

News & Politics Podcasts

Together Mark and Mike attempt to make sense of all the nonsense and misinformation that comes out of the media and everywhere else in google land and attempt to make some truth out of it all. Mike is a corporate executive that leans heavily on the left and Mark somewhere in the middle leads to some revealing and challenging conversations.


United States


Together Mark and Mike attempt to make sense of all the nonsense and misinformation that comes out of the media and everywhere else in google land and attempt to make some truth out of it all. Mike is a corporate executive that leans heavily on the left and Mark somewhere in the middle leads to some revealing and challenging conversations.



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Tax or Consequences

In this episode Mike and Bryon discuss the need, or lack thereof, for a Presidential Candidate to release their taxes. At the heart of this question is to which Agency do they release taxes, or should it be to the Public, and how many years are appropriate? Also, featured in this conversation is the idea of Impeachment, why impeach, what does it really mean, and is impeachment a net positive or negative to our society? Listen and let us know what you think.


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Dysfunction in Washington, D.C.

SEASON 2 IS LIVE! Mike and Byron discuss the current state of dysfunction in Washington, D.C. It is really a sad state of affairs, with no winners and with the American Public as the losers. From personal enrichment for politicians to dishonesty at the highest level, and then working on an agenda that only D.C. Insiders can love. The real question has become, “have we lost control of our Democracy” and if so, “how do we take it back?”. Listen and let us know!


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The Last Podcast?

Episode 23! WOW, so much has happened... After three successful months, a growing listener base, and great subscriptions numbers Mark and Mike worry that the toll of the podcast is too much to bear. Social issues are important, politics are divisive and dividing and arguing against intransigent mobs is exhausting. Can we find a better way? Please listen, and let us know!


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Sick and Tired - And Politics Sucks

In Episode 22 Mark and Mike discuss the incessant fatigue of non-stop Partisanship and its destructive force on family, friends, neighbors and one's own soul. Enough is Enough! We discuss issues on which we have commonality, agree to terms of civility, and try to bring back the joy that seems to be leaving us as we do this podcast. This is a natural cycle in life, and a consequence of the Shit Storms flung at us each and every day.


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Natural Consequence to the Death of Civility

Episode 21 is a deep and thoughtful look at the consequences of personal integrity, accountability and responsibility. We also examine the effect of highly divisive rhetoric, especially from our highest political leaders on the disintegration of societal norms leading to violence against those with whom we disagree. This is never OK and it a frightening turn of events in American Society.


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Discourse in Danger - Immigration and Politics

In Epsiode 20 Mark and Mike lament the collapse over civil discourse, not only in America, but even in our Podcast. We are committed to maintaining civility at all costs. We discuss Immigration in detail and what can be done about the state of illegal migration, legal migration, the impact on the demographics in the United States, a subtle undertone of racism and the fear of many, especially white Americans, of becoming a minority in what they consider to be their own country. We discuss,...


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The Immorality of Teaching Intelligent Design

Episode 19 is about an alarming trend in predominantly Southern, conservative and evangelical States. These Republican States are trying to skirt the ruling by the US Supreme Court against teaching Creationism in public schools. They have re-branded Creationism as Intelligent Design ("ID"), changed it a bit to make it appear scientific and thus pass muster. This is not only illegal but immoral because the kids taught ID and not evolution are at a tremendous disadvantage in the higher...


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The Political Correctness Culture War

Episode 18 is about the role of Political Correctness ("PC"), and in this context, in America. Mike is resolute in that PC is important and protects minorities and other disenfranchised groups. Also, that it is never necessary to not be PC since there are much better ways to say things than insult people. Mark, also strongly, takes the point of view that PC has gone too far and is stifling free speech and causes ambiguity in the social discourse. Please listen, and decide for yourselves. Let...


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Left, Right or Wrong

Mark and Mike discuss how they reached their respective political viewpoints. Mike started out a nominally conservative Republican back in the late 70's and early 80's before evolving into the Progressive voice he is today. Mark had the opposite journey. According to popular thinking, Mike's journey is the opposite of most American men, but that is not necessarily true. Each of us evolve our thinking over time. Listen to see if our journeys match yours.


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Kavanaugh Interrupted

This episode is a continuation of Episode 15, where Mark makes an impassioned plea defending the behavior of Judge Kavanaugh during the Senate confirmation hearing. Mike has a different point of view. You decide!


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Kavanaugh? Yes or Know

In this, rather contentious, episode Mark and Mike do not mince words. This is an in-depth discussion on whether Brent Kavanaugh should be confirmed as a Justice on the US Supreme Court. Mike is clearly not a fan, Mark clearly is. This discussion revolves around a the politics of nominations to SCOTUS, the fitness of judge Kavanaugh, the responsibilities of the party in power to instigate investigate, and many other facets of this (rather embarrassing) clown show.


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Artificial Intelligence - Should we be Scared?

Today Mark and I have a special guest, Brian Garr, an expert in Artificial Intelligence ("AI"). We examine the truths, the myths, and the benefits of AI, as well as the fears (real or imagined) of this emerging and important technology. AI is changing our lives is rapid, always evolving, and need context to be understood.


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Do Corporations Love God?

In Episode 13 Mark and Mike have a strongly heart-felt discussion regarding the religious conscience of a corporation. Mike is clearly against this notion. Additionally, this topic is extended to the concept of discrimination based on "sincerely held" religious beliefs. We then extend the discussion to immigration, and the need for fair policies for all people, irrespective of religious (or lack thereof) beliefs.Let us know what you think!


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is God Moral

In this Episode we have a special guest, Catalina Martone, host of the podcast "Stuff Your Doctor Should Know". Mark and Cat argue that morality is best derived from a strong religious foundation, and (of course), Mike argues the anti-theist point of view that this is completely unnecessary. This is loosely a continuation of Episodes 9 and 11.


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Rage Against Religion

Anti-Theism and Morality


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Monkey Business in FL?

In this Episode Mark expresses an heartfelt outrage against the media portrayal of what Gubernatorial Candidate in Florida, Ron DeSantis, as a racist comment and, by extension that he is a racist. Mike makes another rather heartfelt rebuttal giving his position that DeSantis spoke racially and this say quite a lot about the character of Ron DeSantis. While both of these opinions have merit you must decide for yourself. Furthermore, by the end of the podcast both Mark and Mike come to a...


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Did Man Create God?

In this Episode Mark and Mike discuss the basis of Theism versus Atheism, and the notion of whether god must exist. Mike makes the argument that science is more objective than religion and hence there is no need for a man-made construct. Mark generally agrees but with subtle differences. This is an interesting look at a fundamental, societal issue that hits at the root of humanity. Part 1 of 2


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Load of Sh!t or Not - Climate Change (part 2)

Today is the second installment of our client change debate....A bit more decorum and civility has returned, but the opinions are still as heated. Listen for yourselves and decide. Also, you can click on the "Supporting Documentation" link below for interesting and information information.


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Climate Change-Load of Sh!t or Not

Today is a real barn burner… In the first of two episodes Mark and Mike get into this subject, sometimes quite heatedly. In the end, all is good, although at times it seems we are at loggerheads with each other. Listen for yourselves and decide. We discuss both sides of the Global Warming issue, exploring documentary evidence, statistical methods (in a not boring way), and Mark's evolution of this issue that may surprise our listeners. In the end, we decided to carry this episode on to next...


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Mark's Sh!tStorm

Yeah! Mark and Mike have finally acquired production-worthy audio and mixing equipment! In this Episode we listen to the challenges that Mark is facing finding a new home. This is a problem that affects many, many people due to the lack of affordable housing. We also discuss the Environment, Overpopulation, Conservation (especially water), and Living in Harmony (including common courtesy).
