
Seattle, WA


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October 10, 2023 Show

6am hour -- Israeli Defense Forces reports killing 1500 Hamas fighters, Hamas still holding hostages, why Hamas attack is more about Jews than Israel, Israeli PM vows to "finish them", Jewish director of the Anti-Defamation League chastises MSNBC/Morning Joe program for coverage associated with Hamas attack. 7am hour -- Bellevue WA rally for Israel, a high-profile NBA player criticizes Black Lives Matter supporters for being silent about Hamas unprovoked attack on Israel, former NBA stand-out criticizes Black Lives Matter supporters for failing to condemn Hamas attacks on Israel, some short term memory problems over at the Seattle Times when it comes to public toilets, why do Democrats who demand Ukraine military support over an unprovoked attack by Russia blame Israel when Hamas commits an unprovoked attack?, GUEST: author of “Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World” Professor Jeff Fynn-Paul examines the social justice crusade to paint Christopher Columbus inaccurately, examples of how indigenous tribes sold land to settlers for products like rifles and gun powder or clothing. 8am hour -- last hour's guest interview follow-up: the urban legend that North American settlers infected indigenous tribes with small pox, consider the anti-Israel lobby and the actions of Hamas's unprecedented attack last Saturday, a video clip of a Hamas fighter calling a 4 year old Israeli a "filthy Jew", Q: why are Jews called colonists by anti-Semites while Jerusalem and surrounding area (Judea) are their native lands, A: the real hatred is against the Jewish and Christian religions, three levels of anti-Semitism in America, GUEST: KVI's Ari Hoffman rejoins the show to talk about the reports of babies massacred by Hamas in Israel unprovoked attack, the evidence that Hamas despises the Jewish people not Israel, the suggestion of trading land for peace being an effective solution, the 1948 offer of land for peace that produced the emergence of the PLO terrorist, Yassir Arafat.


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October 9, 2023 Show

6am hour -- Hamas attacks Israel, attack described as Israel's Sept. 11th, "savage assault", part of the Hamas attack struck 6 Israeli locations near the Gaza Strip northern border and targeted unarmed civilians, 250 Israelis were murdered at an outdoor music festival concert, historical context of the Gaza Strip, what about "peaceful coexistence side-by-side?", the role of Iran in the massive Hamas attack on Israel and Israeli civilians, evidence that US weapons from Afghanistan have made their way to Gaza. 7am hour -- 100 Israelis reported kidnapped amid the Hamas terrorist attack, looking at the pro-Palestinian protests after Saturday's deadly Hamas attack on Israeli targets, in downtown Kirkland WA Palestinian and Israeli groups clashed against each other while demonstrating in the street, Seattle progressives (that consistently support Palestine) are silent about condemning Hamas two days after the attacks, San Juan Island County begins its 32 hour work week, why Columbus Day was initially founded and how Columbus Day was distorted away from its original intent by political partisans, new ESPN+ woke series with Ibram X. Kendi unveils a whopper about athletes and contracts being akin to slavery. 8am hour -- an over-view of Hamas as it relates to Palestinians and what happened with the multi-pronged terrorist attack on Israel, how Hezbollah (in Lebanon) and Hamas (in Gaza) work in concert with Iran to attack Israel, how Hamas's attack is an act of war, WA Gov. Jay Inslee condemns Hamas, GUEST: KVI's Ari Hoffman says the US needs to stop giving military aid to Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, the libel against Jews in many parts of the Muslim world, some examples of the distortions political partisans (i.e. progressives and socialists) make about Israel (i.e. as an apartheid state).


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October 6, 2023 Show

6am hour — a third high profile criminal attack on Seattle area mass transit in the last 3 weeks, why safety issues on mass transit will continue to hinder ridership increases, the remarkable story of 19th century abolitionist William Still who rose from no formal education to being a conductor on The Underground Railroad and authoring “The Underground Railroad” a landmark book about freeing slaves, MSNBC host surprisingly and thoroughly spotlights deceit of indicted US Senator Bob Menendez and his wife who hit and killed a pedestrian while driving in 2018, why the on-air segment by the MSNBC host


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October 5, 2023 Show

6am hour — drug overdose deaths in King County still at record setting rate, meanwhile Gov. Jay Inslee is publicly ignoring the fentanyl problems as he continues to plug his climate agenda, Thurston Co. Sheriff declares state of emergency over shortage of deputies/staff, what happens in a country that doesn’t have a freedom of speech Amendment in its Constitution or law books?: a 60 day sentence for calling someone “fat” and “unhinged”, the scandal continues for “How To Be An Anti-Racist” author turned Boston U. professor. 7am hour — Biden Administration showing signs of panic as they waive more


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October 4, 2023 Show

6am hour -- WA Sen. Patty Murray just moved a lot closer to being in the White House, is FL Congressman Matt Gaetz a "hero" or "zero" for leading the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy?, Carlson's Legendary Lyrics contest clue, a KVI listener thinks Gaetz's motives for knocking out McCarthy are pure, Seattle's Kshama Sawant challenges a CNBC show host to a debate, GUEST: National Review's John Fund thinks Steve Scalise will be the next Speaker of the House, Gaetz is facing a House ethics probe after not being charged over other accusations, Fund says McCarthy got a lot out of only having a 5-seat majority this year, Carlson says McCarthy played a bad hand remarkably well. 7am hour -- bonus Lars Larson who sticks around to talk more deeply about the revolt against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for WA AG and 2024 gubernatorial candidate Bob Ferguson are parents anywhere in the equation when it comes to public education?, six days after an unprovoked hammer attack at a Seattle light rail station injured two people and the suspect is still on the loose despite clear security camera video depicting the assailant, 8am hour -- Mariner's management conducts a really tone-deaf end of season press conference after narrowly missing out on the playoffs, Edward R. Murrow would cringe at this Seattle "reporter's" social media post, an example of Democrats' double talk on diversity, illegal aliens charged in Minnesota with sexual assault and rape of 11 and 12 year-olds, the big criticism Matt Gaetz needs to face after his plan to force out Speaker Kevin McCarthy, why this looks like a "personal vendetta" by Gaetz.


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October 3, 2023 Show

6am hour -- Seahawks rookie Devon Witherspoon puts the entire league notice on Monday Night Football, a WA policy board on sex-offenders is facing trust questions over the issue of public notification when sex-offenders are released after serving their criminal sentences, what to know about this week's NYC civil trial of Donald Trump on disputed property values of Trump real estate holdings, can the prosecutor charging Trump identify a victim at any point?, and then there's the conduct of the judge hearing the civil trial, is Republican U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz a good guy or a bad guy? 7am hour -- WA public schools rewarding mediocrity and punishing excellence in the name of promoting equity, three public educators are now saying WA doesn't have to settle for educational mediocrity, Mexico's most prominent drug cartel says it will punish people for producing or trafficking fentanyl but is this public threat a ruse or the real deal?, GUEST: WPC's Liv Finne has been tracking a legal case out of Iowa that will impact laws for Washington public schools, the case in Iowa seems destined for the US Supreme Court and could have implications for a WA law on school district parental notification about their children. 8am hour -- the unintentionally funny Seahawks dominating victory over the NY Giants on MNF last night, doing the math on electricity capacity if natural gas is restricted for homes and restaurants, what electricity grid limits look like if 40% of Americans drive EV cars/trucks, California hikes its minimum wage for fast food workers and the anti-business attitude of the wage hike's supporters, GUEST: KVI's Ari Hoffman discusses two exclusive stories he's been tracking 1.) the personal cars of Seattle firefighters being vandalized and 2.) the possibility that WA will stop notifying the public when convicted sex-offenders are released from prison; is US Rep. Matt Gaetz a good guy or a bad guy for invoking a House Speaker vote on Kevin McCarthy?, a Boston University pulls the plug on author turned professor at the heart of "How to Be An Anti-Racist" who has been a hardliner for woke political agendas.


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October 2, 2023 Show

6am — the M’s narrowly miss playoffs and one M’s player vents his frustration with management, Congress manages to avoid a federal government shutdown by passing a 45-day spending plan, the laughable excuse a Democratic Congressman gave for pulling the fire alarm in the US Capitol, Seattle taxpayers will now cover damage costs to CID’s Wing Luke Museum after hate crime attack, check out the resume of the woman appointed to take Diane Feinstein’s US Senate seat. 7am hour — GUEST: SPOG President, Mike Solan, per PERF report about limiting or restricting police pursuits, #1 mode of criminal conduct


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September 29, 2023 Show

6am hour -- JUST IN: US Sen. Diane Feinstein dies at age 90, the likely scenario for CA governor appointing a Senate replacement, how Barack Obama snuck into Seattle for Democratic Party fundraisers last week, US Senate re-instates its formal dress code, Seattle TV news reporter used Narcan to save somebody OD'ing while reporting on a news story, Gov. Inslee tests COVID+ a day after getting another booster shot and then claims the vaccinations will prevent the spread of COVID. 7am hour -- GUEST: KVI super sports weekend correspondent, Matthew Carlson, explains how the Mariners will go to the playoffs if they're tied with the Astros after Sunday's final regular season game, a Seattle tech entrepreneur authors a withering essay about how progressives have failed to make cities like Seattle/PDX/SF better with their social justice and equity agenda, GUEST: economist, Steve Moore, assess the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) chairwoman targeting Amazon for preventing competition, the FTC chair has never run a business but is now policing them. GUEST: host of Full Measure, Sharyl Attkisson, previews an interview with a man who fueled the woke political movement. 8am hour -- Sun Mountain Lodge invite to KVI listeners, a KVI caller asks about the 14th Amendment conditions of precluding Donald Trump from being elected President in 2024, Gov. Inlsee wins 5-4 ruling on his COVID eviction moratorium, KVI listeners invited to annual auction for Scoutreach program with local Girl and Boy Scout troops, KVI caller sounds off on Democrats inserting a different 2024 Presidential candidate than Biden.


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September 28, 2023 Show

6am hour -- last night's Republican debate was a victory for Trump who didn't even participate, debate question about Tik Tok turned into one of the revealing moment among candidates last night, Ron DeSantis shut down an insipid question that was meant to be cute, GUEST: Congressional candidate, Joe Kent, talks about another campaign against now incumbent Rep. Marie Gluszenkamp-Perez, why Kent admires WA Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, why fiscal responsibility and individual spending bills (rather than ominbus spending bills) are priorities for Kent, Kent's strategy to prevent government shutdowns over spending and racking up government debt. 7am hour -- Donald Trump vows to remove US military from foreign countries if they don't buy American made products like cars, a Seattle woman that spoke to Fox News about not seeing any crime in Seattle has become a folk-hero the Seattle progressives, KVI caller is dubious about Trump making campaign promises, a longtime Democratic strategist blames "white, coastal elites" for taking 'woke' politics too far, US Sen. Tim Scott calls attention to welfare programs that drove Black fathers out of homes to maintain eligibility qualifications for mothers. 8am hour -- light rail mass transit ridership versus costs, another round of Target haters in Seattle after decision to close two stores over public safety concerns, Seattle and Bellevue crime story follow-ups, Seattle's 'Almost Live' might have to revive The Lame List after Chris Christie's pre-planned debate zinger last night, Nikki Haley tangles with Vivek Ramaswamy about China and national security concerns with Tik Tok.


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September 27, 2023 Show

6am hour -- Target closing two Seattle stores, Target closing in Ballard is a warning sign for upper income neighborhoods suffering on-going crime and public safety problems, listen to the Seattle progressives who are downplaying the Target store closures coming in Seattle, Chicago's mayor talks about opening a city owned grocery store in the city's most economically depressed neighborhoods, a Kent School District HS has a tuberculosis case and 135 staff/students possibly exposed outbreak and speculation is running wild as to the origin. 7am hour -- GUEST: LetsGoWA.com founder and initiative sponsor, Brian Heywood, how to make the 2024 WA elections/campaigns about the issues and not Trump politics, how "common sense walked out of Olympia", RIP to MLB legend Brooks Robinson, why the school choice movement deserves more attention and support. 8am hour -- Legendary Lyrics story revealed, two US Senators give Republicans and Democrats a bi-partisan bill to avoid a government shutdown, sometimes we have the story of the socialist we actually agree with, the momentum is building to demand accountability from drug addicted homeless getting themselves clean, GUEST: digital journalist Jonathan Choe explains why Burien's city council opponents of a day-time homeless camping ban are falsely portraying a plan that would give the city $1 million from the KCRHA.


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September 26, 2023 Show

6am hour -- Burien city council passes day-time homeless camping ban, new day-time camping ban is contingent on available homeless shelter spots, the debate between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsome is officially on for November 30th on Fox News, Seattle woman targeted by 3 suspects in a "staged crash carjacking", 22 yr old suspect arrested for strangling a Bellevue PD officer after being confronted in connection with stealing a safe from a car dealership. 7am hour -- So. Carolina school board members tell a dad testifying at a meeting to stop reading the graphic sexual descriptions of a book from a high school library in their district, GUEST; WPC's Todd Myers examines the latest WA salmon returns to rivers and points out the politics that are interfering with the science of saving salmon. 8am hour -- Dallas TX mayor switches to Republican Party, the pushback on the political left with failed policies in America's biggest cities, humans only have 250 million more years to live on earth, what the Canadian Parliament's fiasco tribute to a 98-yr-old Ukranian solider reveals about political ruling elites, Ravensdale WA man was killed by being backed over with a truck or car after possible encounter with strangers while walking his dog late last week,WA politics more than actual science impacting efforts to save King Salmon runs.


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September 25, 2023 Show

6am hour -- a nominee for luckiest person in WA after a weird weekend mishap on the Seattle waterfront, "perilous" economic polling news for Pres. Biden just released, another deeply questionable criminal sentence in WA this time in Seattle for a fatal hit-n-run, Seattle's Sodo has 2nd highest crime rate of any city in America with a sports stadium in it, how Baltimore ended up with the worst schools in America. 7am hour -- Seattle's trifecta of murder rates, fatal drug ODs and stolen cars; the disturbing story of an unresolved random murder of a man in Ravensdale believed connected to a site prolific for illegal dumping, the murdered man grew up in Snohomish and went to school with John Carlson's wife, the political rumor of the week explains how the Democrats could nominate someone other than Biden for Pres. in 2024. 8am hour -- how many undocumented illegal aliens have arrived in the US during the Biden Administration?, answer: its roughly the equivalent of the entire WA population, jump starting the WSRP and the reaction from rival Democrats, the arrogance of WA Democrats amid 20+ years of one party rule, the GOP addressing its damaged brand in WA, the difference between Democrats' political agenda and actual WA popular votes, Dallas mayor announces he's switching from Democrat to Republican Party.


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September 22, 2023 Show

6am hour -- FLOTUS in Seattle today to tout cancer fight and research, one possible reason why the Senate dress code controversy is no big deal, the Mariner's playoff chances now that they play their top two rivals (Texas and Houston) to close out the season, the weekend's local tackle football match-ups, KVI's Lars Larson. 7:05am -- GUEST: Discovery Institute researcher in Seattle, Caitlyn Axe, crunched the numbers on how much money it costs to house homeless people in King Co. and compared it to what it costs charities like Salvation Army and Union Gospel Mission, the $10 million question: why did this Seattle program fail so miserably?, why Salvation Army and UGM succeed where the KCRHA plan failed; 911 call audio released after F-35 USMC pilot ejected last week in So.Carolina, Donald Trump asked to sign 28-yr-old bartender's tank top while campaigning in Iowa, the loudest complaints about surge/location of illegal undocumented migrants is now coming from the most liberal states in America, Donald Trump vows mass deportations if he's re-elected in 2024. 8:05am -- GUEST: US Congressional candidate, Leslie Lewallen, running against Marie Gluzenkamp-Perez (WA-3), why Lewallen wants to "put parents back in the driver's seat" for their kids’ education, Lewallen's a Camas WA city council member, if a Republican can't win the 3rd district seat in 2024 it might stay Democratic forever, flipping the 3rd District; GUEST: GM of Sun Mountain Lodge, Justin Clark, explains how KVI listeners can join John Carlson on a weekend getaway in Winthrop WA on October 27th-29th, the Methow Valley has 1500 acres with a lake, hiking trails, mountain biking, fishing, pickleball among other activities, GUEST: economist Steve Moore talks about the Senate dress code fiasco and why Biden's the Republicans best bet for 2024.


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September 21, 2023 Show

6am hour -- Burien City Councilman describes a proposed homeless camping ban as "white supremacy", the claim underscores the tactic of playing the race card when you can't argue against a political issue you disagree with, Biden's DHS Sec. appoints two former Obama officials that pushed the 2016 Russia collusion hoax to a new "intelligence experts group", Sea Tac Airport ranked among the worst in North America by travelers, the grieving mom of a dead 2-year-old girl in Spanaway speaks out after the girl's father is charged with possessing the fentanyl that allegedly killed her, Las Vegas teens charged with running down a bicyclist in a car and they actually had the stupidity to record/stream it on their cell phone. 7am hour -- Yakima mayor calls 911 to report "right wing" signature gatherers, the curious excuse the mayor offers about the "nuance" of the law on signature gathering, a Snohomish Co. youth pastor (age 27) gets a terribly short 14 months in jail for sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl, an 18-year-old arrested for the shooting murder of a 19-yr-old in Puyallup was on probation for an armed crime as a 17-yr-old, the 18 yr old's arrest shows how dis-interested local and state lawmakers are in stopping gun crimes. 8am hour -- Burien City Councilman proclaims homeless camping ban for the city is "white supremacy", progressives are interested in intentions not results, Gov. Inslee cringe-inducing NYC climate week video, the five main WA governor's candidates are asked about their top two campaign priorities to help the state, only two candidates give answers that correspond with latest public opinion polling of WA residents.


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Washington State Gubernatorial Candidates' Top Two Issues

The five main WA governor's candidates are asked about their top two campaign priorities to help the state. KVI's John Carlson points out that only two candidates give answers that correspond with latest public opinion polling of WA residents.


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September 20, 2023 Show

6am hour -- how KVI fans can join John Carlson on an autumn getaway to Sun Mountain Lodge in Winthrop WA (luxury at the edge of wilderness), an epic fail from the KC Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA), the latest KCRHA failure stems from the simple inability to understand that the vast majority of homelessness is connected to drug addiction, Rolling Stone co-founder shows prejudice and borderline racist disregard for Black and female musical legends, college football coaching sensation Deion Sanders is criticized for offering a tough/honest challenge to players left over from previous coach's recruiting. 7am hour -- GUEST: Dave Parkhurst talking Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), ChatGPT, etc. What is it? What isn't it?? When and how to regulate it? How to know if something is A.I. generated, etc?; Oregon, lost education and "equity grading", Seattle finally passes drug possession law. 8am hour -- new Census data is available on how Americans commute to work, 77% drive, 15% work from home (that stat tripled since COVID), and 3% ride bus/transit. 4% walk or bike, transit use in America has plummeted 37%, yet over half the state/federal/local government spent on transportation goes to mass transit, the pro-mass transit crowd in Seattle is having a real awakening about the limitations of light rail, how one North Carolina city is making mass transit more personal and more popular for riders, how Seattle just spent $43,290 per person to house 231 people before shuttering the program run by KCRHA.


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September 19, 2023 Show

6am hour -- fireworks local yacht story, examining the Pres. Biden Iran deal exchanging Iranian prisoners and unfreezing $6 billion for 5 Americans held hostage in Iran, the danger of appeasing a regime like Iran's, Seattle facing a political chasm after disproportionate responses to crimes against Asian victims, F 35 jet debris found, KVI listeners are invited to join John Carlson and his wife for a getaway to Sun Mountain Lodge in Winthrop, workers in Portland saying they'd quit before being subjected to working on site there because of public safety concerns amid crime and homelessness. 7am hour -- your chance to join KVI's John Carlson and his wife for an autumn getaway October 28th at the Sun Mountain Lodge in Winthrop WA, two types of anti-Asian crime in Seattle are generating different public reactions, its a "power play" when elected Republicans flex their power but its democracy when elected Democrats do the same things, the NFL stat of the week you didn't know you needed, Marysville drug possession ordinance up for vote would involve mandatory minimum jail sentences but also a clear path for drug treatment for addicts, "simple common sense" in the new law to hold drug addicts accountable with treatment in jail, get them off the streets before they hurt themsleves and others, 8am hour -- KVI listeners react to Marysville tougher new drug possession law and military pilot insight on the lost F-35 fighter jet in South Carolina yesterday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal doesn't like impeachment except when she's voting for it against Trump, a restorative justice update from San Fran, the non-sports world is reacting inhospitably to college football coaching sensation Deion Sanders for doing something that tons of white coaches have also done in the past, why Sanders--aka Coach Prime--has a message about honesty that resonates both on and off the sports field.


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September 18, 2023 Show



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September 15, 2023 Show



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September 14, 2023 Show

