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Twitter, Psychopaths and Not Letting Facts Sway You.

Scott’s subject was Twitter and that led readers to comment on the platform, whether or not Scott was an enabler, and if the president fit the definition of a psychopath.


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The Times They Are A Changing or Are We Just Running Out?

Scott addresses readers’ comments on the Democratic presidential candidates, whether or not times are hard and the coronavirus.


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Mangling Metaphors and, Yes, Still Impeachment

Scott was going to discuss metaphors, but it got away from him and talks about Republicans and Democrats instead. You won’t believe what the readers have to say!


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Stressed? Listen to the Prickly City Podcast and relax.

Scott is joined by Payton, his daughter-in-law, and they discuss Martin Luther King, political parties and why the heck we are all so stressed.


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No one is going to get upset about a non-political fill in week, right? Wrong!

Prickly City ran a flashback week from 2011. It was philosophical, not political but that didn’t keep readers from getting upset.


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Impeachment, impeachment, impeachment! Do you wish it was 2021 already?

Scott thinks that impeachment will be more common in the future. Some readers agree, others don’t and one has a very interesting take on the subject. Is anyone hoping 2021 gets here soon?


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Can we just go a day without thinking of Trump? Our hindsight in 2020 will be, well you know.

Scott addresses critics, discusses how we think of trump daily and Election 2020.


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All we want for Christmas is no impeachment talk.

Scott discusses his wish list series, readers comment on Trump, what normalcy is, the Democrats vying to be the nominee, the press and tweets. No impeachment talk this week, so that’s one wish granted. For now.


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Impeachment, Bad Decisions and the Upside Down

Scott discusses a reader’s comment on the role of political appointees, whether the country has been this politically fractured before and, of course, impeachment.


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Is Scott naive or just confused?

Everyone is still talking about impeachment. Some readers seem concerned about Scott’s mental acuity. Isn’t that nice?


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We have bipartisan agreement, Scott’s an idiot!

Commenters from both sides of the aisle agree that Scott is totally wrong in the latest Prickly City series. Bipartisanship does exist!


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We get letters that take Scott to school!

We read emails that totally disagree with Scott’s view of the impeachment proceedings. He explains what he thinks and why. You might be surprised!


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Let the Sun Shine in on Impeachment

Scott explains why he thinks the impeachment inquiry should have been public from the beginning and, once again, lets everyone know how he feels about President Trump.


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Things just got sorta real!

Prickly City has sent Winslow to D.C. to work for the Impeachment Committee. Scott comments on this and addresses a reader who takes issue with Scott’s thoughts on impeachment.


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We’re talking about impeachment because nobody’s talking about that!

Okay, everyone is talking about impeachment. So is Scott and the Prickly City readers.


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It’s been a long time but we are back and better than ever. Maybe?

It’s been awhile since our last podcast and we will give you a multitude of excuses for that. In this episode we talk evolution, reasoning with the opposition and Scott is accused of being a “N-TINO.” Is he?


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Greenland, the Homeless and Just What Does Scott Want in a Candidate?

Prickly City’s week on Greenland got readers discussing President Trump, the homeless problem in California and one reader questions Scott’s never-Trumpism.


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Commenting on commentator’s comments, which can make us sad.

The discussion is about comments on web sites, which can often get pretty darn mean. Also quite a few folks find the world to be a sad place these days. Is it, or is it a matter of perspective?


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Is the new normal the old normal or vice versa?

Prickly City addresses whether political divisiveness is new, what is ‘normal’ for our country and whether Carmen is a Republican or not. As usual, readers have a lot to say about all of it.


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Who is happier, the caffeinated or conservatives?

Prickly City was a flashback week from 2012. Scott and readers discuss Starbucks, energy drinks and whether conservatives really are happier than liberals.
