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Let Me Explain with Seán Defoe


If you don't have the time to keep up with every twist and turn of the news agenda then sit back and Let Me Explain. Each week host Seán Defoe goes behind the scenes on one of the biggest stories dominating the airwaves. Why is it a big deal? Who's trying to spin you a line? And, most importantly, why should you give a damn? Listen and subscribe to Let Me Explain with Seán Defoe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'


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If you don't have the time to keep up with every twist and turn of the news agenda then sit back and Let Me Explain. Each week host Seán Defoe goes behind the scenes on one of the biggest stories dominating the airwaves. Why is it a big deal? Who's trying to spin you a line? And, most importantly, why should you give a damn? Listen and subscribe to Let Me Explain with Seán Defoe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'



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121: Life in Numbers

Have you ever wondered what our world and what we've achieved looks like when it's compiled down to just figures? Let Jamie O'Hara explain.


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120: My Cancer Journey

You've probably been wondering where Seán Defoe has been over the last 8 months - let him explain.


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119: The Criminal Justice System

Do you ever wonder how journalists navigate court reports and crime stories? Let Andrew Louth explain.


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118: Responsible Dog Ownership

With a rise in dog ownership over the last few years, we've also seen a surge in dog attacks...What does it take to be a responsible dog owner? Let Josh Crosbie explain.


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117: Rise in Botox

What has caused the rise in botox? Laura Donnelly explains all in this week's episode of Let Me Explain.


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116: Cash or Card?

Do you prefer to pay by cash or card? With more businesses opting for card-only payment methods, questions about a 'cashless society' begin to crop up. Could this really happen? Let Josh Crosbie explain.


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115: 999

What happens when you call 999, and what do we have to do to get help to us as quickly as possible? Let Alex Rowley explain.


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114: Measles

We came close to eradicating measles before we saw a recent increase in cases at home and across Europe - with Ireland recording a measles-related death for the first time in 24 years this year. Where has this rise in cases come from? Let Caoimhseach Connolly explain.


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113: Malawi

The country of Malawi is increasingly becoming under threat due to climate change. Let Ben Finnegan, who has just visited the landlocked African country, explain.


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112: Replacing a Taoiseach

After Leo Varadkar announced his intention to step down as Taoiseach, Ellen Butler explains how a Taoiseach is replaced.


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111: Nominative Determinism

Usain Bolt, PC Rob Banks, Thomas Crapper... Nominative Determinism is the term for when people are attracted to jobs and hobbies that match their names. Let Me Explain.


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110: The Soft Power of St Patrick's Day

Is the world actually jealous of the access St Patrick's Day gives us to the White House? Let Shane Beatty explain.


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109: The Everyday Affects of Climate Change

How will climate change affect everyday life? Let Ben Finnegan explain.


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108: A Reunited Ireland

When we talk about a 'united Ireland', why don't we call it a 'reunited Ireland'? Simon Tierney is in the hot seat on this week's Let Me Explain.


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107: Diamonds

Diamonds: They've fuelled conflicts, marketing campaigns and inspired robberies. How have diamonds captivated the world for hundreds of years? Find out in this week's Let Me Explain.


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106: Concerts, the Economy and You

Music concerts are bigger than ever, but what does that mean for the industry, music fans - even the economy? Jamie O'Hara is here to tell on this week's Let Me Explain.


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105: Wedding Prep

Wedding prep season is in full swing and we have Josh Crosbie in for Seán Defoe to give us a full planning guide!


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104: Deposit Return Scheme

On February 1st Ireland will adopt a new deposit return scheme for bottles and cans. Consumers will be able to return the items to their local shops to claim their deposit back. Let Ben Finnegan Explain...


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103: Burns Night

On the 25th of January, people in Scotland and Scottish people around the world celebrate Burns Night. Did you know people in Ireland also celebrate? Let Eamonn Torsney explain.


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102: Reality TV

Why is reality TV thriving more than ever right now? Let Laura Donnelly explain.
