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People Who Suffer

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I'm not an expert on a lot of things, but man, was I an expert on how to live with suffering. If you have any level of suffering in your life, I think I might understand you. This podcast will share stories of how my life of struggling with debilitating mental and emotional stress and pain changed to something very different. Something I didn't consider possible. A life where I am truly glad to see the sun rise every day. I hope you'll join me on this journey and get something from it that helps you suffer just a little less!


United States


I'm not an expert on a lot of things, but man, was I an expert on how to live with suffering. If you have any level of suffering in your life, I think I might understand you. This podcast will share stories of how my life of struggling with debilitating mental and emotional stress and pain changed to something very different. Something I didn't consider possible. A life where I am truly glad to see the sun rise every day. I hope you'll join me on this journey and get something from it that helps you suffer just a little less!



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Morgan and I Talk Parenting and Other Stuff-with Morgan Pierce

In an unplanned conversation with Morgan, he shared a story of his son that was so powerful it prompted me to start recording. This podcast covers parenting, family relationships, comparison, and other stuff. It's fun and super meaningful. I hope you love it.


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Parent Coach Beth Hillman Joins to Share Her Powerful Story

My friend and colleague who does an amazing job helping parents rebuild relationships with their teens. She shares her powerful story of how she did that with her own teen by seeing things differently. You can find her at: Podcast:


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Relationships Can Be So Painful. They Don't Have to Be-with Melissa Solomon

The greatest source of mental suffering in life comes from our relationships. They can also be the greatest source of joy. Today, Melissa and I dive a little into how we can experience way more of the joy than we do the suffering.


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It's Been Rough. And That's a Normal Part of Life

My identity has been running the show for me much more in the past few months than I have been used to in the last few years. It's been hard to deal with on occasion and I've been grateful for all of those who have supported me through it. This is life. We are here to support each other and to receive support from each other. Thank you.


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Shame, Guilt, and Fear Don't Have To Ruin Our Life Experience, With Special Guest Isaac

My Client Isaac shares his powerful experience of having his experience of life go from one dominated by shame, guilt, and fear, to one of presence and beauty.


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Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do with Special Guest, Musician Jacob Wright!

Jacob Wright is a super talented musician and a great friend to our whole family and was in town for a show so I begged him to come record this podcast with me and share his story. He became obsessed with singing, playing guitar, and writing songs a few years ago and he has gotten good. Really good. Go listen to him!


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Hannah Shares Her Story and It's Good!

My delightful client Hannah shares so many stories of how her life experience has shifted in the last four months. You will love her delightful presence and will probably hear lots of your own experience in hers.


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How To Stop Falling Into Old Patterns-with Special Guest, Melissa Solomon!

Melissa Solomon is both a great and insightful coach and a magnificent singer who understands today's subject very well and has some great insights. We also talk a little about singing together and she suggested I include a link to one of our favorite performances. So here it is:


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My Bride Jilly Interviews Me!

Jilly is such a fabulous human. She isn't just fun and cute, she is also hugely compassionate and supportive. Today she shares a few thoughts and asks a few questions that relate so perfectly with suffering less.


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I Can't, But I Have To! But I Can't! Let Focused Presence Solve This Common Problem

Tasks used to seem insurmountable to me. They still can, occasionally, but not as much when I discovered I could use this simple trick that has a powerful psychological effect. A Client stops by to try this and shares his experience.


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Client Stories Are The Best!

I had a client tell me she loves my own personal stories and sometimes she even loves stories of the other clients I work with even more because she could really hear her own story inside of them. She also loved that I always had new ones to share and she loved that so I decided to share a few.


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Peace Is The Gift Awareness Gives

Awareness is one of the fastest ways to feeling better. Knowing what it is and why it does what it does is one of the greatest knowings we can have.


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What To Do When Someone Is Mad At You

We can be light-hearted in almost any situation. Even when someone is mad at us. It's both simple and helpful. When we see things as they are, we see the simplicity in what seemed complex. Then suffering is replaced with ease and understanding.


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Peace or Delusion?

When you suddenly find yourself in understanding, the feeling can be very foreign and the mind can start to question the peace and stillness you are feeling. The question can occur "is this true peace or am I delusional?" It's peace. Let's talk for a few minutes about how to know and maintain this feeling.


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How To Love Myself Part II

This is part II of how to love yourself, because of course that subject deserves at minimum two parts. Feeling like you don't love yourself is a big source of suffering. It's also unnecessary to feel that way.


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How To Love Myself, Part 1

One of, if not the most ask question I get, is how do I love myself? It's an important question to know the answer to. This is part one of a dive into that question.


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Beware of Bad Advice

There's a lot of advice out there. We are living in a culture where seemingly everyone is an expert. Much of what these experts have to tell us is not helpful to our experience of life and ends up creating more suffering rather than reducing it. Learning how to spot bad advice is critical to our happiness and well-being.


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Conversation Is Infinitely More Valuable Than Content-With Special Guest, Melissa Solomon

Coach and Client, Melissa Solomon joins me for this impromptu conversation about the value of conversation with the right person. She shares fun stories and insights about how much things have changed for her and how she now helps others experience the same kinds of change.


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New Year's Resolutions? Please Help Me Keep Them!

Every year, a lot of us do the same thing as the date changes on our calendar. We make resolutions to do things differently next year. And we do. For a while. On this episode, I'll drop a little insight on why resolutions do not tend to stick for many of us and how to have a different experience.


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What Can I Do When I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything?

When we are caught up in mental suffering, it can seem difficult or even impossible to get out of it. One of the worst symptoms of mental suffering is not wanting to do anything. There is a remedy.
