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UFO Buster Radio will be rebranded as The Tempest Universe 1/1/21! Visit www.thetempestuniverse.com



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ISS On Ham, Still Giving Her All She’s Got, and James Webb in Search of Space Farts

The Tempest Universe: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-tempest-universe Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Living in space can get lonely. What helps? Talking to random people over ham radio Link: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-12-23/ham-radio-and-astronauts ‘Star Trek’ actor James Doohan's ashes are hidden somewhere on the International Space Station Link: https://www.radio.com/jackontheweb/latest/james-doohans-ashes-are-on-the-international-space-station If a Planet Has a Lot of Methane in its Atmosphere, Life is the Most Likely Cause Link: https://www.universetoday.com/149351/if-a-planet-has-a-lot-of-methane-in-its-atmosphere-life-is-the-most-likely-cause/ Podcast Stuff Facebook: The Dark Horde - https://www.facebook.com/thedarkhordellc Facebook: The Tempest Universe - https://www.facebook.com/thetempestuniverse Facebook: Manny’s Page - https://www.facebook.com/MannyPodcast Twitter: The Tempest Universe - https://twitter.com/ufobusterradio Twitter: The Dark Horde - https://twitter.com/HordeDark Discord Group - https://discord.com/channels/679454064890871869/679454064890871875 Mail can be sent to: The Dark Horde LLC PO BOX 769905 San Antonio TX 78245


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Aliens on Earth, Rendlesham Forrest, and The TTSA Boy Band Breaks Up

The Tempest Universe: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-tempest-universe Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Alien life bombshell: Extremophile now discovered buried beneath glaciers Link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1375772/alien-life-hydrogen-supported-extremophile-discovery-beneath-glaciers-evg Rendlesham Forest UFO: Are we any closer to the truth 40 years on? Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-54649675 Lue Elizondo announces he’s leaving TTSA Link: https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/lue-elizondo-announces-hes-leaving-ttsa/ Podcast Stuff Facebook: The Dark Horde - https://www.facebook.com/thedarkhordellc Facebook: The Tempest Universe - https://www.facebook.com/thetempestuniverse Facebook: Manny’s Page - https://www.facebook.com/MannyPodcast Twitter: The Tempest Universe - https://twitter.com/ufobusterradio Twitter: The Dark Horde - https://twitter.com/HordeDark Discord Group - https://discord.com/channels/679454064890871869/679454064890871875 Mail can be sent to: The Dark Horde LLC PO BOX 769905 San Antonio TX 78245


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UFO Buster Radio News – 445: Incredible Alien Findings 2020, John Brennan on UFOs, Milky Way Full of Dead Aliens.

The Tempest Universe: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-tempest-universe Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Extraterrestrial evidence: 10 incredible findings about aliens from 2020 Link: https://www.livescience.com/alien-discoveries-2020.html Is E.T. phoning us from Proxima Centauri? The answer to weird signals happening in the universe is never aliens, until maybe it is. Earlier this month, researchers announced that they had captured a very mysterious beam of energy in the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum at 980 megahertz, coming from the closest star to our own. Proxima Centauri, which is just 4.2 light-years away, hosts one gas giant and one rocky world 17% larger than Earth that happens to be in its star's habitable zone, meaning liquid water could exist there Alien bacteria might live in the clouds of Venus Astrobiologists were a-twitter with anticipation and skepticism in September when news broke of potential evidence of life in the upper clouds of Venus. The announcement pointed to the presence of phosphine, a rare and often poisonous gas that, on Earth at least, is almost always associated with living organisms. With its hellish surface temperature, outlandish pressure and sulfuric-acid clouds, Venus has long played second fiddle to the seemingly more potentially habitable Mars. 'Oumuamua could still be an alien artifact Two years ago, scientists spotted a cigar-shaped object hurtling through the solar system. Dubbed 'Oumuamua, the entity is considered by most to be an interstellar comet flung out from around another star. But close observations showed that 'Oumuamua was accelerating, as if something were propelling it, and scientists still aren't sure why. Avi Loeb, a Harvard University astrophysicist has proposed that, instead of a comet, the interstellar visitor could have been an alien probe pushed by a lightsail — a wide, millimeter-thin piece of material that accelerates as it's pushed by solar radiation. Earth bugs breathe hydrogen, maybe aliens do too Most Earthlings require oxygen to survive. But oxygen isn't common in the cosmos, making up about 0.1% of the ordinary mass of the universe. There's far more hydrogen (92%) and helium (7%), and many planets, including gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, are made mostly from these light elements. In May, scientists took E. coli (a bacteria found in the guts of many animals, including humans) and ordinary yeast (a fungus used to bake bread and make beer) and tried to see if they could live in different environments. Such microbes are already known to survive without oxygen and, when placed in a flask filled with either pure hydrogen or pure helium, they managed to grow, albeit at slower rates than usual. The findings suggest that when searching for organisms elsewhere in the universe, we might want to consider places that don't look exactly like Earth. Overachieving aliens likely annihilated themselves, study suggests Link: https://nypost.com/2020/12/22/over-achieving-aliens-likely-annihilated-themselves-study/ Any aliens in our galaxy have already likely annihilated themselves — the victims of too much progress, a new scientific study says. Researchers with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology have surmised that since past studies show a civilization’s technological advances “will inevitably lead to complete destruction and biological degeneration,’’ any intelligent life previously in the Milky Way has already likely killed itself off. “[I]f intelligent life is likely to destroy themselves, it is not surprising that there is little or no intelligent life elsewhere,” the researchers said in a paper posted online earlier this month. The scientists also theorized that humans are late to the party because peak conditions for life to develop likely occurred about 8 billion years after the galaxy formed — and we emerged around 13.5 billion years after the Milky...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 444: Uranus Has H2O, Solar System Superhighway, Alien Probes, and 57 Days of Perseverance

The Tempest Universe: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-tempest-universe Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Are secret oceans hiding on the moons of Uranus? By Chelsea Gohd Link: https://www.space.com/uranus-moons-hiding-secret-oceans Where might subsurface oceans lie in our solar system beyond moons like Europa and Enceladus? Icy worlds speckle our solar system — from Jupiter's moon Europa to Saturn's moon Enceladus, scientists have been investigating these alien worlds, discovering subsurface oceans hidden under their icy crusts. Now, researchers have turned their gaze to the moons orbiting Uranus, searching for secret oceans. In a new study not yet published, presented at the Dec. 15 AGU's Fall Meeting 2020, researchers led by Benjamin Weiss, a planetary scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have developed a method for future missions to confirm the existence of subsurface oceans on worlds like the moons of Uranus. With this work, the team also hopes to further our understanding and knowledge of potentially habitable worlds. "The big question here is, Where are habitable environments in the solar system?" Weiss said in a statement. Discovering subsurface oceans on Europa and Enceladus makes "a lot of us wonder whether there are many moons out there that, although they're small, may still be warm." Uranus has 27 moons total, but the planet has five especially large moons — Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda. When Voyager 2 swooped by the Uranus system back in 1986, it captured images that showed that these five big moons are made up of equal parts rock and ice and are heavily cratered. These images also showed physical signs of liquid water erupting through a world and freezing on its surface, called cryovolcanism. The phenomenon could be caused by a subsurface ocean similar to what we see on Enceladus, which expels plumes from its ocean out into space. SCIENTISTS DISCOVER SUPERHIGHWAY NETWORK WHICH CAN BE USED TO TRAVEL THROUGH THE SOLAR SYSTEM Link: https://www.firstpost.com/tech/science/scientists-discover-superhigh-network-to-travel-through-solar-system-much-faster-9116251.html Scientists have now discovered a superhigh network to travel through the Solar System much faster than was earlier thought possible. As per study authors, such routes can drive comets and asteroids near Jupiter to Neptune in under a decade and to 100 astronomical units in less than a century. Study authors say that they could be used to send spacecraft to the extreme ends of the planetary system relatively fast and also monitor near-Earth objects. As per a statement by UC San Diego News Centre, in a paper, published on 25 November, researchers observed dynamical structure of these routes, forming connected series of arches inside space manifolds that range all the way from Uranus and beyond. The newly discovered "celestial autobahn," or celestial highway acts over several decades unlike the millions of years that usually characterize Solar System dynamic According to researchers, the most star arch structures are linked to Jupiter and its gravitational force. The structures were resolved by gathering numerical data about millions of orbits in the Solar System and computing how they fit within already-known space manifolds. While the results need to be further studied, researchers say both determine how they can be used by spacecraft and how such manifolds behave in the vicinity of Earth, controlling asteroid and meteorite encounters. Let's Search for Alien Probes, Not Just Alien Signals Link: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/lets-search-for-alien-probes-not-just-alien-signals/ While developing our own radio and laser communication over the past seven decades, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) focused on radio or laser signals from outer space—two kinds of electromagnetic “messenger” that astronomers use to study the cosmos. Over the...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 443: Proxima Signal, SETI Says Settle Down, Guardians, and Fargo UFO 1948

The Tempest Universe : https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-tempest-universe Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Researchers looking for aliens discover strange radio signal from nearest star system to the sun Link: https://www.foxnews.com/science/researchers-looking-for-aliens-discover-radio-signal-nearest-star-system Proxima Centauri is a small, low-mass star located 4.2465 light-years away from the Sun in the southern constellation of Centaurus. Its Latin name means the "nearest [star] of Centaurus". This object was discovered in 1915 by Robert Innes and is the nearest-known star to the Sun. In the search for alien life, researchers have discovered an "intriguing" radio signal emanating from the star system closest to the sun, according to a media report. The Guardian reports that researchers at the Breakthrough Listen project, which is "the largest ever scientific research program aimed at finding evidence of civilizations beyond Earth," have discovered a 980 MHz signal that appears to emanate from the Proxima Centauri star system, slightly more than four light-years from Earth. One of the researchers behind the project, Andrew Siemion from the University of California, Berkeley, was hard-pressed to describe the source of the signal. "It has some particular properties that caused it to pass many of our checks, and we cannot yet explain it," Siemion told Scientific American of the 980 MHz signal. Fox News has reached out to NASA with a request for comment. "We don’t know of any natural way to compress electromagnetic energy into a single bin in frequency" Siemion added, noting there could be some natural explanations behind it. But "for the moment, the only source that we know of is technological." Proxima Centauri b is the closest confirmed exoplanet to Earth, at 4.2 light-years away. In January, researchers discovered the presence of a possible second exoplanet, a "Super-Earth," also orbiting Proxima Centauri. This new signal has been given the name BLC1, for Breakthrough Listen. It was initially discovered in April 2019 by the Parkes 210-foot radio telescope in Sydney, Australia. The Breakthrough Listen project, which collaborates with NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), detects radio signals in space constantly. Did Proxima Centauri Just Call to Say Hello? Not Really! Link: https://www.seti.org/did-proxima-centauri-just-call-say-hello-not-really You’ve probably heard about the story, published in The Guardian, a respectable newspaper in the UK, about the potential discovery of an alien signal from the Proxima Centauri system, the star closest to us. This article, and a companion piece in Scientific American, noted that in April and May 2019, the Parkes telescope in Australia was listening to Proxima b, a red dwarf. This star is known to be active, and this listening was part of a stellar-flare survey. Shane Smith, a student at Breakthrough Listen, a program privately funded by Yuri Milner to search and find so-called technosignatures, or signals that indicate the existence of a civilization like ours, checked out the data. He found an exceedingly curious narrowband emission, needle-sharp at 982.002 megahertz. The team inspected the data, confirmed its veracity, and named it BLC1, for “Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1.” The name clearly identifies what it is. It’s a candidate, not a confirmed signal. Everyone at Breakthrough Listen emphasized this, including executive director Pete Worden. Because of its profile, it’s very unlikely that the signal was produced by a natural but unknown cosmic source, but who knows…Nature often surprises us. One simple explanation is that Parkes picked up a signal that originated on Earth. We use radio to communicate, and this could be terrestrial interference. And that’s probably the most likely explanation. Space Force troops now called Guardians Link:...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 442: SpaceX SN9 Damaged, Hayabusa2 Asteroid Sample, SpaceShipTwo launch Abort, and 'Luxury Space Hotel' to Launch in

Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP SpaceX almost drops finished Starship prototype – but it might be salvageable Link: https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-starship-prototype-sn9-damaged/ Something on or around a metal stand holding up SpaceX’s next completed Starship collapsed, causing the rocket to rapidly tilt sidewise and smash into the assembly building containing it. Put simply, launch vehicles very rarely designed or expected to survive the kind of structural loads the fall and impact put Starship SN9 through and the early prognosis – prior to any up-close observation – was not not great. Weighing at least 50-70 metric tons (110,000-155,000 lb), any other rocket – and possibly even Starship itself – should have been damaged beyond repair from anything less than a minor bump. Instead, Starship SN9 – fully assembled and perhaps just a few days away from a scheduled transport to the launch pad – shifted some 10 degrees (~10 m/30 ft) in a few seconds, seemingly coming to rest against scaffolding and the interior wall of SpaceX’s “high bay” assembly building. Starship SN9 – as photos would soon show – appeared to be almost entirely unscathed, baring no obvious hull damage. The rocket’s fore and aft starboard flaps, however, were clearly crumpled. Japanese scientists get first peek inside Hayabusa2 asteroid sample-return capsule Link: https://www.space.com/inside-hayabusa2-asteroid-sample-capsule-first-image On Dec. 5, that capsule landed in the Woomera Prohibited Area in Australia; scientists with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), which runs the mission, then flew the capsule to Japan. On Monday (Dec. 14), mission personnel got their first look inside the capsule. "We confirmed black grains thought to be from Ryugu were inside," mission representatives wrote on Twitter. "This is outside the main chambers, and likely particles attached to the sample catcher entrance." Scientists later opened one of the three sample chambers and confirmed that it contained a fair amount of asteroid dust. During one of those sampling attempts, the spacecraft grabbed rocks from the asteroid's surface; during the second, it shot a copper bullet into the asteroid to uncover subsurface material. The combination should allow scientists to understand how the harsh environment of space has affected the surface of Ryugu. JAXA has not yet announced when scientists will begin analyzing the asteroid bits JAXA Tweet: A large number of particles are confirmed to be in “sample chamber A” inside the collected capsule (~11:10 JST on 12/15). This is thought to be the sample from the first touchdown on Ryugu. The photo looks brown, but our team says “black”! The sample return is a great success! Virgin Galactic traces SpaceShipTwo launch abort to bad computer connection Link: https://www.space.com/virgin-galactic-spaceshiptwo-launch-abort-cause April 05, 2018 A bad computer connection foiled Virgin Galactic's attempt to reach space over the weekend, company officials said. VSS Unity, Virgin Galactic's newest SpaceShipTwo vehicle, lifted off Saturday morning (Dec. 12) from New Mexico's Spaceport America beneath the wings of its carrier airplane, VMS Eve. Unity's destination was suborbital space, but it didn't get there. Eve dropped Unity at an altitude of about 50,000 feet (15,000 meters) as planned, but the space plane's onboard rocket motor didn't light up properly. Virgin Galactic quickly diagnosed the issue. Post-flight analyses have revealed "that the onboard computer which monitors the propulsion system lost connection, triggering a fail-safe scenario that intentionally halted ignition of the rocket motor," Virgin Galactic representatives wrote in a blog post published Saturday. "This system, like others on the spaceship, is designed such that it defaults to a safe state whenever power or communication with sensors is lost." 'Luxury Space Hotel' to Launch in 2021 Link:...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 441: Spike in NYC UFOs, Roswell Secret Diary, Leaked UAP Balloon, and ET Will Respond

Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP NYC UFO sightings in 2020 are up 283% from 2018 Link: https://nypost.com/2020/12/12/nyc-ufo-sightings-in-2020-are-up-283-from-2018/ This has been one far-out year! UFO sightings across the city are up 31% from last year — 46, compared with 35 — and an eye-popping 283% from 2018’s measly dozen, according to the National UFO Reporting Center. Brooklyn is tops in tin-foil hatters, with 12 close encounters. Not far behind are Manhattan with 11 and Queens with 10. Staten Islanders claim just eight — despite the borough’s rep for not social distancing. The Bronx is even more grounded, chalking up a mere five. Two of the more memorable intergalactic incidents happened in the summertime, on Staten Island and in the Bronx. In the wee hours of July 21, an Islander spotted — and stared at — at an “oval” aircraft that “looked and sounded like a helicopter. Then, the mysterious flying machine “sent a surge of heat/radiation through my body!” The Islander “honestly thought it was the government putting something into the air with everything going on during these times and I thought I would wake up and find it all over the news or on Instagram.” Late on June 8, a Bronxite watched 30 objects “flying in a perfect line, in perfect synchronicity” that “looked like a bunch of moving stars.” The observer insisted, “I don’t drink, or take any drugs whatsoever. I’m not a UFO conspiracy theorist.” An eerie episode can happen any time, anywhere. On the night of Sept. 15, a Brooklynite stuck his head “out the bathroom window of my 2nd floor home” and saw “orange/metallic” orbs “standing still over the Canarsie/Jamaica Bay area.” Army officer's secret journal could offer new clues about the UFO crash in Roswell in 1947 Link: https://www.livescience.com/roswell-the-first-witness-history-channel.html Recently, Marcel's family revealed that he had kept a diary from that period that might contain clues about the crash, sparking a new investigation by the History Channel in "Roswell: The First Witness," part of the network's "History's Greatest Mysteries" series. "The government claimed they had recovered a UFO — they had a press release about it," said Ben Smith, a former CIA operative and the show's lead investigator. "No other government in the world has said 'We have a spacecraft,' and then the next day there's another press release that says, 'Never mind, it was just a weather balloon'," Smith told Live Science. The show revisits the Roswell crash site, incorporating aerial surveys and mapping, and using multispectral imaging to detect micro-depressions in the ground that could indicate where debris landed, Smith said. But the central component of the new inquiry is a diary, which Marcel supposedly kept during the time of the Roswell crash, and which is now in the possession of his grandchildren. Decades after the event, Marcel told an interviewer that he believed the object that crashed in the New Mexico desert had extraterrestrial origins, Time reported in 1997. Analysis of the diary — and translation of its cryptic language — could reveal coded messages that Marcel wrote about the crash at the time that it happened, Smith said. Pics: Leaked government photos reveal bizarre UFO sighting Link: https://in.news.yahoo.com/leaked-government-photos-reveal-bizarre-ufo-sighting-132912231.html The circulation of a leaked photo appearing to show a motionless unidentified flying object, or UFO, has sent military buffs and alien hunters into overdrive. The image had reportedly been shared around by US defence personnel before making its way into the media this month. The picture is said to date back to 2018 and was published by journalist Tim McMillian in The Debrief. It shows what the US government calls Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) appearing near a US fighter pilot while flying his jet off the country’s east coast. “The Department of Defense established...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 440: SN8 Auto-Abort, Chang'e 5 Has Got the Scoop, Farewell Chuck, and Ryugu Sample At Australian Lab

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP SpaceX aborts Starship SN8 prototype test launch at last second Link: https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-sn8-launch-abort We'll have to wait a little longer to see SpaceX's latest Starship prototype make its highly anticipated big hop. The vehicle, known as Starship SN8 ("Serial No. 8"), was scheduled to launch on an 8-mile-high (12.5 kilometers) test flight today (Dec. 8) from SpaceX's South Texas facility, near the Gulf Coast village of Boca Chica. And it nearly happened. But less than 2 seconds before liftoff, just after 5:30 p.m. EDT (2230 GMT and 4:30 p.m. local Texas time), SN8 detected something abnormal with one or more of its three Raptor engines and automatically aborted the flight. It's unclear at the moment when SN8 will get its next chance to fly; that depends on what caused the abort and how difficult it will be to fix. But there are launch windows available on both Wednesday and Thursday (Dec. 9 and Dec. 10), SpaceX representatives said. NASA's spacecraft spots China's Chang'e 5 lander on the moon Link: https://www.space.com/change-5-moon-lander-photo-lunar-reconnaissance-orbiter NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured an image of China's Chang'e 5 lander on the moon just hours after its historic landing. The Chang'e 5 lander set down on the lunar surface last Tuesday, Dec. 1. Thanks to China's prompt release of the stunning Chang'e 5 landing video, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) team were able to locate the roughly 4-ton spacecraft in Oceanus Procellarum, the "Ocean of Storms," and prepare for when LRO would pass overhead the next day. The image shows the Chang'e 5 lander in the center of three craters. Automated systems had helped the spacecraft avoid these hazards to land safely. The image was taken before the Chang'e 5 ascent vehicle blasted off from the surface with the collected samples. The ascent vehicle has since performed a spectacular rendezvous and docking with the Chang'e 5 orbiter and handed over the samples. Chang'e 5 will begin its journey to Earth later this week. Chuck Yeager, 1st pilot to break the sound barrier, is dead at 97 Link: https://www.space.com/chuck-yeager-first-pilot-to-break-sound-barrier-dead Chuck Yeager, the U.S. Air Force Pilot who became the first person to break the sound barrier, died Monday (Dec. 7) at the age of 97. Yeager's wife, Victoria, shared the news on Twitter, writing: "It is w/ profound sorrow, I must tell you that my life love General Chuck Yeager passed just before 9pm ET. An incredible life well lived, America's greatest Pilot, & a legacy of strength, adventure, & patriotism will be remembered forever." Yeager became the first person to break the sound barrier on Oct. 14, 1947, while flying the Bell X-1 rocket plane 45,000 feet (13,700 meters) over the Rogers Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert. During the flight, Yeager reached Mach 1.05, or 1.05 times the speed of sound. The aircraft, which he dubbed Glamorous Glennis after his first wife Glennis Yeager, who died in 1990. The Bell X-1 now hangs on display in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington. Yeager would go on to fly even faster aircraft, including the Lockheed XF-104, which flew more than twice the speed of sound. His daring test flights were featured in Tom Wolfe's 1979 book "The Right Stuff" as well as the film adaptation and new Disney Plus series by the same name. EXPLAINER: What has Japanese space mission accomplished? Link: https://apnews.com/article/japan-space-mission-accomplish-explained-88e9a90bca3971bfe864aa94c01de7d4 A small capsule containing asteroid soil samples that was dropped from 136,700 miles (220,000 kilometers) in space by Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft landed as planned in the Australian Outback...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 439: Obama’s UFO Secret, Leaked Pentagon Taskforce News, and Israel UFO Bombshell.

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Barack Obama knows the truth about space aliens, government UFO files Link: https://nypost.com/2020/12/01/obama-knows-truth-about-space-aliens-government-ufo-files/ The truth is out there — but former President Barack Obama’s lips are sealed. The 44th commander-in-chief confirmed during a Monday interview with “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert that he sought classified information on extraterrestrials during his time in the Oval Office, but refused to divulge what he learned. “Certainly asked about it,” said Obama when Colbert brought up UFOs during a wide-ranging interview to promote “A Promised Land,” Obama’s new memoir. “And?” pressed the late-night CBS funnyman. “Can’t tell you,” replied Obama, with an impish grin. “Sorry.” Colbert took that non-answer as all the confirmation he needed that we are not alone. “All right, I’ll take that as a ‘yes,'” he cracked. “Because if there were none, you’d say there was none. You just played your hand. I thought you were a poker player. You just 100 percent showed your river card.” Obama, playing into the non-answer answer, did nothing to discourage Colbert’s conclusion. “Feel free to think that,” the former president said. Replied Colbert, “Oh, I do.” In between chuckles, both men reflected on the idea that an alleged government cover-up of alien life was once regarded as the biggest conspiracy theory going. “It used to be that UFOs and Roswell was the biggest conspiracy. And now that seems so tame, the idea that the government might have an alien spaceship,” opined Obama. Zinged Colbert, “Now the biggest conspiracy is [that] people in Michigan vote.” Leaked reports from Pentagon UFO task force discuss 'non-human technology,' mysterious objects Link: https://www.foxnews.com/science/leaked-pentagon-ufo-task-force-reports-non-human-technology-silver-cube The reports include an Oct. 16, 2019, email exchange between high-ranking military officials Two classified reports from the Pentagon's task force used to "detect, analyze and catalog" UFOs have been leaked, both of which include photos of unidentified objects. Defense news website TheDebrief.org has published the reports, including an Oct. 16, 2019, email exchange between former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Robert Burke and current Vice Chief of Staff for the Air Force Gen. Stephen Wilson. This exchange was obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from The Debrief. “Recommend you take the brief I just received from our Director of Naval Intelligence VADM Matt Kohler, on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP),” Burke told Wilson in the email. Burke added that "SECNAV will get the same brief tomorrow at 1000," likely referring to then-Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. The leaked photo, taken off the East Coast of the U.S. by a "pilot’s personal cell phone," was a part of the 2018 position report, one source told the news outlet. This report discussed what the unidentified silver “cube-shaped” object could be, with a list of possible explanations discussed, including the fact it could be “alien” or “non-human” technology. FAST MOVERS’ AND TRANSMEDIUM VEHICLES – THE PENTAGON’S UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA TASK FORCE Link: https://thedebrief.org/fast-movers-and-transmedium-vehicles-the-pentagons-uap-task-force/ UAP INTELLIGENCE POSITION REPORTS Multiple sources confirmed for The Debrief that the UAPTF had issued two classified intelligence position reports, which one individual described as “shocking.” Details provided on these reports suggest both a greater degree of Pentagon involvement, and that the UAPTF’s hunt for unidentified objects isn’t confined only to aerial phenomena. Two officials with the DoD and one from the U.S. Intelligence community were...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 438: FAA Approves SN8- NO GO!, UFO Over Playboy Club, and China SETI!

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP FAA approves SpaceX’s Starship launch to 50,000 feet Link: https://www.expressnews.com/business/article/FAA-approves-SpaceX-s-Starship-launch-to-50-000-15773391.php A 17-story-tall silver spacecraft is testing patience and capturing imaginations in South Texas. At the SpaceX launch facility in Boca Chica — near the mouth of the Rio Grande — Starship SN8 stands in the coastal breeze, ready to blastoff to roughly 50,000 feet sometime soon. The craft’s planned flight, its first above 500 feet, will also test its ability to glide and land vertically on a pad near its launch site. The FAA granted a “temporary flight restriction” that covers an area from just south of State Highway 48 at Port Isabel to the U.S.- Mexico border and extends east into the Gulf of Mexico. Aircraft are barred from flying in the area in order “to provide a safe environment for rocket launch and recovery,” the FAA said. Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. authorized the closure of Boca Chica Beach and portions of State Highway 4 Friday through Sunday. He’s also approved additional closures Monday through Wednesday. If nothing else, the wait for SN8 offers a reminder that space travel takes patience. Delays and changes are normal when it comes to lobbing rockets into the stratosphere. Technology and weather don’t always cooperate with the plans. From the Lee archives: UFO sightings over the Playboy Club in 1974 Link: https://www.kenoshanews.com/news/local/from-the-lee-archives-ufo-sightings-over-the-playboy-club-in-1974/article_750bc587-d7e9-5a3d-b8f5-7bf4a827f317.html A number of area residents have reported sighting unidentified flying objects last Wednesday night in the Lake Geneva area. Officials at Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay said that they observed nothing unusual Wednesday night but said that it was possible that something could fly in the area without being observed at the observatory. The longest sightings of the UFOs was reported by Wayne Krage and Steve Hanchette, both Playboy Club employees. The two men said that they observed three UFOs for a period of three hours between 7 and 10 p.m. Other observers include a number of Playboy employees, including a sergeant on the security force, a family in Elkhorn, and at least 15 other area residents. The longest sightings of the UFOs was reported by Wayne Krage and Steve Hanchette, both Playboy Club employees. The two men said that they observed three UFOs for a period of three hours between 7 and 10 p.m. Other observers include a number of Playboy employees, including a sergeant on the security force, a family in Elkhorn, and at least 15 other area residents. Krage and Hanchette said that they saw a number of cars parked on Sheridan Springs Road behind the Playboy Club with the occupants looking up and observing the flying objects. The two men themselves said that they first saw the UFOs when they driving to work at 7 p.m., between Elkhorn and Lake Geneva on Highway 12. They said that they saw two bright “stars” high above the road in front of them. At first they thought that they were merely stars, but they kept observing them because they wondered why they had never noticed them before. All of a sudden the two “stars” took off, according to the two men, one north and one south. “It was spooky,” Krage said. As the objects took off, they dimmed, the men said, and while in motion they each had two blinking lights, much like the wing-tip lights on an airplane except that the lights were both white. They said that they at first thought that there were only two of them. However, when they arrived at the Playboy Club they noticed a single right...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 437: China Scores A Landing, FAA Attacks SpaceX, India Headed To Venus, and The Earth is Doomed Fuckers

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades Link: https://www.space.com/china-chang-e-5-lands-on-moon-to-collect-lunar-samples Space is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more Home News Spaceflight. China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades Chang'e 5 is the first lunar sample-return mission since 1976. Chang'e 5 touched down on the moon at 10:11 a.m. EST (1511GMT, 11:11 p.m. Beijing Time) near Mons Rümker, a mountain in the Ocean of Storms (or Oceanus Procellarum), CNSA officials said. The probe deployed its solar array and antenna soon after to begin its work on the moon. Two pieces of the four-module, 18,100-lb. (8,200 kilograms) Chang'e 5 mission hit the gray dirt today — a stationary lander and an ascent vehicle. If all goes according to plan, the lander will spend the next few days collecting about 4.4 lbs. (2 kg) of lunar material, some of it dug from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) beneath the lunar surface. Chang'e 5 isn't the only sample-return game in town. Japan's Hayabusa2 mission is scheduled to deliver pieces of the asteroid Ryugu to Earth on Dec. 5, and NASA's OSIRIS-REx probe collected samples of the space rock Bennu in late October. The Bennu samples are scheduled to come home in September 2023. SpaceX's Texas launch site undergoing FAA environmental review for Starship flights Link: https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-texas-site-faa-environmental-review SpaceX's new Texas launch site will undergo an environmental review to prepare for the first flights of the company's new Starship spacecraft. The private spaceflight company owns a launch site in South Texas, near the village of Boca Chica, where Starship prototypes are currently being built and tested. The Starship spacecraft is SpaceX's next-gen transportation system designed to take people to and from the moon, Mars and beyond. On Nov. 23, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that SpaceX plans to apply for licenses for suborbital and orbital launches of Starship. The FAA will conduct an environmental review of the site before SpaceX can launch its new spacecraft, which is powered by the Super Heavy rocket. "The proposed update to Starship/Super Heavy operations falls outside of the scope of the existing final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision for the launch site and requires additional environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)," the FAA said in a statement. The NEPA helps ensure that environmental impacts are assessed during the launch licensing process. In order to receive the appropriate licenses for suborbital and orbital launches, SpaceX must follow environmental and safety regulations. In addition, the company must develop agreements for the license application, according to the statement. India to launch Shukrayaan Venus mission in 2024 after pandemic delays: reports Link: https://www.space.com/india-venus-orbiter-shukrayaan-2024-launch India plans to launch a new orbiter to Venus in 2024, a year later than planned, according to media reports. The Shukrayaan orbiter will be the first mission to Venus by the India Space Research Organization (ISRO) and will study the planet for four years, according to SpaceNews, which cited a presentation by an ISRO research scientist at a NASA-chartered committee Nov. 10. It will be India's first mission to Venus. The Shukrayaan orbiter will be the first mission to Venus by the India Space Research Organization (ISRO) and will study the...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 436: Russian Space Pee, Romanek Resentenced, Prince Philip UFO Fanatic, and Maracaibo UFO

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Chichester astronaut admits mistaking floating Russian space pee for a UFO - and reveals how to fart in orbit Link: https://www.chichester.co.uk/arts-and-culture/film-and-tv/chichester-astronaut-admits-mistaking-floating-russian-space-pee-ufo-and-reveals-how-fart-orbit-3052097 Chichester astronaut Tim Peake has told how he thought he had seen UFOs while in space, only to discover it was in fact droplets of pee leaking out of a Russian probe vehicle. Major Peake became the first official British astronaut to join the International Space Station crew in 2015, and during his mission he earned a Guinness World Record for the fastest marathon in orbit. David Lowndes The University of Portsmouth graduate, who spent six months in space, told The Graham Norton Show: "Space is very black and one day I was looking out and there were three lights moving in formation and then there was a fourth. "We were perplexed, until we realised that what we thought were the far away lights of alien spaceships were actually very close small droplets. "What was happening was liquid leaking out of a Russian probe vehicle, crystallising instantly and reflecting the light. What we were seeing was Russian urine." Loveland UFO author, convicted sex offender sentenced to probation again Link: https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2020/11/30/colorado-ufo-author-convicted-sex-offender-resentenced-probation/6465405002/ A Loveland UFO author and convicted sex offender has been resentenced to probation after violating the terms of his initial sentence reportedly due to medical conditions. Stanley Romanek, now 57, was resentenced to 10 years of sex offender intensive supervised probation Monday for sexual exploitation of a child, a Class 4 felony — a charge he was first arrested for in 2013 — after admitting to violating the terms of his probation sentence. A jury first found Romanek guilty of the charge in October 2017 after a three-year legal battle, and he was sentenced to two years in a halfway house and 10 years of sex offender intensive supervised probation. A warrant for Romanek’s arrest was filed in May 2018 after his probation was revoked. Romanek had reportedly missed several therapy sessions that he was required to complete as part of his sentence due to a contagious disease, his attorneys previously told 8th Judicial District Judge Susan Blanco. The contagious disease had also prevented him from appearing in court in person, they said. Deputy District Attorney Joshua Ritter told the court Monday he agreed to resentencing Romanek to the same probation sentence because this “is a fairly unusual situation … due entirely to (Romanek’s) unusual medical circumstances.” Romanek’s illnesses include bacteria infections, a seizure disorder and respiratory issues, which have only become more concerning with the COVID-19 pandemic, Pineau told the court. “You are going to have to at some point accept what’s going on here or you’re going to be back before the court,” Blanco told Romanek. Prince Philip’s passion for UFOs and aliens exposed – Duke collected books for decades Link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1364264/Prince-Philip-news-Duke-of-Edinburgh-royal-family-news-UFO-aliens-Charles-latest-ont PRINCE PHILIP is so interested in UFO sightings and alien theories that he has collected books on the subject for decades, according to reports. It has been revealed the Duke spent last summer reading The Halt Perspective – a 2016 book by retired US Air Force Colonel Charles Halt and ex-West Midlands detective John Hanson. It details British UFO sightings including the Rendlesham Forest incident. The Sun claims...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 435: China Going to The Moon, Biden Space, and Arecibo Being Decommissioned

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP China launches mission to bring back material from moon The mission’s key task is to drill beneath the moon’s surface and scoop up rocks and other debris to be brought back to Earth. Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/china-launches-mission-bring-back-material-moon-rcna184 China launched an ambitious mission on Tuesday to bring back rocks and debris from the moon’s surface for the first time in more than 40 years — an undertaking that could boost human understanding of the moon and of the solar system more generally. Chang’e 5 — named for the Chinese moon goddess The mission’s key task is to drill 2 meters (almost 7 feet) beneath the moon’s surface and scoop up about 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of rocks and other debris to be brought back to Earth, according to NASA. The mission, called Chang’e-5, is the latest step in an ambitious space program that China hopes will culminate with an international lunar research station and ultimately a human colony on the moon by the 2030s. The entire Chang’e-5 mission, from liftoff to the recovery of the rock samples, will be over in less than a month. How Will Joe Biden Handle Outer Space? Link: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/how-will-joe-biden-handle-outer-space/#slide-1 Even Trump’s critics will admit his administration has been great for space. Though reactions to the creation of the Space Force were mixed, its strategic importance hardly needs defending in light of China’s and Russia’s increased space capabilities. Other areas — reactivating the National Space Council, promoting the commercialization of space, and revitalizing NASA — have been generally lauded as victories. We can afford a little optimism here. After all, Biden has a history of supporting space initiatives. He almost certainly won’t pull the plug on the Space Force. While the timeline for various Artemis Program missions will be pushed back (and space-policy experts already believed dates for key missions were motivated more by politics than sound engineering and logistics), it’s unlikely these will be shuttered, either. Biden won’t go full steam ahead into space the way Trump did, but neither is he looking to reverse recent progress. Jim Bridenstine, who has served as NASA Administrator since 2018, is among Trump’s most successful appointments. Bridenstine’s accomplishments include shepherding forward the Artemis Program and overseeing the Artemis Accords, a set of principles for international cooperation in space. The Accords are a milestone because they set the stage for future manned lunar missions. Unfortunately, Bridenstine has said he won’t stay on at NASA, even if asked. Arecibo radio telescope, damaged beyond repair, seen from space Link: https://www.space.com/arecibo-telescope-damage-from-space-satellite-photos Satellites spotted gashes in the damaged Arecibo Observatory, which is set to be decommissioned by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The 57-year-old radio telescope has sustained two cable failures which has made its massive dish too unstable to safely repair, according to the NSF. The cable failures have also damaged the massive dish, which spans a whopping 1,000 feet (305 meters) across, gouging holes in its delicate metal panels. "According to engineering assessments, even attempts of stabilization or testing the cables could result in accelerating the catastrophic failure," Ralph Gaume, director of the NSF's astronomy division, said during the news conference. "Engineers cannot tell us the safety margin of the structure, but they have advised NSF that the structure will collapse in the near future on its own." Arecibo...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 434: Abducted Ufologist Joins Alien Army, Utah Monolith, and Trump Possible Disclosure Catastrophe

New Podcast Locations starting 01/01/2021 The NEW Dark Horde - https://thedarkhorde.podbean.com/ The Tempest Universe - https://thetempestuniverse.podbean.com/ Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Man says he 'saw Robbie Williams on spaceship after being abducted by bald aliens' in Bingley Former businessman claims he was taken by aliens and put into a military unit Link: https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/man-says-saw-robbie-williams-19296461 A man who has spent years researching close encounters has claimed he saw singer Robbie Williams aboard a spaceship after being abducted by aliens near Bradford. UFO investigator Russ Kellett, 57, claims he caught a glimpse of the former Take That star after being taken aboard an alien craft while riding his motorbike in 1999. The former Bradford businessman, who gave up his job to become a full-time UFO researcher, says the abduction took place near Druid's Altar in Bingley. He had been riding his motorbike home from a friend's house when something happened at around 10pm. He said: "I went through a tunnel and ended up in a room with tall, bald aliens. "They had the looks of a human but were 10ft tall - that's not the norm, is it? There were some smaller ones and they all looked the same." Russ, who now lives in Filey, said he recalled being placed in a chair and having an injection in the back of his neck. And he says that he saw Robbie Williams, who was part of his "military unit", aboard the alien vessel. "I am in a military unit - on a mission. He (Williams) is behind me. We had helmets on. I was ready to go on a mission. "I looked at him. He must have been 'leader one'. I said 'don't I know you from somewhere?' Robbie Will....?'. An alien then shouted 'get back in line'," says Russ. "You do not mess with these dudes," he adds. "This is serious stuff, it is not a joke. It is called abduction. Trump May Block the Public From Learning the Truth About UFOs Link: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a34760841/trump-veto-defense-bill-ufo-secrets/ President Donald Trump is threatening to veto a defense bill that includes language directing a government task force to investigate and disclose information about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), also known as unidentified flying objects or UFOs. The Pentagon’s once-covert UFO program is officially active again with the establishment of the task force, whose mission is to “detect, analyze, and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.” Earlier this year, the Navy officially released three notorious UFO videos. President Donald Trump says he’ll veto the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual bill that sets the budget and policies for the U.S. military, if lawmakers don’t remove a bipartisan amendment to rename military bases named after Confederate leaders, according to an NBC News report. The NDAA, which must be passed and signed before Congress adjourns on January 3, covers troop pay raises and funding for new equipment, among other items. But it also includes language that could ultimately change what the American public knows about UFOs in a significant way. A Trump veto of the NDAA may stall the momentum of a movement that has rapidly captured mainstream attention over the last two years. Music groups: Take That, Helping Haiti Looks Like the Aliens Dropped Something Link: https://www.thecut.com/2020/11/mysterious-metal-structure-discovered-in-utah.html Last week, wildlife-resource officers were flying over the deserts of southern Utah, tallying all the bighorn sheep that roamed below them, when they spotted something jarring: Tucked among the glowing red rocks was a towering metal structure, jutting somewhere between 10 and 12 feet into the air. “We just happened to fly directly over the top of...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 433: Apollo Aliens No Show, Space is not Dark?, and Chicken Little Hits It Big

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Apollo 11 Moon Landing Showed That Aliens Might Be More Than Science Fiction Link: https://www.livescience.com/amp/65986-moon-brought-aliens-to-earth.html On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on Earth's moon for the first time in human history. Four days later, they — along with Apollo 11 command module pilot Michael Collins — were locked up on an American aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The triumphant astronauts were in quarantine. Per a NASA safety protocol written half a decade earlier, the three lunar visitors were escorted directly from their splashdown site in the central Pacific to a modified trailer aboard the USS Hornet, where a 21-day isolation period began. The objective? To ensure that no potentially hazardous lunar microbes hitchhiked back to Earth with them. [5 Strange, Cool Things We've Recently Learned About the Moon] Of course, as NASA quickly confirmed, there were no tiny aliens lurking in the astronauts' armpits or in the 50 pounds (22 kilograms) of lunar rocks and soil they had collected. But despite this absence of literal extraterrestrial life, the Apollo 11 astronauts still may have succeeded in bringing aliens back to Earth in another way that can still be felt 50 years later. LS: In 1969, did scientists think there might be aliens somewhere else in the solar system? Shostak: Mars was the Great Red Hope, if you will, of extraterrestrial life in the solar system. People were very optimistic in 1976 when the Viking landers plopped down onto Mars that there would be life. Even Carl Sagan thought there might be critters with legs and heads running around there. Scientists were kind of disappointed when it didn't look like Mars had much life, either. "Today, about 30 percent of the public thinks the Earth is being visited by aliens in saucers, despite the evidence of that being very poor," Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch Black After All Link: https://www.npr.org/2020/11/18/936219170/scientists-discover-outer-space-isnt-pitch-black-after-all "Is space truly black?" says Tod Lauer, an astronomer with the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona. He says if you could look at the night sky without stars, galaxies, and everything else known to give off visible light, "does the universe itself put out a glow?" Researchers with NASA's New Horizons space mission say they've finally been able to do it, using a spacecraft that's travelling far beyond the dwarf planet Pluto. The group has posted their work online, and it will soon appear in the Astrophysical Journal. New Horizons was originally designed to explore Pluto, but after whizzing past the dwarf planet in 2015, the intrepid spacecraft just kept going. It's now more than four billion miles from home—nearly 50 times farther away from the Sun than the Earth is. They then went a step further still, subtracting out light that they could attribute to all the galaxies thought to be out there. And it turns out, once that was done, there was still plenty of unexplained light. In fact, the amount of light coming from mysterious sources was about equal to all the light coming in from the known galaxies, says Marc Postman, an astronomer with the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. So maybe there are unrecognized galaxies out there, he says, "or some other source of light that we don't yet know what it is." So where does the light come from? Perhaps, he says, there are far more small, faint dwarf galaxies and other faint regions on the outskirts of galaxies that instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope can't detect and so scientists just aren't aware of them. Or, maybe there's more dust out there interfering with the measurements than...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 432: The End of UBR, Aliens in Dreams, and UFOs of South Dallas

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP What is Seeing an Alien in Dreaming? Seeing a Green Alien with a Spaceship (Ufo) Link: https://www.milliyet.com.tr/pembenar/ruyada-uzayli-gormek-nedir-uzay-gemisi-ufo-ile-birlikte-yesil-uzayli-gormek-6355821 Dreaming of an alien can have many meanings. Seeing an alien in a dream It indicates that the person who sees the dream will become closer over time with a person whom he looks or sees negatively. It is interpreted as having sympathy for this person and receiving favor from him.Dream It means that the fears of its owner in the subconscious will come to light over time and will face it. Seeing an alien attack in a dream It represents the war in which the dreamer lived. He expresses the presence of an emotion that he cannot reckon with in his inner world and the inner troubles he experiences with this feeling continue. It signifies that the fears that he cannot face will grow like an avalanche and that troubled days will begin. Seeing You Kill an Alien in a Dream It is interpreted that a thought that bothering you in the near future will result in a positive result, inner peace will be reached and it will be the beginning of good days. It indicates that he will spend a lot of effort for this cause and he will receive help from his loved ones. They catch strange lights in the sky that change shape and everything points to a possible UFO Link: https://laopinion.com/2020/11/17/captan-unas-luces-extranas-en-el-cielo-que-cambian-de-forma-y-todo-apunta-a-posible-ovni/ Many people speculated on what the lights could be, from drones to possible aliens Fascinating images are being shared showing a series of bright lights hovering over Texas, sparking rumors that it is a possible UFO. The mysterious lights were seen in the sky, changing shape and position, in three different counties within an 80-mile radius. Stargazers in and around Dallas shared the sightings after images of the strange presence over Duncanville, in the south of the city, were shared online. A wave of witnesses claimed to have witnessed sightings from multiple sites , with some convinced that the lights were coming from visiting aliens. “What I saw mesmerized me. I was visiting family for my grandmother's birthday and happened to look up. I saw bright lights floating very slowly and that's when I knew it was something out of the ordinary, not scary, just crazy to look at. I believe in aliens, so the first thing that came to mind was a UFO. As soon as I saw it, I was dazzled, it seemed so real. I wouldn't mind if aliens came to visit us, but knowing us in the United States we will probably attack them first, ”said retail manager Javier Estrada III, as reflected in The Mirror. In Javier's video, four lights are seen in the starry sky, changing from a kite-like formation to a square symbol, before separating and disappearing from view. Sightings were reported in a total of eight different areas in and around the city, mainly to the south, and many described the lights forming a "straight line." Spectators also reported the phenomenon in Allen, to the north of the city, and Granbury, to the southwest, which are separated by a distance that would take almost two hours to drive. More than 16,000 people claimed to see the images, there were many suggestions as to what the lights could be. Some suggested that the screen was caused by drones or Chinese lanterns, but no one dared to give an explanation of how they looked in such remote places. Show Stuff Join the episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP The Dark Horde Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-dark-horde The Dark Horde, LLC – http://www.thedarkhorde.com Twitter @DarkHorde or https://twitter.com/HordeDark Support the podcast and shop @ http://shopthedarkhorde.com UBR Truth Seekers...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 431: Mexico UFO, UFC Fighter UFO, Tom DeLonge Ooops, and Another CE-5 App Incident

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Newly Emerged Video Of Glowing UFO In A Mexican Forest Shows Evidence Of Alien Existence, Says Expert Link: https://brobible.com/culture/article/video-glowing-ufo-mexican-forest-alien/ It’s been a few days since we checked out the latest in UFO encounters, but as has been the case throughout the past few years, and especially during the pandemic (that may or may not have been caused by aliens), there is no shortage of sightings involving mysterious lights and/or crafts. Once again the investigations of UFO and alien experts has taken us to Latin America, where a strange glowing UFO was spotted and filmed in a forest in Guadalajara, Mexico. Mexico, as you may recall, is one of the main hotspots for UFO sightings due to aliens utlizing the mountains and volcanoes there as hidden bases, according to experts. One of the most prominent UFO and alien experts, Scott Waring, addressed this latest UFO sighting in Guadalajara on his website – a sighting that caused one viewer of the video to state, “This is another one of those ‘if that doesn’t convince you nothing will’ kind of sightings.” The eyewitness and his family was visiting Hue Titan Canyon, a mountain forest in Guadalajara, Mexico. The family noticed a strange shiny object in the trees moving around and changing shape. It looks like an alien sphere that is exploring and analyzing the forest life. UFC fighter Diego Sanchez says he received UFO visit: 'It was obvious it was watching me' Link: https://www.foxnews.com/sports/ufc-fighter-diego-sanchez-ufo-visit?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20foxnews%2Fsports%20%28Internal%20-%20Sports%20-%20Mixed%29 UFC fighter Diego Sanchez said Wednesday he was definitely visited by an UFO. Sanchez, who lives in New Mexico, recalled the event on Twitter. New Mexico is a hotbed for UFO activity, according to a June analysis from Satellite Internet. “I was doing energy work on my patio as a ufo flew right up on me I called for my daughter quick quick she watched this thing Hoover (sic) only hundreds of feet away Albuquerque is a trip sightings are regular here. But this s—t was contact tonight it was obvious it was watching me,” he tweeted. The 38-year-old has had an impressive mixed martial arts career. Sanchez is 30-13 for his career. It’s unclear when his next fight will be. UFO sighting: Former Blink-182 rocker Tom DeLonge snubbed over sharing 'fake' UFO video UFO researcher and former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge has landed in hot water after sharing a "verified fake" video of supposed UFO activity. Link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1358163/ufo-sighting-tom-delonge-fake-ufo-video-to-the-stars-academy-aliens-evg The pop-punk veteran and co-founder of the To The Stars Academy has been accused of sharing an eight-year-old UFO video that sceptics claim has been forged. The short clip was uploaded to Mr DeLonge's Instagram account where he cryptically posted it with the caption: "#SekretMachines @tothestarsacademy." The video appears to show a black, disc-like object hovering in the sky. After sharing his latest clip to Instagram, the video was debunked by Scott Brando of ufoofinterest.org. According to the popular hoax buster, the video has been making the rounds on the internet since 2012. It appears to have been first uploaded to YouTube in November 2012 under the title Alien UFO Sighting 2012 Over Seattle, WA Craft Caught On Tape Today More Shocking Videos This Week. The ufoofinterest.org Twitter account tweeted: "As usual, Tom Delonge published this verified fake on Instagram (my debunk: twitter.com/ufoofinterest/...) without any information. "Does he think that's a real footage? His post: instagram/com/p/CHWpCfCJO1l/ #EpicFail." Mr Brando then went on to link a second YouTube video, which he believes uses...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 430: Crew-1 Go, Super Heavy Starship Booster, NASA Chief Stepping Down, and Bacterium Survived A Year in LEO

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP SpaceX Crew Dragon rolls out to pad for Crew-1 astronaut launch for NASA Link: https://www.space.com/spacex-crew-1-dragon-capsule-rocket-rolls-out The SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule that will carry four astronauts to the International Space Station this weekend has made it to the launch pad. The capsule, named Resilience, and its SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket rolled out to Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida late Monday into early Tuesday (Nov. 9-10), NASA officials said. The Falcon 9 is scheduled to launch Saturday evening (Nov. 14), sending four astronauts — NASA's Victor Glover, Mike Hopkins and Shannon Walker and Japan's Soichi Noguchi — to the orbiting lab on Crew-1, SpaceX's first operational astronaut mission for NASA. NASA's Commercial Crew Program awarded SpaceX a $2.6 billion contract in 2014 to fly at least six operational crewed missions to the space station. The six-month-long Crew-1 is the first of those contracted flights, but it won't be SpaceX's first-ever astronaut mission. That distinction goes to Demo-2, a test flight that sent NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to the station for two months this past summer. SpaceX Kicks-Off Assembly on First Super Heavy Starship Booster in South Texas SpaceX's Super Heavy might be effectively complete in one month, and we couldn't be more excited. Link: https://interestingengineering.com/spacex-kicks-off-assembly-on-first-super-heavy-starship-booster-in-south-texas SpaceX kicks-off Starship Super Heavy assembly in South Texas Technically, SpaceX could build much smaller booster prototypes for the initial test flights into orbit — this might be done via modifying the tank design of Starship — but rocketry isn't an exceedingly modular enterprise, Teslarati reports. However, whether the move comes via confidence or contingency, SpaceX is jumping directly into Starship prototype development, toward a full-scale Super Heavy booster production and testing platform. Super Heavy could be one of SpaceX's easiest projects Indeed, in an inversion of the typical relationship, the next-gen rocket's booster will probably be much simpler than the upper stage — which would be the largest spacecraft with reusable parts and upper stage in the world. Lacking a need for a tiled heat shield, aerodynamic control surfaces (discounting Falcon-style grid fins), a conical nose, and possibly even internal header tanks, the only serious challenge Super Heavy faces for the first time is developing an engine section capable of feeding and supporting up to 28 Raptor engines. Jim Bridenstine will step aside as NASA chief when President-elect Biden takes over: report Link: https://www.space.com/nasa-chief-bridenstine-step-aside-president-biden NASA will apparently be getting a new leader after president-elect Joe Biden is sworn in. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine won't remain in the agency's lead role in the Biden administration even if asked, Aerospace Daily & Defense Report reported on Sunday (Nov. 8). "You need somebody who has a close relationship with the president of the U.S. ... somebody trusted by the administration …. including OMB [Office of Management and Budget], National Space Council, National Security Council," Bridenstine told Irene Klotz, space editor for Aviation Week, Aerospace Daily & Defense Report's parent publication. "I think I would not be the right person for that in a new administration." "There is a political agreement that America needs to do big things in space exploration, that we need to lead the world ... There have been lessons learned from the past, and I think Congress is in a good position to make sure that we have sustainable programs going forward," he said in one of the tweeted snippets. And in another one, he stressed that "there are a lot of people...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 429: (Take 2) No Alien Life Yet, Trump Will Declassify UFO Files, and Convincing Alien Abduction Stories

Technical difficulties - episode was reposted! Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Sheriff's Report, November 5, 2020 Link: https://www.waheagle.com/story/2020/11/05/sheriffs-report/sheriffs-report-november-5-2020/18548.html October 26 – 11:32 a.m. A caller was concerned about the welfare of two calves after seeing them knee deep in muck on a property on East Sunny Sands. 1:56 p.m. October 27 – 6:59 a.m. A caller reported a deceased deer on SR 4 just east of Cathlamet. 9:03 a.m. A caller reported that logging vehicles had been speeding on West Deep River Road all day long. October 28 – 1:46 a.m. A caller requested assistance because the battery in her car appeared to be dead. She called back a minute later to say she no longer needed assistance; she was able to get the car started. 6:52 a.m. A Grays River resident saw 50 objects in the night sky moving from west to east in a straight line. He believed they were UFOs. He was transferred to a UFO hotline. Why Haven’t We Found Alien Life Yet? Blame Our Closed Minds Link: https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/why-havent-we-found-alien-life-yet-blame-our-closed-minds Limits don’t sit well with Avi Loeb. Loeb quickly reels some off to me over the phone (hands-free) during a drive home from work: About 25 billion stars, roughly one-quarter of those that reside in the Milky Way, lie in a habitable zone. He rounds that down to an even 10 billion to keep the calculations simple. “And then there are about a trillion galaxies like the Milky Way,” he says, “which means there are about 1022 [10 billion trillion] planets in the observable universe that could potentially host life as we know it.” In other words, searches for extraterrestrial life have barely scratched the surface. “As in other areas of exploratory science,” Loeb says, “we should investigate thoroughly before making sweeping pronouncements.” When it comes to SETI, evidence ultimately carries the day, Loeb insists. “We should collect evidence without prejudice, without assuming we know the truth in advance, and see what we learn.” On the other hand, he says, we should be open-minded and allow for some risk-taking in our pursuit of that evidence. As the physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison wrote in 1959, one year before SETI began: “The probability of success is difficult to estimate, but if we never search, the chance of success is zero.” Speculation Swirls Around The Possibility That Donald Trump Will Declassify UFO Files Link: https://www.inquisitr.com/6373630/donald-trump-declassify-ufo-files/ Now that Donald Trump appears on track to be leaving the White House in January, many are pointing to the possibility that the president will declassify intelligence files on many mysterious issues, including UFOs. “Trump is still POTUS. He can release any information he wants via Twitter. Literally it’s legal for him to drop anything – UFO files, Russia stuff, total discretion,” tweeted conservative commentator Mike Cernovich. Trump ally Tucker Carlson last month claimed that there is a wealth of evidence that proves the existence of UFOs. The Fox News host spoke to James Fox, director of the documentary called The Phenomenon, who touched on former Democratic Sen. Harry Reid’s claim that UFOs have been interfering with American nuclear capabilities throughout history. The 9 Most Convincing Alien Abduction Stories In Modern History Link: https://allthatsinteresting.com/alien-abductions Barney And Betty Hill’s Alien Abduction Story Started It All The 1969 Berkshires UFO Incident That Shocked An Entire Town The UFO Abduction Of Whitley Strieber While He Was Writing Sci-Fi The Pascagoula Alien Story That Saw Two Fishermen Subjected To Experimentation The Alien Abduction Of Antônio Villas Boas That Ended In Extraterrestrial Coitus In 1954, two Venezuelan...


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UFO Buster Radio News – 429: Sheriff's Report, No Alien Life Yet, Trump Will Declassify UFO Files, and Convincing Alien Abduction Stories

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Join the Episode after party on Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/ZzJSrGP Sheriff's Report, November 5, 2020 Link: https://www.waheagle.com/story/2020/11/05/sheriffs-report/sheriffs-report-november-5-2020/18548.html October 26 – 11:32 a.m. A caller was concerned about the welfare of two calves after seeing them knee deep in muck on a property on East Sunny Sands. 1:56 p.m. October 27 – 6:59 a.m. A caller reported a deceased deer on SR 4 just east of Cathlamet. 9:03 a.m. A caller reported that logging vehicles had been speeding on West Deep River Road all day long. October 28 – 1:46 a.m. A caller requested assistance because the battery in her car appeared to be dead. She called back a minute later to say she no longer needed assistance; she was able to get the car started. 6:52 a.m. A Grays River resident saw 50 objects in the night sky moving from west to east in a straight line. He believed they were UFOs. He was transferred to a UFO hotline. Why Haven’t We Found Alien Life Yet? Blame Our Closed Minds Link: https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/why-havent-we-found-alien-life-yet-blame-our-closed-minds Limits don’t sit well with Avi Loeb. Loeb quickly reels some off to me over the phone (hands-free) during a drive home from work: About 25 billion stars, roughly one-quarter of those that reside in the Milky Way, lie in a habitable zone. He rounds that down to an even 10 billion to keep the calculations simple. “And then there are about a trillion galaxies like the Milky Way,” he says, “which means there are about 1022 [10 billion trillion] planets in the observable universe that could potentially host life as we know it.” In other words, searches for extraterrestrial life have barely scratched the surface. “As in other areas of exploratory science,” Loeb says, “we should investigate thoroughly before making sweeping pronouncements.” When it comes to SETI, evidence ultimately carries the day, Loeb insists. “We should collect evidence without prejudice, without assuming we know the truth in advance, and see what we learn.” On the other hand, he says, we should be open-minded and allow for some risk-taking in our pursuit of that evidence. As the physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison wrote in 1959, one year before SETI began: “The probability of success is difficult to estimate, but if we never search, the chance of success is zero.” Speculation Swirls Around The Possibility That Donald Trump Will Declassify UFO Files Link: https://www.inquisitr.com/6373630/donald-trump-declassify-ufo-files/ Now that Donald Trump appears on track to be leaving the White House in January, many are pointing to the possibility that the president will declassify intelligence files on many mysterious issues, including UFOs. “Trump is still POTUS. He can release any information he wants via Twitter. Literally it’s legal for him to drop anything – UFO files, Russia stuff, total discretion,” tweeted conservative commentator Mike Cernovich. Trump ally Tucker Carlson last month claimed that there is a wealth of evidence that proves the existence of UFOs. The Fox News host spoke to James Fox, director of the documentary called The Phenomenon, who touched on former Democratic Sen. Harry Reid’s claim that UFOs have been interfering with American nuclear capabilities throughout history. The 9 Most Convincing Alien Abduction Stories In Modern History Link: https://allthatsinteresting.com/alien-abductions Barney And Betty Hill’s Alien Abduction Story Started It All The 1969 Berkshires UFO Incident That Shocked An Entire Town The UFO Abduction Of Whitley Strieber While He Was Writing Sci-Fi The Pascagoula Alien Story That Saw Two Fishermen Subjected To Experimentation The Alien Abduction Of Antônio Villas Boas That Ended In Extraterrestrial Coitus In 1954, two Venezuelan teenagers claimed that they found a UFO in the woods...
