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Philosophy Podcasts

Philosophy: "Love of Wisdom" Smart people learn by watching, this podcast will act as your eyes.


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Philosophy: "Love of Wisdom" Smart people learn by watching, this podcast will act as your eyes.



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Utilitarianism. Principles, Criticisms, and Contemporary Perspectives.

This episode will be exploring Utilitarianism’s Principles, Criticisms, and Contemporary Perspectives. Utilitarianism is a moral theory that suggests the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by its consequences, specifically by the amount of happiness or pleasure it produces. This theory traces its origins to the works of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, who developed and popularized utilitarian thought in the 19th century. Jeremy Bentham, in his book "An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation," laid out the basic principles of utilitarianism. He argued that the goal of ethics should be to maximize happiness or pleasure and minimize suffering or pain for the greatest number of people. This concept of "the greatest happiness principle" forms the foundation of utilitarianism.


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Metaphysics for Dummies.

This episode is a summary of all the facinating ideas behind Metaphysics. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, possibility and actuality. It explores questions about the nature of existence, the ultimate nature of reality, and the underlying principles that govern the universe. The term "metaphysics" comes from the Greek words "meta," which means "beyond," and "physics," which refers to the study of the natural world. Thus, metaphysics is often understood as the study of reality that goes beyond what is physical or observable. Learn not only what metaphysics is, but also the definition of metaphysics in all things life.


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How to adopt a Stoic mindset.

In the bustling streets of ancient Athens, a philosophy emerged that would come to influence some of the greatest minds in history. Stoicism, founded by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC, is not just a set of ideas but a way of life, a practical philosophy aimed at building a deep sense of inner peace and strength. This episode will teach you how to adopt a stoic mindset and be free from mental suffering by changing your mindset. Stoicism takes its name from the Stoa Poikile, or “painted porch,” where Zeno and his followers would meet to discuss their ideas. The Stoics believed that the path to a good life lies in aligning oneself with the natural order of the universe, which they referred to as the Logos. This Logos, they believed, governs the world with wisdom and reason, and humans can attain eudaimonia, or flourishing, by living in harmony with it.


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Nihilism and Human Existence. Does the world exist at all

Nihilism; "The rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless... Extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence." Nihilism is one of the most interesting and controversial philosophical concepts to ever reach the minds of the average human. It is proof of the lack of human intellect and it begs the question of humans being able to comprehend the universe, this is true even if nihilism is an incorrect way of thinking according to the forces that govern the universe and consciousness.


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Philosophy of Imagination

The Philosophy of Imagination explores the limitless realm where our minds can create, innovate, and dream up worlds beyond the tangible. It's about understanding how this powerful tool influences creativity, problem-solving, and our perception of reality. Learn how imagination shapes our thoughts, fuels our ambitions, and even alters how we interact with the world around us. I want you to see imagination as a core aspect of human experience, driving forward art, science, and personal growth.


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Philosophy of Self-Enhancement

The Philosophy of Self-Enhancement digs into how we try to better ourselves, whether it’s through learning new skills, improving our health, or growing our understanding of the world. It’s all about the drive to be better than we are now, touching on why we do it, how it changes us, and the effects on our lives and the world around us. This isn’t just about hitting the gym or acing a test; it’s finding the reasons we seek to improve and the ways those efforts shape our identity and our connections with others.


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Concept of the Sublime

Exploring The Concept of the Sublime is like diving into those moments that totally blow your mind because they're just so vast, beautiful, or powerful. Think about staring up at a huge mountain or getting lost in an epic song. It's about stuff so impressive that it makes you feel a mix of awe, wonder, and a bit of fear because it's just that intense. This idea pops up a lot when we talk about nature, art, and those big thoughts that stretch how we see the world and ourselves, showing us there's way more out there than our everyday.


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Concept of Sacrifice

The Concept of Sacrifice explores the process of giving up something valuable for the sake of something else considered as of greater importance or value. Learn historical, religious, and philosophical landscapes to reveal how acts of sacrifice play a pivotal role in defining relationships, moral values, and the human capacity for empathy and altruism. From ancient rituals to modern-day heroism, the concept of sacrifice is dissected to understand its influence on human civilization and personal growth.


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Philosophy of Chance

"The Philosophy of Chance" examines the enigmatic role of randomness and probability in shaping human existence. I will discuss cuantum mechanics, philosophical debates on determinism vs. free will, and the implications of chance on moral and existential dilemmas, offering insights into the unpredictable nature of reality.


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Philosophy of Growing Up

Exploring The Philosophy of Growing Up, from childhood to adulthood, analyzing the moral, psychological, and existential transformations that define human maturity. I will discusses how cultural, societal, and personal philosophies influence our understanding of maturity, responsibility, and identity.


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The Paradox of Hedonism

Explore the intriguing world of The-Paradox-of-Hedonism with our comprehensive guide. in this episode, the pursuit of pleasure is examined through the lens of hedonism-paradox-explained. Understand the nuances of psychological-hedonism and the pleasure-paradox, offering insights into why seeking happiness directly might lead to its elusiveness. Our analysis brings to light the hedonistic-paradox-theory and the debate between ethical-hedonism-and-paradox, navigating through the complex relationship between pleasure seeking and achieving true happiness. Discover the paradox-of-happiness and the paradox-of-seeking-pleasure, shedding light on how these concepts impact personal fulfillment and societal norms. Whether you're pondering What-is-the-Paradox-of-Hedonism-in-philosophy? or seeking solutions with Solutions-to-the-Paradox-of-Hedonism-in-modern-philosophy, our content offers a rich exploration of how the paradox challenges traditional views on happiness. Engage with questions like Why-does-seeking-happiness-lead-to-unhappiness? and Can-the-Paradox-of-Hedonism-be-resolved?, diving into critical discussions that question the very nature of pleasure and happiness. Join us in exploring How-does-the-Paradox-of-Hedonism-affect-personal-fulfillment? and uncover What-are-the-criticisms-of-the-Paradox-of-Hedonism?, providing a well-rounded perspective on this fascinating philosophical dilemma.


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Philosophy of Happiness

Explore the philosophy of happiness and unlock the secrets to a fulfilled life. Learn about the theories, practices, and key concepts that have shaped our understanding of happiness throughout history. From ancient wisdom to modern research, discover how to find joy and meaning in every aspect of your life.


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Occam's Razer

Occam's Razor tells us to go for the simplest explanation when we have many options. It's a handy tool in science to find the best, simplest answers to complicated questions.


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Free Will

From the tug-of-war between determinism and libertarianism to the harmonious dance of compatibilism, this episode explores the diverse philosophies shaping our understanding. Touching on quantum indeterminacy and the captivating insights from neuroscience. Discover the illusion of choice influenced by culture and deep philosophical ponderings. This isn't just a discussion; it's an exploration of the very essence of what makes us human.


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The meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? This complicated question could have a very simple answer…


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Does God exist

Does God exist? A deity that people have worshiped for thousands of years; is he myth or material? This episode will give you some perspectives to consider… Website: https://learnphilosophy/learn-philosophy-education Social: TikTok: X: Available on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: PodBean:


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Harness creativity and resourcefulness to ensure victory

Unlock the secrets of victory with 'Resourceful Prowess,' a groundbreaking guide that explores creativity, adaptability, and ingenious problem-solving. #how to win Website: https://learnphilosophy/learn-philosophy-education Social: TikTok: X: Available on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: PodBean:


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Error and Mistakes

Philosophy of Error and Mistakes: Examine the concept of error, its role in learning, growth, and the philosophical implications regarding perfection and imperfection. Website: https://learnphilosophy/learn-philosophy-education Social: TikTok: X: Available on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: PodBean:


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Ethics of AI and Technology

Ethics of AI and Technology: Dive into the ethical implications of AI, automation, data privacy, and the impact of technology on society. Discuss issues like algorithmic bias, autonomous weapons, and the use of AI in decision-making processes. Website: https://learnphilosophy/learn-philosophy-education Social: TikTok: X: Available on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: PodBean:


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Hypatia of Alexandria

Hypatia of Alexandria; A renowned mathematician and Neoplatonist philosopher in ancient Alexandria, known for her contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. Website: https://learnphilosophy/learn-philosophy-education Social: TikTok: X: Available on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: PodBean:
