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Beautiful Second Act

Philosophy Podcasts

It's never too late to do that thing you've only dared to dream of. Whether you are in midlife or beyond, I challenge you to live a life of passion and purpose. Join me, Patti Diener, for a Beautiful Second Act, where I'll invite you to hear stories that will whisper to your soul, and sometimes prick your skin with goosebumps. There's real talk here, from inspirational, supportive, creative, and sometimes hilarious guests.


United States


It's never too late to do that thing you've only dared to dream of. Whether you are in midlife or beyond, I challenge you to live a life of passion and purpose. Join me, Patti Diener, for a Beautiful Second Act, where I'll invite you to hear stories that will whisper to your soul, and sometimes prick your skin with goosebumps. There's real talk here, from inspirational, supportive, creative, and sometimes hilarious guests.







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It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later / Final Episode #158 with Host Patti Diener

In today's final espisode for Beautiful Second Act Podcast, I share with you my hopes and dreams for you. I have lots to share about how things progressed along the way, and I invite you to go back and listen to some of your favorite episodes, or if you are new to the podcast, try it out for the first time. There are 158 to choose from. We are all striving to live our best life in the second half of life, so why not start today! You are the captain of your ship, the main character in your life. Live fully, with love, happiness, gratitude, and grace. You have so much more to offer and do in this precious life. Thank you for listening, for supporting me and my journey along this crazy transition I've been going through these past few years, and I look forward to seeing you on my other platforms. See links below. Much love, Patti LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Website: Follow me on my page at Facebook: Patti Diener Beautiful Second Act Instagram: beautiful_second_act My author account on Instagram: pattidiener Buy my book: After the Fire You can email me at:


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One Career Doesn't Define a Person / Interview with Jennifer Degenhardt

If you are seeking something in life that you simply cannot find, but feel the need for it, then you can create it yourself. Just because you have done one thing and done it very well, doesn't mean you have to continue on that path, simply because others believe you should. In today's episode with educator Jennifer Degenhardt, we talk about following the breadcrumbs towards your purpose in life. It can be scary, but if you are brave enough to move towards your dreams, even with nay-sayers in your ear, then you just might find yourself living your best life! When we get out of our own way and stop living in fear and embrace what is possible, we start living life on our own terms and feel a freedom like nothing else. LINKS TO TODAY'S EPISODE: Jennifer Degenhardt's website: Follow her on Facebook: Follow her on Instagram: SPONSOR TODAY: After the Fire Book GET THE BOOK Beautiful Second Act Info: Website: The Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act GRAB MY FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks for listening. To support this show please leave a RATING, a REVIEW on Apple or wherever you listen from, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, or FOLLOW. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Big Announcement for Beautiful Second Act / with host Patti Diener

As the universe is ever expanding, so are each of our souls. We grow, change, evolve, and ascend towards our highest good to what we are Becoming. On this 156th episode of Beautiful Second Act, I have a big announcement to share regarding the future of the show, as well as my future professionally. It is with you, my listeners, that I wish to share about the next big steps that are coming and how I'm putting intentional energy towards the highest good for my biggest creative possibility. Join me for an important conversation on acceptance, love and gratitude, and leaning into what feels right in taking the first next step on the staircase of life. LINKS FOR THIS EPISODE: Beautiful Second Act Website: The Facebook Group: Follow me on Instagram: beautiful_second_act GET MY BOOK: After the Fire from my website Buy on Amazon Thanks for listening. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Learn to Cope With Anxiety & Depression / Interview with Dr. Lori Davis

If you suffer from boughts of anxiety and depression, know that you are not alone. Dr. Lori Davis has anxiety too! She is here today on the podcast to talk all about fully accepting ourselves, understanding how to cope and live with anxiety and depression, and gives us tips and strategies for living your best life after 50! You might have seen her on Instagram sharing her stories of anxiety and normalizing living with this condition. But today, you can hear all about Dr. Lori and her personal journey of past struggles with anxiety and how today she is able to manage it and lives a full and exciting life. YOU CAN TOO! LINKS TO TODAY'S EPISODE: Dr.Lori's website: Follow her on Instagram: SPONSOR FOR THIS EPISODE: Thank you to Daniela Stevens Coaching Grab your FREE 15 Minute Consultation Beautiful Second Act Info: Website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Email me at: Thank you for listening. If you want to support this show, please leave a RATING, a REVIEW, on Apple or wherever you listen, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW. Xoxo ~ Patti


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New Possibilities After 50 at Camp Reinvention / with guests Wendy Perrotti & Dana Hilmer

In midlife or beyond we can sometimes feel stuck in the mundane of life. Our friends at Camp Reinvention have a mission to help women re-write the rules on aging and want to help you create new and exciting possibilities in the second half of life. If you need to build your confidence, desire exitement in your life, or crave peace of mind, the master coaches Wendy Perrotti and Dana Hilmer of Camp Reinvention are your gals. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Camp Reinvention Website: Grab their FREE STUFF~ The Toolkit The e-book Join their Facebook Group Check out their 12 Week Program Beautiful Second Act: Website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks for listening. Please don't forget to leave a REVIEW, a RATING and SUBSCRIBE if you are on Apple, or FOLLOW from Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Happy New Year! Xoxo ~ Patti


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The Last 2023 Episode / Your New Year's Pep-Talk with host Patti Diener

Does the start of a new year bring you anxiety or joy? Do you get excited for what is to come or are you too busy sweeping the last bits of the previous year under the rug? In this final episode of 2023, I talk with you about all the reasons we should celebrate instead of rush to get the year over with. Reflection of all we've accomplished, all we've endured and survived, and all of our growth in 2023 cannot be forgotten in our quest to welcome in a new year. Like many of you, I too can get tangled up in the holiday chaos. But when I catch myself melting down over lost almond extract, I realize the humor of the situation and right myself. I embrace the beauty of another day, and invite you to give yourself grace during these transitional times. We are perfectly imperfect. We deserve to honor all we have been through, all we are going through, and anticipate wonder and excitement for all that is to come in 2024. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Thanks to our sponsors Fria Cooling Jewelry : GET YOUR 50% OFF USING CODE: SECONDACT50 at checkout Daniela Stevens Coaching: GRAB YOUR FREE 6-DAY EMAIL COURSE FOR DANIELA STEVEN'S CERTIFIED SEX & INTIMACY COACHING Beautiful Second Act Info: Website: Join the Facebook Group: Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks everyone for listening this year to the podcast. To support the show please RATE, REVIEW, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple or FOLLOW wherever you get your shows. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Are You Honoring Yourself? / with host Patti Diener

Keeping space open for yourself is something we aren't programed to do. I know most of us are at the bottom of the list of priorities, if we even make the list. On today's episode, I talk about keeping space open for the things that are important to us, cutting out the B.S. that holds us back, and allowing ourselves to follow those bread crumbs of curiosity that are leading us towards our True Selves. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: SPONSOR - Daniela Stevens Coaching Grab your FREE 6-Day Email Course for Daniela Steven's Certified Sex & Intimacy Coaching : Beautiful Second Act Info: Website: Join our Facebook Group: Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks for listening. Please leave a REVIEW, and a RATING and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple, or FOLLOW from wherever you listen. Much love, Patti


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Own Your Vitality While Keeping Your Cool in Midlife & Beyond / Interview w/ Sheilisa McNeal - Founder Fria Jewelry

Women are so powerful, but sometimes we need support through all we endure. It is possible to reclaim agency over our changing bodies during and after peri-menopause and menopause. We should be celebrating the evolutions through life instead of hiding and living in the darkness. In this episode we discuss a new option for cooling relief of hot flashes with Fria Cooling Jewelry. My conversation with Founder and CEO Sheilisa McNeal, shines light on the topic of female reproductive issues, and how women are changing the narrative on the conversation from shame and hiding, to embracing and normalizing the natural cycles of life. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: My Fria website: USE PROMO CODE: SECONDACT50 at checkout to receive 50% off your purchase (for a limited time). Follow on Facebook: Instagram at: THANK YOU TO FRIA FOR SPONSORING THIS EPISODE Beautiful Second Act Info: The website: Join the Facebook Group: Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act GRAB MY FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks for listening. To support this show, please leave a RATING, and a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE or Follow from wherever you listen. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Sex and Intimacy in Midlife and Beyond / Interview With Sex and Intimacy Coach, Daniela Stevens

It makes sense that what satisfied us in our youth might not be what we want in midlife or beyond. Our mind, bodies, and appetites change over time. So, it is natural that what we desire in the bedroom is going to change as well. In this episode, I talked to sex and intimacy expert, Daniela Stevens about normalizing the conversation around sex. We cover menopause, hormones, and the difference between connected sex and goal-oriented sex. Daniela helps us to better understand and clarifies the path to enjoyable sex no matter our age. If you are curious about tapping into your sexuality in this second half of life, then this is the episode for you! LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: The website: Follow her on Instagram at: Facebook: LinkedIn: SPONSOR: Fria Cooling Jewelry Website: GET YOUR 50% OFF USING CODE: SECONDACT50 Thank you to Sheilisa McNeal, founder and CEO of Fria Jewelry Beautiful Second Act Info: Website: Join the FB Group: Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act GET YOUR FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thank you for listening. If you'd like to SUPPORT THIS SHOW, please leave a REVIEW, a RATING, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple, or FOLLOW from Spotify or wherever you listen. Much love, Patti


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The Truth About Your Expectations / Season 5 Finale with host Patti Diener

Life doesn't follow logics. Just because according to you and your judgement of how things should progress, doesn't mean what you expect to happen will happen. So what do we do when we realize the truth is we aren't going to get out of this life everything we wanted? How can we accept the lot we are given in this life and still be enchanted with it? In this season finale episode, I talk about lessons I've learned from powerful speakers and spiritual teachers such as Caroline Myss, and Dr. Wayne Dyer. I share how if we respect our Light that is our Truest Self, that we will be honoring how powerful we really are. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Beautiful Second Act website: Join the Facebook Group GET MY BOOK: After the Fire Follow me on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Follow these spiritual teachers- Caroline Myss: Dr. Wayne Dyer: Thank you for listening. Please leave a RATING, a REVIEW and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts or FOLLOW from wherever you listen. Much love, Patti


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When Change Knocks At Your Door / with host Patti Diener

I'm feeling it again. That calling. It's CHANGE. When you get that knowing inside of you, do you silence it, or do you heed the call? On this episode I share with you how I've learned to listen to my inner voice and deep knowing for when The Universe is guiding me towards change. How now, in this season of Fall and the time of letting go, I understand that once again, I'm being guided to make a shift towards something else...and I'd like to take you along with me. Since change is the only constant in life, we need to find a way to be more fully present, have more joy for the journey, and use the wisdom we've learned from our years to adjust and work with what we have in the moment. Nothing is meant to stay the same. By pivoting, we can move along the river of life as it flows instead of working against it. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Beautiful Second Act Website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks for listening. I'd love it if you would leave a RATING, or a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE so you won't miss an episode. Please FOLLOW if you listen from Spotify or wherever you get your shows. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Turn Your Scars Into Something Beautiful ~ From Cancer Survivor To Wild Woman / Interview with artist Meryl Cook

After surgery, Meryl Cook was troubled by the scar that was left behind after her breast lumpectomy. She knew she needed to make peace with it in order to fully heal. While blessing her scar and allowing herself to see the beauty in its imperfection, Meryl created a piece of art that would change her life. In this episode about a fibre artist that found her joy after breast cancer, we share an inspiring story how self-compassion through art can heal your soul. Today Meryl is helping other women to enjoy life fully through art, community, and encouragement, while making peace with our flaws, and embracing our wild women side. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Meryl's Website: The Creativity Sampler Workbook: Watch her Renegade Conversations Join Meryl's Creating Space Get her books: One Loop at a Time & the Creativity Workbook Follow her on Instagram: Follow her on Facebook: LINKS TO BEAUTIFUL SECOND ACT: Buy my book: After the Fire Beautiful Second Act website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Thanks for listening. Please leave a RATING, or a REVIEW on Apple podcasts and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE. Also, you can FOLLOW on Spotify or from wherever you get your podcasts. Have a lovely day, Patti


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How To Find Abundance & Goodness When Life Gets Dark / with host Patti Diener

Have you lost the magic? This episode will help. Let's be honest, life can be hard. It is easy to fall down the rabbit hole of despair when all we see is lack, saddness, or negativity. But there IS an abundance of joy, goodness, and wonder...if we know where to look. In this episode we will talk about all the places where abundance lives and miracles happen every day. There is promise and reasons to celebrate even when it's hard to find the light. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Beautiful Second Act website: Join the Beautiful Second Act Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 WORK WITH ME & schedule your FREE Discovery Call People who inspire me: Deepak Chopra Gabby Bernstein Dr. Joe Dispenza Dr. Wayne Dyer Thank you for listening. If you like this content please leave a RATING, a REVIEW, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts or FOLLOW from wherever you listen. Much love, Patti


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Because Most Women Worry Alone, Now There Is Womanship / Interview w/ Founder & Creator of Womanship, Nicolette Lazarus

A study from 2021 showed that only 29% of women are 100% open and honest about the problems they are facing. That means most women suffer and worry alone. What if there was a place where women helping women could actually change the world? Nicolette Lazarus is the founder and creator of Womanship, a platform and community that connects and supports women from all over the world in allyship, regardless of race or religion, so women can feel seen, heard, and understood. Exploring the things that we often collectively experience as women and holding space for them in a safe and anonymous place online is Nicolette's passion. Within Womanship, women can connect through Empathy Circles, and join conversations with wellness professionals. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: The Womanship Website: Follow on Instagram: @_womanship Register as a wellness professional Email Nicolette to share your anonymous story on a Trustcast within Womanship at: LINKS TO BEAUTIFUL SECOND ACT: The Website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: @beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Shop for Beautiful Second Act Merch Thanks for listening. If you like this content PLEASE leave a RATING and REVIEW on Apple or wherever you listen. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple or Follow from wherever you get your podcasts. Xoxo ~ Patti


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What Has Robbed You of Your Peace? / with host Patti Diener

So much in life can rob us of our peace. Sometimes life can feel so exhausting that it rock us to our core. But there are ways to get you back to a default of peace, ease, and a sense of wellbeing. In this episode we talk about all the ways we become triggered when life's turbulences strike, and how we can choose the way to behave during those times that will bring us more peace. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Beautiful Second Act website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Book a free Discovery Call with me More on Dr. Wayne Dyer Thank you for listening and if you like this content, please leave a RATING, a REVIEW, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple or FOLLOW on Spotify, or wherever you listen. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Helping Women Over 40 Publish Their Book / Interview with publisher and writing coach, Lynne Golodner

Do you have a book idea, a finished manuscript, or a memoir that you want to publish but have no idea how to get started? This is the episode for you. Lynne Golodner is an author, a writing coach, and a publisher at Scotia Road Books. In this episode she talks about championing women over the age of 40 who are just getting started in their writing careers during this late stage of life. It is never too late to do the thing you love, and with Lynne as your guide, your journey towards publishing your first novel could be right around the corner. Jump into the writing community with Lynne Golodner. She offers writing tools, retreats, and a hybrid publishing experience that allows you to be a full partner in getting your book out into the world. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Lynne's website: Her substack: Scotia Road Books website: Listen to her podcast: Make Meaning Podcast Get her book: Woman of Valor Follow her on Instagram: On Facebook: Join her on Twitter (X): Beautiful Second Act Info: Grab my book: After the Fire The website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Get your FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Buy Beautiful Second Act Merchandise (and support the stay-at-home-moms that create them in Arizona) Thank you for listening and supporting this podcast. Please don't forget to leave a RATING, a REVIEW, and SUBSCRIBE on Apple or FOLLOW on Spotify or wherever you listen. Big love, Patti


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How Many Times Can Our Hearts Break? / With Host Patti Diener

When we reach midlife and beyond in years, the amount of times our hearts have been broken seems to exceed any reasonable number imaginable. The question came to mind when I was suffering, once again, a terrible loss. How many times can we survive heartbreak? Then I started wondering, how many ways do our hearts get broken? How do we overcome the excruciating pain from it? And how do we grow stronger? How do we heal? In this episode I share some of the most painful ways I've experienced heartbreak, and the many lessons I've learned along the way. I share from some of the best spiritual teachers that I've learned from and give some insight into how they have helped me. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Beautiful Second Act website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Get your FREE 30 min. Discovery Call with me Buy your Beautiful Second Act Merchandise Thank you for listening. Please SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts or FOLLOW from wherever you listen. RATE & REVIEW to help support this show. All the best, Patti


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Stop Hating Your Body After Menopause / Interview w/ Madame Menopause, Master Hypnotherapist & Body Positivity Advocate (FREE HYPNOSIS SESSION INCLUDED ON THIS EPISODE)

Do you ever look in the mirror after 50 and wonder, what the hell happened to me? Often after menopause we are left with a body we hardly recognize as our own. This can lead to shaming, body hating, and an overall feeling of loss. It doesn't have to be that way. On today's episode, we have Jacinta Richmond, a.k.a. Madame Menopause. She is here to talk with us about how amazing your body truly is and to think of all the miraculous things that it does for you. We discuss changing the culture on how women look at their bodies, and talk about her 5-week hypnosis program that works on the subconscious level to allow women to start loving their bodies again, at any age or stage of life. There is bonus content at the end with Madame Menopause sharing a FREE HYPNOSIS SESSION to help kick-start you into loving and acceptance of your body. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Her website: Her Special Offer on her 5-Week Program Follow her on Instagram: Join her Facebook Group here BEAUTIFUL SECOND ACT INFO: The website: Join the Facebook Group here Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Order Beautiful Second Act Merchandise Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call with Patti Thank you for listening. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple, or FOLLOW wherever you get your podcasts. Please leave a RATING & REVIEW to support the show. Xoxo ~ Patti


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Tenacity Will Take You A Long Way / Interview with NYTimes Best Selling Author Brenda Novak

With 76 published titles (and counting) to her credit, Brenda Novak shows no signs of slowing down. After twenty-five years in the publishing industry, Brenda attributes tenacity for her prolific career as an author. At fifty-nine years old she still plays pickleball, runs, and raises millions of dollars for diabetes research, something near to her heart as her son was diagnosed with the disease. In this episode Brenda shares advice on writing, on living well, all about her latest book release, and about all the fun she's had along the way. LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Brenda's website: Join here Facebook Reading Group Follow her on Instagram: Sign up for her Newsletter Grab some of the Brenda Novak Merchandise (including her book boxes) Learn about her Diabetes Fundraising LINKS TO BEAUTIFUL SECOND ACT: The website: Join the Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Grab my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Get your FREE Discovery Call to be mentored by me Thanks for listening. To support this show please leave a REVIEW, a RATING, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple, or FOLLOW from wherever you get your shows. Xoxo ~ Patti


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How His Dog Saved His Life / Interview with author Jeff Goodrich of Dude & Duder

We all love our pets but for author Jeff Goodrich, he actually had a life changing event just by walking his dog Duder. In this episode, Jeff explains how his remarkable midlife journey began by getting a dog, which put him on a new trajectory of losing 70 pounds, completing several marathons and ultramarathons, and repairing his marriage of 30 plus years. These experiences have shaped his understanding of resilience, determination, and that its never too late to start loving yourself and your life! LINKS TO THIS EPISODE: Jeff's website: Buy his book by clicking here or- by going to Amazon Follow on Instagram at: dudeandduder PEOPLE HE FOLLOWS: Rory Vaden: The book: The Gap in the Gain BEAUTIFUL SECOND ACT INFO: The website: Join the Facebook Group Follow on Instagram: beautiful_second_act Get my FREE PDF: 10 Tips After 50 Schedule a FREE Discovery Call to work with me Get your Beautiful Second Act Merchandise Thank you for listening. Please leave a RATING, REVIEW, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple, or FOLLOW from wherever you get your podcasts. Xoxo ~ Patti
