminder of the corporate elites and power structures that have long dictated the narrative. By integrating these records, MLB acknowledges the struggles and triumphs of these athletes, presenting a fuller, more inclusive history. Though they played in different leagues and on different fields, the essence of baseball remained the same: one ball, one bat, ninety feet between bases, nine fielders, two managers. The dirt and grass may have been tougher, the quality of bats different, but it was still baseball. This reflects the way America should be – recognizing that despite our different backgrounds and circumstances, we are all fundamentally the same. As we witness this historic correction, it’s important to recognize that the model has been set. MLB messed up, admitted it, gave credit where it was due, apologized, made it right, and moved on. This is a testament to our shared humanity. If only our executive office and other government officials could follow this example. The government should take a cue from MLB. Just as baseball will not let Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, or Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame, any corrupt government officials should be denied pay, have their bank accounts seized, and be thrown in jail. Baseball doesn't affect your taxes, your bills, the economy, your health, or your safety. Our government officials, however, hold our country in their hands, and our lives, in many ways, are in their control. They also shape the future for our children. It’s time we start holding government officials accountable. They supposedly work for us anyway. While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have often been criticized for undermining meritocracy, these statistics represent a true meritocratic acknowledgment that transcends DEI rhetoric. This is DEI I can stand behind: a celebration of excellence, hard work, and undeniable talent t Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!


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Ep. 72 Putin's Defensive Stance: Why Biden is to Blame for WWIII

In today's explosive episode of The Civics Nexus, we unravel the critical issues plaguing our nation and the world. Biden's reckless policies push us dangerously close to World War III, and we explain why Putin has every right to defend his country. Check out this discussion from Tucker Carlson: Tucker Carlson on Twitter. Next, we turn to Capitol Hill, where Dr. Fauci faces a grilling from Ronnie Jackson. We expose how Fauci has been hiding crucial FOIA documents and debate why he should be put down like the beagles he experimented on. We also break down how to effectively debate the left, who remain clueless about Trump’s supposed crimes. Join us as we connect these stories, revealing patterns of corruption from historical perspectives to today’s headlines. #CivicsNexus #WWIII #BidenBlunders #PutinDefense #FauciGrilled #FOIAHiding #RonnieJackson #BeagleExperiments #TrumpDebate #PoliticalAnalysis #HistoricalPatterns Tune in to uncover the truth behind the headlines. The Joe Biden song Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!
