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Renovating U & Me

Philosophy Podcasts

A podcast that opens up conversation on the structure of our emotionality house. We address your toxic mindset that keeps you stuck in destructive cycles and how you can try to learn to build a healthy mindset to help your emotionally unstable self become stable.


United States


A podcast that opens up conversation on the structure of our emotionality house. We address your toxic mindset that keeps you stuck in destructive cycles and how you can try to learn to build a healthy mindset to help your emotionally unstable self become stable.



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Anger the Emotional Fusebox

Hello again Renovators, thanks for joining with us again! We're back after our short break, thanks so much for checking in with us! A fusebox is one of the integral parts of our home but if it gets out of control or is improperly installed, it can quickly become a nuisance and even a danger. Our anger is a lot like that and in today's podcast, we do do our best to unpack this often high voltage emotion.


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Foundations: Inspecting Under the House

Hello again renovators! We are back with another episode in our emotional house series. So far we've talked about the front of the house, which is probably the most visible part of us. However what about the stuff hidden beneath the house, even below the basement levels? In today's podcast, we'll be discussing foundations and everything found within them. This part of ourselves might have gone unexplored for many years, but it is more than worth surveying.


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A Basket of Silk Flowers

Hey ya there Renovators, welcome back to the chapter of our emotional houses series. We will discuss the front of house. The front is the house is the very first thing that we and many of us if we are honest make our judgments of people and what they'll be like based on that front part of the house and for that reason many of us have done our best to use that as a method of changing or altering peoples' perceptions of who or what we'll be like based on the front of the house.Join us today as...


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To Renovate or to Not, That Is A Question

Hello again there Renovators! We're excited to announce that we will be starting a new series: The Emotion House. In the same way that we renovate a house, we can also renovate our emotions. However just like anyone who has ever embarked on a house project knows, it's always as easy as we first think. Many of us also often unsure of where to start and end and the entire processes can often seem overwhelming. In today's podcast, we'll be introducing this new series and talking all about the...


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Masking Cycles and More! ft Mark DeJes

Hello there Renovators! We had extra time on podcast with Mark! Thankfully we'd only managed to talk about the first part of his book so we decided to be even further into the topic of his rejected mindset. You will enjoy.


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The Paths of the Rejected ft. Mark DeJesus

Hello again Renovators, it's great to be back once again! We talked many times about the honestly affects of rejection and how it can warn itself into every corner of our lives even though we know that we have experienced it it can still be a struggle to properly identify rejection's role in our story and to properly appreciate just how strong it's influence can be. Today's special guest Mark DeJesuss is here to take us through his book "Exposing the Rejection Mindset." Mark explains not...


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Entering the Unknowns.. Yikes!

Hello again Renovators! Today we are wrapping up our threesome season over transitioning into our best selves. In our last two podcasts, we examined the joys of exiting a season and discussed our period s of examination that comes afterwards. While not always pleasant subjects that people generally feel at least somewhat competent in tackling. However, what happens when we go into the new? It can be overwhelming for some.! In podcast we'll be discussing this new realm of possibility and the...


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Caught Up Into the Midair

Hello again Renovators! Today we continue our series over transitioning In a perfect world,. The moment that we end something, we immediately start a new activity without any hiccups or hesitation . This is the goal but, Unfortunately, life has us in situations where this is the case and many of us find ourselves , us included. It was an extremely easy reasoning process for us in this "in the between a season." It can be a great journey with no regrets so In today's episode we will show you...


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The Stirring of Changings

Hey Renovators, we are so excited to be back! Things are going to be looking a bit different but we are so very happy to leave and be done with this long, dry season and embrace the change as we uproot and enter a new season. The next few podcasts are going to be all about how we are beginning to transition. Transitioning into new areas for me has been a easy process and today's episode explores the first step, ending a season. Many of us can get stuck in the process of doing this and...


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The Power of Revelation part 2

In this episode Beth shares how spending the summer co-writing the RU curriculum brought her a new found PASSION, transformation and hunger to dive deeper into learning even more about her identity as a daughter of God as well as what it really means to be image bearers of God, Imago Dei. Beth’s revelation of who we are created to be coupled with experiencing the personal LOVE of the Father have brought about an even greater desire to help others walk in freedom and TRUTH ! Listen in and be...


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The Power of Revelation

In Todays episode we share what The lord has been revealing to us in this season of our lives. When we surrender to the Lords plans rather than ours, that is when revelation is revealed.


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Part 2 It's a Journey not a Destination with Paige Clingenpeel

In today’s episode we continue our conversation with Paige Clingenpeel. Paige is a wife a mom of 4, is currently in the role of Connection Director at Pine Hills Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She has her Master’s degree and is also a licensed Mental Health Counselor who has spent 10 years plus working with teens and their parents. Paige has appeared on Ted X Fort Wayne, been on numerous podcasts.


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It's a Journey not a Destination with Paige Clingenpeel

In today’s episode we have a special guest speaker Paige Clingenpeel . Paige is a wife a mom of 4, is currently in the role of Connection Director at Pine Hills church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She has her Master’s degree and is also a licensed Mental Health Counselor who has spent 10 years plus working with teens and their parents. Paige has appeared on Ted X Fort Wayne, been on numerous podcasts. In today’s episode we peek into Paige’s life and the journey that the lord has set out for her.


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Part 2 Turning Pain Into Purpose With Michelle O'Neal

In this podcast we conclude a 2 part episode with our friend and guest speaker, Michelle O’Neal. Listen in as she continues sharing her journey of faith, healing and restoration We have enjoyed our time with Michelle so much over the past couple years as she has actively participated in the RenovatingU community. As you can see her testimony brings hope to the hurting and healing to the broken-hearted, It is therefore our HONOR and privilege to have her now as part of the Renovating U team...


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Turning Pain Into Purpose With Michelle O'Neal

In today’s episode we will be interviewing our dear friend, Michelle O’Neal. Michelle has been a part of the Renovating U class and community for the past 2 years and will be sharing her healing journey in a 2 part series with us. Her message is one of healing, hope and redemption as she shares with us her story involving emotional neglect, addiction and the loss of a spouse to name a few. You won’t want to miss listening to this dynamic woman of faith. Her journey is a reminder of the...


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Pulling Up The Anchor

In today’s episode we will be sharing how God has been speaking to us and stirring our hearts for more of him! When we take the time to listen and be still we find He meets us in ways we never expected! On today’s podcast, Denise shares what God has been doing and speaking to her personally. When we partner with the Holy Spirit he allows us to conquer what ever is in front of us. Be apart of Renovating U's Exclusive community where you can connect and be guided by like-minded people. JOIN...


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Running at God's Pace

In today’s episode we will be sharing how God has been speaking to us and stirring our hearts for more of him! When we take the time to listen and be still we find He meets us in ways we never expected! On today’s podcast, Beth shares what God has been doing and speaking to her personally. When we partner with the Holy Spirit he allows us to conquer what ever is in front of us. Be apart of Renovating U's Exclusive community where you can connect and be guided by like-minded people. JOIN THE...


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The Rise and Fall of Pride

In this episode we will be sharing how God has been speaking to us and stirring our hearts for more time with him! When we take the time to listen and be still we find He meets us in ways we never expected! On today’s podcast, Bethany shares what God has been doing and speaking to her personally. When we partner with the Holy Spirit he allows us to conquer what ever is in front of us. Be apart of Renovating U's exclusive community where you can connect and be guided by like-minded people....


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A Peak Inside Renovating U This Summer

In Todays episode we give you all the details about All exciting things that are about to take place this summer.


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What we Confront we Conquer

How many of us want to get to the victory lap of our healing so we can joyfully say, “yes I beat it!” I think if we’re honest.. it would be everyone! However, in order to heal, we must confront the lies of the enemy! In this episode, Denise shares with us that the victory comes in realizing you are not your past. It doesn’t define us but it has certainly influenced our choices and behaviors that we face! So how do we go from the confronting phase of healing to the conquering phase of the...
