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The Uncuckables

News & Politics Podcasts

The Uncuckables is a new joint live show production between the XYZ, The Unshackled and the Rational Rise. On Thursdays at 8.30pm AEST The Uncuckables will discuss the issues of the week in a no off-limits format. In an age of media cucking we will not be hiding from any conservations or facts.




The Uncuckables is a new joint live show production between the XYZ, The Unshackled and the Rational Rise. On Thursdays at 8.30pm AEST The Uncuckables will discuss the issues of the week in a no off-limits format. In an age of media cucking we will not be hiding from any conservations or facts.



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Ep. 98 Still Not Cucking

Experience the final episode of The Uncuckables ever. Join the original Uncuckbles panellists and production partners Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and James Fox Higgins Director of Rational Rise TV to reflect on the end of their journey together and still not cucking. Jarrad Searby Head Coach of Hard Knocks Combat is also part of the final panel. The Uncuckables debuted on March 28 2019 two weeks after the Christchurch massacre. As conservatives and...


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Ep. 97 Sedation Season

The covid vaccine rollout has begun as the way to sedate the pandemic. It appears to be sedation season in Australia against those who have either nationalist, traditionalist or pro-freedom views. The Uncuckables panel discusses with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and vlogger Pissy Leaks Pete. The Dan Andrews’ Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 which bans LGBT conversion therapy just passed the Victorian Legislative Assembly...


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Ep. 96 The Escape Window

Australia's internal borders are opening up for summer with the heat eridicating all flu like viruses. It's the perfect time for those in unfree states to take advantage of this escape window before 2021 The Uncuckables panel discusses where to from here with the pandemic and lockdowns with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox, Jarrad Searby Director of the AMAG project, climate change and covid author Stephen Wells and Nick Patterson businessman and blogger at The...


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Ep. 95 Summer SA Shutdown

Australia is on the brink of summer which is virus frying weather. Yet masks are still mandatory in now covid free Victoria. Meanwhile, SA has shut down the whole state for 6 days over a cluster of 22 cases The Uncuckables' panel discusses the continuing covid panic with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, climate change and covid author Stephen Wells and Nick Patterson businessman and blogger at The Uncuckables Links: Entropy:


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Ep. 94 Pricks and Probes

If you dare probe that there might have been voter fraud in the US election and Joe Biden is not President-elect you'll be fact-checked ten times or disappeared online. After Election Day endless coronavirus vaccination pricks are being mass-produced. The Uncuckables' panel discusses the new post-election world with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Jarrad Searby Director of the AMAG Project, Jarrad's mate Jimmy and for a short while Andy Nolch the Space...


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Ep. 93 Look What They’ve Found

The day after the US Presidential Election when Trump was leading vote counters in swing states found grillions of mail-in votes for Biden. Also, there are now a grillion doses of multiple coronavirus vaccines ready to be rolled out. The Uncuckables' panel looks at these diversories of the last 24 hours with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, Nick Patterson businessman and blogger at John8, at the beginning of the show David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, then later on Stephen Wells and Reg...


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Ep. 92 The US Presidential Apocalypse

The Uncuckables panel provides its initial reaction to the 2020 US Presidential Election vote count. The results as they are sure to guarantee a degree of apocalyptic reactions. This epic show features a range of Uncuckables regular contributes including Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Stephen Wells self-confessed climate denier Stephen Wells, Richard Wolstencroft host of the Report from Tiger Mountain and Pissy Leaks Pete. The Uncuckables Links: Entropy:...


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Ep. 91 Never Forget

While the Melbourne lockdown has been lifted we will never forget what 6 million Victorians have been subjected to under Dan Andrews brutal lockdown measures and are still living under his decrees. The Uncuckables panel discusses what's left in Victoria with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Jarrad Searby Director of the AMAG Project and Nick Patterson businessman and blogger at John8. The Uncuckables Links: Entropy:...


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Ep. 90 Big Fat Brother

With Melbourne in lockdown during Grand Final Weekend, Big Fat Brother will be watching over and under. They will still watch over us even when/if we get to Covid Normal. The Uncuckables panel discusses these fat watches with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Stephen Wells Reg Penney and Pissy Leaks Pete. Magda Szubanksi and Assistant Victorian Police Commissioner Luke "Chief Wiggum" "Fatty" Cornelius returned to the headlines this week. The federal eSaftey...


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Ep. 89 Screwing the Public

State Premiers screwing the public has been in the spotlight this week. Victorians are continuing to be screwed by continuing lockdowns while in New South Wales their residents continued to be screwed by corruption. The Uncuckables panel discusses with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and Jarrad Searby Director of the AMAG Project. The pressure is increasing on Dictator Dan Andrews to significantly relax Victoria's lockdown on another Sunday decision day....


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Ep. 88 Corona Can Suck It

Donald Trump has fought off the corona and said do not live in fear of the virus or let it control your lives like it has in Victoria under Dictator Dan. The Uncuckables panel discusses the latest corona clashes Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, and Andy Nolch who has just been released from prison in Victoria into our open-air prison. Andy spent four months in prison for breaching his community corrections order by going overseas. He was fined 20k and...


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Ep. 87 Tightening the Muzzle

Dictator Dan decreed new lockdown rules including tightening the muzzles on our face masks. The Trump-Biden debate triggered all the right people. The Uncuckables panel discusses with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, the Senator Slayer and his mate Jarrad Searby. The Uncuckables Links: Entropy: Website:


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Ep. 86 Misfortune Telling

A common feature of Uncuckables episodes is panellists being misfortune tellers, predicting through either satire or exaggeration what further totalitarian measures our governments and their enablers will impose. Tonight's Uncuckables show will be no different with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Reg Penney and Stephen Wells. The XYZ website was down for most of the day for unknown reasons, it could have been suspicious. XYZ satire has predicted most of...


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Ep. 85 Walls of Steel

Lockdown restrictions eased for regional Victorians today which meant the ring of steel makeshift wall to keep Melboruians out was tightened. Elsewhere in Australia state border walls remain up and virtually no one is allowed in and out of Australia. The Uncuckables panel discusses the continuation of fortress Australia with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, James Fox Higgins Director of Rational Rise TV and Jarrad Searby found of the AMAG Project. Jarrad...


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Ep. 84 The Lockdown RoadLoop

With Victoria going into another six weeks of tweaked stage 4 lockdown and the UK on the road back into lockdown it would appear we are going to be gridlocked into a lockdown roadloop instead of a roadmap out. The Uncuckables panel discusses with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and Logan Spalding. Tim's microphone stops working just after the show begins so Logan shares some songs he has been writing about Dictator Dan. It turns out Melbourne's curfew was...


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Ep. 83 Just Following Orders

Just obey the rules, follow the orders is all you're allowed to say and do in Victoria now as the police and Andrews Government ramp up their crackdown on dissent to the stage 4 lockdown which still has no end in sight. The Uncuckables panel discusses the escalation of the Victorian Police state on this week's show with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, James Fox Higgins Director of Rational Rise TV and Stephen Wells Author of the Great Coronavirus Swindle....


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Ep. 82 Unhealthy Obsessions

Government’s unhealthy obsession with only focus on containing and preventing one illness through locking down our society is leading to other health side effects, more economic devastation and resentment in the community. The Uncuckables panel discusses the growing lockdown angst week’s on this week’s show with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Richard Wolstencroft Host of the Report from Tiger Mountain and Logan Spalding. Muslims in Dandenong have been...


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Ep. 81 Free Encourged Mandatory Freedom

The Australian government has offered us a path from coronavirus lockdown to freedom. A free coronavirus vaccine that although it hasn't been approved yet will be encouraged to be mandatory. The Uncuckables panel discusses this price for freedom on this week's show with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, James Fox Higgins Director of Rational Rise TV and Logan Spalding. The show begins with James providing an update on the future of Rational Rise TV and...


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Ep. 80 August Surprises

It's been a week of August Surprises with coronavirus returning to New Zealand plunging them back into Lockdown. WA is now facing off against its biggest enemy of the state Clive Palmer. To discuss those surprises and other is on The Uncuckables panel is Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and James Fox Higgins Director of Rational Rise TV. The Uncuckables Links: Entropy: Website:


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Ep. 79 The CoVic Test

Victoria has become Covic with daily new coronavirus cases and deaths remaining the same. Melbourne is under stage 4 restrictions which involve needing a permit to work and a curfew. We are test case to the world with what can unfold in the next six weeks. On the Uncuckables panel tonight four Melbournians: Tim Wilms Editor in Cheif of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of The XYZ, Matty Rose from Matty’s Modern Life and Logan Spalding. The state of disaster declared to enact this stage 4...
