Hypnosis – Everywhere: Ines Simpson and the Simpson Protocol-logo

Hypnosis – Everywhere: Ines Simpson and the Simpson Protocol


Hypnosis-Everywhere with Ines Simpson explores, dissects, discusses and opens up the world of Hypnosis. You will discover that Hypnosis is a very big world indeed. In Hypnosis-Everywhere, Ines offers you tools and answers to deal with that tricky mind of yours, and proven ways to enrich your life.brbr Fears, Anxieties, Phobias, PTSD, Body health, Mind Health, Spiritual Health are just some of the things Hypnosis works for. Hypnosis-Everywhere is a show about our minds and the miracles we can achieve for ourselves and each other


United States




Hypnosis-Everywhere with Ines Simpson explores, dissects, discusses and opens up the world of Hypnosis. You will discover that Hypnosis is a very big world indeed. In Hypnosis-Everywhere, Ines offers you tools and answers to deal with that tricky mind of yours, and proven ways to enrich your life.brbr Fears, Anxieties, Phobias, PTSD, Body health, Mind Health, Spiritual Health are just some of the things Hypnosis works for. Hypnosis-Everywhere is a show about our minds and the miracles we can achieve for ourselves and each other



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Season Finale - where we've been where we are going

Hypnosis really is everywhere - and we sum up this season and discuss where we go from here


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Control? How much control do we really need?

This week we chat with Petra Frese - an award-winning hypnotist, hypnosis instructor and mental coach . Petra is another of those women with amazing accomplishments in her life Petra herself has faced multiple near-death experiences and other profound events that changed her view on life and its values. These experiences taught her to never give up and that miracles can be created. Her beliefs are based on the integration of science, the power of the mind, and spirituality, with love as the main ingredient. . Petra became globally known as the Intuitive Scientist. For her lifetime achievements, she was awarded an honorary doctorate in psychology. Petra’s work focuses on the power of the mind, death, and sexuality So we have a lot to talk about


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Hypnosis-Everywhere - Bob Burns- The Swan and beyond!!

This week we welcome back perennial Hypnosis-Everywhere favorite - Bob Burns - creator of the Swan technique - used World Wide by therapeutic practitioners Bob Burns hypnotised his first person in the early 70’s whilst merely pretending to be a hypnotist (something that scared the hell out of him!). Since then he has done stage hypnosis, street, impromptu and also uses hypnosis in the world of magic and mentalism . He is also a working clinical hypnotist, seeing clients in his therapy rooms in Montrose, Scotland (the home of James Esdaile). More importantly he has GREAT stories (some even true) about his life in the world of Hypnosis, Mentalism and Spiritual Healing


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Journey to your Within with Aaron McCormick

This week we chat with Aaron McCormick about his amazing journey and life . We will talk about not only his own search for possibilities, and what he calls the Universal Wisdom within us -but also how he has learned to offer his experiences and journey to others to help them, help us, find our way What does this have to do with Hypnosis- Everywhere? Join us to find out.


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The Possibilities of Past Lives and Reincarnation

This week we chat with Dr Kaloski who has 40 years of experience in the fields of Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression - and we are going to talk about his experiences and knowledge about Hypnosis , Reincarnation and Past Life Regressions - including some very interesting case studies on past lives. And importantly discuss the benefits of exploring our own Past Lives


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Heavenly Happy and Healthy

This week we chat with Christophe Dierckx from Belgium who has had some remarkable, actually outstanding, outcomes using Hypnosis. Taking ideas from concepts like German New Medicine, and Russian esoteric trainings - and a whole host of other influences - Christophe has achieved what might be considered miracles ( or magic) for his clients - but in fact is our never ending and always suprising exploration of the powe of our own minds


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Freddy Jacquin-The power of love in influencing our perception.

This week we chat with the Great UK Hypnotist Freddy Jacquin who has helped thousands of people from all walks of life using Hypnosis. In this episode he shares his insights and experiences in and of the world of hypnosis


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Scarcity and Abundance in the Mind?

Lets talk about the concept of scarcity - that every politician, every corporation, every advertiser , every marketer uses as their crowbar to make us react to their pitch. But as this is Hypnosis-Everywhere - not just about the myth of material scarcity - but consider the myth of scarcity of resources of our Minds. In every sense our Minds are a reflection of Abundance - arent they?


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By Request - Ghosts 2!!!

This week - back by request of listeners - we chat once more with Rev Timothy Jones to explore further his understanding and experiences with ghosts, spirits and otherworldly things


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Hypnosis and New Zealand and Justine Lette

This week with Justine Lette from New Zealand who runs Hypnosis New Zealand and has built that brand through her unflagging energy and determination. Justine also has very strong connections to the Spiritual side of this world - and has some interesting experiences to talk about - very interesting


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Mediums, messages and intuition

This week we chat with Jacquie Balogh and Gina Strole two Intuitive Healers, Mediums and yes very good Hypnotists. But their ability to walk both sides of the Mind - creates some interesting insights - and we will delve into these this week - so strap in tight


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And when its over - then what?

Lets talk about the next step, the next steps. The world has experienced a violent shock - we all have experienced something we would never have expected. And now as we begin to come out of this - emerge into the light - whats that going to be like? What should we expect - from ourselves and each other?


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Encore Hypnosis - Whats new!! And where its going!!

This is the show about everyday and the ART of formal Hypnosis . And as we explore and experiment our practices move and change. Now mostly for me its always finding new ways to make the process simple and easy for the client. And always profound. But I love to experiment in my teaching classes - and every class brings something new - and amazing. Always an adventure . This week I am going to take some time to chat about the new stuff in Hypnosis!! Amazing things we are discovering...


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Adventures in Consciousness

This week we chat with Elizabeth Rose - and as this is Hypnosis-Everywhere - the Next Level - we will explore the possibility of using Deep State Hypnosis to explore Astral Travel, Past and Future Lifetimes; Healing of the Soul, Twin Flames, Prophesy and Trance Channeling. How far can you go with Hypnosis? Why is deep trance channeling important? What does it mean to be spiritually healed? What is the process to become spiritually healed? Who or what is actually in charge -of this journey?


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Ghosts dead or alive??

This week we chat with Rev. Tim Jones who is a Metaphysicist, a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and an experienced counsellor well travelled in the area of spirit movement vs. human perception. Called a Ghost Whisperer, he'll share the reality of what ghosts are and how they can be both dead and alive, as well as how to guide them to where they belong in the universe


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April 1st and This Time next year ...

Crazy Times, Interesting Times, scary times - but times that will change - this time next year - will come - and what shall we all choose to do? We discuss how little the practice and process of hypnosis changes in these times. Just as useful, just as simple to use - with clients with groups with yourself And we look at the present - what we can do - and the future what we can do - and all the choices


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This weeks episode is made during some 'interesting times'. We remember that the future is not fixed - but it is inevitable - and it is created by what we focus on Now, in our Present. So we chat with Larry Garrett - who has the longest running and largest Hypnosis Center in Chicago - about why Hypnosis is good for everyone - all the time Allows us to focus and create our best Future in the Now.


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The Anatomy of a Hypnosis Session

So whats it like? I mean what happens? This week we dig into the process that is a Hypnotherapy session. A mini Documentary on the process called Hypnosis!!


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And They Said Hypnosis Would Never Work!!

Ines looks into the mass Hypnosis effects of the CoronaVirus - well we couldn't miss that could we? But more importantly examines the tools used in Hypnosis The way we use - sometimes deliberately - sometimes not -language. emotions and actions - as tools and aids to work our way through Hypnosis - without even knowing. And also how the professional Hypnotist can use those same tools to help you through to understanding and peace in your life


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Revisiting Mesmer, Mesmerism and all that!

This episode we chat with Nicole Wackernagel and Rick Collingwood on the topic of Mesmer - and all the myths, fabrications and misunderstandings surrounding this 'father' of Modern hypnosis. Nicole's Hypnosis school is located in Frauenfeld ( where Mesmer did much of his work)- though she was only vaguely aware of Mesmer at first. Rick Collingwood (Australia) is one of the few recognized teachers of Mesmerism worldwide. And when we did an interview with him last year - he mentioned Frauenfeld as a place he visited because of the Mesmer connection - and also mentioned he would love to do a training there - but what’s the chances of that ever happening!! So what did we do - connected these two amazing people Nicole and Rick and they are going to hold the first training in Mesmerism in Frauenfeld - probably the first ever. May 2020. This is my chat with them as they prepare for the Workshop and what Mesmer did and did not do. And his true impact on the world of Hypnosis
