The Jared Dyson Show
News & Politics Podcasts
Conservative and not ashamed. The Jared Dyson Show gives straightforward conservative news and opinion, just like you like it.
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News & Politics Podcasts
Conservative and not ashamed. The Jared Dyson Show gives straightforward conservative news and opinion, just like you like it.
Biden’s First Press Conference Was a Telling Event
On Thursday, President Joe Biden gave his first press conference since taking office. He waited nearly 70 days to do it and the event was certainly telling. Most of the questions were expected and simple for Biden. After all, the mainstream media did not want to bury him at this press conference. They simply wanted to put the questions from conservative media to rest about Joe Biden appearing at a press conference.
But the event raised as many questions as it answered. Biden tried to blame...
Trump is coming back to social media.
On Sunday, it was announced that former President Donald Trump will be launching his own social media network. The details are limited, but it appears that he will be launching the network in the next couple of months and returning to social media once again. It's not clear if he is partnering with a social media group, or if it is a completely new service. Either way, it will be an immediate hit as millions will flock to the service.
Jared talks about how alternative social media has...
The Left Should Really Blame Themselves
Earlier this week, the Atlanta area was struck with a tragedy that was unnecessary. Multiple people died as a result of a gunman who targeted Asian massage parlors. He said he was motivated because of addiction, but the Left has pushed the narrative that the entire event was about white supremacy. If you look at the details, it's not white supremacy at all.
That does not stop the radical agenda, however. They continue to argue that President Trump is at fault and conservatives are at fault...
Trillions in debt for a generation at risk for losing their freedom
President Joe Biden has signed the American Rescue Plan, which is anything other than a true rescue plan. The bill contains absolute garbage that will do little to help Americans. While the Democrats are trying to hide behind $1,400 checks and a child tax credit, the pork of the bill screams debt. As in $1.9 trillion more in debt for our nation.
Billions are being spent on healthcare subsidies, museums, art galleries, and more. Federal Democrats are bailing out their state and local...
Progressives could save us from the garbage COVID relief bill
The Senate has taken action to force the COVID relief bill through reconciliation. It has been sent back to the House where it will come up for a vote on Tuesday, but there is one group of people that could save the country from the garbage bill that this is. That is the progressives in the House.
They have already said that they do not like the adjustments to the bill that the Senate has done. They wanted to keep $15 minimum wage and the unemployment benefits that were already in the bill....
Math is now racist according to the woke radicals
There's a new document that is going around sharing how the school subject called math is now considered racist. Yes, the woke-left radicals are coming after math because of its systemic and inherent racism. The document says that the racist culture is toxic and affecting everyone and it's time to eliminate racism from math.
Their description of racism is that it is unacceptable to expect that a student should show their work, get the right answer, or understand mathematical concepts. They...
The COVID vaccine is made of what?!
In the past week, the FDA gave approval for the latest COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson. It's the third COVID vaccine to be approved. The first two were from Pfizer and Moderna and were mRNA vaccines. This one is different.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is what is called a viral vector vaccine. It uses an adenovirus, which is modified with DNA to place the spike protein of the coronavirus in the cell, and then it is delivered through injection. There are several vaccines that have...
Trump is back stronger than ever
The CPAC event was held over the past weekend and it was filled with some interesting information. A lot of people have said the event was boring and uneventful, but there are some key details that were to be had. First is the obvious one. President Trump attended CPAC, his first public appearance since he left office just over one month ago. Obviously, we will talk about that, but there were a few other things here.
President Trump is clearly in charge of the party. He easily won the straw...
Mr Potato Head Goes Woke
In a new move, Hasbro has decided to take Mr. Potato Head to a new woke level. The company announced that the line would be expanding, offering a new gender-neutral option. The company said this more closely aligns with society and experiences that kids are having.
The suggestion that kids are struggling with their gender identity is absolutely ridiculous. The toy at the center of this is targeting kids around age 3. At age 3, kids are not trying to determine if they are a little boy or...
Celebrating Double Standards in Florida
Another day with another rumor of a Joe Biden executive action against guns. This time, he is looking at an executive order against “ghost guns,” as they are called. Jared describes these guns in detail and shares how the gun control crowd is not targeting criminals but legal gun owners with the move.
Biden is going to try some form of gun control act by executive order. That may be the ghost guns, or it could be background checks. Gun control advocates are wanting him to go big, but Biden...
Merrick Garland is Coming to Town
On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will start the hearings for Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s nominee for Attorney General. The mainstream media has said that Garland is a centrist and a moderate, but he is anything but a moderate.
Garland is a highly divisive candidate that has pledged to further the special interest causes of the left. Black Lives Matter and Antifa have found a friend in Garland, who will target conservatives under the label of white supremacy and domestic...
CNN Isn’t News But Rush Limbaugh’s Passing Is
In a recent NY Post article, it is shared that CNN has put a lid on Chris Cuomo. The brother to NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is no longer allowed to cover his brother. He cannot talk about him, interview him, or anything of the sort. Talk about convenient timing.
The lid was reactivating a restriction that the company had before. Of course, it came at a convenient time in which Andrew Cuomo is being looked at heavily for his actions in the coronavirus pandemic. The same actions that CNN celebrated...
Here Comes Biden After Your Guns
On Tuesday, Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed what we all knew. Joe Biden is coming after our guns. She said it was his personal mission and he was committed to doing so. While many thought he may act through legislation, she indicated that he is considering executive action.
Executive action against a Constitutionally protected right is an interesting thought. We cannot put anything past Joe Biden, who believes he has every right to rule by decree rather than by legislation. It's not...
Conservatives Must Deal With The Republican Party
Former President Donald Trump was acquitted for a second time on Saturday with a 57-43 vote in the Senate. While the acquittal is not surprising, there are several key details in the case that we must take a closer look at. While the Left celebrates this as a bipartisan rebuke of Trump, it's anything but bipartisan.
The outcome of the impeachment trial was never in question. Everyone knew Trump would be acquitted. What we did not know was the rapid movement of Republicans away from Trump...
Out With Christianity And In With Communism
Last week, Tucker Carlson shared some news that was a little surprising to the conservative community. Bank of America had willingly spied on its customers and provided data back to the US government on those who may have been in Washington DC and participated in the riots at the Capitol.
People could have simply been in Washington for fun but had their privacy breached in order for the government to obtain and view their data. We already knew the government was watching our cell phone...
The Biden Administration Puts Corruption on Display
Joe Biden's Press Secretary is taking heat. Not for dodging press conferences or even for holding them. No, she is apparently screening questions before they are asked. In a direct attack on the free press, the Biden administration again proves they have no interest in the Constitution as they directly attack the American people. It's almost like watching a Communist government at work.
Psaki is reported to have asked reporters for questions so she can more effectively give them...
Democrats Are Ready To Take Care Of Your Money
While it may have been a slow news weekend, there are three things that seem to stand out. The first is the big deal that the mainstream media made over President Trump's legal team leaving. While they reported reasons for their departure, the concern should be minimal.
In fact, President Trump really does not need a legal defense team. One GOP strategist said just this very thing. There is no chance that Democrats can convict Trump and this amounts to nothing more than a show. Most believe...
Clarence Henderson Interview
In this interview special, Clarence Henderson joins The Jared Dyson Show. Clarence gained notoriety as a hero during the civil rights movement. He was part of a group of students that conducted a sit in at the Woolworths in Greensboro, North Carolina. Since that time, Clarence has been an outspoken activists and is a proud conservative.
Clarence shares his story about how he became involved in the sit-ins in the 60’s. Jared asks Clarence his feelings about the new discussion about racism...
Capitalism Takes A Stand Amid Biden Criticisms
Capitalism has taken center stage this week as there have been a lot of discussions surrounding the stock market. Private investors from a Reddit group made headlines as they attacked Wall Street hedge funds. Hedge funds lost billions and they did not like it.
They started complaining to the mainstream media and it prompted some trading platforms to halt trading. The biggest violator was Robinhood, which forced some users to sell their holdings and blocked nearly all trades. It's a direct...
Perhaps Biden Can Crowdsource Some More Lies
Joe Biden and his administration made headlines recently when they claimed that the Trump administration left them no plans for the coronavirus and the distribution of the vaccine. They claimed the Trump administration was simply getting by and that they must essentially start over. Except that was not entirely the truth.
Dr. Fauci even admitted that they were not starting over. He said that there was distribution taking place, but that they were tweaking it. By tweaking it he meant that...