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Shallow Oceans Podcast

Philosophy Podcasts

In a world that seems so vast... It鈥榮 really not as deep as you think 馃寠 A Daily Podcast constantly challenging the beliefs of not only the world around us but our most inner thoughts about the most important person in our lives... ourselves.


United States


In a world that seems so vast... It鈥榮 really not as deep as you think 馃寠 A Daily Podcast constantly challenging the beliefs of not only the world around us but our most inner thoughts about the most important person in our lives... ourselves.



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Community within Unity.

Changing the world for the better all starts within ourselves and at home. To build up a community, we must possess the potential to help others without taking away from ourselves. Becoming one as a population and unifying with our surroundings will ultimately change the reality that we all inhabit together. We have what it takes to change the world, but we must first change the way we see one another. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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It's That Easy.

We tend to not only overthink everything in our lives, but for some reason we also love to overcomplicate things when they should always be so easy. Nothing in life is truly that serious. Life is the greatest comedy show you'll ever have the privilege of enjoying from the front row seat of your life. So rather than allowing yourself to fall down the vast hole of difficulties and indecisions, try letting everything go and flow with the way life takes you. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Death Of Celebrities.

Imagine if you will worshiping the land someone walks on for either playing pretend really well or having an enjoyable voice. Rather than seeking true value within someone and using their calling or abilities to better themselves and the world around them, we tend to follow the flashing lights surrounding certain individuals. Being famous or being classified as a celebrity is finally coming to an end. It's time we start giving our attention and love to those who truly deserve it. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Life's A Comedy.

Take a moment to laugh. Nothing is truly that serious. If the things weighing on your mind or upsetting you won't matter in five years from now, do yourself a favor and laugh it off. One of the greatest things in life is laughter. Do yourself a favor and enjoy every single moment with a belly full of happiness. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Actions Over Words.

Although it feels amazing to hear someone speak so highly of us, our love interests, or accomplishments, the truth is that their actions towards us far exceed their words. Focus on the extent to which they carry themselves with you and away from you, as well as the persona they speak so highly of. When actions overweigh their words, it's time to start tuning out their audio and focusing on their visuals. See what isn't being said. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Generational Trauma.

Breaking free from the cycle of trauma single-handedly changes the entirety of your lineage. Quiet simply put, hurt people hurt people. Rather than continuing the suffering throughout your bloodline, it's time to let go and begin a new path. Heal the trauma within your bloodline to further your ability to break free from low-energy suffering. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Motivation: A New Beginning

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. This is the moment you've been desperately waiting for. To awaken and reshape the person you've been confined to for far too long. Take charge, move forward, and change your entire persona. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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To My Only Fan.

Everyone needs to be supported in their endeavors for success and purpose. Once in a lifetime, you may just stumble upon the biggest fan of your life鈥攜our only fan. Give love to the ones who cheer you on while no one else is looking鈥攖he person who stands tallest next to them. This one goes out to you, my muse. Thank you! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Motivation: Saying Less

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. It's time to start talking less and listening more to the world and those around you. Rather than devaluing your own abilities through excess talking, let's start to be more present in the moment by speaking at the right time. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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What Is A Real Friend?

Finding true friendship seems to be a thing of the past. Authentically enjoying someone for who they are rather than what they can provide, fill, and enable within you. To find out if you have a true friend, start with the person looking back at you in the mirror. Then, you can begin to look at those you surround yourself with to see if the ones who call themselves your friends actually are. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Motivation: Go To Jim

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. It's time to set off to worship today in the glorious house of gainz. To pick up heavy things followed by putting them back down over and over again. For you see the gym is a place to not plug further into the body but escape it. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Boys Love Girls.

Protect the boy and girl within you at all costs. Never let the world take away your innocence and strip you of your imagination. When a boy meets a girl, the possibilities are truly endless. Continue to fight for true love, a better world, and a grander concept of understanding. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Motivation: Know Your Value

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. Never allow someone else to make you second guess yourself or the value you bring. Always chase the things that elevate yourself past the simple release of endorphins. Find the place you've always wanted and make it your home. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Christ Consciousness.

Escape all things that bind you to sin, flesh, and human-based belief systems. Begin to elevate yourself back into a higher state of flow and consciousness. The concept of Jesus was not merely a man who came to free his people, but a message of enlightenment for the entire human population. Become one with yourself to become selfless. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Affirmations: Flow Like Water

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. Begin to ride the flow state within every single moment of life. Attuning yourself to the highest frequency possible while gliding along space and time. Adapt to every single situation while redefining your ultimate abilities. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Plan Your Escape.

Break free from the mindset, worldviews, and family curses that have been placed upon you. Begin to rewrite your life the way you've always envisioned it. Finally, become the person who calls to every fiber of your being. It's time you planned for the escape of a lifetime. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Affirmations: Abundance

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. You have all that you need. You create the reality and world around the mind you build. You are worth more than the precious minerals this world has to offer. You are full of love and light. You are abundance. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Starting New Things.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Take advantage of this moment by being spontaneous. Go on an adventure, run through the woods, and record the entire show naked! Whatever, whenever, and however a new idea presents itself, chase it to the fullest. It's time to become more comfortable being present in every moment! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Daily Affirmations: I Am More

As you arise today, remember the value you bring to the world. You are more valuable than the negative thoughts in your mind. You give so much to others while neglecting the most important person in your life鈥攜ourself. Take this moment to appreciate the person you've become while elevating the perspective of the world around you. Arise, awaken, and conquer today. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube


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Present In the Moment.

We tend to search for purpose more than value the place we've been placed all along. While pushing towards acceptance and a reason for existence, try taking a moment to see the possibilities within every single moment you have. For what more can we be than present within every single second we've been given? Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
