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The Green Divide

News & Politics Podcasts

Recorded in a mystery location in the Irish countryside, Centre and Neil debate the problems of the current Irish government and political landscape. Hint; center politics is best politics.




Recorded in a mystery location in the Irish countryside, Centre and Neil debate the problems of the current Irish government and political landscape. Hint; center politics is best politics.



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The European Union is better than you.

Neil and Center decide on how to reform the EU and who really pulls the strings.


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Irish Local Elections

Centre and Neil use the local elections as a barometer to predict the next general election results.


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Wikileaks sealed

Neil and Centre discuss Julian Assange and Wikileaks; whether it has any legitimacy as a media organisation and what effects its leaks have had.


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Automation, we are losing our jobs

Neil and Centre talk about automation; all it´s possible benefits as well as what it may mean for those it leaves behind. They also discuss how big tech knows more about us than we may realise. As centre predicted Neil now has a smart phone!


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The Environment, turf in or turf out

Neil and Center debate the defining issue of our times “the Environment” and how there is a bumpy road ahead for those who are most vulnerable.


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Ireland Politik

Recorded in a mystery location in the Irish countryside, Centre and Neil debate the problems of the current Irish government and political landscape. Hint; center politics is best politics.


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Brexit, I know, I know

Welcome to our first podcast! Since the time of recording we´ve had European elections, no-confidence votes and a Tory leadership race with Boris Johnson most likely to become the next Prime Minister, but Brexit is still the same. We recorded this in Centre´s home in the final weeks of winter so that crackling you´ll sometimes here in the background is a very necessary fire. I suppose it's alright. Neil
