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Sheep Farm Podcast


Sheep Farm make docufilms & podcasts using mainstream information that contradicts the conventional narrative. We are non-political & non-religious, and we hold no bias apart from freedom of speech, & freedom of thought. We are not looking for fame. Thank you if you have subscribed and commented, please go to for more information and to see the full shows.


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Sheep Farm make docufilms & podcasts using mainstream information that contradicts the conventional narrative. We are non-political & non-religious, and we hold no bias apart from freedom of speech, & freedom of thought. We are not looking for fame. Thank you if you have subscribed and commented, please go to for more information and to see the full shows.



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Episode 166: [SF179] Mint Sauce Chronicles 'D-Reamland'

Total Runtime:02:43.03 Trust the science, beLIEve the experts & everything is safe and effective! in 2020 we had Drs on mainstream TV like Hilary Jones, Amir Khan,& Ranjit "Ranj" Singh Sangha (you know who he is the one with the Angry Birds eyebrows), there were others here in the UK and all over the world who told us all to mask up, keep our distance, and self isolate, DON'T KILL GRANNY! When actually 'they' (the Matrix) were killing granny. Now MPs are dropping like flies, as are celebs, and the media are silent. The next line of attack is 'Global Climate Warming Boiling Pissing Down Change. Using a new phenomenon called air turbulence (trust the science) as a means to stop curtail flights and terrify everyone. If the MSM say it is then it is 100% true. We've used D-Ream front man Brian Cocks as the thumbnail because he sums up perfectly the type of Agent Smith thats used against us to drum up fear dressed up as required information delivered by someone who is much more intelligent than we are, even though he has never published any of his own work but just recites the history books to make him sound intelligent. Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (


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Episode 165: [SF178] Dom & Chris Chat With Master Lee

Total Runtime:03:01.40 What is this realm we live in? Is reality really reality? Mother Nature is an uncaring force, there is no love from her, she simply doesn't care who lives or dies in fact suffering is the only truth if we choose to accept this observation. That doesn't mean we have to follow the mantra of this behaviour, being authentic is the only reality we have, giving to help humanity the only actions that brings true meaning of life. Like any predator nature will draw you in with scenic views and beautiful plants only to draw the very life blood from you. The Darkside follow this Darwinist religion which is then inserted into us all for our entertainment. This episode is split into 3 parts with a 17min intro from Chris & me, then a 2 hour+ chat with Lee, which will be available to all, and in the members hour me and Chris reflect on the weeks nonsense from clown World. Lee's contact details are here Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (


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Episode 164: [SF177] Mint Sauce Chronicles 'Shaving Ryan's Privates'

It’s long been established that Hollywood is the PR arm of the Tavistock social engineers, this incorporates the daily news we ingest, and all the streaming platforms like Amazon Prime, Netflix, NOW, YouTube etc etc. They are to a company weaponised in a warlike military strategy, with us on the receiving end of the attacks. This is done by using A-list celebs as their Manchurian Candidates to deliver the passive mental assassinations to their targets. Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND


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Episode 162: [SF176] Mint Sauce Chronicles "Who Owns The Truth?"

Total Runtime:02:08.55 In a world of make ‘beLIEve’ the media is the purveyor of controlled truth for the masses to soak up and regurgitate. Every outlet, and everyone who is part of the culture creation media work for "THE MAN", they’re all agent Smith’s. Whether its the News, Entertainment, History or Science, the media writes the truth on the barn wall only to scrub it off the next day to report on a new version of truth. But. If the truth is a lie, and then the lie becomes truth, that’s where they get us, by sprinkling a little bit of truth dust on top of the BS to hide the toxic flavours coming through. Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND


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Episode 163: HEALTH PODCAST #11 Dom talks Energetic Blueprints with Martine Belynda

Total Runtime:00:57.26 Hi and welcome to Health Bunker Lyme Podcasts, I’m your host Dom and today I have the pleasure of welcoming energy healer and proprietor of Know Thy Self Blueprint Martine. Today we will be discussing energetic healing Martine business offers a system that tells you the power of your Birth Fate, held in your date of birth. The Know-Thyself •Blueprint is your path to unveiling the profound wisdom encoded in the very fabric of your existence. Website is Email - Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK


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Total Runtime:02:19.20 If Hollywood could make a film of Clown World it would have Robot Dogs with flame throwers & sniper rifles in it, and weather modification weapons that control the food supplies and cause climate lockdowns, it would include pointless rusty tank wars, and convince us that wiping out a whole population in a glorified prison camp was justified, the politicians would be lying corrupt bastards, oh and the media would use military grade propaganda and make up the news using AI. And then you wake up and realise we're actually living through this film...... Ticket Link for Live Event SF & Mark Devlin Live Event 2 Huddersfield Saturday 18th May 2024 – Sheep Farm Merch Store Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 160: [SF174] Dom & Chris Chat With Lance & Andy from Rise Above [27/04/24]

Total Runtime:01:58.38 Living in the post apocalyptic COVID era, everything has been turned on it's head. A mixed race person like me can now be a far right racist, a gay man can be transphobic, a woman can be called out for not wanting a man who identifies as a woman getting changed in the female shower rooms, AND we can be called anti climate sceptics for not beLIEving that there could be a water shortage in Britain due to GLOBAL, CLIMATE, BOILING CHANGE. But I suppose this is the NEW NORMAL aka CLOWN WORLD! Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 160: HEALTH PODCAST #10 Dom talks SOS Essential Herbal Oils with Mark Polack

In this episode of HB Podcasts I speak with the co-founder of SOS Essentials who make Herbal Essential Oil products. I have personally been using SOS Advance for around 14 years and have seen it's effectiveness first hand. For more information about SOS Essentials - SOS Essentials - Build your Immune System and Fight Against Viruses Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK


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Episode 159: [SF173] Sheep Farm RAW YouTube LIVE Event with Matt Landman [Recorded 16/04/24]

Total Runtime:01:53.45 On Tuesday, on a whim, we decided to record this weeks episode live on YouTube on Tuesday 16 April 2024 with Matt Landman. Matt is a film maker and producer of the 2017 film Frankenskies about the history of geoengineering & chemtrails. Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK


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Episode 159: HEALTH PODCASTS #9 Dom talks Functional Health With Dr Alisa Care

Total Runtime:00:48.25 Dr Ailsa Care offers in person appointments, video calls, phlebotomy, point of care Vitality testing. for Bioidentical hormone treatment - all by video calls Moving Through Menopause sessions at Rokt climbing gym in Brighouse enquiries via info@roktfoundation Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 158: [SF172] Mint Sauce Chronicles 'Machiavellian Parasites' [13/04/24]

Total Runtime:02:15.17 As the world population disappears down the drain the NPCs are carrying on as usual nothing to see here. If I hit my hand with a hammer and break my thumb, I blame the hammer, if I order a chicken curry and get food poisoning an hour later it's the curry, but if I have a 3 dart finish and the rooster boosters and suddenly get whacked its genetics that's to blame!! What are we living through? Sometimes it's like we're living in a different paradigm, an alternate universe, coexisting with a species that looks like us can be related to us but acts like an alien race. Which is possibly quite close to the truth. Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 157: [SF171] A Masonic Bridge Too Far [06/04/24]

Total Runtime:02:41.41 The great reveal is very revealing to say the least. So many seemingly random events are happening, but curiously all these events have links back to secret groups, events like the Baltimore Bridge Container Ship crash. For those with eyes to see, and a bit of common sense The Matrix is uncloaking, the lies are becoming obvious but the masses still seem oblivious to the patterns. Whether we want to be or not we're all involved in the game being played out. Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 155: [SF170] The Huxley's Brave New World Order Ep7 "An UnNatural Selection"

Total Runtime:02:29.30 If we look back over the last 250 years and view it through a critical lens, we can see somewhere in the mid-1800s that a academic Re-Set took place. Theories took root that are now taught as fact, when the truth is entirely the opposite. The Huxley Dynasty were front and centre along with the Darwin's, & the Galton's, and other academic families, and many more scholars of the time. These families then carried these new dogmas and passed them onto their future generations that ingrained themselves into positions of academic power. In this episode we look at the academic nepotism in the Huxley family and we enter into their world and the important positions they took up in the coming cultural shift of the 20th Century, as well as some of the ideologies they invented literally from thin air; like flying dinosaurs. Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 156: [SF169] Mint Sauce Chronicles "Is this the real life?"

It's 4 years since the "War on Consciousness" was declared, we were thrown into the Metaverse digital prison system, and told to keep our distance, don't kill granny, wear a mask, don't go for a walk, don't speak to anyone, don't go to work, don't enjoy yourself, no holidays, 15 days to flatten the curve then we will go back to normal whatever that meant! People were paid for not working as a prelude to the coming Universal Chinese Style Digital Black Mirror Credit System, the obedient mask wearing NPCs really enjoyed their servitude without a thought of what the future consequences were, and right on time even the sun was out here in the UK. Email Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 154: [SF168] Mint Sauce Chronicles "The New Extreme" [16/03/24]

Total Runtime:02:08.14 The script is seemingly being written on the hoof, new meanings for words that have been in the English language for hundreds of years are being written on the barn wall straight out of the 1984 Orwellian playbook. If you stand back and observe the madness it is quite amusing to witness the puppet politicians from all parties scurrying around Westminster like reptiles, slithering in and out of Number 10 or on the opposing benches. We have George Galloway seemingly a man of the people but who stood and watched 2020 and said nothing, or Kier Starlin in lock step with the very party he apparently opposes and what about old Slumdog Millionaire Sunak standing on his podium to make him look a bit taller. Meanwhile in Gaza thousands of innocent children starve and are blown to smithereens. But when Wendy Gove pops up and tells us what extremism means we know the nutters are running the asylum. Dom's Health Bunker Sodium Ascorbate [VitC] Powder Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products* Email Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 153: [SF167] Mint Sauce Chronicles "Um Bongo" [09/03/24]

Mr Topsy Turvy would be proud of the current state of the world, apparently Ms Spring is living among the trolls, and yet she seems to be the one doing the trolling, with an apparent BBC propaganda budget that the KGB would be proud. She has just released a new book available at all good charity outlets called Among the Trolls. Then we have the BBC pushed ‘Ex-Conspiracy Theorists’ who jumped back over the fence to the dark side because they realised that masks mandates were scientifically proven to be effective! Um Bongo Um Bongo they drink it in the Congo…… In Episode 167 we delve into the people who write these hit pieces for the MSM, the research I’ve done is all from the MSM. Um Bongo makes more sense. Dom’s Health Bunker Sodium Ascorbate [VitC] Powder Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF Email Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL – LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall – Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 152: HEALTH PODCASTS #8 Dom talks Chronic Fatigue With Clare Wilson

Total Runtime:01:11.17 Hi and welcome to Health Bunker Lyme Podcasts, today I have the pleasure of welcoming nutritionist Clare Wilson. In these podcasts with my guests we’ll attempt to address many different health concerns caused by genetic faults, environmental factors, medical interventions, and diet, which in turn go on to cause a catalogue of different health problems. Today we will be discussing mitochondrial cell damage that is prominent in Myalgic encephalomyelitis aka ME otherwise known in the US as Chronic fatigue, we also discuss things that helped resolve ours and Clare’s clients symptoms to eventually turn around the condition. I’d like to thank everyone who is or has ordered supplements from our new Health Bunker Shop, me and my wife are growing the range and hope to have more products going live each month. If you want to order Vitamin C Powder, or our new Complete Multi Formula which contains essential vitamin, mineral, and amino acid panel as well as 72 trace mineral all in one capsule, please use the discount code HB-SF25OFF on all HB branded products - If you want to contact us for more info, email If you want to contact Clare here email is Dom's Health Bunker Sodium Ascorbate [VitC] Powder Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code on all HB branded products HB-SF25OFF Sheep Farm Merch Store


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Episode 151: [SF166] Dom & Chris Chat With Dave Murphy [02/03/24]

Total Runtime:02:01.28 The world isn't what we think it is, our lives aren't what we think they are so we contacted our mate Dave Murphy to have a grown up conversation about basically everything in this paradigm and more. Dom's Health Bunker Sodium Ascorbate [VitC] Powder Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF Email Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 150: [SF165] Mint Sauce Chronicles Soul Grab [24/02/24]

Total Runtime:02:33.32 Imagine if Arkham Asylum opened its doors and released the psycho-nutters. And then these psycho-nutters decided become our leaders and went on to run the world I wonder what would happen? Well it’s happening in real time before our eyes, welcome to the nuthouse!! Dom's Health Bunker Sodium Ascorbate [VitC] Powder Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF Email or Additional Info RICHARD D. HALL - LEGAL FUND Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund ( The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.


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Episode 149: [SF164] Dom & Chris Chat With John Hamer + Extra Hour [17/02/24]

Total Runtime:02:48.56 We have 2 shows in one 1 for you this week, we thought we'd add an extra hour on (as you do) to talk about the recent GB News confrontation between John Watt a 91DIVOC ArmSpear victim and Slumdog himself aka Anthill Mob member, and our supposed PM Rishi Sunak. In the last 2hrs we talk with John Hamer about some topical subjects that's in the news. For John Hamer's books please follow this link below Books ( Dom's Health Bunker Sodium Ascorbate [VitC] Powder Health Bunker Supplements Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF Email or The views expressed in this podcast are only our opinions, they are not a statement of fact.
