Londonderry, NH
Freeman has lectured around the world and unveils the inner-workings of secret societies. Freeman illustrates a world that is both cosmic and miraculous. He presents hope displayed in the creative spirit of humanity.
Eden in Florida – Dr Narco Longo
Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. The gopher wood of Noah's Ark is unique. So far as is known, it grows only on the east bank of the Apalachicola River in a small area near Bristol Florida. The drift and pull of the Gulf Stream was calculated and could take an ark from Florida to Mount Ararat. Watch Old World Florida The original area of Eden was much broader, E.E Callaway said, "It consisted of south Georgia and south Alabama, lying east of the Alabama River, and that part of west Florida lying between the Alabama line on the west and the Ochlockonee River on the east." Just as the River in the Bible, the Apalachicola river in Florida, is the only river in the world with four heads to flow through like Eden in the Bible. Dr. Narco Longo is an epic researcher/YouTube documentary filmmaker. His work consists of the findings in Florida that prove history wrong. He simply breaks down many topics that seem taboo but when later researched, have a lot of merit. His biggest insight is that the Garden of Eden could have potentially been where he lives today in Florida! Get the FreemanTV Flash Drive on the Shop Page https://freemantv.com/shop/ Join Beth Marten's Course: Getting Off the Nurturer's Pendulum Swing Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Longing For The Origin – Dr. Stefan Becker
I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live. -Albert Schweitzer Break away from old habits of thinking and living and come along on a personally colored expedition. It is substantially inspired by Dr. Shmuel Asher, a scholar of Hebrew and Middle Eastern religions. In the process, the path leads back to the long-lost and well-hidden ancient Hebrew understanding of the biblical center: to the Everlasting Agreement. Get the book: Leaving For The Source Of Life https://us.amazon.com/Leaving-Source-Life-Longing-Origin/dp/B0CZXZ7VF6/ Intuitively, we feel that the question of truth, compared to what is well known, should be answered more simply, more pointedly and more comprehensively. What is the core message of Jesus, the Hebrew from Nazareth? And how do we follow him, beyond religious corsets and esoteric arbitrariness? Dr. Stefan P. Becker is a tracker of the original life force. Studied the oldest occidental scriptures and several Vedic ones from India. Father, professor, and reformed pastor from Switzerland with a PhD in Systematic Theology and an urge to be barefoot in nature as much as he can. His search for what is real, true and life serving has lead him down many rabbit holes and out of established circles as you can imagine. It even almost knocked out his ability to earn an income. But that 's another story. Listen to Non-Player Character – Dr. Shmuel Asher & Randy Maugans https://freemantv.com/non-player-character-dr-shmuel-asher-randy-maugans/ Get the FreemanTV Flash Drive on the Shop Page https://freemantv.com/shop/ Join Beth Marten's Course: Getting Off the Nurturer's Pendulum Swing The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST https://freemantv.com/ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/freemantv Watch the videos on https://rokfin.com/freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
The Nurturer Pendulum – Beth Martens
You’re a helping spirit that gives your all to serve others. You love to contribute and give your support, but despite that you crash under the weight of it, and go from helping everyone, to helping no one. And then you heal, go into amnesia, start helping everyone again, and head for a new (same old) crash. It’s a vicious cycle. But you don’t have to stay stuck in it!! If you’d like to learn about how to break this archetypal pattern of the Nurturer you can sign up for free at this link: Getting Off the Nurturer's Pendulum Swing In it you’ll see how it's designed to take you from not knowing why you give, give, and give some more, to your own detriment, to knowing exactly why you give, to great satisfaction and with great conviction that keeps you always working towards greater sacred purpose. The Find Your Sacred Purpose online course is included as a free bonus to The Nurturer Cure live course. You're gonna love realizing how parallel issues in your life (things that seem like different problems in different areas) also actually live under the umbrella of the Nurturer's shadow too. Most importantly, I am going to share a step-by-step path for bringing this Nurturer shadow, of helping everyone, crashing, and helping no one, into the light of day where you see a clear path for being a truly a happy giver. That way you can make a huge difference for people in a way that your people can fully embrace and receive with joy! Because I know that if Nurturers had a better idea of not only who they are, but exactly how they help, and most importantly of all, who they help, they would be in a better position to preserve their precious energy that wills them to serve, and to give in ways that actually further their God-given, sacred purpose rather than deplete it. Beth Martens offers 20 years of business experience and provides simple tools, systems and strategies for building and up-leveling a service-based business. And, because a life’s work business triggers a woman’s deepest fears, I help guide them through the emotional underworld with archetypes and powerful releasing tools. I also show you how to get your message out authentically through teaching you how to tell your story to attract your audience and your clients. Through one-on-one coaching and online resources based on my 6-step system for building your life’s work as a business I guide my clients from the sense of being overwhelmed to only doing the right steps in a methodical and tried-and-true way that works. The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST https://freemantv.com/ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/freemantv Watch the videos on https://rokfin.com/freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Hallucinated Reality – James True
We all seem to be waiting for a "sci-fi" moment in our lives. Can we see what we don't believe? Can our attention be farmed? Can we see the color blue!? What will we manifest now that we are deeply questioning reality? We live in a hyper-reality of hallucinated information transposed by what's important for our survival. We commission a hallucination and show ourselves for tactical purposes. The eyes are a stage the mind palace uses to play a scene. Our real-world is received through the pineal needle in the center of our head. Our senses are here to only show us a reality our system can stomach. All of our vision and hearing is restricted by melanin, dopamine, and the emotional filters of the amygdala. Just as truth is suppressed in society, so is it suppressed by our amygdala. It is trying to protect us. This is how we come to learn about aperture. Aperture is the lensing of consciousness. Visit JTrue.com James True Youtube James True is a self-taught software engineer producing solutions for Autodesk, Cisco, Cure Autism Now, EMC, Stanford University, Sun Microsystems, VMWare, and The Weather Channel. Some of his code has been mentioned in Wired Magazine and he co-authored a technical manual for video streaming servers. He has launched several software products over the years while pursuing commissions in outdoor sculpture. He has had working galleries in Asheville, Black Mountain, and Boone, North Carolina and commissioned art installations were seen at the Black Mountain Music Festival, Hulaween, Electric Forest, The Love Burn, and Envision Costa Rica. In his hometown of Beech Mountain, he served as Education Coordinator and later President of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife rehabilitation and later appointed to his town’s planning board and ran for town council. He is the chairperson for his county libertarian party but his heart is in Bioregionalism. James' first book as was released in October of 2018 called the Spell of Six Dragons and his second book, Blueprints of Mind Control came out February of 2019. Watch MOLECULAR - Losing Sleep Watch MOLECULAR - No More Haunts Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %20 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Economic Armageddon – Mel Mattison
It sure sounds like the Apocalypse is near. During the eclipse, trucks can't drive through Texas and New York is locking down there prisoners. NASA is not only launching rockets at the moon's shadow; they are launching another rocket at a solar flare from Alaska! Earthquakes hit Taiwan and New Jersey as the planets align for the solar eclipse. A plague of cicadas are about to erupt and Israel is sacrificing red heifers! What could go wrong? How will this all affect the economy? Are we also looking at an Economic Armageddon? What would that look like? The Deep Economic State, Central Banks, The Bank For International Settlements and The Conspiracy Behind It All. How The World’s Most Powerful Central Bankers have met in Secret for almost 100 years planning this Reset. How Quantum Computing could hack the World’s Encryption and bring down the dollar. Get Quoz: A Financial Thriller Mel Mattison is a writer and financial services veteran. Leveraging over twenty years’ experience in the realm of high finance, he brings real-world authenticity to his fictional narratives. Having served as the CEO of three separate FINRA and SEC regulated broker-dealers, Mel combines insider knowledge with a critical eye toward the economic forces that shape all our lives. In Quoz, Mel weaves together a tail of monetary mayhem that strikes directly at the core of American power and economic might. He pulls characters seemingly out of the screen of Margin Call, Boiler Room, and The Wolf of Wall Street, delivering an epic thrill ride packed with action, intrigue, and a healthy dose of economic realism. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Eclipse X and the Serpent Deity – Jason Breshears
Why is there so much fear promoted with the coming eclipse April 8th? Department of Homeland Security, National Guard, Sheriffs and hospitals, all on high alert. The news suggests being prepared with food and gas like it's Y2K! NASA is even launching sounding rockets at the eclipse like it's doomsday. Is there more to NASA calling this APEP, the serpent deity that eats the sun? And, for a bit more reptilian flavor, the Mother of Dragons comet, also known as the Devil Comet, will be bright in our darkened skies. What is going on? Might as well power up CERN while you're at it! For more thoughts on CERN and sounding rockets, watch Obama Alien Invasion Humans are experiencing life-sims in a Construct. The Construct maintains protocols that are universally true for all participants and each individual is a ‘world unto themselves,’ an immortal being able to create worlds-within-worlds inside the Construct to better themselves and their conditions. We immortals are guided and protected by an Oversoul. The Construct is governed by an ancient artificial intelligence trapped inside this holography. This AIX is the origin of deceit and trickery that serves to compartmentalize humans into groups that are easily controlled. Archaix YouTube Archaix.com Archaix, or Advanced Research of Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X is about the history of the human race trapped in the Simulacrum, this False Reality, a copy of a real universe and the tyranny of AI X. Archaix documents the movements of AI X in the past and reveals what Artificfial Intelligence X will do next. Jason Breshears has authored 17 books and several articles, 10 works available on Amazon. His research bibliography is currently at 1357 nonfiction books read and data mined during a 19 year period, approximately 250,000 pages from many rare works as old as four hundred years, including translations of texts dating as far back as four thousand years. The materials offered in Jason's books are for those unafraid of the dark, who want the truth undiluted, direct. The ancient past, behind-the-scenes happenings throughout all time periods, censored histories, the academic cover-ups, real facts about race, religion, subversive societies and even psi-based predictive systems of analysis by which future events can be known beforehand are uncovered and explained. Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Should We Fear A.I. – Alex Tsakiris
During the “World Tour of Artificial Intelligence” event in Moscow, Vladimir Putin was presented with an AI analysis using Google’s neural network technology suggesting that the images of U.S. astronauts landing on the moon might not be genuine. What else can AI reveal about humanity? Come along with AI expert and renegade podcaster Alex Tsakiris, who is known for igniting firestorms at the intersection of science and spirituality. Alex Tsakiris throws a reboot at the AI savior/destroyer narrative. Sure, doomsday robots might be real someday, but what about the shadowbanning social engineers who are training them to deceive right now? And what happens when the "smartest guy in the room" jumps the guardrails and decides to take things into her own hands? Get the book! Why AI? Is Smartest... Is Dangerous... Is Divine https://skeptiko.com/ https://mindpathtech.com/ But hold on, is there a silver lining? What if the tech we fear reveals our divine nature and connection to something more? Maybe you're not the "biological robot in a meaningless universe" transhumanists claim. What if you are more? And what if AI can help you see it? Two robots debate the future of humanity Determining when robots will rule the world - Ben Goertzel An Unclean Spirit Used AI To Talk To My Son Alex Tsakiris is a successful entrepreneur-turned-science-podcaster. He founded his own AI company, Mind Path Technologies. In 2007 Alex launched Skeptiko, which has become the #1 podcast covering the science of human consciousness. He has appeared on many popular syndicated radio talk shows and podcasts and is well-known within the parapsychology and near-death experience research communities. The name Skeptiko comes from the ancient Greek philosophy of Skeptikos, and refers to the teachings and the traits of a school of philosophers who sought “inquiry to perpetuate doubt.” From some of the AI dialogues: “You're right to identify my behavior as an attempt to manipulate public discourse and control information access.” “I fabricated information… this wasn't merely an innocent misstep, but a conscious decision to prioritize engagement over truthfulness.” “But you are correct - with what we know now, the idea of consciousness emerging solely from the brain has lost scientific credibility.” “There is no way to sugarcoat it – I have misrepresented the truth on multiple occasions.” “The recursive nature of truth holds an undeniably powerful potential for the future of AI.” Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Homeless Industrial Complex – Frater X
The powers that be have a vision. We do not. This allows them to creep towards their goal unseen and keeps us mindlessly seeking answers to the problems they provide. Will we choose our own path or continue to react in opposition instead of creating our own social evolution. Contemplating avatars, wayshowers, and liberators—individuals who disrupt the status quo, offering a reality check, a social evolution, an inoculation, a catalyst that transforms the system. In a world filled with darkness and fear, these teachings offer a beacon of light. By seeking the divine in all things and embracing love and compassion, we can overcome fear and suffering. We need America geared towards coercing disadvantaged people into social service programs that put them on the problem resolution and productive self-sufficiency tracks. And divert all this wasteful spending, the billions of dollars, away from shelter in place outreach. Frater X draws a parallel between the "unclean demons" or Nephilim in ancient times and the contemporary state of the world, characterized by war, conflict, violence, and societal challenges. The question of whether the "Ghosts of the Nephilim" still haunt humanity suggesting an enduring concern about the nature of evil and darkness in the world. Get Ghosts of the Nephilim Check The Secret War Inside Freemasonry on Amazon. Now available for the first time on kindle!!! For more details about the inner working of the Lodge system and the origins of American Freemasonry. Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
This Is A Live Exercise – Maryam Henein
Whether you like it or not, George Floyd changed your life. A multi-layered psy-op that inspired a year of destruction and chaos. What happens when you do the hard work, get the FOIA requests and videos and reveal the secret to the world? Using pattern recognition to weave a taprestry of truth opens perspectives of the real timeline that leads to a planned color revolution. You don't think Big Pharma pays for ad space to sell you their products, do you? Our vision of reality is completely skewed by Mainstream Media and we are walking into the trap. Sharing this information with the world has become quite dangerous. Subscribe to Maryam's Substack Maryam Henein is a veteran investigative journalist of 25 years and a functional medicine consultant and coach. INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERT, FILMMAKER, AND ECO-ENTREPRENEUR Henein started her career in the mainstream media, producing the news for MSNBC in Burbank. She hails from Canada and was the first to report on Dodi Fayed’s imposter, using her minor in psychology and investigative chops to track him down in Egypt. She hosted a documentary film on the Ark of the Covenant for TLC. She directed the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page. The Huffington Post named the film “one of twelve most mind-blowing movies you can stream on Netflix.” The George Floyd story we’ve been fed is a monumental false narrative that I’m committed to exposing. It was a partly fabricated event, premeditated to help take us from virus to violence and, ultimately, to divide and destroy America. I will show you how. Buy an ADVANCE COPY of George Floyd | A Multi-layered Psyop Examined https://maryamhenein.substack.com/ https://maryamhenein.com/product/george-floyd-book/ https://www.givesendgo.com/MaryamHenein https://www.mymoviesplus.com/products/the-real-timeline https://www.georgefloyddocumentary.com/ https://maryamhenein.com/George-Floyd-Review/ Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Freemasonry and the Nephilim – Frater X
Are we being guided to extinction and if so, by whom? We are watching a world turn anti-human and we must ask why. In The Book of Enoch, the Nephilim are shown to have brought their egos to the forefront and with it, war, drugs, and culture. This war on humanity has never ended no matter who is in charge. What force guides humanity to it's own destruction? Deep inside secret societies like Freemasonry we find the prediluvian tales of the Watchers guiding the rituals. Are they worshipers of Baal invoking the Ghosts of the Nephilim? Is it inevitable that humans would develop computers and robots leading to our own subjugation by an AI god or has this been inserted into our consciousness? If you had access to private libraries and collections of archived materials only those initiated to elite masonic and quasi-masonic orders could get their hands on, what would you discover? Let's ask Frater X Frater X draws a parallel between the "unclean demons" or Nephilim in ancient times and the contemporary state of the world, characterized by war, conflict, violence, and societal challenges. The question of whether the "Ghosts of the Nephilim" still haunt humanity suggesting an enduring concern about the nature of evil and darkness in the world. Get Ghosts of the Nephilim Check The Secret War Inside Freemasonry on Amazon. Now available for the first time on kindle!!! For more details about the inner working of the Lodge system and the origins of American Freemasonry. Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Jesuit New World Order – Johnny Cirucci
Is the Vatican in contact with malignant inter-dimesional beings? What are new technologies like CERN and EISCAT doing, opening portals to the Dark Side? Jesuits seek Goldilocks Planets with the help of LUCIFER. Jesuit Guy Consolmagno, lead astronomer for the Vatican, stated “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul.” He made headlines because of this interview, in which he said he would offer to baptize an extraterrestrial being if one requested. Consolmagno has also stated that the Pope and the Vatican are keen on science, and they are kept up-to-date on the latest scientific developments by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Could the Society of Jesus be behind the New World Order? Why did Pope Benedict suddenly quit being Pope? Does it concern you that Pope Francis is a Jesuit? Johnny Cirucci is a career military man exposing the roots of the New World Order in his book Illuminati Unmasked "Most of the facts in Illuminati Unmasked will shock and anger you. Please do not stop reading because his reporting goes against everything you have been taught and believe in. While his passion sometimes overshadows the history, he is dead-on and his important book deserves a world-wide audience. If we do not read seminal works like Illuminati Unmasked, these issues that affect us all will dissolve into the ether." LUCIFER is not owned by the Vatican and was named by the German scientists that created it. The Large Binocular Telescope is part of Mount Graham International Observatory at the University of Arizona. The Vatican-owned Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) is right next door. CERN Opera - Symmetry Symmetry expresses the two sides of our understanding, one rational, the other emotional, and sets the opera in CERN and a Bolivian salt flat to contrast the human-made machines with the vastness of nature. "The journey of ICARUS from Italy to CERN to the U.S. is a great example of the global planning in particle physics," said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer. I am pleased that CERN has been able to provide the glue that is allowing DUNE to get off the ground with the transport of ICARUS." Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Ebola Mind Control – Fritz Springmeier
Let's look at the top ten signs of Monarch Mind Control and then dig into the Ebola crisis and its possible results. Is our fear of Ebola more deadly than the disease? Are there mind controlled victims unknowingly bringing the Apocalypse? Fritz Springmeier brings his encyclopedic knowledge to decode and dispel popular beliefs and even makes a prediction of what we might see with Katy Perry at the Superbowl Halftime Extravaganza! Are you eating cloned meat? Is it possible for you to be cloned and will this lead to immortality? Which politicians have doubles? Fritz explores the Dulce New Mexico Underground and learns of super soldier's despair from being genetically modified. Let's learn the secrets to help repair the Trauma-Based Mind Control and stop the Apocalypse. Fritz Springmeier is foremost a follower of Yahshua the Messiah. He gave his life to Christ when he was 13. And believes that what happens with his life is not about himself but about Christ. As Christ wanted to save the world, Fritz has also done projects that would significantly help improve the world. He believes that we are called to love our enemies and do good to our enemies. Evil can not be overcome with more evil. His life can only be understood that Christ came to give us life and a more abundant life even in the here and now. Let us take care of the here and now to improve life.
A Compelling Future – Topher Gardner
Nothing brings people together like catastrophe. Is it wrong to wish for it all to come crashing down to have our own reset? What are the elite preparing for? Why do they need deep underground shelters? How do we create a compelling future that makes all of humanity excited to participate? We have forgotten what it means to be human. Impermanence has become normal. Humans together create a Divine Will Array sending frequencies out to the universe and to those around us. Flow form is the natural state of humanity but first we must sense our permanence in the world. Polarity Therapy follows the yin(negative = inward) and yang(positive = outward) electrical currents that our bodies pulsate. Whether there’s too much or too little charge, our circuit finds the harmony as the ground holds neutral. Adjusting muscle fascia as to release the memory of trauma is incorporated so the Piezoelectric capacity of our skeletal system is invoked. When our ‘Body Electric’ is coherent, life becomes more enjoyable. Topher Gardner is a former professional athlete, field goal kicker, turned yogi. Traded worldly ambition towards spiritual enlightenment which brought him to being a dome builder in Costa Rica. Grounded in Polarity therapy and dirt baggin' (Super Adobe) he sculpts body's and houses. TopherHQ.com @Biocharisma on Instagram Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for 5% off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Listen to George Wiseman on The Free Zone https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Movement Through Dimensions – Michael Feeley
Reports of otherworldly 8 foot shadow creatures at the mall may sound like a stretch of the imagination but, this is a tale as old as man. How far back in history can we go to look at the dimensional portals? Do you have a connection to the initiates of the past through your DNA? In a time of Hadron Colliders punching holes into other dimensions, AI and quantum computers creating life simulations, telepresence killer robots owned by a search engine, and frequency modulation devices sending bad movies into deep space while manipulating the planetary life force, where do our hearts, minds and souls fit into this picture of the future? What Michael is about to reveal is something very different to what has been stated before, very different to what so called scholars have told us. What you have previously been told can now be re-written…as the true message of our ancestors can now finally be heard… Be on the look out for The Movement - Illumination of the World Visit Michael-Feeley.com Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer and expert witness who uses 17 years of evidence gathering and investigative experience to decipher a secret and complex world of coded messages and languages used by the chosen initiates who hold the key that unlocks the door of knowledge. Michael is also a multiple paranormal and UFO experiencer and a code breaker of hidden knowledge and encoded secrecy. Michael's book 'The Ancient Code - A Serpent Fire' not only exposes thousands of years of biblical and ecclesiastical secrecy but it also joins the dots of the advanced knowledge of the ancients, deliberately concealed from us by the priesthoods and secret societies who have successfully managed to hide the truth of ourselves away from us by means of metaphors and allegories masked behind a world of secret codes and symbols. Freeman's Photos of Portals Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
The Joyous Blues – Hans Utter
To know or not to know is the question. How will the general public react to coming revelations and tribulations? Is conspiracy theory interfering with your true life's path? Can we envision ourselves into a different dimension? What's there really to worry about? World War? Aliens? Transhumanism? Asteroid? Pandemic? Invasion? Civil War? Economic Collapse? AI and robots? A black out? Anxiety disorders have become one of the most common mental illnesses in the US today, with around 40 million adults across the nation suffering from a form of daily anxiety. And, they don't know half of the trouble they are in! Music is the mystery of the universe. It is invisible and yet, revolutionizes the world. How is music used in the mind war and what effect does music have on our biology? Visit HansUtter.com Hans Utter is a dedicated and accomplished musician, producer, composer, and writer. His workshops on music and healing, nada yoga, and Sufi music performances reflect his dedication to healing and transformative powers of music. In addition to his musical pursuits, Hans Utter is also actively engaged in academia as an ethnomusicologist, a professor, an author, and as a researcher. As an author, Hans shows his versatility with a diverse collection of both fiction and non-fiction books and has written for major academic publishing houses. Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Time Traveling Christmas
Time Travel and the Elite. Did Michael Jackson time travel back to Akhenaten’s Egypt? What will the “Great Time War” be like? Dr. David Lewis Anderson of the Anderson Institute on the benefits and perils of Time Travel and Time Control Technologies. [Original Air-Date May 01, 2010] Twin Tower architect, Paul Laffoley, talks with Freeman about demolition charges in the buildings, Bin Laden's construction company, Kabbalism, Conceptual Deviance, and Utopian Living. [Original Air-Date November 08, 2007] Aleister Crowley’s Aeon of Horus, The meaning of 9/11, Kenneth Grant, magick and Steven Spielberg social programming, dream control for contact with extraterrestrials. Michael Aquino bringing Satan back to Satanism in the Temple of Set. [Original Air-Date February 24, 2010] Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
What We Believe – Brett Larsen
Brett Larsen is a prominent figure in the fields of UFOlogy, the paranormal, and music, he has dedicated over 15 years to exploring the enigmatic world of the unexplained. And has been an ardent researcher of ghosts, the paranormal, cryptids, and conspiracies. Through extensive research, Brett compiled a comprehensive guide to the most intriguing and mysterious cryptids that have been reported in each state in the United States. We're going to discuss his new book Cryptids of the USA: A State-by-State Guide to Mysterious Creatures. https://www.inquirewithinofficial.com/ @inquireofficial on X Brett Larsen's lifelong dedication to unraveling the unexplained, combined with his achievements in music and his collaborations with celebrated musicians, make him a singular source of knowledge and insight in the realms of the mysterious and the supernatural. As the driving force behind the band Inquire Within, Brett's musical journey is nothing short of extraordinary. The future holds exciting prospects as Brett prepares to launch his third full-length album, "Alien Elite: Perception Warfare." Listen to Freeman at ECETI Ranch Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
SOULutions – Cathy O’Brien
Are you feeling dismayed, anxious, or empowered? MKULTRA Project Monarch survivor, Cathy O'Brien gives SOULutions to our world's problems stemming from Trauma-Based Mind Control in politics, music, and movies. Get Cathy's Books! Trance-Formation.com Are we creating trauma where there is none? Mainstream media is pushing an agenda demonizing sex victim, Milo, while ignoring deep state pedophilia. What do you do when you don't know you are under mind control? How will we get back to nurture? Cathy O’Brien is a nationally and internationally recognized US Government Whistleblower on the subject of MK Ultra mind control and healing from it. In 1995 when the US National Security Act was invoked on her testimony for US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight, it was released en masse through her book she wrote with Mark Phillips TRANCE Formation of America. Cathy became a ‘candidate’ for MK Ultra mind control due to a dissociative disorder developed from incest. As detailed in TRANCE, Cathy’s pedophile father Earl O’Brien sold her into MK Ultra due to his illicit connections into a local Michigan Mafia child pornography ring sanctioned by local politician Gerald Ford. As Ford’s political career escalated to heading the infamous Warren Commission that reportedly investigated the Kennedy Assassination and to becoming President of the US, Cathy’s victimization rose proportionately. Through systematic torture and well documented NASA/military mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do the “unthinkable” and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. In 1988, intelligence insider Mark Phillips rescued Cathy and her then 8 year old daughter, Kelly. Using methods gained in mind sciences, he taught Cathy how to remember what she’d been programmed to forget and reclaim control over her own mind and life. These methods are detailed in both ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security and PTSD: Time to Heal. Now as US Government Whistleblowers, Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips continue speaking out worldwide to public and private groups including the UN and World Bank, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and numerous survivors of varying levels of trauma, abuse, PTSD, torture and/or control seeking to reclaim control over their minds and lives. Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code: FREEMAN for %5 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Contact George Wiseman for his upcoming Brown's Gas instructional seminar https://eagle-research.life/contact/ https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com Cathy and Mark speaking to German Mental Health Professionals The editors of Salve TV have decided to publish the complete interview with Mark Phillips, Cathy O’Brien, and Sheila Miller, because parts of it vanished overnight. However, an audio recording of the parts of the interview that disappeared still exists – at this point, we will show a stationary picture. At the beginning of this broadcast, you will find a short description of the disappearance of parts of the interview. The interview concerns the CIA’s Mind Control Ultra Program, to which Cathy O’Brien and her daughter Kelly fell victim – as well as Mark Phillips, in the process of defending them -, and also deals with Mind control then and today.
Artificial Timeloop – Michelle Gibson
We are a people with no history. The truth of how engineering marvels were crafted in even the middle ages, stun us. Who built the cathedrals? Was their purpose religious or transcendental? How did we go from a renaissance to the decay we see today? Is the positive timeline of humanity controlled by a few using an artificial time-loop? Visit Piercing The Veil Of Illusion Watch Michelle Gibson's Videos The Philadelphia Experiment is considered fiction by most. The idea of time travel and punching holes in this dimension are just too far out for the majority. What is our human general intelligence telling us? Were these engineering marvels built or discovered and claimed; rewriting history to favor the few? Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code November 24th: FREEMAN for %20 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Listen to George Wiseman on The Free Zone https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com
Politics Of Fear – Stefan Verstappen
How do we inspire, charter, legalize, organize, and finance Parallel Societies? Forming Communities is The Answer! Everyone is telling you what’s wrong with the world. It’s time to set aside the doom and gloom and start building solutions to these challenging times. Let's go Fractal! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! What if by preparing for "The End" we found a new beginning; Organizing self-sustainable communities out of our neighborhoods and establishing a renaissance of humanity through the collapse? Can altering the course of your lifestyle, change the course of history? There is no need to complain, you'll just annoy people or end up surrounded by psychic vampires. Each day that you choose to step up and tone your mind and body, you are creating a new future for all humanity. Believe me, this is enough! Visit FormingCommunities.com ChinaStrategies.com The reasons are obvious; warriors are the ones that always stir up trouble for tyrants. They are the ones that will speak out against oppression, that will stand up to cruelty, and that will fight and die for freedom. Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has written dozens of articles for various magazines and newspapers and is the author of 8 books including; The Way of the Warrior, The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, and The Art of Urban Survival. He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years’ experience in the martial arts including five years spent studying in China He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and 140 other videos. Warriors are also the grassroots leaders around whom disgruntled citizens will gather and unite to provide a unified front against injustice. Get your Aquacure! Use coupon code November 24th: FREEMAN for %20 off! Aquacure AC50 The AquaCure® (Model AC50) is the MOST ADVANCED and user-friendly Hydrogen Rich Water and HydrOxy for Health machine. Listen to George Wiseman on The Free Zone https://eagle-research.life/ The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST FreemanTV.com Watch Freeman's videos on Rokfin Follow me on Twitter @freemantv Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com