
United States


Changing the world one idea at a time.



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I would like to ask the author/illustrator of this book, the Placer County School Board (any school district across our great nation), and any adult, parent or otherwise, why they believe children as young as 4 years old should be exposed to this subject matter. And I’d also like to ask them how being exposed to these concepts will enrich their lives in a positive way and help them become mentally and physically capable adults. My last question to all of them would be, “If we were in societal agreement that this material was inappropriate for children 20 years ago, why do they deem it appropriate today”? The truth is our children should be our most protected class with nothing and no one coming before them. There are only two sides to this fight and the right side still believes this. If you do not, for whatever reason, you are on the wrong side. You are an advocate of evil and I will do everything in my power to oppose you.


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I grew up in a time when our society as a whole prioritized protecting children from inappropriate materials, physical ailments, mental illness, harmful substances, predatory behavior, and anything that subverted the ability of parents to effectively raise their own offspring. I blinked and all of a sudden we have government institutions, mainstream media, private businesses, healthcare professionals, and entertainment conglomerates telling us that everything we believed 5-minutes ago is wrong and children should be allowed to consume pornographic material, they should be taught to engage in sexually explicit behavior, they should be exposed to biologically confusing concepts as if they are normal, they should be allowed to make irreversible decisions they can’t fully comprehend, their mental illnesses are to now be celebrated and encouraged, and worse, the people that gave birth to them and love them more than anything in this world, are now the child’s greatest enemy and the institutions, MSM, entertainment, and doctors are the true heroes of the story.


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On 2024-04-26 at approximately 1345 using the last 10 rounds of the box, on the third shot, we experienced a case head failure that damaged the slide of my Walther P22. I reached out to Walther and they provided a FedEx label (free of charge) and asked me to send the firearm to them so that their Smiths could take a look. I sent the firearm to them on 5/1, they received the firearm on 5/3 and sent it back to me repaired on 5/9. What I thought was going to be an assessment turned out to be a repair, once again, with no charge to me at all. Good customer service is a dying art so when you receive it, it is both surprising and refreshing. I wish that I could patronize them more, but living in California where our leadership has abandoned the Constitution, I am only able to legally purchase the P22 in this state thanks to Kamala Harris, which I already have, and nothing else from their extensive catalog of products. That being said, I really appreciate how Walther handled this situation. Thank you very much and keep up the good work.


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Our nature is to serve ourselves, love ourselves above all else, and then rationalize that nature in an attempt to justify it. This inherent behavior is at the root of every hostile action we’ve taken against one another. It is the sole cause of every war, every perpetrated atrocity from rape to genocide, and every dictatorship on every continent throughout the history of mankind. We love ourselves more than we love freedom, we love ourselves more than we love the truth, we love ourselves more than we love justice, and, reprehensibly so, we love ourselves more than we love God. Because we love ourselves so much we toil day in and day out trying to figure out how to make everyone who isn’t us love us the way we love ourselves, (forsaking all else). To accomplish this we utilize violence, blackmail, bribery and fear. Every system from religion to governmental bodies are ultimately highjacked and twisted into systems of control. For examples look no further than the year 2020. From local leadership to federal leadership all the way down to your neighbor, every single one demanded compliance without practical reason. And if you didn’t comply you were punished in all the ways I’ve listed above. Bribery was also used in the form of gifts and lotteries. These aren’t the actions of a free nation. These are the actions of a totalitarian nation prioritizing compliance over liberty. The Bible says to love our neighbor as we love ourselves because God knows that only in service to one another can we deny our broken nature and experience true happiness.


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Leftist progressives and Neo-liberals only like children when they can sexualize them, abort them, or use them to ignite emotional volatility as a weapon to further their goals toward the destruction of liberty under the facade of peace. In this case they’re using the lives of our children to make an unsubstantiated claim that allowing educators who choose to take on the responsibility of becoming the first line of defense against the criminally insane is not only less effective than learning to cower, run, and hide, but will somehow increase the occurrence of gun violence on campuses statewide. They, of course, never explain exactly how. The inference is that the law abiding educator in spite of undergoing 40 hours of training, background checks, and a mental health assessment, will automatically become a threat on par with a psychopath simply because they are now armed. They, of course, never explain exactly how. The truth is most mass shootings happen in gun-free zones because if you want to kill as many people as possible the last thing you want is to get shot before you even have a chance to begin the carnage. The truth is only good people with guns stop bad people with guns. The truth is the desire to protect without the most effective means to do so, is in fact, no protection at all. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/gun-facts-and-fiction/mass-shootings/ https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/PublicTestimonyDocument/5273 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/05/10/do-98-percent-of-mass-public-shootings-happen-in-gun-free-zones/


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First, I ask that all of you watch this segment so that you can see with your own eyes what it is they are actually celebrating in Arizona. Then, ask yourself if what you witnessed can be classified as a “reproductive right”. If your answer is yes, then I invite you to explain how a cause resulting in the death of a human child is righteous in any way and if the answer is no, then I challenge you to join the fight for innocent life. https://www.coastreporter.net/politics/arizona-governors-signing-of-abortion-law-repeal-follows-political-fight-by-women-lawmakers-8691935?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral


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EPISODE 57: U.S. Births Last Year Fell to Lowest Since 1979

This Time article attempts to blame falling U.S. birth rates on the economic instability of wealthier countries, the pandemic, lack of paid family leave, healthcare cost, childcare cost, student loans, political polarization, work instability, healthcare access, global conflicts, unstable working hours, and even climate change. The irony is the article’s proposed solution is more government when it is that very same government that is the root cause of every single problem listed above. The economic instability of wealthier countries is caused by nonsensical policies and regulations imposed by the government. The non-scientific response to the pandemic destroyed the middle class, small business, supply chains and education; to name a few. If the private sector was less regulated they’d fiscally be able to accommodate longer paid leave for families. Healthcare costs and access would increase if the medical industrial complex was a true free-market. Global conflicts would not be a factor domestically if we made our own bed before trying to clean someone else’s room. If our governmental body hadn’t steered the culture away from single income households, work stability and childcare wouldn’t have become a potential hindrance. Finally, “climate change”, really?! Climate alarmism was created and is perpetuated by our government despite the scientific contradictions as a system of control and distraction. The real problem is big government and our only way out of this predicament is to prioritize the nuclear family, encourage our youth to marry as soon as possible, restructure our economy to support young families, deregulate in favor of free-markets, bring back Judeo-Christian objective moral standards, enforce our constitution as it is written, bring trades back to high school, put patriotism back in schools, put education back in school, enforce legal immigration, and finally, we the people need to elect leaders that serve the people instead in place of themselves. https://time.com/6970873/us-declining-birth-rate-2023-total/?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral


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EPISODE 56: Arizona House advances a repeal of the state's near-total abortion ban to the Senate

This debate is clearly black and white, or rather, one side is good and the other side is not. There is no clearer indication of this fact than realizing that when the pro-choice side gets their way the result is the premeditated murder of innocent life, (which is why I call this side the pro-death side), and when their opponents get their way the resulting outcome is the protected preservation of innocent life. One side acknowledges the rights of one while removing the rights of the other sighting level of development, inconvenience and personal desire. While the other side recognizes the sovereign right to human life for all those possessing life no matter their level of development or the personal whims of others. The fact that there are even two sides is a stark illustration of the progressive societal collapse we now find gnawing at the neck of a nation that used to prioritize an objective moral compass. Certainly, historically, we fell short, but at least we were asking the question, “is this moral?” That prevailing question led to the abolition of slavery, which is, if nothing else, morally reprehensible. Look how far we’ve descended. Not only have some abandoned the question all together, these morally corrupt individuals believe that asking the question itself is immoral. Let me put this in perspective for you, in 2023 alone there was an estimated 1,026,700 abortions. And in spite of the fears of the pro-choice advocates following Roe v. Wade, that’s the highest annual number reached in over a decade. It is said that heart disease is the number one killer of Americans taking 928,741 in 2020. This is a false equivalent. Mathematically speaking, it is abortion not heart disease that is the number one killer - the only difference being that one is a medical morbidity while the other is mass murder. https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/arizona-democrats-attempt-to-repeal-the-states-19th-century-abortion-ban?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/03/19/1238293143/abortion-data-how-many-us-2023


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How helpful is it to tell someone that is clearly in mental distress, believing they were born into the wrong body, that they are right? How is it compassionate to tell them that they are a mistake and the only way to fix that mistake is to surgically and pharmaceutically alter their appearance to fit their delusion while at the same time punishing any and everyone who is reluctant and confused by the mandate to acquiesce to this altered theatrical presentation? The truth is, everybody loses and that was the goal from the start. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/united-states/new-federal-rule-bars-transgender-school-bathroom-bans-but-it-likely-isnt-the-final-word/article_ddb29db2-6397-5e65-b930-eb31d9745ede.html?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral


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Freedom of speech acknowledges the sovereignty of one’s own mind. Without it, you cannot be free. When you are told what you can say and what you can’t, you are essentially being forced to live at another’s whim other than your own. Those who are freedom’s adversaries will convolute the issue as if it were a nuanced grey area worthy of further discussion. This cannot be further from the truth. It isn’t difficult to distinguish where unlawful behavior begins and where freedom of speech ends. Those who claim otherwise, subjectively criticize speech based on how it makes them feel regardless of its authenticity and/or lawfulness. Any weapon that is utilized to extinguish a piece of freedom, will be the same weapon used to extinguish the remaining whole. https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does


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Generally speaking, when one lies, it is for their benefit at the expense of everyone else. It is essentially, ‘THEIR TRUTH’, which could also be interpreted as a lie for you. Of course I’m not referring to an individual conveying their own lived experience, but when you call that lived experience truth, it is by definition not objective. Since it is impossible to guarantee that people will not lie to you, the best you can do is protect yourself with objectivity. In order to do that you have to value and prioritize the truth no matter how it makes you or anyone else feel. You also must implement an information verification procedure undergird by objective reality. If you can do this, not only will you be able to protect your mind and heart from the enemies at the gates, you will also become a shining example to others that they too can break free from this cycle of self destructive propaganda. You cannot build a better world on a foundation of lies. It’s been tried before and it’s being tried right now. Is this world better yet? Oh! I know - we are just one lie away from that utopian society, right? https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/21/us/oklahoma-double-murder-plot/index.html


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What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?2 You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. James 4:1-3 ESV


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Objective observation has revealed the following to be true; Mr. Obama is a cultural marxist, Mr. Obama is anti-American, Mr. Obama is a globalist, and Mr. Obama is a very accomplished con-man. His hate for the principles our country was founded on is hidden behind soft smiles and compelling, although divisive, words garnished with verifiable lies. America was bamboozled into handing their lives over to a harbinger of chaos and now the foolish are confused as to why their lives are in chaos. He wasn’t the first, he was just the most efficient. His Neo-Marxist strategy to hide his malicious intentions behind the hue of his skin is what allowed him to rise above the ground work laid by his predecessors. I did not vote for him. It was obvious to me that when you trade white hoods for black hoods you still get burning crosses on the front lawns of who they deem their societal enemies. Despite what Mr. Obama, as a Cultural Marxist would have you believe, evil is not inherent to any particular ethnic origin, but dwells in the hard hearts of mankind itself. Elected leaders are the direct reflection of the prevailing national culture. With this in mind, historically speaking, we have consistently elected leaders that choose not to represent the interests of the American people, but instead further their own interests by serving the elite class that ironically Marx claimed to oppose. Marx’s ideology was never meant to create a classless society, but instead was a brilliant vehicle to convince the proletariat to relegate themselves into a slave class and willingly except the domination of the high-born where he planned to reside. Mr. Obama stands as the culmination of decades upon decades of experimentation and in the end the Frankenstein monster that was unleashed upon our country did what he was created to do - burn the United States to the ground.


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Let me begin by saying this in hopes that you understand me clearly, “no matter what they say their goal is not to keep you safe.” As the great Thomas Sowell says and I’m paraphrasing, “the best society can achieve are trade-offs.” Meaning, perfection, or a utopian society is out of reach to imperfect people. We must always strive to ensure that the trade-offs produce the greatest good for our populace as a whole; a net positive if you will. Our first and second amendments are excellent examples of a net positive trade-off. But to illustrate this point better let me show you how removing either of these amendments would present a net negative trade-off as this trade-off would produce the same result. Let’s say you don’t like what another citizen has to say so you empower a government body to punish that citizen if they continue to speak in a way you deem offensive. Now let’s say that you notice your neighbor owns a firearm and even though he has done nothing wrong to you, him being in possession of a firearm makes you feel uncomfortable. Because of this uneasiness you vote to empower that same government body to come to his home and remove any and all firearms, by force if necessary, so that you can alleviate your fears. In both of these scenarios the trade-off was liberty for safety. Unfortunately for you, historically speaking, this trade-off has always produced a net negative result; it’s always been a matter of time. In striving for your own subjective safe space, you’ve given power, to an institution outside of yourself, to silence speech and disarm law abiding citizens. Sure, this time, they did it for you, but what’s to stop them from doing it for themselves now that you’ve given them the power to do so? The irony is the two things that would have kept them in check, speaking your mind freely no matter who’s offended and possessing the most effective tool for self defense, were the very things you traded to feel safer. Our forefathers, having liberated themselves from the heel of tyranny, knew this and in their wisdom crafted our constitution fully aware that individual liberty can never be compromised for any reason, period. Guided by divine providence, they took it a step further, inscribing that no government has the power to remove what God has given. Being the land of free you are not guaranteed safety which is why this is also the home of the brave - because it takes courage to live free. https://time.com/6550026/prague-mass-shooting-gun-laws-czech-republic/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/21/europe/prague-university-shooting-intl/index.html Sweden https://www.barrons.com/news/sweden-tops-europe-in-fatal-shootings-report-shows-01622034913 https://www.lifeinsweden.net/sweden-gun-laws/ Gun Death by Country https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country/ https://news.sky.com/story/police-to-get-powers-to-seize-and-destroy-machetes-and-zombie-knives-in-further-crackdown-12950418


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The prevailing tyrannical question has always been, “how do we control effectively control the populace”? That’s it, in a nutshell, that’s all there is to it. They begin with kindness, then bribery and when that doesn’t yield the desired results, they slide right into force without hesitation. History teaches us that this tactic has never worked in the long run and, in fact, has precipitated every empirical collapse without exception. However, being students of authoritarianism somehow precludes one from being a student of history and ultimately they end up falling into the same trappings as their historical predecessors. It would be comical if this repeated process didn’t also cost the lives of untold millions of innocents while the most deserving of consequence seldom suffer the fruits of their own tyranny.


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EPISODE 48: Texas Supreme Court temporarily BLOCKS pregnant mother, 31, from emergency abortion at 20 weeks

At some point we are all faced with a choice, of which there are only two: have the courage to seek truth no matter the outcome or live in fear of the truth and continue to hide in a subjective reality that offers us the illusion of justice. One choice will unify while the other will divide and conquer. One choice will empower individual sovereignty while the other will leave you a hollowed out slave to the whims of the influential. One choice will assure a prosperous future through the trials and tribulations of life, while the other will only lead to extinction. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12844341/Texas-Supreme-Court-temporarily-HALTS-lower-court-ruling-allowing-pregnant-mother-31-abortion-20-weeks-learned-fetus-fatal-condition.html https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/trisomy-disorders


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What is your objective moral standard? This simple question is the most important question we all need to ask ourselves. Moral standards exist as a framework for the bonds of our civilization. They can determine what is collectively or individually accepted as right and wrong. Every conversation, every interaction, and the consequences thereof, are all dictated by moral standards. Our moral standards can unify or our moral standards can divide. Our laws and justice systems, are at their base, institutionalized moral standards. Moral standards can offer salvation or our moral standards can facilitate chaos. What is right? What is wrong? With a subjective moral standard these questions are answered by the individual and are as diverse as we are many. To you stealing is wrong, but to a thief taking what you want from others is fine. To me murder is wrong, but to an abortionist it is healthcare. To the violated, rape is unforgivable, but to the rapist it was a good time had by all involved. Brutalizing Jews should be seen by all as unacceptable, but to Hamas it is a righteous crusade against infidels. This is the world of the subjective moral standard. This is chaos and you cannot build a healthy, secure, prosperous society on a subjective foundation that can shift on the whims of an individual or group of individuals. Where’s the fun in playing a game whose rules change to advantage one side over another? How is it justice to condemn a man because you feel strongly that he’s guilty? How can leaders effectively represent the people without adhering to strict and uncompromising objective moral standards? For answers to these questions all one need do is look, without bias, at the current state of our world: violent conflict, mental illness, rising crime, economic disparity, poor leadership, division, discrimination, drug addiction, unsustainable public health infrastructure, and societal regression. We are embroiled in an unprecedented spiritual war with only two possible outcomes; survival or extinction.


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Elections cannot cure a diseased culture, on the contrary, only people can inoculate themselves against cultural decline. The first step, the first ingredient needed for an effective vaccine is objective truth. Like an addict’s initial public declaration, we cannot move towards sobriety until we face our good, our bad, and our ugly. The mob depicted in the video I’m sharing today beating an unarmed man into a coma are not monsters they are human. The very worst aspects of humanity certainly, but human nonetheless. Used by every tyrant past, present, and most assuredly future, dehumanization attempts to spare their conscience the weight of otherwise unjustifiable violence against their own kin. If this brutality was carried out by a pack of jackals, then we can rationalize this barbarity as something we would never be capable of. If we deem a specific group of people “rats”, then their extermination becomes a public service not a genocide. Hamas beheads babies while Planned Parenthood rips them apart in the womb and yet it is only the former that is labeled monstrous. I say they are both ugly. Evil is ugly and it must be faced if it is to be fought. And to face it we must first look in the mirror and acknowledge that throughout history we have quickly devolved from civility to barbarism in the blink of an eye. A neighbor claims their Jewish friends are like family on Monday and then by Friday turn them in to be burned alive. In China we see teenagers reading a red book on Monday and then by Friday turning on parents that sacrificed everything for them. And yes, we also see a brother exclaim that his sister should no longer receive medical care because she refused to be a part of a global experiment that created 9 new Pharma billionaires while at the same time destroying our national economy. How many times does this need to happen before we learn? How many empires need to fall? How many brothers and sisters are we going to watch kill brothers and sisters before we recognize that we are broken, cursed and diseased? Yes we are diseased and only Christ is the cure.


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You cannot have unification, morality, or justice without truth.


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Wednesday’s tragic mass casualty event on going in Maine is not an argument for increased gun control, as the second amendment abolitionist would have you believe, but instead stand as a clear indication for the necessity of effective personal protection, not just from a tyrannical government, but from any mad man hell bent on taking human life using firearms. Last count, at the time of this writing, stands at 22 maliciously taken from us and since I have yet to see any reports or eyewitness accounts stating that the suspect had to contend with return fire, the probability is high that no one present at Schemengees Bar or Sparetime Recreation (bowling alley) were armed. If this is the case, then once again anti-gun anti-2A propaganda has succeeded in convincing American citizens to turn themselves into soft targets whose only recourse when faced with a bad guy with a gun is to run, hide, and hope not to be slaughtered. Fact: no current gun law no matter the state would have prevented this tragedy. Fact: no firearm, as it is an inanimate object, has ever taken a life. Fact: any “common sense gun-law” that leaves American nationals unable to defend themselves when it truly counts, is not common sense at all. Fact: every evil person with a firearm is ultimately stopped by a firearm. Fact: no gun-law has ever prevented a criminal, who by definition don’t follow laws, from doing anything they want to do. Fact: gun-laws only hinder the law abiding from protecting themselves, their family, and their property. Fact: if our leaders genuinely cared about stopping the massacre of American citizens, then they would focus their efforts on mental health, harsher consequences for these unlawful acts, and finally, they would do everything in their power to help steer our country back towards a culture that prioritizes the traditional family unit. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/active-shooter-incident-reported-lewiston-maine-live-updates-rcna122249
